Jian Sheng doesn't believe it. Xiao Xuan wants to kill everyone in the house.

But at this time, Xiao Xuan suddenly moved. He was standing three or four meters in front of Jiansheng. His body shape was just a meal. In an instant, his fist was in front of Jiansheng.

The sword was startled and quickly waved the sword. The silver light was wrong. The sound of the blade breaking the air was buzzing with the silver light. It was like that in a moment, thousands of blades in the air were woven into a net and blocked Xiao Xuan's fist.

Xiao Xuan nodded slightly, and Jiansheng really broke through.

"Xiao Xuan, you are too big!" before Jiansheng's voice fell, he saw that the silver light interlaced sword net became more powerful. Blinking, the silver net formed by the blade suddenly turned in a sudden direction, and turned around in a moment and hanged Xiao Xuan.

The sword light flickered everywhere in the air. Everyone stared and opened their mouth. It was so powerful and gorgeous. It was like a swordsman in a martial arts film. It was so powerful!

Jin Guozheng and those Japanese people, even those of Jin's collateral branch, flashed surprised and proud eyes, and looked at Xiao Xuan as if they were dead.

Huang Min and Jin Beibei looked at each other and couldn't help retreating half a step. Their mouth became dry. If something happened to Xiao Xuan, their mother and son could not get well today.

Even Huang Min couldn't help thinking about how Xiao xuanruo would end up if she was defeated?

Unexpectedly, in the face of such an attack, Xiao Xuan just smiled faintly and said, "I don't trust you, it's you who sit on the well and watch the sky!"

The sound of Xiao Xuan's words began, but he couldn't avoid it. The overwhelming sword blade was still the action of punching straight to the chest and directly hit the Jiansheng's chest.

Jiansheng's face changed greatly. Xiao Xuan was not afraid of his sword? It was one of the most incredible things he had ever seen. Before the breakthrough, his sword could cut iron and jade. Up to now, his powerful blade is powerful enough to split bulletproof vehicles and even refined steel tanks with one sword.

But Xiao Xuan was not afraid. His fist pierced the sword net, and his flesh did not avoid it.

This almost made his brain stop working at this moment. His sword couldn't penetrate the gang Qi mask in front of Xiao Xuan!

Jiansheng was at a loss to be subverted. He always thought that after birth, his strength would soar. He also really felt the confidence brought by the surge in strength perception after the breakthrough to the first day.

But Xiao Xuan broke all his self-confidence at this time.

Jiansheng suddenly thought of the last battle with Xiao Xuan. Xiao Xuan fanruo had to fight with all his strength.

But he broke through, and Xiao Xuan fought with him more easily! It's an overwhelming advantage. Jiansheng suddenly had two thoughts in his mind. Is it an illusion that Xiao Xuan fought with all his strength before? Or did Xiao Xuan break through one after another in this short ten month period?

In either case, Jiansheng was suddenly frightened.

How can you let miscellaneous thoughts arise when experts fight?

Jiansheng's thoughts undoubtedly accelerated his pace of failure.

Xiao Xuan's fist is so fast that it is synchronized with the thousands of turns in Jiansheng's brain. Jiansheng's idea has not been put down, and Xiao Xuan's fist has reached his chest.

Jiansheng is also worthy of being a master of fighting. He immediately waved his sword and blocked his fist. His action was as fast as lightning. Unexpectedly, under this situation, he did back defense.

He escaped from death and suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, but a mouthful of turbid air had not been completely vomited. He only heard a crisp bang, which was like the sound of metal collision. Yes, Jiansheng only felt the hand holding the sword, and a huge force came from the handle of the sword. He looked at it.

Xiao Xuan's fist collided with the sword blade. His fist was wrapped with internal strength. It was even harder than the sword born by the sword. He bumped the sword blade into several gaps. Needless to say, a huge and violent force erupted from the sword body.

The sword was so numb that it almost took off.

At this time, Xiao Xuan's second fist had reached him again. He only heard a dull bang. This time, his fist hit Jiansheng's chest.

Jiansheng didn't have time to defend, and he couldn't defend!

"Poof..." Jiansheng ejected a mouthful of thick blood on the spot. The whole person flew out upside down like a kite with a broken line and landed in the yard again.

Xiao Xuan turned his mouth slightly, slowly raised his feet and went out. Looking at Jiansheng, he was frightened and said lightly, "believe you are watching the sky?"

Jiansheng opened his mouth and vomited several mouthfuls of blood. He said repeatedly, "it's impossible, it's impossible!!! Have you turned into a God? No, it's impossible!"


Jiansheng's words were intermittent, but it was not difficult to hear his surprise. He couldn't believe it. He was defeated by Xiao Xuan so easily, but he had to believe the pain in his chest.

He is not the first day of his debut, nor is he the first time to fight with Xiao Xuan! As a true fighter, he has rich combat experience from the bottom to the present congenital state. His understanding, insight and opinions on martial arts are absolutely enough!

He firmly believed that even in the last war with Xiao Xuan, Xiao Xuan did not give his full strength, but at least 80% of his strength. But today, Xiao xuanmingxian did it easily.

If it is said that Xiao Xuan was born in the early stage, has Xiao Xuan become a God in just ten months? He didn't believe it until he died. tqR1

How could Xiao Xuan win so easily if he didn't turn into God?

Jiansheng has no doubt that even in the congenital middle stage, even in the perfect state, he can't touch his blade with his fist so recklessly. But Xiao Xuan did it.

Is that how Xiao Xuan did it?

Jiansheng was puzzled at this time, but no one would answer for him.

"I should have sent you on the road, but after all, there are women and children here! I'll send you a word, goodbye and kill!" Xiao Xuan stood in front of the door and looked down at Jiansheng and said slowly.

Then he turned around, glanced at Jin Guozheng and the group of Japanese, smiled and said, "do you want to fight? If you don't, I'll take someone first. If you want to fight, go on!"

Say, still have the mold to have a kind of waved a fist.

Jin Guozheng was frightened at this time. At the beginning of his contact with Mr. Matsumoto of Japan, he heard of Jiansheng's reputation. I also inquired about the power of Jiansheng. Unexpectedly, the young man he despised several times defeated him so easily.

Shi HengAn said that when Luohan was defeated, he scolded Luohan waste and secretly scolded Shaolin for all waste materials!

But now, it's not Shaolin's waste wood or sword's incompetence. But the guy in front of me is too powerful!

It's a thousand and ten thousand. It's too late now!

Jin Guozheng's forehead exuded cold sweat. He was really afraid that Xiao Xuan would slap him into a second-class disability. Subconsciously, he hid back and looked at the Japanese people indecisively.

"You hurt the guest of honor. We will report it to Mr. Matsumoto truthfully!" those Japanese people were obviously frightened. They only dared to move out of the great God behind them to press Xiao Xuan, and enben dared not come forward.

Xiao Xuan smiled contemptuously and said, "at will!"

Huang Min couldn't hide her excitement. She took Jin Beibei and ran to Xiao Xuan. She immediately came under the umbrella. Yes, she was suddenly relieved.

"Let's go!" Xiao Xuan took Huang Min in one hand and Jin Beibei in the other, so he swaggered to the door.

Although there are many bodyguards in the room, no one dares to speak.

Only Jin Guozheng, in a very unwilling voice, said Japanese words to the Japanese waves: "Mr. Watanabe, just let the mad dog go? What should we do about our affairs? How should we explain to Mr. Matsumoto?"

"Shut up! I'll naturally explain to Mr. Matsumoto. It's you. Think about how to explain to Mr. Matsumoto yourself. At this critical moment, you should provoke such a powerful enemy and delay the progress of things. You can't be redeemed!"

Jin Guozheng didn't expect that the Japanese couldn't help him. Instead, he turned upside down and suddenly looked pale. He staggered back for several steps and almost fell down. Fortunately, he was held by a member of the Jin family.

When Xiao Xuan heard those words, he just didn't hear them. He took Huang Min's mother and son straight out of Jin's house. After getting on the bus, he slowly asked Huang Min, "what treasure does your husband have? Even Japanese people are attracted?"

Huang Min's expression was strange. After half a ring, he said, "Jin Guoping is not my husband. Therefore, I don't know what he has!"

Xiao Xuan frowned and just wanted to say something, but heard Kim Bei Bei say, "uncle, my mother didn't lie to you. Well, I told you last time that I, I am a test tube baby. My father and mother are not husband and wife, and they are not married! They don't have much contact at ordinary times. My mother may not know so much about my father!"


Xiao Xuan rolled his eyes silently. Is there too much information in NIMA?

Huang Min doesn't get married and has children, which is still heavy news in the big family. This baby or a test tube baby? From this perspective, it is that Jin Guoping and Huang Min not only have no name of husband and wife, but also have no reality of husband and wife. Otherwise, why bother?

But then why have a Kim's child?

At this time, there were 100000 grass mud horses running wildly in Xiao Xuan's heart. Everything was so complicated!

Seeing Xiao Xuan's tangled face, Huang Min couldn't help smiling bitterly and said, "don't talk about this first, wait until you have a chance. But you said, you said Guoping wasn't dead? Are you sure?"

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