Although Fang Shifan's incident was unpleasant, Xiao Xuan and his party chose to return to tengyuanshan resort. In Xiao Xuan's words, that is "if you have paid, why don't you live?"

When he returned to the resort hotel, it was already seven or eight o'clock in the evening. At the gate of the resort, Zhao Wei pointed to the rolling hills in the distance and said, "you see, there is a brightly lit building complex built on the hillside. Shouldn't it be a scenic spot?"

Xiao Xuan looked in the direction of Zhao Wei's fingers, frowned without trace, and said, "that must not be a scenic spot. It's best not to go."

"No? It's built on the mountain. How can it not be a scenic spot? Is it a local tyrant's villa?"

"That's the temple of Yishi, the temple dedicated to the great God of Tianzhao. It's a forbidden area. You're all right. No one should run over there!" Xiao Xuan paused and said sternly.

Many countries and regions have unique customs and taboos, and these women don't think much. Moreover, at this time, listening to Xiao Xuan's harsh tone, they carefully agreed.

But even if they promised not to go there, Zhao Wei still found that Xiao Xuan seemed to flash a little dignified in his eyes, which was not like the stubborn floating in ordinary days.

"Do you have something on your mind? It has something to do with the holy palace?" Zhao Wei walked slowly and asked in a low voice in Xiao Xuan's ear.

Xiao Xuan shook his head and didn't say much. Last night, he heard Zhao Wei talk about the buildings in the distant mountains, but he didn't take it seriously.

Unexpectedly, it would be Yishi temple! At first glance, he was really surprised.

There are more than one Yishi shrine, including 125, 14 other palaces, 43 photo societies, 24 end societies and 42 managed societies.

Moreover, it will be demolished and rebuilt every 20 years. It is said that it is a mirror dedicated to Japanese artifacts!

Xiao Xuan didn't care whether the rumors were true or false. Only three years ago, he came to Hokkaido and never heard of the construction of the Yishi temple in Hokkaido.

Somehow, the moment he saw this thing, Xiao Xuan had a premonition that he would be disturbed again.

Dumped the messy ideas in his head, paced slowly and followed the women back to the room. tqR1

When he returned to his room, Xiao Xuan naturally washed first. He just took off his clothes in the bathroom and opened the water valve. Suddenly, the room was powered off! The whole room fell into darkness in an instant.

Xiao Xuan's eyelids jumped and his face was cold. He pulled his pants and put them on carelessly. He heard the screams of the women outside the door. He didn't have time to think more and ran out quickly.

"What's the situation?" Xiao Xuan asked in a deep voice.

"How can there be a power failure in such a big hotel?" the sharp voice of ah Cai shouted. Standing beside her was Zhao Wei, who seemed a little alarmed.


Xiao Xuan thought who was killed. Just because of the power failure, he shouted like this... He rolled his eyes and said, "maybe there is only a problem with the circuit. This kind of resort usually has a backup line. It should call soon! Now call everyone to your two rooms. If we stay together, we don't have to be afraid, do we?"

Then he added, "you women are trouble! You have to scream when there is a power failure!"

Xiao Xuan's tone was very calm and the arrangement was reasonable, but somehow, Zhao Wei vaguely felt that Xiao Xuan was a little wrong.

If there is a backup line, the power failure will not last more than five minutes. Why call everyone to a room?

Moreover, when the hotel has a normal power failure, the waiter should come up in time to appease customers. Now there is no shadow of the waiter at all.

Ah Cai still wanted to say something, but he saw Zhao Wei pull her clothes and said, "just do what minister Xiao said!"

A CAI is also a smart man. When he heard the three words "minister Xiao" in Zhao Wei's mouth, he also reacted abruptly. They all know Xiao Xuan very well in the afternoon. They all call each other by name and are not in the company. What's their name, Minister Xiao? Is it true

The three separated and soon dragged the sisters living on the same floor into Zhao Wei and a CAI's house.

Fortunately, Zhao Wei is also a leader. The room is a business suite like Xiao Xuan, which is a little larger. If it's just an ordinary standard room, there's really no room for so 20 people.

Five or six minutes later, the electricity still didn't come. The room was dark, only the scarlet cigarette end in Xiao Xuan's hand was bright and dark. The cold wind in the window blows in through the gap, which makes people shiver.

These women are also the masters of Qiqiao Linglong's heart. In addition, if something like that happened between Fang Shifan and them in the morning, they will inevitably think more. More people can't help muttering to each other: "they won't offend people in the afternoon. Will they retaliate?"

"Will they hit us with machine guns like they did in the movie?"

"I'll do it. How does this shopping tour of Hokkaido scenery feel like a thrilling one-day tour? No wonder when I go out, my mother yells that I can't go out at seven or in at eight. The day we set out is the seventh day of the lunar calendar!"


In this way, the women were even more afraid. One by one, they looked like looking at the life-saving straw. Their eyes were nailed to Xiao Xuan and said, "Xiao Xuan, you should say a word..."

Xiao Xuan vomited a smoke ring and said with a smile, "ladies, if you are really going to die now, what will your last wish be?"

"I'm dying, I'm dying, you bad bastard. You're still kidding at this time."

"If you're going to die, your last wish is to let the sisters gang rape you! Suck you dry and ravage you severely!" ah Cai, who didn't keep the door open, said after hearing Xiao Xuan's joke.

"So poisonous? Twenty at a time, too many? If you don't die, can you come one by one?" Xiao Xuan asked solemnly.


At this time, all the girls want to find a doctor to get a scalpel, pry open Xiao Xuan's brain and see if this guy's brain circuit is the same as normal people! At this time, I still want to take advantage of my mouth!

"Xiao Xuan, stop it! Everyone seems a little scared!" Zhao Wei said.

Xiao Xuan shrugged and said calmly: "Look at your promise, you're shaking with fear? Your house hasn't stopped electricity? And the one who said machine gun, mom, you should keep your head when watching movies. Japan is one of the countries with the strictest gun control in the world. Are you sure you're talking about machine gun, not air gun? It's possible to rush in with air gun, even machine gun..."

Xiao Xuan's teasing words made the women feel at ease somehow. But the dark sky in the window and the dark wind blowing from time to time scared the women into the "dark house" even if no one came to retaliate.

"Wow... There's a ghost... There was a dark shadow by the window just now..."

I don't know who screamed. This wow voice frightened everyone else! How spectacular the scene of a group of people shaking together. Holding each other is called a close

Xiao Xuan could not wait to pretend that he was also afraid and "trembled" with these women.

It's a frightening atmosphere if you don't say whether there are ghosts or not. Except Xiao Xuan, there is still a smile on the corners of your mouth

Listening to the women's screams, Xiao Xuan even had a feeling of crying and laughing. His eyes scraped at the window at will, and the cigarette butts in his hand bounced out, but he heard a "meow"

"I said, elder sister, can you not scare yourself? There is a ghost. Can you catch you now? Even if there is a ghost, let him take me and leave you?..." Xiao Xuan shriveled his mouth and stabbed.

Just as the girls wanted to refute, the room suddenly opened and the electricity came

As soon as the electricity came, all the women looked embarrassed. At this time, their actions were too funny. They hugged each other, their faces were pale, and they all fixed their previous horror!

Xiao Xuan looked at the girls with a mocking look on his face. He was playing with his expression.

"Minister Xiao, I didn't see it before, and you're very bad. It turns out that you used to be hypocritical! If you cut off the power, you'd deliberately scare us..."

"You scare yourself, it can also depend on me?" Xiao Xuan asked in pain.

The women teased a few words, and their spirit gradually relaxed. The Jianghu revenge and revenge in the film and novel did not happen.

And Xiao Xuan's indifferent appearance made them feel more at ease.

Under the arrangement of Xiao Xuan and Zhao Wei, the women went back to their rooms to have a rest.

Xiao Xuan also took an excuse to go back to the room, and the people dispersed. Ah Cai stroked his chest and said, "this is really a thrilling one-day tour. If Xiao Xuan hadn't been there, I would be scared to death today!"

Zhao Wei was thoughtfully silent for a moment, and suddenly opened his mouth and said, "ah Cai, do you think Xiao Xuan said that a ghost caught him first, as if he didn't tell us..."

"Don't scare me. I'll really have a heart attack!" ah Cai said with an exaggerated expression as soon as he heard Zhao Wei's words.

"Forget it, go to bed! Xiao Xuan is very careful. He said it would be all right. He should be all right..."


When Xiao Xuan returned to his room, the light was all black!

He remembered clearly that he rushed out of the bathroom directly. The light switches in the room should be on. If the power is cut off, the light should be on.

But now the light was really off. Xiao Xuan just picked up his eyebrows and walked in.

As soon as he entered the door, Xiao Xuan was completely stunned. By the window of the living room, the beautiful shadow leaning against the window had a strange sense of familiarity in his loneliness and stubbornness!

Xiao Xuan's mood became very complex for a moment, even on his face. For such a moment, his eternal calm expression flashed and stunned.

Xiao Xuan's voice was hot, and his voice suddenly became hoarse. He only said three words: "is it you?"

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