Dechuan fell into the air with a blow, and his face suddenly changed. He quickly looked up for Xiao Xuan's figure, but he saw that Xiao Xuan didn't know when he had fallen at the door.

Under the dim yellow light, the handle of the dagger on the chest reflected a light yellow Ze. Xiao Xuan sneered, pulled out the dagger, and quickly clicked several acupoints on the chest with one hand. After a stream of blood was ejected with the dagger, there was no more blood flowing out.

Xiao Xuan threw the dagger aside and sneered, "I can still stand up. Do you feel very surprised?"

Not only Tokugawa, but also Ichiro Fujiwara and fox woman were stunned. With Fox woman's skill and killing skills, the position of this knife must be in the center of the heart. Even if you don't die, you can't stand up like a person who has nothing to do?

"You..." the fox girl pointed to Xiao Xuan, and the flower looked pale.

"Why didn't I die? Was my heart long and biased? Sorry, there's no such vulgar story in the film. My heart didn't grow and biased, but I just didn't die!" Xiao Xuan said with a grimace at the corners of his mouth, asking and answering himself.

Xiao Xuan didn't expect that just when he thought that the passage of vitality was irresistible, the reincarnation Sutra ran by itself quickly!

The places that once closed and didn't get to the point were bright at the time of reincarnation on the edge of life and death.

What is "reincarnation", life and death continue and replace each other, an endless cycle. Why is there rebirth without death, and why is there rebirth without rebirth?

The sublimation of the first volume of the reincarnation Sutra, Xiao Xuan didn't know the point. He didn't expect to have this opportunity in just a few days after half a step was born! What is half step congenital? It means that one foot and half of the body have stepped into the congenital state, which is short of the epiphany of one foot at the door.

This epiphany came in time, or the reincarnation Sutra is really too mysterious. If I didn't really meet the Tianzong wizards, I would have understood the meaning of reincarnation. After half a step, I took the initiative to take risks to experience the alternation of life and death. I'm afraid few normal people can break through this.

What's more, the feeling of alternating life and death is so good to experience? Maybe it's really going to die! If you have made preparations for immortality, you can't really feel the touch of that moment, and naturally you can't break through. If you don't prepare, life and death may be a matter of lightning, stone and fire. No one can guarantee everything.

Man is a profit seeking animal, and self-protection is an instinct. Who would take the initiative to deliberately put himself in danger? This reincarnation Sutra is really not something that ordinary people can practice.

Xiao Xuangang really thought he was going to die, but he didn't want to. Not only did he not die, the first volume of reincarnation Sutra broke through at this time!

Half a step from congenital to congenital breakthrough is a qualitative leap.

In just a few minutes, Xiao Xuan's whole person had undergone earth shaking changes. Even the wound on his chest exuded strangeness at this time, and even began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye!

It's hard to imagine that the guy who was bleeding with a knife just now and saw that he was going to die was in a twinkling of an eye. There were still spots of blood on his clothes, his pale cheek began to slowly recover his blood, and the corners of his mouth were wearing the usual slightly cynical smile.

"What if you're not dead? Do you still have the ability to dissolve those elemental poisons? As far as I know, there's no antidote for these elemental poisons!" Ichiro Fujiwara said with a sneer. Although he could see that he was also surprised, these words seemed to ridicule Xiao Xuan and cheer himself and his companions.

"Yes, your poison is really powerful. I can't solve it!" Xiao Xuan smiled and said honestly.

He had just tried to remove the toxin from his body with internal energy. After several attempts, he had to admit that it had no effect! But what he didn't say was that because of his physical quality, these toxins could not harm him for a while.

"The Chinese have a saying that they should kill him while he is ill. Kill him and seize the ghost talisman!" Ichiro Fujiwara shouted violently.

Tokugawa finally responded, and the whole person made several low roars. The samurai sword in his hand was horizontal, leaving a string of knife lights in the air and cutting across to Xiao Xuan.

His knife technique is very strange. Few people use the cross cutting style as the main attack move, because the explosive force is not strong enough, which is far more powerful than the chop and other moves.

But Dechuan attacked with such a move. It was very fast. For a moment, it was like a wave cutting water lines in the air, and the waist of the blade was forced to Xiao Xuan.

Xiao Xuan looked coldly at his movements. With a wave of his big hand, a strong wind was as sharp as a real steel knife. He first hit the blade of the samurai sword. After a stop, he saw a slight wrong step under his feet and a random move forward

Dechuan was shocked. How could Xiao Xuan be so powerful? Just being in charge of the wind stopped the power of his blade! Seeing Xiao Xuan's hand attack, subconsciously he lost his color and hurriedly retreated!

However, Xiao Xuan's big hand is just like the God outside the sky. Its speed and angle are so sharp that it is heinous. The most important thing is that with his actions, it seems that there is a strong gas field suddenly. This kind of huge real gas field has not existed before, but now it will arise spontaneously with Xiao Xuan's gestures, This aura seems to be able to imprison Tokugawa's actions. Tokugawa can't avoid it at all.

Dechuan watched Xiao Xuan's big hand pinch his neck, and Xiao Xuan's ferocious smile widened in his pupils

Seeing that he was about to fall into the hands of Xiao Xuan, he had no ability to resist. His inner horror could not be described in words! Tokugawa is an expert in the whole of Japan, but he has no power to fight back. I'm afraid no one will believe it.

A guy who was just dying turned up so badly, which was completely beyond his imagination.

When Tokugawa felt his life was over, Fujiwara suddenly sent out several sharp whistles.

Outside the door, there seemed to be a wind blowing, and the rustle of vegetation sounded. Tokugawa's face suddenly relaxed. He knew that Fujiwara was calling Gao Ren!

The ninja of the Fujiwara family has been responsible for protecting the existence of the shogunate general since the Edo era. Later, even if the shogunate system was abolished, it was also the existence of the emperor's Pro bodyguard level.

And Gao Ren is an outstanding expert among ninjas. He rarely makes moves. He will see blood light when he makes moves!

Tokugawa just breathed a sigh of relief, but before he had time to take advantage of the situation to escape, he saw that Xiao Xuan was unmoved, and his big hand didn't stop at all. He still pinched his neck quickly!

There was no suspense. Xiao Xuan's big hand turned into an eagle's claw, or his five fingers turned into a steel fork, strangling Dechuan's neck! tqR1

"Do you think a few dark things hiding can save you? It's a joke that you bedbugs want to touch the ghost Rune? Xiao Xuan pinched Dechuan's neck, lifted him half a meter high and asked with a sneer.

Obviously, Xiao Xuan hated the guy who was just going to cut off his neck with a samurai sword.

Said, but saw Xiao Xuanyi holding him in his hand, suddenly turned back and kicked out a foot inexplicably and casually towards the air behind him. This foot looked calm and casual.

Just as soon as the foot kicked out, he heard a "bang". A few drops of blood hit the floor. In the originally empty air, suddenly there was a man in flax yellow clothes, with a blood hole in his chest, which was just strung on Xiao Xuan's feet

It's like a ghost. This man is like a ghost hiding in the air. He was caught out by Xiao Xuan. It's incredible!

Xiao Xuan's face was very calm. Tokugawa saw this scene clearly under his iron hand. Tokugawa had been dealing with ninjas for half his life, but he didn't find the name Gao Ren behind Xiao Xuan.

But Xiao Xuan found it, which made him shocked. But at the same time, he also felt Xiao Xuan's terror!

The big hand seemed to want to break his neck bit by bit. What was printed in his pupil was Xiao Xuan's action of kicking away the body on his feet at will, suffocating and approaching a little. His face turned red, and then his face slowly turned purple. He saw that death was waving to him

"Stop!" Ichiro Fujiwara roared.

Xiao Xuan sneered and looked contemptuously at Ichiro Fujiwara and said, "are you talking to me?"

"Do you think you can get out of here? Don't force me to bury all your women!" Ichiro Fujiwara is the head of the Fujiwara family. He may not be the best in Japanese martial arts, but he is the first person in Japan in terms of family power and employment.

Even the emperor will give him three points of face.

Ichiro Fujiwara has three powerful killing moves. First, nearly half of Japan's first-class experts, like Tokugawa and fox women, will obey his arrangement to a certain extent. The second is the mysterious and lethal Ninja organization of Fujiwara family. The third is the mysterious relationship between Fujiwara and the first expert in Japan, the master of celestial burial.

"That's enough. Do you dare to threaten me?" Xiao Xuan's big hand threw Tokugawa's body. Under his one hand, the sudden explosive force between his five fingers tore Tokugawa's neck in an instant. Tokugawa's head was like a ripe melon, gurgling and rolling towards Ichiro Fujiwara

"Bastard..." when Ichiro Fujiwara saw Tokugawa's head rolling down at his feet and his eyes open like ox eyes, he scolded angrily and whistled again!

Xiao Xuan just sneered and said, "believe me, no one can save your life today! Fujiwara family will be removed from the world today!"

In his words, Xiao Xuan walked to Fujiwara step by step. From time to time, he would pause slightly, bow left and right and wield an iron fist. Those very clever hiding skills and Ninjas hidden in the air were like puppets in front of Xiao Xuan, and let him kill them with his fist!

What's more, Ichiro Fujiwara was shocked that Xiao Xuan's fist was like hanging open. One punch directly killed one person!

He didn't know how Xiao Xuan found the ninja. All he knew was that in the blink of an eye, nine high forbearance, five died! And there are no less than twenty or thirty Zhongren and xiaren who were killed by Xiao Xuan!

Just looking at the bodies at Xiao Xuan's feet made people feel numb. All the bodies were punched in the chest like the same, and were smashed through the sternum to death

But Xiao Xuan was unharmed, just like a person who had nothing to do!

Ichiro Fujiwara was a little scared. He felt that Xiao xuangen was not a person at this time. In particular, his fist was so easy to break through the air. It was as accurate as he had predicted to hit the hidden ninja. Then he cruelly penetrated his sternum, took back his fist and brought out a stream of scarlet blood. It was like a machine harvesting human life

Xiao Xuan looked at Fujiwara's face and showed an excited and murderous smile. Nothing could excite him more than killing this guy. This hateful guy who wanted his life for the last quarter of an hour and used Ah Ying's business as a trap can't redeem his sin

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