ODI is a 24-hour casino. An uninvited guest came here at seven o'clock in the morning. Even Zhao Sixi's teeth almost fell to the ground when she arrived.

It was Su Mei who came!

Su Mei is a celebrity in the business district of Nanhai city. At the same time, in the eyes of the brothers of Xiaocheng guard, she is a celebrity among celebrities!

Xiao Xuan, master Xuan's woman! It is also the key protection object of Xiaocheng guard.

When Su Mei came to ODI's door, she was recognized by her brother. She asked one to greet her carefully. She didn't say anything, and hurriedly informed Zhao Sixi and Bai Yujiao.

Zhao Sixi ran down the stairs with a smile on his face and said to Su Mei: "just call your sister-in-law if you have something to say. Where can I help you? I've come here specially!"

Su Mei blushed when she heard Zhao Sixi call her sister-in-law, but she didn't refute. She just took out her mobile phone and told Zhao Sixi about the SMS.

Zhao Sixi was worried immediately, but he didn't dare to show it in front of Su Mei. He scratched his head and said, "sister-in-law, don't worry first. I'll arrange someone to check and see where brother Xuan is now!"

"Don't check it. I've communicated with the mobile phone over there in Russian. It's said that the person is in a slum in bragovishensk city!" Su Mei frowned.

Zhao Sixi was stunned. He immediately reacted and said, "I'll arrange someone to go there immediately!"

In fact, after receiving the text message last night, Su Mei's intelligent brain asked Elena at the other end of the phone through Du Niang's translator. If she didn't know that Xiao Xuan always did something contrary to the legal principle, she would almost call the police directly.

Thinking about it at home, Xiao Xuan didn't know what he was doing in tsarist Russia. If he called the police rashly, it might be bad! For Su Mei, tsarist Russia was a completely strange country. If she can't pass the police, she has no way to find Xiao Xuan who is unconscious in a strange city.

Finally, she had to come to Odie for help. She knows that Xiao Xuan's identity in Xiaocheng international and Oudi is better than that of the pure commercial company of Xiaocheng international!

Su Mei thought for a moment and said, "I want to take off and have a look!"

"Er..." Zhao Sixi was in trouble. Xiao Xuan was in a coma. Although he didn't know whether it was true or false, it was definitely a big deal. If there is a danger, Su Mei takes risks with herself. If something goes wrong, he won't want to live. Even if there is no danger, don't think about why Xiao Xuan went to tsarist Russia, for Liu Tao and for other women!

If the concubine meets many disagreements, will Xiao Xuan be angry?

Zhao Sixi's mind was full of bad water. In a twinkling of an eye, he thought a lot.

Su Mei seemed to see Zhao Sixi's dilemma. She was silent for a moment and said, "do you feel inconvenient? Or do you think I would harm Xiao Xuan in the past? Or do you think I'm not your sister-in-law?"

Never underestimate a woman's wisdom, stubbornness and sharpness.

Sometimes they are shy like girls next door, but once they have needs or their fields are violated, they can turn into sharp Tigress every minute.

At this moment, several questions in a row were aggressive, which made it difficult for Zhao Sixi to answer.

Zhao Sixi smiled bitterly and said, "sister-in-law, I'm afraid in case of danger!"

If so, the truth is, who is it if you go and cause a world war?

But Su Mei seemed to have an iron heart and said, "it's dangerous. I'm going too!"

"..." Zhao Sixi seems to have no better reason to refuse Su Mei again!

The wife wants to see her husband and her sister-in-law wants to see her eldest brother. No matter from which point of view, Zhao Sixi can't stop him!

"That's settled. I'll be right here waiting for you to act together!" Su Mei said quickly. When you are used to the leaders of large companies and make decisions at the right time, you are familiar with your own skills.

Zhao Sixi grew up stunned and wanted to say something, but his mouth was like chewing wax. He couldn't spit a word for a long time. Rao is as clever as a ghost on weekdays. At this time, his brain is also mushy.

I don't know how Xiao Xuan deals with these women day by day! Zhao Sixi feigned a sentence in his heart. He only said that he asked his brother to send Su Mei home to rest first. He arranged to start immediately.

In other words, Zhao Sixi sent Su Mei off with his front foot and then walked into Bai Yujiao's room with his back foot. He said angrily, "sister Yujiao, you must help me this time. If you don't help me, Mars will hit the earth. Brother Xuan will be sent back to wolf heart dog lung star!"

Not long after Bai Yujiao got up, she was thundered with black lines by Zhao Sixi's tone of calling slag. She responded for a while and asked, "what kind of wolf heart and dog lung star?"

"Brother Xuan provoked women like you, and one of them didn't like you. You have to beat him back to the wolf heart and dog lung planet for further study?" Zhao Sixi said flatly.

"Giggle... Wolf heart dog lung star, do you mean your brother Xuan is a wolf heart dog lung master? If I tell him this sentence later..." Bai Yu smiled endlessly, and Yu pointed Zhao Sixi's forehead, just like her sister's doting on her brother.

Obviously, Zhao Sixi is a very likable guy. Whether in Bai Yujiao or sun Manyu, they almost regard him as their own brother.

"Don't! Elder sister, you said that President Su had to save brother Xuan. Isn't this nonsense?" Zhao Sixi said anxiously.

"Save Xiao Xuan? What's the matter with Xiao Xuan? What's the matter? Tell me clearly!"

"..." Zhao Sixi didn't react for a moment, so he told the whole story.

Bai Yujiao patted the dressing table, stood up and said angrily, "what happened? I'm going to tsarist Russia!"


Zhao Sixi is so stupid that he can't wait to smoke his big mouth. He's a typical guy who has nothing to do?

This NIMA is going crazy when Su Mei goes, and another Bai Yujiao appears. Is he helping tsarist Russia and Xiao Xuan? Or take your sisters in law to the meeting?

When Zhao Sixi withdrew from Bai Yujiao's room with a sad face, he called sun Shilin. Fortunately, sun Shilin's phone was through.

Zhao Sixi said what happened here. Sun Shilin's tiger body shook and directly threw down a sentence. No one is allowed to go. He and Yuan Wuji will rush there immediately! Then he hung up the phone.

Zhao Sixi scolds his mother. Is he? It's easy to say! Which of these aunts can listen to him?

"Fourth brother, Mr. Lai said he wanted to see you. He's waiting downstairs!"

Zhao Sixi wanted to go to the toilet and cry three times. He heard a brother come and say. There was no time to cry. I had to meet Lai GAOJIN with a sad face.

Seeing Zhao Sixi's sad face, Lai GAOJIN burst into laughter and asked, "if there is no accident, the company will definitely succeed in listing. But according to the shares, you are all rich people worth hundreds of millions. What are you doing with a hard face?"

Zhao Sixi cried with Lai GAOJIN about his tragic experience, but saw Lai GAOJIN clap his thigh and say, "it's terrible to have no culture!" tqr1


"You tell them directly that they are going to apply for passports and visas in tsarist Russia, but it takes time. You don't have so much time to wait for them, isn't it over?" Lai GAOJIN said with a mocking look at Zhao Sixi, picking his nostrils and without the style of CEO of a listed company.

Zhao Sixi clapped his head when he heard the speech, and echoed it again and again. It's terrible to have no culture! He hasn't even been out of the door of Nanhai city. He really doesn't know anything about passports, visas and so on.

In addition to ecstasy, he thought and said, "what if they want to do a good visa and catch up immediately?"

Lai GAOJIN smiled and said, "whose wife cares! The emperor is not in a hurry. What are you in a hurry, eunuch?"

"You are the eunuch! Your whole family is..."


Zhao Sixi finally stopped Su Mei and Bai Yujiao, who were going to see Xiao Xuan in tsarist Russia, on the grounds that sun Shilin and Yuan Wuji were nearby in tsarist Russia and that it took time to apply for passports and visas.

Xiao Xuan, who is in a coma, wants to know that Zhao Sixi has blocked the great disaster of the meeting of the women for him. He has to immediately say to Zhao Sixi, Buddha, Beihuang and Taoist priest, cut whichever is not pleasing to your eyes. Brother will support you!!!

Unfortunately, Xiao Xuan didn't know all this.

He was in a coma, completely unable to perceive the outside world. What was in his mind was still fighting and fighting! It's just calmer than the madness just now.

Post war trauma syndrome! It is already a very terrible disease. Almost every veteran with this mental disease can't start a new life normally. Drugs and alcohol are their most common destination.

But Xiao Xuande's disease is ten times more terrible than this!

Because as far as he is concerned, it is a terrible nuclear weapon! For him, this disease is equivalent to a sudden increase in the possibility of self explosion of nuclear weapons!

He may kill countless people at any time because of his illness!

Alison and genius once comprehensively diagnosed that Xiao Xuan's post-war trauma was level 11 and the highest level. He may be completely schizophrenic at any time, or degenerate into a complete murderer and lose his humanity completely. It is also possible that after a certain onset, he will completely coma and become a vegetable, or an idiot!

The best way is to stay away from killing! Or Xiao Xuan could repair the psychological haze by himself.

But for Xiao Xuan, neither seems easy!

Irina saw Xiao Xuan in a coma, sometimes nervous and sometimes excited. She sighed and covered Xiao Xuan's forehead with cold water.

Xiao Xuan's face was so painful that she couldn't help reaching out and holding his big hand. It was like this, which could give him enough strength.

On the way, Irina got off and bought some bread and milk. She chewed two dry bread and tried to fill Xiao Xuan with some milk.

It was getting dark again. One day passed, and Xiao Xuan still didn't look at all. She doesn't know where to go!

"Oh, isn't this Irina? Bitch, you didn't work with me last time! Where did you get a yellow pig wild man?"

I don't know when, seven or eight local youths with colorful hair gathered around, and the leader looked at Irina with provocation in schadenfreude!

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