The heavy machine gun carried by the gunner seemed to be trying to sieve the other party. The bullets poured out like beans, and a bright fire snake jumped up in the air.

Just when people thought that the bullet would at least shoot through a few people, they saw that the European people scattered around one after another with great speed. They were so fast that they jumped out of the shooting range in the blink of an eye.

The fist fighting with the white eyebrow old monk happened to see this scene and said in surprise: "those seven are werewolf families! They are not agents, they are werewolf families!"

This voice shouted out, provoked a dry, can not help but act a meal.

Tsarist Russian werewolves, Nordic giants, American robots, Central European powers, and Brahman Ashoka are all very secret forces in the world and beyond the limits of human existence.

The existence of these forces is like the large-scale nuclear weapons of various countries, but they are not the kind that dare to sneak out! More is mutual restriction and balance. tqR1

Even in unwritten regulations, these forces will protect their national security or have more transactions with the country, but will not participate in national politics.

After all, if you want to participate in national politics, today you send two high-level robots to the British palace to assassinate the queen, and tomorrow I send several powers to the White House to assassinate the president. They are all objects that ordinary guards can't resist. What a mess?

But today, these werewolves appear here in groups. For the secret service, the task is either important or involves the interests of some countries. However, its interests are far from enough to lead to so many werewolves.

When several secret service members looked at the seal in doubt, they only heard the seal's voice: "finish the task at all costs first!"

After completing the NIMA Gobi, the seven werewolves are not the main attack force of the secret service. The most powerful are the seals and boxing. A white browed monk entangles the boxing style and takes what to deal with the seven werewolves to complete the task.

The eyes of a secret service member involuntarily moved to Xiao Xuan, but at this moment, the seal suddenly rose from the ground, jumped up to the boxing style quickly, and shouted, "I'll help!"

The antenna baby, who had been holding Xiao Xuan's big hand, suddenly shouted, "brother boxing, be careful!"

Before the words fell, I saw that the seal had swept to Quanfeng's side, and suddenly jumped out in the Kung Fu, and there was a dagger handle shining in the moonlight around Quanfeng's waist.

Almost at the same time, the big palm of the white eyebrow monk was pasted on the chest of the boxing style. The whole person of the boxing style was suddenly patted and flew like a broken kite. The wound on his waist and his mouth spewed blood at the same time. The smell of blood spread, making everyone's eyes move to the seal!

The seal was hit, smiled grimly and jumped away quickly. When he settled down again, he had stood beside the Europa werewolf and looked at the secret service man with a proud look on his face.

"Seal, are you treason?"

"You are a traitor!"


The secret service members were unbelievable. Even if they saw it with their own eyes, they were still difficult to accept because of shock and anger. They were even more frightened when they saw the boxing style of more Qi and less Qi.

The seal sneered and looked at the man who was a comrade in arms a few minutes ago and said, "the boxing style is gone. You are not an opponent. Surrender!"

The gunner has always had a good relationship with the seal. At this time, when he saw the face of the seal, he was distressed and choked in his throat. He repeatedly asked, "seal, your status and strength in the secret service are highly valued. Why do you want to rebel?"

The seal smiled sadly, his eyes stayed on Xiao Xuan and said faintly, "this is about to ask our powerful ghost king. Mr. Illich is very interested in the ghost king. Of course, I am also very interested!"


Everyone's eyes fell on Xiao Xuan. Xiao Xuan touched his nose and smiled faintly, but he didn't speak.

Teletubbies clenched Xiao Xuan's hand tightly, looked worried, suddenly opened his mouth and said, "brother seal, I advise you to come back. Lord ghost king has long found your trick!"

"Fart, I've known for a long time. Will he still stand here? Baby, you'd better shut up and come here obediently. I can't hurt you. I brought you here today because Mr. Illich is curious about mind reading, okay?" the seal sniffed and grinned.

Xiao Xuan sighed and said lazily, "why don't you do this? I'll take the antenna baby and leave. The rest of you can do whatever you like. I don't care about it. What's the trouble when you don't sleep at night?"

"Xiao Xuan, it's a pity that you boast of being the king of ghosts with unparalleled wisdom. Why? Haven't you seen it yet? The tasks are all fake, and the only purpose is to lead you over! It's ridiculous that you can say such words."

Before the seal finished, he saw the blonde man stand up and said in a deep voice, "Lord ghost, hand over the ghost talisman, and I can promise to let you go! But there is no amnesty for the others present today! Believe me, you have no other choice."

"Mr. Illich, it's too dangerous to let him go!" said the seal, his face slightly changed.

Xiao xuansong opened the antenna baby's hand, looked at these guys ready to go, and said calmly: "if I want to go, I left half an hour ago! Stay, I just want to confirm something."

"What?" Illich looked at Xiao Xuan in surprise and asked.

"I just want to prove whether the seal rebelled or the old man LongQin wanted to fix me!" Xiao Xuan said with bright eyes.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned. The originally imagined bloody battle between the two sides stopped for the moment because of Xiao Xuan's words.

Illich looked at the darkness in the sky and said with a smile, "I'd like to hear what the ghost king will say to save your reputation! It's said that the ghost king is resourceful and falls into a trap today. He must want to find a reason to save his face. As long as you are willing to hand over the ghost King's order, I'll let you say anything!"

Xiao Xuan shook his head with a smile and said: "I've had some problems since I met two secret service members in the town. If I refused to tell me the task content on the grounds of trading, no one in the world could buy and sell with me Xiao xuanqiang. What I don't want to do, let alone trading, doesn't work even if I come from the king of heaven. But the two long service members don't seem to understand this. Of course, it's just a mistake A little suspicious. After all, as the top special forces force in China, it is common sense for secret service to be proud! "

"But when I saw the seal, it was interesting that the seal mentioned that the mission had something to do with the Tsarist Russian agents. The ghost mansion has no borders, and the dragon head can't know. How could he arrange me to fight with the Tsarist Russian agents on behalf of the Chinese secret service? There are only two possibilities. The first is that the Tsarist Russian agents are not coming, and the seal or the dragon head is lying to me. Who is lying to me? Lie to me What to do? The second is that the task doesn't exist at all. The so-called task should be aimed at me. Then who should aim at me?! what to do for me? "

Everyone was stunned by what Xiao Xuan said, but Xiao Xuan continued: "I'm really curious about whether it's a leader or a seal! There's also the so-called Liu family's information. The information is as detailed as someone's personal experience. I believe that the secret service is very powerful, but no matter how powerful it is, no one can lurk in the Liu family? How can there be resources lurking in a Liu family? Why is the information so detailed? I I think it's all because some participants leaked it. Who is it? Even the collaborators of tsarist Russia and the Liu family can't know the details of the Liu family! I think of a man, Liu Laosi, the traitor of the Liu family! "

"Liu Laosi and Gao Jia!" when Xiao Xuan pointed out these two people, everyone thought Xiao Xuan was too scary.

Through a little doubt, this guy involved all suspicious people, and linked the details one by one.

"Coupled with the appearance of the werewolf later, I can be sure that it was the seal who rebelled and united with the werewolf to concoct today's affairs. It was not the leader who united with the people to oppose me!" Xiao Xuan raised his head and his eyes were full of light.

"What's the logic?" the gunner scratched his head awkwardly.

Xiao Xuan grinned and said, "the pride of the dragon head disdains to cooperate with shengun Gao and others! Moreover, shengun Gao is the sworn enemy of the Liu family. If you don't kill me with full confidence, he doesn't dare to cooperate with shengun Gao with the meticulous of the dragon head! Only ignorant people are fearless!"

The arrogance in Xiao Xuan's words made the secret service people laugh bitterly. Are these words praising Longtou or belittling LongQin?

As soon as the voice fell, Illich said, "what's the meaning of the ghost King now?"

Xiao Xuan raised his eyebrows and suddenly let go of his momentum. He said coldly, "I've given you a chance! I'm not interested in the internal strife of the secret service, nor in your werewolf family. It's best to him. Get out of here! You bastards can't get the ghost talisman!"

As Xiao Xuan spoke, his momentum was like a rainbow, like a sharp sword out of its scabbard. At that moment, the momentum released outside made the Baimei old monk who was the first to fight with boxing sing three Buddha names on his face.

The king of the devil killed the king, and got the ghost to make such a thing, and become the most powerful man in the world. Only these things, you are what ordinary people hold, and we werewolves are the most noble people. Why are they so proud? "

"I have a secret school. Although I have no desire to covet these gods, I'd like to learn more about them! In those years, the ghost King trained Tianyang killer group, which spread all over the world. How many celebrities died under Tianyang killer. There is a secret legend that Tianyang killer group can have such power by borrowing the power of ghost talisman! If Lord ghost king is willing to lend ghost talisman, give it to me For three years, the old monk can not participate in today's affairs! "The old monk Baimei said with a low eyebrow.

Xiao Xuan listened to the old monk's many rumors about ghost talismans. The muscles on his cold face twisted and almost became ferocious. "Since you don't want face, you should stay here to make fertilizer!"

"Oh, seven wolf star moon array!" Illich shouted, and the whole gave a roar, like a wolf howling through the night sky.

"Sun Tathagata Vajra upper body!" the white haired old monk sang the Buddha's name, and the red light in his eyes suddenly appeared.


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