Xiao xuanleng snorted, jumped up and hurriedly chased out!

At his speed, he walked and pursued, and just followed in the blink of an eye! However, when he turned out the window, there was no one outside!

Let alone the man in black, there is no shadow!

Master, this is definitely the high master among the masters!

Most people can't escape from Xiao Xuan! But there was one in front of me!

Xiao Xuan's face was slightly ugly. He suddenly jumped back to the window and returned to the castle hall! The so-called Yuehua stone on the stone table is still there, but the light is no longer. It turned into a dark black stone and couldn't see anything unusual.

The werewolves who "came back from the dead" in the hall collapsed on the ground like a pool of rotten meat and died thoroughly!

Even ilrich harton can't die anymore!

Xiao Xuan frowned more tightly. The last words of Illich Hatton before his death made him inexplicably upset!

Obviously, the Illich people don't have Yuehua stone long ago. As for what Yuehua stone is inheritance, it's Farting!

This thing comes from a man, who may be the man in black just now!

Xiao Xuan picked up the "Yuehua stone" thrown on the table and couldn't see anything unusual. He looked over and over for a long time, closed his eyes and felt it for a while. Finally, he breathed a long breath, but his face became more dignified!

Seeing the mess all over the house, Xiao Xuan slowly put the Yuehua stone into his trouser pocket and walked out of the castle!

When Xiao Xuan pushed open the gate of the castle, he saw two more tsarist Russians with a nervous face outside the door. As soon as he saw him coming out, he immediately welcomed him!

"Lord ghost king, you really... Don't give us alpha face this time! Your Excellency President..."

The two men were obviously from the Tsarist Russian military. They said so, but their eyes didn't dare to look at Xiao Xuan. When they received the notice from the ghost house, they knew that the frightening ghost king had appeared in tsarist Russia. This completely stunned their "alpha" team in charge of national security. Hurried to investigate the whole thing and hurried over!

Xiao Xuan glanced at them, waved his hands carelessly and said, "you and rob are slowly breaking this off. I'm going home to sleep now. Do you want to stop me?"

"No, of course not!"

"But Lord ghost king, can you stop your people from acting crazy? They have killed nearly 400 people in Khabarovsk city. If this goes on, we alpha can't..."

"I see!"

When Xiao Xuan dropped three words, the man had walked to the car parked on the roadside.

"This bastard is so arrogant! Is he? His whole body emits a strong smell of blood, which makes me want to vomit..."

"Shut up! His energy can kill you ten million times. Come in with me and see if the Illich family is alive!"

Xiao Xuan didn't care at all about the dialogue between the two tsarist Russian military guys. When he sat in the car and saw the action of the two people pushing open the gate of the ancient castle and entering, he also raised some evil interest in the corners of his mouth, waiting for the play. He lit a cigarette in the car and puffed up.

Sure enough, Xiao Xuan didn't finish smoking a cigarette. The two people who broke into the castle rushed out. Before they ran out, they vomited like they were going to vomit bile.

The face is a ghost expression. The scene inside is too scary. It's really scary!

Just follow up the slaughterhouse. Oh, no, the slaughterhouse now can't be like that. It's an absolute hell! Complete hell!

"What the hell is that bastard doing in there? Catch him and inform the 'signal flag' that he must be caught!"

"Shut up! If you catch your mother as a bitch, you can't catch him! Report to the top quickly. No, I'm going to vomit for a while..."


As they were talking, they saw Xiao Xuan driving slowly by. They could vaguely see Xiao Xuan's slightly joking face through the window, which made them blush, the two elite soldiers who claim to protect national security.

Xiao Xuan drove to a small hotel. Although his blood was scary, he was rich! After a stack of banknotes were thrown at the counter without looking at them, the consternation on boss Dabo's face suddenly turned into a smile. Ignoring the blood stain on Xiao Xuan, she leaned against Xiao Xuan's arm for several times and said, "of course there is room! There is service, too, boss..."

But before he finished, he was pushed away by Xiao Xuan. The big wave was eye-catching, but the bucket waist was even more disgusting.

"Open a clean room and buy me a set of clean clothes. The rest of the money is yours!" Xiao xuanyang raised his chin and said proudly.

The landlady touched the stack of ten thousand yuan bills and almost smiled flowers on her face. She quickly agreed and arranged for someone to send Xiao Xuan into the room.

Such a small hotel, of course, can not expect any good conditions!

Crude shower facilities, not even hot water! Fortunately, Xiao Xuan was not picky. He took a cold bath, washed away the smell of blood, wrapped a towel and sat on the only bed in the room.

The damn soundproof board room, the breathing of a man and a woman next door and the obscene voice of that kind of thing made Xiao Xuan inexplicably upset.

About ten minutes later, the knock on the door rang. When Xiao Xuan opened the door, he saw a cute tsarist girl carrying several shopping bags and said timidly, "Sir, your clothes!"

Xiao Xuan nodded slightly, took his clothes, turned around, took out a tip of 500 rubles from the wallet on the bed and handed it to him.

The Tsarist girl thanked her, but she didn't move at her feet. She still stood timidly at the door.

"I think I don't need other services!" Xiao Xuan said faintly. The girl looks very smart. It's hard to see such a pure little beauty in a place like tsarist Russia, but he really can't bring up that interest now.

His mind was full of what Illich Hatton had said before his death, and the mysterious man in black.

"Does the gentleman need a massage?"


By devious means, Xiao Xuan took out 500 rubles and handed it over, "I don't need anything! Thank you!"

"Thank you!" the girl unexpectedly didn't take the money in Xiao Xuan's hand and turned away.

Xiao Xuan could see that she was short of money. But she also did the old Chinese saying that no merit is rewarded!

Xiao Xuan doesn't accept her service, and she won't take money other than tips!

This makes Xiao Xuan feel inexplicably and sigh at this time!

Greed, the more powerful people are, the more greedy they are. Like the ilrich family, it was also an aristocrat in tsarist Russia, but it was eventually destroyed by greed.

Perhaps because of the irritability after the killing, Xiao Xuan couldn't help feeling this emotion in his brain.

After a while, Xiao Xuangang changed his clothes. He heard bursts of scolding downstairs. The boss's thick voice seemed to scold the girl for not doing business. Sooner or later, she would starve to death!

The economic situation in tsarist Russia has fallen sharply, and how many people have fallen into unemployment and poverty! The more so, the scene that the girl refused Xiao Xuan's money and stubbornly turned away became clearer in Xiao Xuan's mind.

When walking downstairs again, Xiao Xuan saw the girl being scolded by the boss's wife and suddenly asked in sandy Russian, "what's your name?"


"Are you interested in going to China with me?" Xiao Xuan half narrowed his eyes, smiled and asked.

"Ah?" the girl was obviously stunned and didn't understand what the man wanted to do.

The landlady jumped out and said, "Elena has just come to me. You shouldn't... She's beautiful, but I won't let her go with you!"

Xiao Xuan took out a bank card, shook it in front of the landlady and said, "this card has 300000 Chinese coins. If she is willing to go with me, the money belongs to you!"

Three hundred thousand Chinese dollars, converted into rubles, but it's two and a half million!

The landlady's eyes lit up directly, pulled Irina's arm and said, "she belongs to you!"

Xiao Xuan rolled his eyes. Should he be regarded as a slave society? Put a grass in your head and you can sell it?

"I asked if she would like to go with me!" Xiao Xuan raised his eyebrow, and the smile around his mouth was evil.

"Elena, please promise him. Besides him, which man can spend more than two million for you? Don't be dissatisfied!" the boss's face became too fast.

Irina looked at Xiao Xuan and the landlady. She didn't know what she was thinking. After a while, she nodded and said, "I'll go with you!"

"Give me a reason to promise!" Xiao Xuan put away the bank card again, and the bad smile on his face remained the same.

The landlady's face turned green when she saw Xiao Xuan put away her bank card. Nima, you said you wanted to take people away and buy them at a high price! When someone agrees, you say you want a reason. What kind of reason do you want?

"I think the worst way to go with you is to be sold into a kiln. I can't get rid of that fate here sooner or later. But if you are a good man..." Irina's words are very sincere.

"I can also cut off all your organs and sell them. You know, I'm not a good man!" Xiao Xuan smiled and said.

Somehow, Irina felt that the man in front of her was a little strange. The temperature was obviously very low and even cold, but the man's head was covered with sweat for some reason, and even the veins on his forehead burst, as if it was about to explode.

And he spoke strangely, but she somehow felt that Xiao Xuan didn't mean any harm to her.

"If that's true, I think, it's God's arrangement!" Irina said somehow.

She had a hunch that this man might be her lucky star to change her fate. tqR1

"OK!" Xiao Xuan threw his bank card on the counter, took Elena's hand and took her out of the small hotel.

Irina thought that this time would be an opportunity to change her fate. But unexpectedly, what happened next almost killed her

"Can you drive?"

"Yes!" as soon as Irina finished speaking, she saw Xiao Xuan throw a bunch of car keys into her arms.

Until the car started half a sound after getting on the bus, Xiao Xuan didn't say where to go. As soon as Irina looked back, she wanted to ask Xiao Xuan where he was going. What she saw was the man's Scarlet eyes.

"Drive to a place where there is no one! Drive faster!" said Xiao xuansha in a hoarse voice.

Irina felt that Xiao Xuan was very strange. His voice seemed to suppress his anger, but she didn't dare to ask more and stepped on the accelerator. In the rearview mirror, Xiao Xuan's face became more and more ferocious, which made her heart full of hope for the future. Suddenly, there was only inexplicable fear

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