Xiao Xuan and big beard set off again according to the information and went to Sicily according to the information.

"My king, why is your guess so accurate every time!" bearded drove a speedboat across the Moxi Strait. Under the water mist, his beard trembled and excited. In his opinion, the most accurate judgment can seize the opportunity to the greatest extent.

"The main belief in Sicily is Catholicism, which is one of the places where the Pope is most respected. I would rather believe that the crystal fragments will be here than Cannes," Xiao Xuan said faintly.

Beard was silent for a moment. His mind was extraordinary, but he couldn't help but have the impulse to worship Xiao Xuan. In his opinion, the name of Xiao Xuan's ghost king is worthy of its name. The most reliable support of the ghost house is the mysterious skill and the mind that is difficult to figure out.

Xiao Xuan doesn't see things on the surface. When he gets the news, others will analyze the source and reliability of the news, but Xiao Xuan will analyze everything from subjective to objective, and will always see it more clearly first.

Beard asked himself if he had this ability. Other people in the ghost house were not as good as Xiao Xuan.

The so-called standing high and looking far is easier said than done. tqR1

The speedboat stopped at the pier in Sicily. Xiao Xuan and big beard landed. Before walking towards the destination, Xiao Xuan saw an old acquaintance from a distance.

At this time, the saber also saw Xiao Xuan. She was not surprised that Xiao Xuan also appeared here. When she looked at Xiao Xuan from a distance, she strode over.

"I guess you will come!" the saber was wearing a simple Beige windbreaker coat with jeans and leather boots. Under the gentle touch of the sea breeze, she looked a little more delicate than usual.

Of course, if anyone really thinks of her as a delicate woman, the saber in her boots will wipe your neck open with lightning!

Xiao Xuan shrugged his shoulders and said with a grin, "I just came to see the excitement!"

"The queen is still so beautiful. When standing with the ghost king, she is still such a good match!" beard obviously knew the saber, opened his mouth and said with a smile.

A sullen look flashed across the Saber's face and said, "mustache, do you believe I'll cut your throat? No one treats you as dumb if you don't speak!"

"If the queen wants me to die, I can end it myself. How can I bother you?" Beard said with a smile without fear.

Xiao Xuan didn't stop bearded from bickering. He was happy to see that the saber was depressed! This woman didn't give him less food before!

The body shape of the sabre moved slightly, and there was an additional sabre in his hand immediately. After pulling out a sabre flower, he said fiercely: "don't think your ghost king has a cow force. If any woman touches him, it will be bloody mildew for eight generations!"

Xiao Xuan was stunned. He suddenly thought of Ah Ying and Ling Yan. His mouth was astringent. He was ridiculed by the military knife. He was speechless to argue.

Beard still had to speak, but he could not see it far away. Someone in the saber team blew a loud whistle. The saber looked back and said to Xiao Xuan, "I hope we won't be the enemy today!"

Say, a few jump forward, return to the team and go again.

Xiao Xuan looked at it from a distance. As the captain of the secret service, jundao was not the leader in this team. It was a group of seven. There were two men and a woman in it. They were by no means secret service men. Both men seemed to be over 40, while the other woman was dressed up as a nun.

The three are at least the strength of great perfection the day after tomorrow. They are the pinnacle of ordinary martial arts in public.

The other four young men, including sabers, should be soldiers of the secret service team! It can be seen that the secret service is dominated by these three older guys.

Xiao Xuan lit a cigarette and looked back at the woman dressed up by the nun. He couldn't help but turn his mouth up. I think these Chinese people have established him as the strongest enemy today?

Huff and puff a few mouthfuls of smoke, Xiao Xuan said faintly, "follow them!"

"We follow them?" asked beard in surprise.

Xiao Xuan nodded and said, "follow them. They seem to have a clear destination. It's a little strange!"

"How do I think you followed the queen for fear of an accident..." beard muttered, but his feet were not slow, and hurried to follow Xiao Xuan to catch up with the Chinese people.


"Sabre, that bastard has been following us. Are you sure he didn't come against us?" the nun woman frowned and asked.

"Master Yunfeng, you worry too much! In my opinion, this guy is just cruel. Outsiders follow suit and boast how powerful he is. He's just a hairy boy in his twenties. Even if he keeps up with us, he's not afraid of making any moths!" the middle-aged man in his forties raised his eyebrows and smiled.

The saber didn't speak. Xiao Xuan followed them with such a big stab. Although she was worried, she couldn't say anything.

She couldn't disobey the three senior figures, but said, "master Yunfeng and elder martial brother Cheng, Taoist Mang, are the leaders of this action. Before coming, the leader has instructed that our secret service team will be dispatched by three!"

Master Yunfeng nodded slightly and didn't say much. But at this time, Xiao Xuan saw several ups and downs, and even directly chased over.

"Hey, hey, Hello, everyone! Anyway, everyone is Chinese. How about walking together?" Xiao Xuan grinned.

The corner of the Saber's mouth twitched. I didn't know what demon Xiao Xuan wanted to make. He said in a deep voice: "Xiao Xuan, don't fool around. Master Yunfeng is an eminent monk in pushou temple. Elder martial brother Cheng and crazy Taoist are practitioners of Zhongnan mountain. They are predecessors! We are a national task. How can you follow us?"

The sabre said this skillfully. On the one hand, it raised the identity of the three predecessors, and on the other hand, it was a wake-up call for Xiao Xuan.

"Hehe, just walking together. Why are you so nervous? Do you think so, mage?" Xiao Xuan said with a smile.

Master Yunfeng glanced at Xiao Xuan, opened his mouth and said, "you can catch up with us!"

With a roar, the seven collectively accelerated their speed! Xiao Xuan grinned and shouted to big beard, "big beard, hurry up!"

Speaking, I saw that the two groups of people were even stronger than their feet. Master Yunfeng was obviously a more powerful presence among these people. He was very fast at his feet and elegant as if walking with the wind!

Elder martial brother Cheng and crazy Taoist priest were slightly heavy, but they were very fast, and crazy Taoist priest was like drunk. They were staggering as soon as they were fast.

The four secret service guys are slightly worse than these three old things. But also with strong willpower to catch up.

Xiao Xuan followed him for a while, patted his beard on the shoulder, and said, "the mage really has good feet, boy, I'm willing to be defeated!"

He stopped chasing, and walked slowly behind with beard!

As soon as master Yunfeng looked back, he didn't see Xiao Xuan coming. He frowned and muttered, "what medicine does this boy sell in the gourd?"

"It's an embroidered pillow!" elder martial brother Cheng smiled proudly.

"Speed up and leave him alone!" master Yunfeng said in a deep voice.

It was a full three hours' walk until it was late and they stopped at the foot of Mount strobo!

The sky was full of stars and the wind in the Mediterranean was cool. Master Yunfeng said to camp. After that, the party began to set up tents!

They haven't seen Xiao Xuan since they separated from Xiao Xuan halfway.

The saber mobilized the smart watch on his wrist. After looking up some information about stebo mountain, he said with a little worry: "master Yunfeng, stebo mountain is an active volcano. I feel some, some uneasy!"

Master Yunfeng made a sound and said, "but the message we received is that the crystal fragments should be near the volcano!"

The saber didn't speak. She didn't even know the source, and she couldn't comment on it. It's hard to say. Their secret service personnel are just leading the way for these three elders this time, plus being responsible for their clothing, food, housing and transportation difficult to carry out in different languages.

There are two low hills near Shibo mountain. To be careful, the saber arranged two other brothers to occupy high positions and set up sniper points.

Elder martial brother Cheng and crazy Taoist both disapproved of the sabre arrangement. Obviously, they disdained it.

I don't know why, the saber was a little nervous. After sending two brothers, he didn't receive their reply again. The saber couldn't see their positioning on the positioning instrument of the smart watch!

You know, everyone's watch of the secret service is specially made and has GPS positioning! You can locate nearby brothers!

"Self righteous Chinese!"

"Hahaha, don't look, they're here!"

A few foreign voices suddenly appeared in the open field. As soon as the saber turned around, her eyes turned red. The two brothers she sent out were now covered in flesh and blood by two big men with brown hair, one in hand.

"Robot organization? Protect the Dharma under the throne of Ayu?" the saber exclaimed in surprise.

"Good eyesight! She is worthy of the title of Queen!"

Master Yunfeng and the other two came out, took a look at the European and Indian looking guys in front of them, and said in a deep voice, "since they are all here, they should rely on their abilities!"

"Each by his ability? I don't think it's necessary to rely on his ability. Wouldn't it be better for you to go on the road first?" the man who opened his mouth was an Indian looking man. The sinister light in his eyes flashed, and finally stayed on the saber, flashing a little evil.

The first reaction of the saber is a trap, which is a huge trap for their Chinese special service team.

She couldn't help thinking of two other teams, one to Nepal and the other to two teams in southern Tibet!

There are three teams involved in the operation of crystal fragments, but the source of information is not inside the secret service, and even the secret service personnel just cooperate with the operation. This has been making jundao nervous. Unexpectedly, her anxiety has become a reality.

"Just you?" master Yunfeng shouted coldly, then pulled out the soft sword hidden at his waist, which was a bit hard.

"The dead duck has a hard mouth. Today you are all buried under this volcano! But this beautiful woman can not die. The queen is also the woman of Asoka! I will dedicate you to my king!"

The Indian looking man said, like a huge peacock king, jumped down, and the target was a military knife.

"It's not good to fight and kill. You have to give my woman to others. You bastard is looking for death!"

A discordant voice sounded, but Xiao Xuan and big beard came slowly from afar.

"The ghost king is here too!" the Indian man looked at Xiao Xuan walking and said in surprise.

"Don't pretend. You've forced so much. You just don't do it. Aren't you waiting for me? You pretend to be surprised and don't act like it at all." Xiao Xuan said with a flat mouth and disdain.

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