Xiao Xuan grinned, revealing a faint smile. The genius bastard played with him. He had to let ya know why the flowers are so red today.

"Well, there are so many of us standing at the door for a long time. We are exposed to the wind and the sun. We have been abused and suffered great mental damage. How about the spiritual loss? And how about the saliva money? In order to solve this small matter, I flew from Japan. How about the travel expenses?"




The first half of Xiao Xuan's wonderful words still feel like that, but the second half makes people instantly know what the bully bandit style is!

Everyone's heart was trampled by 100000 grass mud horses in an instant, especially Yang Liying. She knows that the Provence Hotel is very famous and has a background in Cannes and even France. Xiao Xuan is so straightforward and naked "blackmail"!

Most importantly, Philip was constipated and didn't dare to fart.

Yang Liying looked at Xiao Xuan for a few more eyes. She was wearing ordinary clothes and holding a cigarette obliquely. She looked like a little gangster on the streets of China, but it happened that she was such an ugly guy with so much energy.

Fortunately, she just looked like a "big sister" who came out for peace. When she remembered, she couldn't help blushing.

Yuya's people were so surprised that their chin almost fell off! The legendary Yuya and even the first little white face in Nanhai city don't seem to live up to the name.

"Xiao, Mr. Xiao, why don't we go first?" Philip whispered, wiping off his cold sweat.

Xiao Xuan lost his cigarette butt and waved his big hand, "it can't be solved. I'm not going anywhere! Our group of people are staying at the door!"



"Minister Xiao is so awesome!"

"Yes, I'm so big. I've never seen a rascal play so handsome!" tqr1

"Play a rogue? Try one and see if the security guard can tear you apart? Is that a mind?"

"It's almost as good as a reward!"


Yuya whispered, but no matter what came in his ear, Xiao Xuan was like that Lao Tzu was wronged and couldn't get a satisfactory answer, he would die with you!

Yang Liying is also convinced. She has seen many rich people. They all regard face as extremely important and face first outside. As long as they save face, peace is most valuable in other things.

She has never seen a shameless master like Xiao Xuan.

But she also saw that she couldn't use her here, so she picked up her skirt and was ready to turn around and leave.

Just as I turned around, I heard Xiao Xuan's voice ring out and said, "let's not talk about our compensation first. The young lady is so beautiful. Aren't you going to give her a VIP gold card? And what's Miss Zhang? What's her full name? I don't know. Anyway, it's Sister Zhang. She's ugly and affects the appearance of the city. Don't you throw out her salute?"




Philip's young heart, which was cherished by the stars and the moon, has been trampled into countless fragments by millions of grass and mud horses, and can't be glued into a whole in this life!

What are you trying to do?

Is this the "Wulitou" thinking mode of Huaxia Xiangjiang fan'er? As Cannes, a place with film festival culture, Philip can't help thinking of the magical brain circuit of the protagonist in "Wulitou film"!

"Well, Mr. Shaw, I'll do as you tell me!" Philip just wanted to solve the immediate problem. There are more and more onlookers at the door, which has a negative impact... If the one upstairs is not a genius, but any other rich childe, even the Royal Baron, he can't wait to go up and ask, what is this wonderful flower of China in front of him? Can you kill him... If you can, he will not hesitate!

But the man upstairs is a genius. His father, who is a descendant of the aristocratic family in France in the last century, said that the power of genius loyalty is a very noble and powerful existence, which makes him easy to deal with on weekdays!

Yang Liying's delicate body gave a slight meal. Although a VIP gold card was not enough to make her cry of gratitude, she felt that people like Xiao Xuan were really rare. If there was good, she would thank and if there was hatred, she would repay?

"Miss Yang, the time is coming. We have to hurry!"

Listening to the assistant's reminder, Yang Liying smiled back at Xiao Xuan and left quietly.

Before taking a few steps, Philip's voice sounded: "make arrangements quickly, change Miss Yang's VIP gold card, and immediately contact Miss Zhang to let her pack up and leave..."


"Mr. Shaw, are you satisfied with this?" Philip asked carefully.

Xiao Xuan rubbed his nose, turned around and asked Yuya's colleagues, "how do you calculate the mental loss fee? Let's eat, drink and have fun. They are all free of charge. How about compensating US 10000 francs?"



Mom, is this a tour? Are you here to rob? People spend money on tourism, but they have to make money even if they don't pay public expenses for tourism? 10000 francs, equivalent to Chinese currency, 60000 yuan!

Yuya's people didn't react for a moment. Xiao Xuan said again, "there's no pit sound? That's too little for 10000? How about 20000?"



Philip immediately looked sad and said, "twenty thousand is no problem. I'll write a check right away! Although this can't be compensated from the position of the company, I'm personally willing to pay this money. I'll make friends with you..."

Philip was afraid that Xiao Xuan would shout again, so he opened his mouth and said quickly. The words also directly revealed that this is his own private money. How to play with genius, let him go.

Yuya's people heard that such a person had made 20000 francs, equivalent to 100000 Chinese coins. Their eyes almost fell to the ground and couldn't pick them up.

But Xiao Xuan was not satisfied. He smacked his tongue and said, "you are a reasonable person. I'm not good. It's too difficult for you. Twenty thousand for one person! How about my saliva fee?"



Is it over? Is it over? Is there a limit to NIMA's robbery? Zhou peipi is not as black as you, is it?

Xiao Xuan doesn't care. He's shameless anyway. He has to bully Philip and let this guy go back and settle accounts with genius in order to have fun.

Philip twitched in the corners of his mouth and was almost crying! Who did he provoke? Genius provokes the basket, and all the sins are on him! No, he must let the old man know that he was forced by the genius pit this time! You lose money and lose face. You can't see anyone in the future

"You are becoming more and more shameless. You are also a person with status and status. You are losing all my face..."

A young man in his twenties with a pale Asian face came out of the hotel, pointed to Xiao Xuan, shouted in Chinese and ran out!

With black framed glasses, he looks very literate and bookish, which will make people's first impression. The only thing is that his walking posture is a little strange, like a little lame.

Before the guy approached, Philip greeted him like an amnesty and said, "brother genius, you have to help me with today's things..."

When Philip had just finished his last word, he found that the "brother genius" in front of him suddenly "flew" away

When his eyes caught the figure of genius again, he saw that the guy's neatly combed hair had become a chicken nest, the lens on one side of the black rimmed glasses had been broken, the eye frame was crooked, his nose was blue and blue, his head was bowed, and a tearful little quilt stood next to Xiao Xuan!

Xiao Xuan clapped his hands, put his hands into his trouser pocket again, as if he wasn't the one who hit people, and said, "you really give me skills. Why? Watch the excitement? Is the excitement good?"

"It's not good-looking! But it can be a news to some old people at home!" the genius said wrongfully with a flat mouth.

"..." Xiao Xuan rolled his eyes and knew that the old immortal in the mouth of genius was the people who looked after the house of the ghost.

"You hit me again. You hit me every time. I want to tell the widow that you broke my glasses again!" the genius said, muttering in a disgusting voice.

Xiao Xuan said angrily, "go away, talk to me again in this tone, and poison your voice first!"



See a scold, scold and blackmail, blackmail is not enough, but also beat people!

The key is that the victim shows that you beat me and scold me. As long as you are not angry, it's good to be "sensational"!

Forgive that China has overthrown the feudal society for hundreds of years. They have not seen this wonderful and unimaginable magical scene of slaves to their masters.

Xiao Xuan felt his forehead awkwardly and said, "well, since sister he said so, go up!"

"Xiao Xuan, I hate you. I have no status. I work hard at home every day. As a result, no woman can speak well. You are much more polite to her than me!" the genius pointed to sister he.



Looking at the meaningful, pondering and all kinds of prying and guessing eyes of Yu Yazhu's colleagues, Xiao Xuan once again had the impulse to strangle the genius!

Do you want him to do experiments at home? This is your hobby. I give money and place, and I have to frame me!

"Get out of here! Sister he, the Secretary, and my colleagues, listen to me. This psychopath was just released from the psychosis Hospital..." Xiao Xuan followed sister he's group of people in a hurry!

The genius smiled and said, "it's no use explaining. Your pretty wife is still in the police station! I won't help because I'm jealous and jealous..."

"Genius, come here, come here, I promise I won't kill you, I'm not Xiao Xuan..."

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