In May, the stars who came to the red carpet show and the red carpet show in Cannes, together with the local tyrants of various major companies, fully confirmed the saying that "there are stars everywhere, and there are as many local tyrants as dogs" in this small town with a size of only 20 square kilometers and a long coastline.

The hotel where Su Mei and her party stayed was the Provence Hotel, which was very close to the 11th century castle.

This is a five-star hotel. There are many celebrities in it.

What made Xiao Xuan angry was that when he arrived, he found that the salute of Yuya and his party was thrown at the door of the hotel. Although Yuya's people were very angry, many of them had hot tempered masters who were arguing with the service staff in English, but it was obvious that the waiter's attitude was very arrogant.

"What's the matter?" when Xiao Xuan approached, he found the familiar president's little secretary and asked the girl.

"Xiao, Minister Xiao, why are you here? Is it too fast?" the little secretary was pulled and wanted to lose his temper. When he saw that the person pulling her was Xiao Xuan, he couldn't help staring.

Xiao Xuan frowned, dropped his chin and motioned her to get down to business.

"Minister Xiao, the thing is like this. Last night, we went to the beach with President su. Everyone was very excited when we came back, so we went to the bar of the hotel to eat and drink. Then president Su and president Zhang seemed to see a foreigner and kept filling a little girl with wine. President Su couldn't help but run to meddle... The foreigner had drunk too much. When he saw that President Su was beautiful, he pulled his hand Pull, pull.

In a hurry, president Zhang kicked the foreigner. Later, he called the police... "

The little secretary said it briefly. Xiao Xuan was drunk after listening to it. Su Mei's work is really painful!

However, considering that Su Mei lost her life because she was filled with wine, it is estimated that she was touched. It's Zhang Yue. Unexpectedly, lifting Yin legs has made him come abroad. tqR1

Xiao Xuan thought with his feet and knew that it must be because he was not a normal person, so he made the situation big.

But what about this hotel?

"Su Mei was taken away by the police. What does it have to do with the hotel inviting you out?"

The little secretary said with a flat mouth, "the foreigner is very domineering. He said he was in Cannes. If you offend him, don't say live, no one will dare to supply dinner! Let's wait and see! The lawyer has gone to solve the matter with President Su, so here... Besides, we can't understand the waiter's French English..."

Xiao Xuan rolled his eyes, nodded slightly, and turned to the arrogant waiter.

"Commander Xiao is coming!"

"Ah, why is minister Xiao here?"

Although Xiao Xuan didn't know these people, it was obvious that none of these Yuya employees didn't know him. Seeing Xiao Xuan coming, a group of people couldn't help but make a commotion.

The waiter gave Xiao Xuan a cold look, and the corners of his mouth turned up, showing a sneer. Obviously, he didn't think the young man could solve any problems. He might as well go away early to save him trouble.

Besides, these Chinese people are so bold that even the shareholders of their hotel dare to fight! Or kicked the shareholder's egg. It is said that it was almost broken

"Please move your salute quickly and don't affect us! We've already told you that our hotel doesn't welcome guests like you." the waiter grinned arrogantly before Xiao Xuan approached.

"I am very angry about the service of your hotel. I will complain about your hotel's discrimination against foreign tourists and malicious insults. A lawyer's letter will be sent soon!"

Xiao Xuan spoke fluent French and said in a literary way. It's rare for him to reason once. Unfortunately

The waiter was just a little stunned. He didn't seem to expect Xiao Xuan to say this with complaints and legal documents. Then he was calm. Anyway, it was the boss's order to drive away these Chinese people. Besides, what if the lawyer sent a letter? How many foreign tourists still want to file a lawsuit in Cannes?

"Are you scaring me? Damn chinese! Get out of here. It's no use talking nonsense..." the waiter half narrowed his eyes and looked at people through his eyes, which was really full of contempt.

Xiao Xuan frowned. He didn't want to get into trouble, but so many people were bullied. Does he have to have an attitude? Before saying this, the other party threw out such an attitude

Xiao Xuan also knew that the reputation of Chinese people in such tourist resorts has always been mixed. Those big businesses and government officials naturally like Chinese local tyrants with strong consumption power. However, people in the service industry generally don't like Chinese people so much.

But even so, when the waiter said that he was such an aggressive and insulting Chinese, Xiao Xuan couldn't help being angry.

"I'm really scaring you..." Xiao Xuangang said the first half of the sentence, and then listened to the little secretary muttering behind him: "minister Xiao, since last night, they didn't let us stay in the guest room. It was sister he who quarreled with the front desk for a long time before he forced us to sit in the rest area of the hotel lobby all night. He drove us out early this morning. You have to decide for us!"

Xiao Xuan was even more angry when he heard this. Mom, let people sit all night? Is this too him? Bullying! Although he said that his country is a second-class citizen, this truth will not work here.

Seeing the people around Xiao Xuan muttering, it seemed that they were suing. The waiter snorted, impatiently waved to the security guard next to the gate and said, "drive them away! The boss paid you a salary, not for you to see the play!"

Two security guards with big waist, shrugged their shoulders, and said to Xiao Xuan: "let's go, Hua woodlouse, if we don't go, we'll be welcome."

Xiao Xuan grinned and was happy. His legs were misplaced, his oblique legs trembled, and his oblique eyes said in French: "you're welcome. Show me one!"

There is a secret rumor in Yuya company that Su Dong's husband likes to fight and is a careless owner who likes to make trouble!

They didn't believe it before. Xiao Xuan was talking to the waiter and security guard in French. Most of them didn't understand it.

However, seeing Xiao Xuan's classic little rogue posture, a black line suddenly appeared on his forehead.

In his heart, on the one hand, he hoped Xiao Xuan would teach the people here a lesson and give them a bad breath. On the one hand, I'm worried. The trouble is getting worse and worse. How will it end later?

Su Mei and Zhang Yue are still in the police station!

As soon as Xiao Xuan's provocative posture came out, he saw a security guard grinding his fist towards him, and another security guard walked towards them. Looking at the posture, one security guard was ready to throw Xiao Xuan out, while the other was throwing his luggage.

It has to be said that large foreigners always don't look at the relatively thin Chinese people so much. Subconsciously, they always feel that they can fly with a slap.

But this time, before the security guard approached Xiao Xuan, he felt like he was tripped by something. His feet were unstable. He directly fell face down in a shit eating posture. With a dull sound, his face came into intimate contact with the ground on the spot!

Looking up again, the nose blood flowed, the mouth skin was broken, and the tears flowed

Looking up, I just saw Xiao Xuan's smiling expression, with a little ridicule.

"Asshole!" the security guard stood up again and raised his feet and fist. Just one step away, there was another dull sound, and it was a classic posture of shit!


Xiao Xuan grinned and said, "brother, don't worry about seeing your ancestors? Kneel three times and worship nine times? Give a big gift? Ouch, I'm really moved!"

This time, Xiao Xuan spoke it in English. Many people around him heard it clearly. Looking at the security guard with a funny look, coupled with Xiao Xuan's ridicule, they couldn't help laughing.

The security guard fell again and again. He directly felt that the knee bones were going to crack! After climbing for a long time, I was stunned that I couldn't get up again!

Another security guard came to help immediately. Good guy, before approaching, his feet were soft. He knelt on the ground with a bang, just facing Xiao Xuan!

"Hey, I'm a yellow man and can't give birth to a black man. Wow, my son admits the wrong ancestor. Don't kneel!" Xiao Xuan joked again!


Coax laughter sounded again, but this time, in addition to laughing, I was a little surprised. This time, I fell carelessly, but I fell twice... Or both!

These are two burly shouting, not two children. Can't you even walk?

While the two security guards were complaining, why didn't they think about this?

They both fell strangely. They tripped without any obstacles under their feet? Your sister, left foot tripping right foot? Is this shit?

Xiao Xuan is still a long way from them. They can't rely on Xiao Xuan without fighting?

They looked at each other and suddenly thought of the legend that Chinese people are magical and can spell... Their faces became very ugly in an instant!

"Can you do magic?" the black bodyguard finally stood up, timid and dared not come forward easily, and asked Xiao Xuan from a distance.

Xiao Xuan smiled, half narrowed his eyes and asked, "what do you say?"

"Oh, my God, you must know magic. You are a magical Chinese! No, I can't drive you away. I can't beat the Chinese immortal who knows magic..."

"Fool..." Xiao Xuan opened his mouth and helped his forehead. The big man's magical logic also made him drunk

Yuya's colleagues behind him couldn't help laughing when they heard the speech. Although they also felt that Xiao Xuan must have made trouble and didn't know how Xiao Xuan did it, there was no doubt that they were stupid when they saw the fierce security guard before.

In particular, the arrogant waiter hiding not far away looked stupid, which made them feel relieved!

But just then, a team of security guards in the lobby rushed out, waving their batons one by one, as if they saw in the surveillance video that Xiao Xuan hit the security guard yunyun

"Minister Xiao, what should we do? Won't we all be arrested in the police station?"


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