"Sir, is it because my driving skills are too bad?" Irina felt that Xiao Xuan's face was too ugly and asked with some fear.

In fact, Irina's driving skills are good. She learned to drive at the age of 16. Before her family went bankrupt, she even had her own car.

The car drives very steadily. Although it's fast, it doesn't shake very much.

"Drive, don't talk!" when Xiao Xuan said this, it was like biting his back teeth and talking. tqR1

Irina dared not ask again. In the rear-view mirror, Xiao Xuan's appearance became more and more terrible. His forehead was blue and his face flushed. Especially his eyes were covered with scarlet blood.

"Damn it, I fell ill at this time!" Xiao Xuan spat, concentrating on suppressing those crazy and violent emotions in his mind.

But no matter how hard he tried to suppress, those killing clips were like a movie and began to play back! Those once powerful enemies attacked him one by one, with gunfire and gunfire, and the enemy's face was grim and cynical

Xiao Xuan clenched his fist like iron and suddenly seemed to lose control. He hammered hard on the back seat, once, twice, three times

With his great strength, he seemed to smash the back seat of the car and even the chassis of the car

"Sir, what's the matter with you?" Irina's face turned white. As a driver, she could feel the whole car body shaking and shaking irregularly under Xiao Xuan's heavy hammer! This is too dangerous.

Although the car has driven to a remote place, but

After Irina opened her mouth and asked, she regretted. Xiao Xuan suddenly seemed crazy and threw his hand at the driver's seat.

Fortunately, this is Illich's special seat. He has a metal explosion-proof device and a heavy blow safety baffle installed on his back.

Rao is so. At the moment when Xiao Xuan's iron fist hit, the metal explosion-proof baffle behind the driver's seat suddenly turned into a deformed piece of scrap iron!

Another punch, the broken hole and rotten iron directly turned into metal chips

"What's the matter with you, sir? Do you need to go to the hospital?"

But Xiao Xuan was completely crazy and violently smashed the car, as if he wanted to tear the big iron toy into pieces.

Irina felt a strong killing. She was so scared that she quickly stepped on the brake and jumped out of the car.

"Kill..." Xiao Xuan opened the door and jumped down. He tore off the car door like a crazy Hercules. He danced the door wildly. The door was like a sharp weapon in his hand!

Irina burst into tears and her legs softened. There was only one idea left in her mind. Run as far as possible!

The man was completely different from the manner he showed in the hotel. At this time, he seemed to be bent over by the devil.

Is he a devil? Or is there a demon inside him? Or is he a schizophrenic?

Irina ran, but she couldn't help looking back.

The car was parked on the open roadside. At this time, except for the occasional passing vehicles, the road was empty.

There is nothing nearby except a few green trees and a straight street lamp pole.

But Xiao Xuan looked like he was facing thousands of troops and horses. He kept shouting and killing. He was holding the torn door in his hand, patting and beating!

I saw the door like a sharp axe, cutting down on the roadside green trees, leaving knife marks on the thick trunk. Only three or five times, the trees with a diameter of at least 50 or 60 cm were cut off!

Wow, the whole tree fell to the ground!

Xiao Xuan seemed unaware. All he saw in his eyes was the enemy. The enemy must be killed. The door in his hand was his last weapon!

Kill, kill! Kill everyone!

So Irina saw her "Mr. lucky star", like a madman, holding the door and cutting down one tree after another, even the street lamp pole on the side of the road.

The street lamp pole was hard metal. The door in Xiao Xuan's hand was like a inching cutter, which easily cut the street lamp pole

Oh, my God! What the hell is going on!

Irina wanted to escape as far as possible, but she felt uneasy about leaving the mentally ill gentleman here.

Involuntarily, he stopped and shouted, "Sir, calm down!"

As soon as the crisp voice sounded, Xiao Xuan, who just couldn't find the target, suddenly turned his head and roared. The whole person seemed to have found a new enemy and jumped on Irina

Irina didn't think of it at all. In a word, Xiao Xuan seemed to want to eat her and rushed over!

She felt the danger, the ferocity of the beast, but she had no time to run! Xiao Xuan grabbed her white and tender neck with his big hand!

The fingers of the big hand tightened little by little, as if to pinch her neck.

Irina feels more and more difficult to breathe, more and more uncomfortable! Her pretty face turned red, and Xiao Xuan's face in her eyes became more and more blurred!

She suddenly felt as if she had seen her father and brother who had gone to see God. Was she going to die?

I thought I met a new opportunity, how did I know it was a joke of fate?

Irina was not afraid, but she suddenly felt that Xiao Xuan was very poor! His car is very good and he looks good. He seems to have a lot of money, but when he goes crazy, he seems to have no soul!

Is this man as poor as her? But she's about to be free!

Irina's vision became more and more blurred, and her heart's last reluctance to give up the world turned into tears, flowing out of the corners of her eyes!

The cold tears dropped on Xiao Xuan's hand. The cool touch made a little more clear in his mind. Su Mei's face suddenly appeared in his mind. That cold and clear woman's pretty face sometimes with Kawaii and sometimes extremely mean and cynical

Irina felt that the big hands pinched in her neck seemed to be loose. She can breathe air again! After a while, the big hand suddenly withdrew from her neck. She fell to the ground and breathed!

The joy of resurrection made her heart beat for a long time before she came back to her senses. Thinking of Xiao Xuan, who was crazy, glanced around and found that the man was lying not far away, as if in a coma!

Irina looked at Xiao Xuan with lingering fear. After a long time, she summoned up her courage and walked slowly over, "Sir, are you okay?"

Xiao Xuan lay on the road with his limbs facing the sky, his eyes wide open, but there was no response!

"Isn't he dead?"

Irina frowned and reached out to touch Xiao Xuan's breath and the pulse on her neck. She found that Xiao Xuan was still alive!

But he just didn't move! Is it a coma?

Irina thought for a moment and moved Xiao Xuan into the car. The car was smashed to pieces by Xiao Xuan, but Irina tried and succeeded in catching fire. She was overjoyed and hurriedly drove the car away.

Xiao Xuan destroyed so many public property. It will be bad when the police come.

Xiao Xuan didn't know what Irina thought. But fortunately, Irina escaped in time for fear of being caught and fined by the police. Otherwise, Xiao Xuan would fall into the hands of others at this time, which would be a sure kill!

It will definitely achieve the easiest act of killing the king and seizing the throne in history.

Irina drove her car near the slum she was familiar with, but Xiao Xuan refused to wake up. She wants to see a doctor, but she has no money! Yes, the only money she had was a tip of 500 rubles from Xiao Xuan. With this amount of money, there is only enough for two people to have a dinner at most. There is no way to invite a doctor, let alone buy medicine.

She tactfully touched Xiao Xuan's wallet. There were only a few bank cards in the wallet, and the cash in it seemed to have been spent in the small hotel.

In this way, Irina can only hope that Xiao Xuan can wake up by herself.

Because she was familiar with the environment, she took a little water from the washstand of a nearby public toilet and wiped Xiao Xuan's cheek.

Xiao Xuan lay quietly in the back seat of the car. He didn't know when his eyes had closed, but he still didn't move.

After tossing for too long, Irina fell asleep beside Xiao Xuan. She only hopes that when she wakes up, Xiao Xuan can recover himself! Just like those people who get sick in the slums, they wake up naturally with strong resistance.

Irina was very alert. She just woke up after a short sleep. Xiao Xuan still didn't wake up. She touched his forehead, burning like a high fever.

At this time, Xiao Xuan's mobile phone rang. Irina woke up as soon as she was rescued. She quickly took out her ringing mobile phone and picked it up. At the other end of the phone, there was a cold woman's voice.

Irina didn't speak Chinese. She just heard the voice of the woman over there. She thought, is that Xiao Xuan's wife? She wanted to tell the woman on the other end of the phone that Xiao Xuan was ill, but she found that she couldn't speak and communicate.

Irina hardened her head and tried to say "he's in a coma!"

But I don't know why I hung up on the other end of the phone!


The phone call was from Su Mei. She didn't know how much courage she had to muster before she found a bad reason to convince herself that sun Ma was thinking about Xiao Xuan! On behalf of sun Ma, she finally dialed Xiao Xuan's phone, but unexpectedly, it was a woman who answered the phone!

Or a woman who speaks foreign languages!

Xiao Xuan is such an asshole, son of a bitch! Tell her about the divorce. It's only a few days? Even foreign women!

Does he really want to divorce her and make a clean break?

Just when Su Mei was so angry that she jumped and went crazy, the SMS of her mobile phone rang out. When she opened her mobile phone, a line of foreign languages she didn't know were displayed on the screen. It's from Xiao Xuan's cell phone.

If someone else sees such a message, or will ignore it, it should only be sent by mistake.

But this is Su Mei, more serious Su Mei!

She quickly turned on the computer and entered this line of foreign language subtitles in Du Niang! She wants to see what moths Xiao Xuan sent her! Can't the man even communicate with her normally?

But when the search result displayed on the screen was Sha's Russian translation, he was unconscious. These words shocked Su Mei at once!

What the hell is going on? what do you mean?

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