When Xiao Xuan saw Illich Hatton's action, his face changed slightly. It seemed that he thought of something. He suddenly raised his feet. The whole person was like an arrow off the string and burst into the strange stone table.

Just at this time, the two werewolves seemed crazy and flew to Xiao Xuan, blocking his pace!

The two werewolves were completely desperate, so Xiao Xuan had to stop. One attacked Xiao Xuan's head from the top, and the other directly hugged Xiao Xuan's legs!

Obviously, they know that Xiao xuanzhiwei is beyond their ability to resist, but even if they fight to death, they also want to help Illich harton complete the final action!

"I, Illich Hatton, swear in the name of the head of the Illich werewolf clan, sacrifice my soul as the servant of the moon god for generations! Please give us strength to resist demons!"

After a series of long and obscure spells, he said quickly in sand Russian. At the same time, he quickly lifted the black cloth on the stone table!

Xiao Xuan was trapped by the two werewolves for a time. He was furious and opened his fists and feet. His fist was as steep as a meteor. It was like a meteor flying in the sky. It was thrilling. In the blink of an eye, he was caught in the werewolf's chest of hanging wall attack!

When the brittle sound of broken bones sounded, the werewolf flew out like a broken kite!

This gap gave the werewolf a chance. With 120000 strength, he quickly inserted into Xiao Xuan's thigh!

If you really want to insert it, you can definitely tear off two muscles! Thigh muscle is one of the supporting muscles of human action. If you are injured, it is undoubtedly a setback.

When the wolf claw touched Xiao Xuan's muscles, this guy's face showed a little smile!

Just soon, the smile froze on his face! When the distance between the wolf claw and Xiao Xuan's thigh was less than half a millimeter, a pair of iron pliers clamped his wrist with great accuracy! As soon as he looked up, Xiao Xuan's smiling face came into his eyes.

"Dead!" Xiao Xuan slapped him, and went straight to the werewolf's head like a powerful gate fan.

With a crisp sound, the werewolf only felt that his face was not his own at once. Soon, he had no feeling at all... Because Xiao Xuan's big hand suddenly turned into a hand knife and cut heavily into his neck. The hand knife of meat palm was filled with internal strength and was a few minutes faster than the sharpest blade. With a snap, he directly cut off his neck and bones!

The moment the head falls to the ground, the eyes on his face are still blinking. It can be seen how fast it is. It's a little faster than the reflex speed of human nerve center!

The head was cut off by roots, and a large amount of blood gushed out, and half of the body fell to the ground!

Xiao Xuan's big foot stepped on his body and jumped at the stone table again!

But it seems too late. The black cloth on the stone table has already been lifted, and a light blue stone is shrouded in the gathered moonlight, emitting a very bright and dazzling light!

The light was made in a big way, and instantly lit up every corner of the hall. The blue light was dazzling like a movie special effect. It was very good-looking, making the hellish Castle suddenly seem to be covered with fairy tale color.

Just then, a strange scene happened. When the blue light shone on the dying werewolves, they began to recover!

One by one violent convulsions, like the high-frequency jitter of epilepsy.

Soon, this violent shaking turned into convulsions at a certain frequency after easing. In a moment, I saw these disabled werewolves stand up again one by one, and their bodies become bigger, stronger and burly!

But those whose bodies are broken and incomplete can not be resurrected!

Nevertheless, this scene is enough to make people drop their eyes! Xiao Xuan came to destroy the family. We can imagine his strength. If he was beaten and maimed by him, he would be absolutely useless even if he didn't die!

But these losers, unexpectedly instant recovery! This is a strange thing that has never been heard of!

These guys, who had broken hands or feet or bones but were not dead, suddenly stood up. They were still bloody all over, but they felt like they had lost their spirit, just like walking corpses.

Xiao Xuan spat. He didn't know what kind of secret skill it was! He really doesn't know much about the mystery of the werewolf family.

Looking at such a group of people, ghosts and ghosts suddenly appeared in front of him, Xiao Xuan rubbed his forehead! tqR1

At this moment, Illich harton gave a violent drink and uttered a string of obscure spells. The group of "walking dead" suddenly took action and jumped at Xiao Xuan!

Can you imagine? A group of people who either lost their arms and legs or had several blood holes in their bodies. They were like people and ghosts. They were still dripping blood. They rushed over at an extremely fast speed. What kind of scene was that?

The disgusting and strange scenes in the movie biochemical crisis are nothing more than this.

Xiao Xuan frowned. The corners of his lips were as firm as the carved lines. With a few violent impatience, his right hand rolled out like the tide of the river, "broken..."

A broken word gently spits out. The dull voice is not loud, but it seeps into the ancient castle. When the sound rises, his right hand suddenly accelerates. The whole person's foot is like stepping on a pulley, and his palm just hits the werewolf coming from the front!

With a loud noise, Xiao Xuan's big hand directly penetrated the werewolf's chest, which showed that he used full internal strength!

"Ow..." the werewolf who was pierced through his chest made a strange and sad cry, but he didn't fall to the ground! Not even a drop of blood came out! The wolf claw continued to sweep towards Xiao Xuan's skull with the Yin wind.

"Can't die?" Xiao Xuan picked up his eyebrows, abruptly stopped and retreated quickly.

The hit werewolf had a huge blood hole in his chest. He was empty and could almost see his internal organs and flesh! The wound didn't shed a drop of blood!

This strange scene is enough to make any normal person shudder!

Even Xiao Xuan's eyes flashed a touch of surprise, which was his rare expression. All the tyranny and murders are just appearances and means of killing. He keeps a deep-rooted calm in his heart from beginning to end.

Obviously, he can't calm down!

Illich harton sneered and sneered: "Lord ghost? Do you know the power of the Illich werewolf family? Do you think only the ghost rune is a magical thing in the world? Do you know that I werewolf family also has the protection of the moon god! The power of the moon stone is no less than the ghost rune, do you believe it?"

Xiao Xuan raised his eyebrows, glanced at the so-called moon stone on the stone table, and said, "Oh? It's so magical? I want to have a look!"

While talking, the recovered werewolves have rushed to Xiao Xuan again. They are completely disorganized and pure animal attack! But with enormous strength and dazzling speed, people can't help facing it face-to-face!

Xiao Xuan's hair was fierce, and his mouth looked determined. The whole man jumped up like a Wulin expert. He used a fast round of shadowless legs. Each time, there was only one object on the toes of his legs - the head!

In the blink of an eye, more than ten feet kicked out. Each foot accurately kicked a werewolf's head, and saw a piece of skull flying! The heads of these werewolves were kicked open on the spot!

"My grass, this will not die?" Xiao Xuan found that Rao's skull was kicked away. These werewolves still maintained their original speed and strength and attacked him!

Xiao Xuan kicked a few times in the air, tossed and fell behind the werewolves. After scolding his mother, he opened and closed his fists, and rushed out again like beating chicken blood!

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!

I saw the iron fist move up and down, and the attack point is still the head!

This time, the attack was even harder. It was a direct move to hit the head and fly away!

In a moment, the werewolf's head turned into broken bones and fell to the ground, and Xiao Xuan saw sweat on his forehead! Rao is so. A group of headless guys still maintain their attack and speed!

If he didn't know that there was a real werewolf family in front of him, Xiao Xuan would even think that he was fighting a ghost!

"Sure enough, there is a way!" Xiao Xuan half narrowed his eyes.

Illich Hatton, now like a sacrificial wizard, has been singing some strange spells. Xiao Xuan stopped. He was relieved and said, "Lord ghost king, I can't compare Huashi with your ghost talisman this month. I advise you to hand over the ghost talisman! The ghost talisman will play its greatest role only in my hands!"

Xiao Xuan grinned and said, "I'm curious. How do you know the secret of ghost talisman? How do you know the power of Yuehua stone? Or where does Yuehua stone come from?"

"Hehe, of course, Yuehua stone is the treasure of my werewolf family, but you know nothing about it!"

"Fart, the werewolf clan respects the halihel family. If there is such a thing as Yuehua stone, how can it fall into the hands of the Illich family whose blood is not the purest? What's the significance of this power exchange at the cost of killing the family?" Xiao Xuan sneered and asked.

Even if Xiao Xuan didn't know the truth, he could see that these recovered werewolves were not strength recovery at all, but became walking corpses! Not the original werewolf! It's more cruel than death! The noble wolf people who really exist for inheritance will not accept this so-called "divine thing".

"If the ghost king knows the secret of the ghost talisman, he should know the value of the Yuehua stone in my hand! As for your question, I think I can answer you. I met a noble man..." Illich harton's proud expression suddenly stiffened on his face. He only had time to say half of what he said, and suddenly it was like being strangled by someone's neck, No more words!

At this moment, a dark shadow flashed by the stone table. The bright Yuehua stone suddenly dimmed down, while Illich harton was twisted off his neck and thrown at the stone table!

Because the man in black moved so fast that even Xiao Xuan couldn't find out when he appeared in the castle, or he was always in the castle? At the moment of Illich's death, he suddenly jumped to the small window on the wall and fled quickly

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