After coming out of the set, there should have been a heated discussion about the film, but at this time, these women are all pretty red faced and embarrassed to speak loudly. If it weren't for Su Mei, they all wanted to ask Xiao Xuan if they had deliberately taken them to see such a large-scale film. Did they have ulterior motives!

Of course Xiao Xuan has ulterior motives, but this heart is used on Su Mei.

Swagger was obviously really interested in Su Mei. He ran after Su Mei directly and wanted to chat up with Su Mei again.

But at this time, there was a man who chased faster than swagger, and that was Bernard.

"Mr. Xiao! Mr. Xiao, please stay!" Bernard shouted after Xiao Xuan.

Xiao Xuan stopped, turned to Bernard and asked with a smile, "Mr. Mayor, what's up?"

"There will be a celebrity party dinner in the evening. I wonder if Mr. Xiao is interested in appreciating?" Bernard said with a flattering smile.

"No time! Thank you for your kindness!" Xiao Xuan waved his hand and took Su Mei away!

Xiao Xuan is now focused on going back to the hotel to talk about "life ideal" with Su Meichang. Where are you interested in attending any shit dinner!

When Xiao Xuan refused, Bernard smiled and didn't say much. But swagger, who was just behind Bernard, was stunned. He had been to Cannes countless times, and he had seen Bernard, the mayor, but he had never seen Bernard talk to anyone so flattering!

For a moment, I was stunned and didn't come forward.

Xiao Xuangang raised his feet to go, but his mobile phone rang. The mobile phone ring of the Shanzhai machine was always particularly loud. The melody of the classic square dance track "lasso pole" broke. When it sounded from Xiao Xuan's trouser pocket, it attracted countless glances. Su Mei wanted to pretend she didn't know this guy.

Xiao Xuan was not embarrassed at all. He took out the phone and answered it. After listening to the phone, he picked up his eyebrows, frowned and said to Bernard: "I can't go at the invitation of Mr. Mayor. Please tell bernois that I'm going home tonight. I'll arrange a helicopter to leave directly later."

Bernard did not expect that Xiao Xuan should go, and even Su Mei was slightly stunned.

"OK, OK, I'll tell you!" Bernard said with a smile. This time his smile is particularly sincere... Can he be unhappy that the violent maniac is finally leaving?

Originally, swag, who despised Xiao Xuan, didn't dare to come forward again. He was completely stunned and scared in situ! It suddenly occurred to him that one should not judge by appearance.


Xiao Xuan was not wordy. After waving her hand, she hugged Su Mei's slim waist and left slowly. In the eyes of the public, although Su Mei was not used to Xiao Xuan's intimacy, she didn't want to blow Xiao Xuan's face too much, stiff and delicate, and sat in the car arranged by the hotel with Xiao Xuan.

Once back to the hotel, Xiao Xuan couldn't wait to follow Su Mei back to her room. Su Mei was worried when she saw that Xiao Xuan had been following her. Wouldn't she know Xiao Xuan's mind?

"Why do you always follow me? Why do you suddenly want to go back to China? You don't clean up if you want to go back to China?" Su Mei muttered.

"Hey, wife, are you reluctant to let me go?" Xiao Xuan said with a shameful smile. Then he sat down on the sofa and didn't mean to leave the room.

"..." Su Mei snorted, but she couldn't do anything with Xiao Xuan. Wu took her clothes and went to the bathroom for a bath. Xiao xuanle shouted, "wife, why don't we wash together?"

Where will Su Mei respond to him? As soon as I entered the bathroom, I locked the door.

Xiao Xuan was anxious to wait, but Su Mei's attitude, like Xiao Xuan's attitude of coming from Japan, still moved her very much!

Although she didn't say anything touching and grateful, her attitude towards Xiao Xuan obviously changed.

But Xiao Xuan suddenly said she was leaving, and Su Mei felt a little confused again.

Xiao Xuan didn't answer her directly, but subconsciously, Su Mei thought it must be because of other women. She didn't know all of Xiao Xuan's romantic affairs.

Su Mei felt uncomfortable at the thought of this! No woman is willing to share her husband and love with others, and so is she!

Xiao Xuan didn't know the thoughts in Su Mei's heart at this time. He was thinking with one heart. After Su Mei came out, the joy of fish and water would make friends

The sound of water in the bathroom is like an emotional rhythm note, which makes Xiao Xuanxin scratch like a cat!

About ten minutes later, Su Mei came out of the bathroom in her nightdress. Her slightly wet hair was still emitting hot water mist. Her hazy eyes and face without makeup after the bath made her a little less cold and more fresh and refined!

Xiao Xuan's eyes fixed on her. His eyes swept across the enchanting body, and a heat flow rolled through his throat!

"Do you want me so much? For men, the temptation brought by women's body is greater than everything?" Su Meiyu asked calmly with a towel in her hand and gently wiping the drops of water on her hair.

Wiping hair, which was originally a very ordinary job, is also particularly enchanted because of her beauty at this moment! Every move is a fatal temptation.

Xiao Xuan smiled and said, "wife, sage Kong has a saying that men and women have great desires for food. Eating and sex are human instinctive pursuit! Besides, we are legal husband and wife!"

Xiao Xuan, who knew the truth of beating a snake with a stick, was full of nonsense. Women are fickle. Maybe after this village, Su Mei will make trouble with him again if she has the wrong nerve. Xiao Xuan decided to conquer her in bed first!

"Legal husband and wife? It seems that the two sides of legal husband and wife don't allow other affairs outside?" Su Mei said faintly.

Xiao Xuan was stunned. Su Mei's words didn't taste right!

"Wife, I found that the window of this bedroom could see the beach!" Xiao Xuan cut off the topic. Su Mei's topic would be discussed, and his dream would be ruined.

But is Su Mei so easy to fool? She saw her slim waist swaying and went straight to Xiao Xuan. She looked at Xiao Xuan with half a ring and said, "Xiao Xuan, you said you would seriously fall in love with me, and I said I would seriously consider accepting you, right?"

It was the first time that Su Mei said so seriously about the relationship between the two people, but Xiao Xuan had a creepy illusion.

"Yes, wife, you finally understand your husband's good intentions and want to be a good husband and wife with me?" Xiao xuanqiang smiled and winked.

But Su Mei didn't eat it at all. Wu Zi continued, "I've convinced myself to accept you. I think, in a sense, you're a good partner..."

Xiao Xuan listened to what the woman wanted to express in the end? Have you really figured it out? Depression was not cured, but his brain became normal. He knew that he was an out of print good man rarely seen in a hundred years, so he decided to stay with him all his life?

"It's not impossible for you to be a real husband and wife with me, but you have to break off all your relationships with those women outside!"


Su Mei said, suddenly relaxed in her heart, with a black smile on her mouth, looking down at Xiao Xuan in amazement, like a winner above.

"Wife, this... I think... Well, the scenery outside the window is good..."

Xiao Xuan grinned and faltered again. The sharpness of this problem is simply a second kill attitude, with the effect of cold water, pouring out the "small flame" in his heart!

Fortunately, Su Mei didn't seem to be ready at all. Xiao Xuan immediately replied to him and said faintly: "take your time! When you break up with them, we might really be together! Otherwise..."

With that, the willow waist swung and went straight back to the bedroom!

Xiao Xuan wanted to follow him, but he couldn't break his leg. He broke off with other women. Xiao Xuan asked himself that he couldn't do it anyway.

It's true that he likes Su Mei, but it's not fake that he likes Bai Yujiao, sun Manyu and Liu Tao! What's more, those women are sincere to him!

Xiao Xuan sighed, poured out a cigarette from the cigarette box and lit it. He swallowed and puffed for a while. He heard the dripping sound of his mobile phone. When he opened it, it was genius who sent an email.

Entering the email page through his mobile phone, Xiao Xuan saw all the information about Su Guoer just sent by genius!

I don't know. After a big jump, Su Guoer actually has something to do with Su Mei, and the girl is not as simple as it seems!

It's impossible to know what happened with Su Mei today. Xiao Xuan walked out of the room slowly.

Hearing that Xiao Xuan left, Su Mei in the bedroom breathed a long breath. She didn't know what she would do if Xiao Xuangang really promised it! Men don't understand the needle in a woman's heart, even women sometimes don't understand it!


Xiao Xuan went out of Su Mei's room and went to Zhang Yue and Su Guo'er's room.

When Zhang Yue heard the doorbell ring, he opened the door to Xiao Xuan. He was slightly surprised and said, "Why are you here?"

"I have something to do with Su Guo'er!" Xiao Xuan said truthfully.

"Oh, come in!" Zhang Yue opened the door and Xiao Xuan stepped in.

When Su Guo'er saw Xiao Xuan, he was not restrained. He asked with a smile, "brother Xiao, what are you looking for me?"

Xiao Xuan pondered and said to Zhang Yue, "I want to talk to her alone, can I?"

Zhang Yue, who wanted to get water for Xiao Xuan, was stunned. Her face suddenly became ugly. When did she alienate Xiao Xuan to this point? Not even the new Su Guoer?

Zhang Yue felt something in her heart. Suddenly, it was like tearing. The pain made her feel suffocated for a moment. She reluctantly smiled and said, "OK, you talk. I'll go to sister he first!"

Xiao Xuan saw Zhang Yue's expression very unnatural and knew that she had misunderstood, "don't misunderstand, just talk to her about her personal affairs, so..."

"Don't explain, I should have gone out!" Zhang Yue said with a pun.

"..." Xiao Xuan was speechless and looked at Zhang Yue leaving, feeling a little flustered.

"Brother Xiao, are you and Sister Zhang Yue......" Su Guoer said something, and felt that he shouldn't talk nonsense. He covered his mouth and showed an embarrassed look!

Xiao Xuan's tongue was a little bitter. He waved his hand and said, "don't say that! I'm looking for you to talk about your problem!"

"My question?" Su Guoer blinked his big eyes and looked at Xiao Xuan blankly.

"Yes, I want to ask you what you plan to do in the future? Are you interested in going back to China? I don't think Su Mei will refuse her to have more sisters!" Xiao Xuan smiled meaningfully.

Before, I was like a patient with fantasy. I imagined that this lovely and beautiful sister-in-law would be my sister-in-law. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be true!

Su Guo'er widened his eyes and said in surprise, "how do you know I'm her sister..."

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