Xiao xuansi shriveled her mouth with indifference. He just hit the leg acupoints of the two security guards with his internal strength, making their muscles soft. A strong man of more than 100 kg has weak legs. Can't he fall?

For Xiao Xuan, who has entered the congenital realm, the retraction and release of internal strength can naturally do whatever he wants.

If there are martial arts experts present, they will naturally guess and react. But those present were just ordinary people. In their view, Xiao Xuan's skill was naturally mysterious.

In particular, the two foreigners felt like they had seen a ghost and wanted to hide away immediately. After all, in their opinion, Xiao Xuan can make them fall into a dead dog master if he doesn't move!

Even if their companions poured out of the hotel, they couldn't summon up their courage again.

"What's going on? Two losers, they can't handle a small thing. Don't drive them away? How can we do business like this?" as soon as the manager of the hotel security department came out, his eyes first brushed the black security guard's face with contempt, and then stayed on Xiao Xuan, with his arrogance not disguised.

Although he didn't know how Xiao Xuan did not move and made his two men miserable as dogs, he knew that Xiao Xuan was dead and dared to make trouble at the door of Provence Hotel!

"Peter, he is a magical Chinese. He seems to know magic. He is very powerful. I think we......" the black security guard said loudly.

As soon as the manager frowned, he heard the voice of a woman among the onlookers, "now there are foreigners who believe that Chinese people can spell this kind of pediatric joke? Hehe... Just playing tricks!"

The security manager looked at the talking woman and looked familiar. It seemed that she was a Chinese female star who came to the film festival. Listening to her words, he felt that the ignorance of the substitute blushed, and that Xiao Xuan's group of people affected the image of the hotel too much.

With a big hand, he pointed to Xiao Xuan and opened his mouth and said, "you guys leave quickly, or I'll let you know. Cannes is not your territory..."

Xiao Xuan glanced at the Chinese female star who was talking. She seemed to have just come out of the hotel. He didn't know her, but the woman opened her mouth and didn't help her. Instead, she joked. He couldn't help but pick his eyebrows, but he didn't bother to care. He took out her mobile phone and looked at the time.

Before he could speak, sister he behind him opened her mouth angrily and said to the security manager, "don't you give an account of today's affairs, do you think we will go?"

"Shame has been thrown abroad?! what a show!" the female star said again in a low voice.

"Oh, is Miss Zhang talking like this to help tabloid reporters make headlines when they hear it? If your compatriots are in trouble, at least help them!"

I don't know where another woman appeared. The woman was also dressed in a dress. It seemed that she was going to walk on the red carpet and was about to go out.

"Miss Yang is the first time to Cannes. She must not know much about Cannes' laws. She'd better make up lessons first so that she can judge right and wrong before speaking!"

"Don't mention right and wrong first, but if our compatriots are in trouble outside, they should always help!"

Xiao Xuan couldn't help rolling his eyes. Mom, he didn't know either of the two women. It can only be said that the current stars are too hard. In order to be exposed in the entertainment news, he dared to rush up and touch any shit.

However, what the "Miss Yang" said made Yuya feel very comfortable. Even if it was a show, it was also comfortable.

Miss Yang turned to the security manager and said with a smile: "Hello, I think no matter what problem, we can solve it through negotiation, can't we? I'm also a VIP customer of your hotel. Can I..."

Just before he finished, the security manager said, "my request is very simple, that is, they all leave quickly!"

Xiao Xuan is happy. He wants to see what this "nosy" female star should do! The idea of such a prank just came out of my heart, but I saw the woman's slender waist swaying and smiling, and Nuo generously walked towards Xiao Xuan.

"Hello, I'm Yang Liying! If you don't mind my meddling, brothers and sisters, can you give me some thin noodles? Let's forget it first. If you can come here to live, you must be dignified people in China. If you are photographed by tabloid reporters, everyone will have no face!"

The woman is very talkative, and her words seem to have some meaning of sincere mediation.

But Xiao Xuan didn't seem to give her face at all and said, "it's impossible. They don't cut land and make reparations today. Ah, bah, it's an apology. If they don't make an apology, I'll definitely spend it here. Anyway, no one knows me here..."


Yang Liying is a little stunned and speechless. Although she is not as famous as Miss Zhang in China, she is also a new four young Huadan. Otherwise, how can she be qualified to come to Cannes? What's more, she is a famous goddess on the Chinese Internet!

At least after becoming famous, few men refuse her so directly.

However, Xiao Xuan's next sentence saved her some face, but he heard Xiao Xuan say: "Miss Yang said a fair word, which is much better than some bitches who kneel and lick their parents! Then what should you do? We'll solve our own business by ourselves!"

Xiao Xuan's words were so vulgar that Miss Zhang lost face for a moment. She whispered to her assistant. The assistant ran to the security manager and didn't know what to say. She hated Xiao Xuan, scolded something, and then turned away.

As soon as Miss Zhang left, the security manager was so angry that he waved to the line of security guards around him and said, "do it, throw it away!"

When Yang Liying saw this, her face became a little ugly. Xiao Xuan was very calm, lit a cigarette and said slowly: "I advise you fools to apologize. Apologize quickly. If you should lose money, wait, it's not as simple as apologizing and losing money!"

"Asshole, is he crazy? He wants to blackmail us in broad daylight?" the security manager said in an exaggerated voice.

A word didn't fall, but I saw a few guys in expensive suits running out of the door of the hotel. The young man with blond hair and blue eyes, led by him, looked like trotting all the way.

As soon as he came over, he slapped the security manager and scolded, "you bastard are crazy!"

The security manager was stunned by a slap. He turned and just wanted to scold his mother, but he stayed where he was and said, "Mr. Philip, why are you here?"

"Roll aside, there's no place for you to talk!" he said. The young man immediately turned around and said politely, "Mr. Xiao, I'm very sorry. I don't know. These are your friends, and I haven't received the news of your coming! Your adults have a lot of..."

Before he finished, Xiao Xuan snorted and said, "if the genius bastard dares to continue watching the excitement, I'm ready to break his neck now."

Philip smiled bitterly. The mutual teasing between "big people" made it difficult for small people like him to survive.

Although he didn't know Xiao Xuan, the weight of another VIP he was entertaining was enough for his father to treat him respectfully.

He knows what happened at the hotel last night. But being kicked as another shareholder of the hotel, he naturally can only turn a blind eye. tqR1

Even just now, he knows. But Mr. genius, who had been accompanying him, said he wanted to see a good play and was not allowed to mind his own business. Until half a minute ago, genius suddenly said that if he didn't hurry down to solve it, Xiao Xuan would tear down the hotel!

Can NIMA blame him? He's the cream in that sandwich!

Philip flattered Xiao Xuan, and the security manager was stunned and respected Philip. The sharp contrast between the two sides stunned everyone.

"How to solve the problem, you say!" Xiao Xuan bared his teeth and said with a big stab.

Philip wiped the cold sweat on his head, and he felt that he could not afford to offend anyone who could make a genius say that. Moreover, he could see that genius was joking in good faith. He might have a good relationship with Mr. Xiao in front of him. If he didn't handle it properly, he was afraid that he would offend two big people at one time.

After a little meditation, Philip opened his mouth and said: "This is wrong with our hotel. We will apologize, compensate you for your losses, and enter the superior room of our hotel for free. We will also give you a VIP gold card! You can enjoy a 50% discount when you enter the Provence Hotel all over the world. In addition, I will severely punish the security guards involved. Is Mr. Xiao satisfied with this handling?"

Philip spoke this passage in English, and almost most of the people present heard it clearly.

Before Xiao Xuan spoke, the others took a breath. This apology is too sincere!?

Yang Liying did not expect that after such a long quarrel, the matter would be solved in this way.

But Xiao Xuan clearly knows the big people here. Then why are you still deadlocked with several small security guards for so long?

Not only did Yang Liying think so, but Yuya's employees were also curious. They didn't know that Xiao xuanlai soon guessed that the genius was here!

At first, genius imagined that Xiao Xuan would take the initiative to call him in order to save trouble, and then he could be small. As a result, wait and wait. Is Xiao Xuan really him? He doesn't mind falling in price. He broke up with a group of small security guards downstairs.

Genius couldn't sit still. He was afraid that Xiao XuanZhen would tear it down! He quickly kicked Philip down to solve the problem.

I have to. Philip is very good at it, but the matter has been solved in good faith. Unexpectedly, Xiao Xuan waved his big hand and snorted coldly, "where are you sending beggars? A VIP card is used for farting?"

Philip almost knelt. NIMA can't do it yet. What's going on?

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