When Zhao Sixi and his party, the brothers of Xiao Cheng guard, entered the large conference room on the top floor, Xiao Xuan was already sitting and waiting inside.



With a sound, he pulled back Xiao Xuan's thoughts floating out of the window. Xiao Xuan smiled, nodded slightly, pointed to his seat and said, "sit down! Where is the pestle?"

Zhao Sixi and his group took their seats one after another. It can be seen that they are all a little reserved. This is not because of Xiao Xuan, but because the shock of today's events has not dissipated.

"You must be very worried now. But just one word, you don't have to fuck your superfluous heart. Why should you continue to do?" Xiao Xuan said directly without superfluous words.

"But, but that's Jiang Tieshou!" said Zhao Sixi with a frown.

Xiao Xuan knocked on the table and asked, "what about Jiang iron wrist? Three heads and six arms? Four Xi, you should change your way of thinking. Remember, after reaching a certain height, some things are not rolling to win, but game!"

"Brother, let's talk about the game. What cards do we have to play the game with the Jiang family? I'm stupid and can't think of it." Zhao Sixi rubbed his forehead. He has grown up over the speed limit, but in the face of the over speed development and all kinds of extraordinary joy and troubles brought by Xiao Xuan's existence, his growth is still not enough!

Dong Dahai and Buddha looked at each other. They all suddenly thought that Xiao Xuan could say such a thing, that is, there was a card. This card was the existence of a big family like the yuan family.

Buddha came to the internal meeting of Xiao Xuanwei for the first time. Of course, in his opinion, Xiao Chengwei is at a critical juncture. He hopes that his life experience can help Xiao Xuanwei. However, it is obvious that Xiao Xuan knows the current situation better than him. It's not convenient for him to say too much on this occasion.

Dong Dahai opened his mouth and said: "Brother Xuan, what you said about the game, I think many brothers here know the art of checks and balances. But for brothers, no one knows your cards! For Xiaocheng guard, it's just a gangster or an underground Gang attached to you. To put it bluntly, you're the card of Xiaocheng guard. However, brothers don't know what your cards are. So brothers don't know I can't think of a game! I don't know my own chess pieces, cards, how to play? "

Sun Shilin and Yuan Wuji nodded deeply.

"Well said, I'm the bottom card of the brothers. Since I'm the bottom card, what are you worried about?" Xiao Xuan smiled and showed his white teeth. There are some things that these brothers should not be involved in, and the consequences are not what they can bear, so Xiao Xuan doesn't want to say more.

The brothers were not surprised at Xiao Xuan's reaction as if they had already discussed it. Who stood there was a human spirit. They all knew that Xiao Xuan was not an ordinary person. The existence of Jiang tiewrist was an old underground emperor such as the northern emperor Taoist priest. He couldn't be so arrogant when he saw it. But Xiao Xuan could kill his son and leave in a dignified manner. That's all It shows that Xiao Xuan has a more terrible identity, but it is not easy to say.

If brothers say they have no curiosity, it's false, but this is Xiao Xuan, their brother, eldest brother, who supports their backbone. They naturally can't say more about what he doesn't want to say.

Zhao Sixi sighed and said, "brother, you gave me everything. Naturally, I'm not worried about losing. I'm just worried about you! I think other brothers are the same."

Xiao Xuan pondered for a moment and said, "don't worry. Things are far from that. As the Buddha said, the yuan family is not alone in China. Even if it's really big, it's a big deal to destroy his family. I'll live abroad!"


Everyone is speechless. Xiao Xuan is too overbearing. He kills the whole family whenever he moves.

"Brother, you have said so, and the brothers have nothing to say. Anyway, it's the same. Zhao Sixi and brother Xuan live and die together. If you want to go abroad, I'll go too!" Zhao Sixi stood up and said forcefully.

"Me too!"

"Me too!"

"Don't be so numb. I'm going to take you abroad, and I'll also take some little girls. What are you doing with these stingy guys?" Xiao Xuan touched his nose and smiled.

"The opposite sex has no humanity..."


Xiao Xuan made a joke and suddenly relaxed the atmosphere. All the brothers stopped asking and talking. They are not heroes afraid of death. Naturally, they don't lack the courage of soldiers to block the water and cover the earth. Moreover, in the depths of their souls, there is a Xiao Xuan who will support their backbone and keep them from falling.

"Lion King, traceless, and Dong Dashan, go out with me!" Xiao Xuan pointed to the three and said.

These three people are the strongest fighting force of the first echelon of Xiaocheng guard. At this time, they were named by Xiao Xuan. They were all stunned. When they looked at each other, they all looked happy.

Xiao Xuan didn't stay long in Odie. He answered a phone call on the way and beckoned to leave with the three.

At Odie's door, however, I don't know when a modified black seven person car nanny car has been parked.

Said it was refitted because the car was completely bulletproof.

After sun Shilin, Yuan Wuji and Dong Dashan got on the bus, they all showed some curiosity, but the driver was too strange. They were all cautious people and didn't have a good time to ask questions.

Seeing this, Xiao Xuan opened his mouth and explained, "I promised an old guy to do me a little favor. Now I'm just in the past. I'll give you some advice on the way!"

Sun Shilin still wanted to ask questions, but yuan Wuji stopped him. Yuan Wuji, who was born in the army, has faintly reflected something.

The car sped all the way, drove for more than two hours, and drove directly into the mountains.

Seven turns and eight turns in the mountain, into an area like a depression. The car stopped by a big mountain out of a depression. About half a minute later, the rugged mountain burst open and opened a huge mountain gate.

The car slowly drove into the gate. After entering the gate, in the huge cave, various equipment and high-tech training venues seemed to be a secret training base.

No one can imagine that there is such a place around Nanhai city.

Yuan Wuji was calm. He was born in the special forces. Obviously, he didn't see such a training base. But Sun Shilin and Yuan Wuji obviously showed a little frightened look and looked at Xiao Xuan in surprise.

Xiao Xuan was calm and silent. He didn't get off until the car stopped steadily.

As soon as the party got off the bus, a man in camouflage came up and said respectfully to Xiao Xuan with a smile: "Mr. Xiao, the faucet is waiting for you inside!"

Then he glanced at Sun Shilin and his party. Obviously, he didn't know that sun Shilin and his party came here, and even was a little surprised. As a military base, not everyone can come!

But Xiao Xuan just stabbed and said, "these three are my friends. Take them around and I'll see the dragon head!"

The camouflage man nods his head, but his heart is full of stomach Fei. Do you want to go shopping? Visit your sister. This is a military base. Do you think it's a vegetable market? But in this case, he didn't dare to say it, so he could only nod.

Sun Shilin and Dong Dashan incarnate curious baby, follow the camouflage man, and ask questions when they see any machinery. But the camouflage man obviously didn't want to say more, mostly perfunctory. Yuan Wuji became a commentator.

The camouflage man looked at Yuan Wuji's endless introduction in surprise and asked, "how do you know so much?"

Yuan Wuji smiled and said, "Mr. Xiao has seen me before!"

Of course, Yuan Wuxian is lying, but he also knows that this statement is impeccable.

Sure enough, the camouflage man angrily shut up, and the three continued to visit the wide training ground.


After seven turns and eight turns, Xiao Xuan entered another empty cave. The faucet was smoking on the wide chair inside. Looking at the action of smoking, it seemed that he wanted to suck all the cigarettes into his lungs and replace them. Yes, smokers know that they only smoke like this when they are upset.

"You're trustworthy. I'm not afraid of such a big thing. I cheated you out?" the dragon head said if he pointed when he looked back at Xiao Xuan.

Xiao Xuan smiled and said calmly, "you can also try this. Maybe you can kill me successfully, so that you can have a big trouble in your heart!"

The faucet sighed and said, "I want to, but No. 1 is very optimistic about you."

Xiao Xuan frowned and pondered this sentence. After half a ring, he said, "how do you want to trade?"

Longtou took a deep look at Xiao Xuan. He admired the young man's wisdom. He only said two words and said, "save the market!"

Xiao Xuan raised his eyebrows and said, "I can't do it!"

"Think about it!" the dragon head said, waved his hand, stopped talking about this topic, and said, "let's talk about today's special training first!"

Xiao Xuan shrugged, "OK!". Having said that, Xiao Xuan could not help but secretly pay for the rescue of the market in the mouth of the leader. The collapse of the Greek economy led to the economic downturn in Europe and even the world. At this time, what international joke did NIMA make when he mentioned the rescue of the market? Can you think of him as the Rothschild family? Even today's Rothschild family is no better than it used to be.

It was just a turn in Xiao Xuan's mind. He vaguely felt that it was not so simple, but he no longer thought about it.

Wu Zi listened to the leader talking about training. It was agreed earlier to help the secret service train a combat team! Xiao Xuan didn't expect that Longtou would call him again at this time.

However, since he called, Xiao Xuan wouldn't think much, so he came by himself.

"Today's training is from the second combat echelon of our secret service! Come with me! Let me introduce it." the leader said and took Xiao Xuan to the training ground. tqR1

In the broad training ground with more than hundreds of acres, about 70 or 80 men and women are practicing free fighting.

When they saw the dragon head coming, they all paused and looked at the dragon head and Xiao Xuan around him.

"Mr. Xiao, this is the special training instructor I invited for you!" the leader pointed to Xiao Xuan and said.

Just as he finished, he heard an inharmonious voice: "with him?!"

The man who spoke had strong muscles and puffed like a bodybuilder. He glanced contemptuously at Xiao Xuan with his spirit and pride in his eyes.

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