In front of the window under the moon, "the beautiful shadow" was cold and silent. In the face of Xiao Xuan's "excitement", she was not moved at all.

I saw her slightly sideways, as if she wanted to look back at Xiao Xuan. This sideways action, refracted by the dim moonlight, was like Su Mei coming here.

Her body shape and even the outline of her face are like Su Mei!

No, or like the woman in Xiao Xuan's memory!

"Why are you here? Ah Ying, it's you, isn't it?" Xiao Xuan's eyes were no longer calm, and his whole body involuntarily burst out a violent atmosphere that was difficult to control, as if his emotions were completely out of control!

Dressed in a long light dress, she didn't answer Xiao Xuan, but looked at Xiao Xuan indifferently, and her eyes were like a pool of stagnant water.

At this moment, Xiao Xuan's brain seemed to crash. There was a faint fragrance in the air. I don't know whether it was women's fragrance or something nearby!

Xiao Xuan couldn't care what fragrance was in the air. He seemed to have been electrocuted. His eyes forgot to blink. It seemed that he could only hear his own heartbeat in his ears

All I can think about is "why is she here?"

The man who has been missing for many years and who has searched all over the world is standing in front of him?

The picture of their first meeting suddenly exploded in Xiao Xuan's mind:

The Arctic is an ice covered sea and river. It is a place where the sun is not seen for nearly half of the time every year. It is hard to imagine that under this glacier, skilled craftsmen have built a huge underground world with the power of ghost axe and magic knife.

There is no day. In the endless darkness, only a few broken oil lamps illuminate the wet and cold cave. In the ice cave, the Milky ice reflects the penetrating light under the light.

In the inaccessible Arctic, no one would have thought that there would be an artificial building cave like a cage underground. In fact, there is indeed a huge iron cage in this cave. A huge refined iron cage is fixed by a thick refined steel chain from the wall to the top of the cave.

In the iron cage, dozens of children under the age of ten are dressed in ragged clothes that are not enough to avoid the cold. At first glance, people will feel numb.

No sunshine, no clothes, not even food.

Shrouded in cold and death, under the extreme cold, these children's eyes are dull, hungry, and even make them a little trance. tqR1

In this environment, even catching a mouse to eat is extravagant.

Because even mice can't survive.

There are many dead but frozen companion corpses beside them! Because of the cold environment, the corpses will not rot, and the last expression on the dead face - the pain of hunger.

Except for the occasional water drop on the top of the cave, which can delay their life, there is nothing else.

The desire to survive and the painful torture of hunger will continue to have older children, slowly moving to thin and easy to be pinched children!

Under the instinctive desire to survive, the child's teeth will burst out as sharp as beasts, bite the throat of someone nearby, and then make a penetrating swallowing sound and biting sound... Raw meat and scarlet blood churn in their mouths. The scene is both heinous and deplorable.

In Xiao Xuan's memory, he was much thinner than those children because of malnutrition. Living is his only choice! Hungry and dizzy, he chose the fainting girl nearby.

Just when his hand just grabbed her neck, she suddenly turned over, but her thin arms burst out with full strength and hit his crotch

None of them found a bigger child approaching them in the struggle!

The girl was pressed down by Xiao Xuan and struggled desperately. Because of the visual angle, she first saw the big boy who sneaked in. She kicked Xiao Xuan instead of the big boy.

When Xiao Xuan reacted, the girl had really fainted after the last blow

The big boy was kicked to the sternum by the girl, like a wounded beast. He roared angrily. After a short stay, he jumped at Xiao Xuan again

Xiao Xuan forgot how he fought his last strength to win! He only remembered the heartrending scream that broke out when his two fingers were inserted into the older child's eyes.

And before the coma, the voice of the cold machine recorded: "the 43rd batch of test articles, two survived..."


Xiao Xuan's eyes were scarlet in his memory. The whole person seemed to be trapped in the dark and cold. The beautiful shadow suddenly jumped out of the window, as flexible as a caged cunning rabbit, and disappeared in the room in the blink of an eye.

"Don't go!"

Xiao Xuan suddenly reacted. He didn't have time to think more and ask more questions. He jumped out of the window and hurriedly chased after him!

The shadow was very fast and seemed familiar with the environment. She ran away quickly and Xiao Xuan pursued her!

As for the 20 colleagues in the hotel, he has left them behind!

Her figure was very fast, as if there were only dark shadows left, but for Xiao Xuan, her Miaoman's posture always seemed to be under the sunshine in the day, as clear as in her memory.

Xiao Xuan suddenly flashed the scene many years ago:

In the Amazon jungle, at the age of 13, his tender face was painted with camouflage and could not see clearly.

The huge rifle and equipment on his back add up to more than his weight. Even so, his waist was still straight and flexible enough to shuttle through the trees.

"Don't run around, come out quickly! Or I'll kill you." he was as alert as a predatory cheetah when he found someone following him.

As soon as the voice fell, a woman slowly came out from behind the big tree not far away, with a gun hanging upside down in her hand. Xiao Xuan paused, looked at the familiar face in front of him, and asked suspiciously: "is it you?"

"Are you still alive?" the girl paused.

After the iceberg dungeon said goodbye, I didn't see you for years. When I saw you again, it was a time of tit for tat and life struggle.

He did not relax his vigilance at all. In the death training camp, he had no feelings, only survival! Your best brother and the weakest sensibility in your mind are all factors that will kill you at any time.

"What are you doing with me?" Xiao Xuan's tone was still cold.

"I want to cooperate with you!"


"I have been with you for a long time. You are the strongest among them. Only by cooperating with you can I live!"

"Why should I promise you?"

"Just because you are a man, you also need women to vent!"

"You're not the only woman here!"

"But I'm the most beautiful of them, aren't I?" the girl took off her clothes while talking.

She is really beautiful, although she is only in her teens and her body is not fully developed. But for Xiao Xuan at that time, it still had a fatal attraction.

"Why should I trust you?" he still asked warily. Although his young face was moved, it was still firm. At that time, he knew that no matter how beautiful things are, they have to live to have a chance to enjoy them!

"I'm a weak man. It's common to exchange my body for the help of the strong. Besides, killing you won't do me any good. After all, you're the strongest among them!" the girl's face was determined and intelligent.

By the time he got here, he had jumped on her like a cheetah and madly pressed her under him

After that, there was another woman around him. The woman was around him from 13 to 20, just like his shadow

Until one day, she disappeared

A cold wind blew, and Xiao Xuan came back from his memory again. She was still running away quickly not far away!

Hokkaido, with a temperate marine climate, can be seen everywhere in April and may!

Along the path, she has been running towards the mountain. Xiao Xuan followed without delay. I don't know whether he noticed that he was getting closer and closer to the mysterious Yishi temple.

Until "a Ying" pushed open the door of Yishi temple and walked in, Xiao Xuancai stopped and paused at the door for a while.

The Yishi shrine was built according to the characteristics of buildings in the shogunate era. The staggered wooden houses were built with dense trees. The lights in the wooden houses were bright, turning the branches and leaves of tall trees into mottled projections on the ground. Add a little more mystery to this mysterious temple.

From the inside to the outside, this is the inner palace, the inner palace phase Temple God, and the great god palace and the outer palace phase God. The wooden gate is not imposing, and the dark tone is a little heavy.

Xiao Xuan's hand trembled and caressed the door leaf. At this moment, all his strength seemed to be evacuated!

Maybe if you open the door, you will really see "Ah Ying" and even know why she is here?

However, at this moment, Xiao Xuan was afraid to open the door. What if she stopped like a mirror?

Xiao Xuan took a deep breath and opened the door. The brilliant lights lit up the whole courtyard and Xiao Xuan's face.

I just don't see her.

Xiao Xuan raised his feet and walked in slowly. With the gravel path under his feet, he moved forward step by step and finally stopped in front of a yellow and dim wooden house.

Through the paper window, he saw her at the table in the wooden house, turning the teacup gently!

Xiao Xuan walked into the wooden house blankly, and a strong fragrance came to his face, like sandalwood in incense and the fragrance of a woman's body.

"Tea?" she asked softly.

Xiao Xuan nodded and sat on one side of the wooden table.

"The origin and the end, why do you insist! After drinking this cup of tea, you go!" she said and handed a cup of Japanese unique green tea to Xiao Xuan.

The tip of Xiao Xuan's nose was sour. He suddenly remembered the letter she left in those years. There was also this sentence in the letter. Why be persistent!

Xiao Xuan picked up the tea and drank it all at once. In front of him, Ah Ying's appearance became clearer and clearer, but the outline of the tea cup in his hand became more and more blurred!

He opened his eyes and bit the tip of his tongue. Xiao Xuan smiled bitterly at the corner of his mouth. He said to the woman who was just pouring tea but hid in the corner of the wall in the blink of an eye: "you're not her!"

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