"Don't dare! Mr. Xiao said he wanted to see the film, and I came to deliver the tickets for you. I asked Philip, and he said that about 30 tickets would be enough. But because the VIP tickets in the first row are really limited, I only got three. But don't worry, all the tickets are the best in the first four rows!"

Bernard's tone involuntarily flattered him and respectfully handed over a stack of movie tickets.

Xiao Xuan smiled and said, "thank you, Mr. Mayor! Philip, you should thank Mr. Mayor for me!"

Philip's mouth twitched. Xiao Xuan and genius, the master and servant, were a complex of Zhou peipi and Huang Shiren, but they couldn't help but be a little happy. If Xiao Xuan and genius existed at this level, they could take care of the Philip family in the future, the business would be profitable.

"Mr. Xiao, don't worry! Mr. Mayor, let's go down together. I just want to talk to you about the investment plan of beach line 3!" Philip said, gesturing to his men to clean up the mess, and took Bernard and left.

Xiao Xuan looked at the back of the two men and praised Philip for being a current affairs guy. He should take care of them when he has a chance in the future.

Zhang Yue looked at the stack of movie tickets in Xiao Xuan's hand and couldn't cry or laugh. The mayor of Cannes personally delivered the tickets. I'm afraid no one will believe it. Even if she didn't see it with her own eyes, she couldn't believe it.

Most of the films that can be selected for the premiere of Cannes Film Festival are good films. More importantly, it is still very exciting for ordinary people to sit there and watch movies with a group of international stars.

Although Xiao Xuan was not interested, he thought that Yuya's colleagues would like it. After all, it's a group of women!

"Take these tickets to sister he and them later! They must be interested in this!" Xiao Xuan handed the tickets to Zhang Yue and said.

"Won't you go?" Zhang Yue asked.

"Oh, I don't think Su Mei will go!" Xiao Xuan said with a smile. He wished Su Mei wouldn't go anywhere so that he could carry on his unfinished business to the end.

At the thought of being able to press Su Mei down and eat, Xiao Xuan's belly was hot!

"I'll go to the movies too!" Su Mei just came out of her bedroom. Hearing Xiao Xuan's words, she immediately understood what this guy wanted to do. Her pretty face was red and said aloud.

Zhang Yue glanced at the "affectionate" couple. She felt inexplicably sad and felt superfluous. She raised the movie ticket in her hand and said, "I'll go to sister he to send them tickets!"

He was about to go out, but Su Guoer thought of something and made a noise.

"Brother Xiao, just now you said you wanted the mayor to deal with brugosen and them. Won't my contract with them count?"

Xiao Xuan did not speak, but saw Su Mei come forward, holding Su Guo'er's little hand and saying, "let him help you with your business. Let's go to the movies..."

Su Guo'er was stunned, then reacted, made a face at Xiao Xuan and said, "then thank sister Su and her brother-in-law!"

Xiao Xuan scolded Su Guoer's little devil. Brother Xiao's first sentence and brother-in-law's second sentence immediately became his brother-in-law. This flattering skill is almost as good as Jinbeibei.

Looking at the three women walking out, Xiao Xuandan painfully touched his mobile phone and called genius. His voice was very calm and said, "check if there is suguo'er on Guadeloupe Martin Island and send her personal information to my email!" tqr1

I don't know what the genius said, Xiao Xuan put away his mobile phone, ran after Su Mei's three women with long legs, and even said, "wife, take me to the movies..."


Cannes Film Festival is worthy of being one of the film festivals with the highest gold content. There are many stars and many Hollywood stars.

As soon as Yuya's group of women came in, they were so excited that their eyes lit up. Because the movie tickets are all in the front row, you can almost see many stars who come to watch the movie at a close distance.

"Minister Xiao, you are so powerful!" a group of women chattered and praised Xiao Xuan again and again.

Xiao xuanmei Zizi's Sao Bao responded. In his opinion, if Su Mei wasn't present, these women would come up and kiss one by one.

A group of people took their seats happily. Su Mei, Su Guo'er and Xiao Xuan sat in the first row without accident. Zhang Yue was supposed to sit in front, but Zhang Yue refused to say anything. I don't know if she doesn't want to sit next to Su Mei and Xiao Xuan. It's hard in her heart. She still gives Su Guoer a chance to be photographed.

Xiao Xuan didn't change his clothes when he came. He was still wearing that casual T-shirt and beige casual pants. His hair was messy. He washed it the day before yesterday.

It was nothing at all, but it was a bit weird to sit in the same row with those male and female stars with makeup.

In contrast, Su Mei and Su Guo'er, although they didn't clean up much, they couldn't stand the natural beauty. One was wearing a long black spinning skirt, cold and noble, and the other was a white lace skirt, young and beautiful. They sat there quietly, and even if they were light makeup, they wouldn't be obviously gorgeous by women.

"Hi, beautiful lady!" soon after Su Mei took her seat, the man next to her couldn't help but take the initiative to chat up.

Su Mei turned her head and looked. She was the big star swagger in Hollywood. She had powdered the big star in her youth!

Of course, fans are also graded. Screen fans can only support idols spiritually through computer screens, and stars are only used as pastimes in life. Intermediate powder, will spend a little money to buy idol records and DVDs. High grade powder is more willing to spend money, and even chase idols everywhere. Of course, the highest level of brain powder, chasing idols all over the world is light, and idols are their whole world!

As a star, I like brain powder best, because no matter what they say, brain powder will say that my baby is the strongest, the most handsome (beautiful) and the smartest in the universe

Su Mei was a senior fan of swagger for a while. At that time, she was still in college. She spent a lot of money on collecting the original DVDs of swagger's films. If it weren't for time, it is estimated that she would chase the idol all over the world at that time!

At this time, seeing the idol around, he also took the initiative to say hello. The president of the iceberg rarely showed a smile and pursed his mouth. His pretty face still had a trace of excited blush!

Xiao Xuanwen turned around, but happened to see Su Mei's blush and the foreigner who deliberately chatted up. He doesn't know who the foreigner is. To say Mr. Cang and Mr. Bo, Xiao xuangen may know one or two, but Xiao xuangen, a big male star who plays a muscle man, doesn't pay attention.

Unexpectedly, after a while, Su Mei whispered to the foreigner. Although she didn't hear what the foreigner was saying, Xiao Xuan was still very upset. The foreigner even looked at his wife!

Su Mei has always been true to men. I don't know if it's because of the idol effect. She has a rare chat with swagger.

The more Xiao Xuan saw it, the more unhappy it was. The foreigner even shook Xiao Xuan's jade hand. "Wife, let's change seats!"

Su Mei saw her idol at a close distance. She didn't notice Xiao Xuan's jealous eyes at all. She asked blankly, "huh?"

Su Guo'er kept secretly looking at Xiao Xuan and burst out laughing! Xiao Xuan was so angry with Su Mei's innocent little eyes that he bled inside, deflated his mouth and said, "this middle position is more comfortable, and Su Guo'er can talk about the movie with you later!"

"It's hard to chat when watching movies. What movie does Su Guoer want to talk about with me?" Su Mei still doesn't understand that Xiao Xuan just doesn't like her to be a foreigner.

Su Guoer finally couldn't help laughing, giggled and said, "brother Xiao, you look jealous. It's fun..."

Xiao Xuan rolled his eyes and said, "nonsense, brother, a man with a jade tree facing the wind, will be jealous?" he couldn't help pulling Su Mei, sat down on Su Mei's seat and stuffed Su Mei in the middle!

Swagger looked at Xiao Xuan's move. He felt inexplicable at first, then picked his eyebrows, but didn't say much. Just took out a personal business card and handed it to Su Mei!

Xiao Xuanda stabbed the card and said in English, "I'll take the card for my wife!"

Swag's face flashed a surprise. Obviously, he couldn't believe that this slightly sloppy guy in front of him would be the husband of such a beautiful woman! But he didn't talk much, just a little contempt for Xiao Xuan flashed in his eyes.

Xiao Xuancai didn't care what he thought. Anyway, the film began to play and concentrated on watching the film.

Su Meixian was a little angry, but when she saw the angry expression on Xiao Xuan's face, she inexplicably felt a little proud! In addition, the film started broadcasting, so I didn't care any more.

The film shows love 3D, which is the work of Gaspar Nuo and has not been released in China. Of course, it is impossible to release this film in China because of its large scale and can not pass the review.

Three minutes after the film began, Su Mei and Su Guoer's pretty faces were covered with red gauze. The scenes of the male and female protagonists rolling their sheets began

Xiao Xuan smacked his tongue. He really didn't expect that it was Gaspar Nuo's film. He once saw that guy. The whole person is a schizophrenic artist! His film scale is large enough to make Japanese AV directors feel ashamed and collectively hit the wall.

Twelve minutes later, the protagonist and heroine began to roll the sheets again!

Twenty eight minutes later, the hero and heroine rolled again

Thirty seven minutes, the hero and two heroines roll all kinds, and one roll is as long as 8 minutes!


Xiao Xuan watched it with interest, but he watched Su Mei's expression while watching the film! Europeans with a more unrestrained concept of relativity, Su Mei and Su Guo'er, two Chinese women who haven't even seen AV, are on pins and needles at this time!

In particular, Su Mei's face was red and her breathing was a little short. She was shy and had a somewhat strong self calmness, which made Xiao Xuan want to take her home immediately and let her passion take off

Xiao Xuanhao was an understanding speaker and said with emotion: "you know what? Douglas and Fassbender said that to complete a popular play, we need essence, liquid, violence and tears. This is the film!"

"Vulgar!" Su Mei spat and replied in a voice like a mosquito.

"It's not vulgar, it's a movie! It's not always the same tune in foreign movies! Gaspar Nuo's movie effect is usually that men watch hard and women cry. What's the name of his last movie, oh," irrevocable " , a reporter got carsick and vomited because of the constantly shaking subjective lens, and more than 20 viewers fainted directly because of the too exciting lens and the smell of vomit! Compared with today, this film is still small and fresh! "

Xiao Xuan smacked his tongue and whispered with a smile.

Su Mei has a red face. She has also heard about the heavy taste of the film irrevocable, but the scale of the film is quite large. When she thought that Xiao Xuan deliberately said this, she didn't want to answer.

In front of this 135 minute film, 14 large-scale clips, the total length of passion is 33 minutes!

The other female audience were really crying, but the group of Yuya women, including Su Mei, were all pretty and flushed.

There is an illusion and excitement of gathering people to watch AV. Gathering people to watch AV is illegal in China!

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