Huang Min couldn't wait to ask. Xiao Xuan smiled bitterly and said, "I'm not an immortal. How can I know people's life and death with a piece of clothes? It was just bluffing!"

"..." Huang Min laughed at herself. She was also concerned and confused, and regarded Xiao Xuan as a living immortal.

"Well, will my father, will he..." Jinbeibei opened her mouth several times, but she didn't dare to say the dead word.

Xiao Xuan touched his chin and said reluctantly, "I really don't know whether to live or die. However, the blood marks on that dress reminds me of some clues. I don't know if I can find someone back!"

Huang Min hurriedly said, "clues? What clues? Xiao Xuan, this time, you have to help me, help Beibei!"

Xiao Xuan bent his mouth and said with a funny smile, "what's the advantage of helping you?"

As soon as she heard the word "benefit", Huang Min's pretty face turned red. She knew what Xiao Xuan meant by weighing the "benefit" of his voice. Xiao Xuan didn't look right in front of Jinbeibei.

"Uncle, what benefits do you want? My father is so poor that he has only money left, and you don't care about money!" Jin Beibei didn't think so much. It's difficult for her. She's just a teenage girl. She's frightened many times. At this time, she doesn't think so much.

Xiao Xuan shrunk his mouth, smiled and said, "don't forget our agreement, Miss Huang!"

Huang Min can feel the hot eyes reflected from the rear-view mirror. If the mosquito sings, he doesn't look up at Xiao Xuan.

"The bloodstains and holes in my clothes remind me of the punishment rib blade and seven star whip. If I'm right, this is the punishment of extorting confessions only in the official secret prison. This method can be traced back to the period of the royal guards of the Ming Dynasty, and there are few rumors." Xiao Xuan talked about business.

"You, you mean Guoping was caught by the authorities? This, this is unlikely!" Huang Min stared at meimou incredulously. As for how Xiao Xuan knew so much, she was not curious. Xiao Xuan is one of the most magical men she has ever seen.

"In addition to the official, it may also be done by official people in private. Anyway, I'm afraid it's not that simple!" Xiao Xuan helped his forehead with a headache.

If before, Xiao Xuan would not care about this shit. Even at this moment, he still hesitated.

This kind of help is endless trouble. Xiao Xuan felt that there were enough troubles around him.

But at this time, the eager eyes of the mother and daughter made it difficult for him to refuse. Moreover, Huang Min owes more or less to her father.

Xiao Xuan couldn't refuse Huang Min at this time, but he was really too lazy to provoke these unnecessary troubles. He made up his mind and found out the whereabouts of Jin Guoping, regardless of everything else.

Without words, the car sped back to Nanhai city.

After Xiao Xuan sent Huang Min's mother and daughter home, he wanted to leave, but Huang Min stopped him, "Xiao Xuan, let's talk, you go back!"

"Hmm?" Xiao Xuan blinked his eyes and showed a bad smile.

Huang Min was flushed by Xiao Xuan's unscrupulous eyes. Her fingers poked Xiao Xuan's forehead and didn't have a good way: "you, I don't know what to pretend!"

"I thought you wanted to go away with me for a spring night! It seems that I am amorous again!" Xiao Xuan smacked his tongue.

"You just want to sleep with me?" Huang Minmei's eyes turned and suddenly reached out and stroked Xiao Xuan's cheek.

"If a beautiful girl doesn't sleep, she will be punished by heaven!" Xiao Xuan said seriously.

"..." Huang Min was speechless. What did he say! God knows what the hell is in this man's mind. What a mess of ideas. tqR1

Xiao Xuan approached Huang Min, some greedily sniffed the fragrance on Huang Min's hair, and said, "let's get down to business! Anyway, you're full of thoughts now, even if you eat you, you can't taste it!"

"You say, will Jin Guoping's affairs and my father's affairs be involved?" Huang Min opened her mouth and set Xiao Xuan in place.

Xiao Xuan showed a thoughtful look. He was silent for a while. He took a cigarette out of his pocket and puffed a few mouthfuls. He just said, "I don't know for the time being. If it is, it will be a lot of fun. Let's see first! Now we only guess through a little clue, and we can't draw any conclusion!"

Huang Min nodded and then said, "well, my father's illness... He has been in a coma for half a year!"

Xiao Xuan thought and said, "I can heal him, but no one can guarantee what will happen when he wakes up!"

Huang Min looked at Xiao Xuan incomprehensibly. Seeing that Xiao Xuan seemed to have doubts about stopping talking, he said, "it's a blessing or a disaster, but you can't avoid it."

Xiao Xuan thought that Huang Min's words made some sense, and said, "your father was contaminated with a treasure, or even a divine thing, which is regarded as the most precious treasure by governments all over the world, including China. Your father must not be the kind of person who doesn't know the importance, so even I can't guess what your father is plotting to contaminate it. Do you understand what I mean?"

Huang Min glared round her eyes. With her intelligence, she just understood the meaning of Xiao Xuan's words in the twinkling of an eye. What on earth is old man Huang plotting? In case of being contaminated with the taboo, old man Huang's awakening may mean that the Huang family is facing a disaster. But is it really as serious as Xiao Xuan said?

Xiao Xuan shrugged and didn't say more. Some things are not what ordinary people should know. Knowing more is not a good thing.

Huang Min's brain rotates rapidly. It seems that she is thinking of all kinds of things before and after her father's coma. For a time, she went away.

Xiao Xuan smiled and said, "don't think so much for the time being. When you get to the front of the mountain, say something else!"


At the same time, Jiansheng was lying on the hospital bed in the provincial capital, 303 hospital. After being seriously injured, his face was waxy yellow, like ruts, and his wrinkles seemed to be getting deeper and deeper. The whole face was full of sorrow and urge of bitter hatred.

The Taoist priest, dressed in Tang Dynasty, stood by the hospital bed, with a pipe in his mouth and an iron blue face.

"Old brother, you've suffered!" the Taoist priest sighed. At their age, eight sternum were broken, and one of them almost pierced the heart. If Jiansheng hadn't entered the congenital state, I'm afraid he would die if he was injured this time.

Jiansheng shook his head and said, "it doesn't matter. However, I didn't expect Xiao Xuan's shadow in the affairs of the Huang family. You probably don't know that Xiao Xuan's skill has reached the peak! Elder brother, you and I have been in the Jianghu for half a lifetime and have seen ups and downs, but this time, I have a bad feeling!"

The sternum is broken, and every breath is a pain deep into the soul. Jiansheng said many words at this time, which shows the degree of his worry.

The Taoist priest was silent for a long time before he said, "I know what you think. Don't worry first. It says that Xiao Xuan has a big hatred with the yuan family. If time is running out, there will be a disaster. If so, you and I are not afraid of him. Moreover, the importance of that thing to you and me is self-evident."

Jiansheng was silent for a while and said, "but if you cooperate with the Japanese, you will always seek the skin of the tiger! Please think about it, Taoist priest. My Jiansheng has been your sword for most of your life. When it comes, he will not say a word of No. I'm afraid it's a way of no return. You and I will never look back!"

I don't know whether it was a walk in life and death, or because the shock brought by Xiao Xuan was too fierce. The tone of Jiansheng was a little gray and cold.

Master Dao didn't speak. He just patted Jiansheng on the shoulder and walked outside the ward.

As soon as he got to the door, he saw a man jump out of the door and muttered to master Tao: "Sir, the goods have arrived. Mr. Matsumoto is very satisfied, but..."

Before he finished, he was slapped and shouted out by the Taoist priest and said, "what's the noise? Don't make the second master rest!"

The master said and pulled up the door of the ward.

Jiansheng sighed when he saw the door closed, and his eyes showed a little desolation. Master Tao and he are real brothers. In this life, they have no secrets. The only thing is the cooperation between master Tao and the Japanese. Although he disagreed, they were brothers. Besides, he was used to tossing things outside the martial arts by the Taoist priest.

He broke through his inborn nature and had too many new insights. Today, he fought with Xiao Xuan. He suddenly understood too many things! Jiansheng suddenly had a premonition that the Taoist priest and him had come to an end.

But what can he do at this time? Jiansheng closed his eyes and stopped thinking.


The Taoist priest hurried down the stairs with his confidant. After staring at the rash guy, he said, "come on, what did Mr. Matsumoto say?"

"Mr. Matsumoto said that the quality of the goods was good, but he wanted another thing." the guy quickly remitted the report with a cold sweat on his head.


"Master tape! Master tape of the minutes of several important people's meetings in the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China and the Cultural Revolution!"

"How could you want this?" the Taoist priest spat, and his face became a little dignified.

"I've checked. What they want is not a top secret thing. Moreover, I heard that a record company once got the repair project of those master tapes," the guy muttered.

"I know. I'll talk to Mr. Matsumoto about it myself!" the Taoist priest waved his hand and motioned him to go away.

Seeing that his confidant had gone far, Taoist priest took out his mobile phone and dialed out. Facing the other end of the phone, Taoist priest's identity also showed a somewhat humble tone and said, "old Chen, when can Xiao Xuan die? He has become a serious trouble!"

I don't know what the other end of the phone said. Taoist priest hung up with satisfaction.


Xiao Xuan didn't know there were many calculations. When he got home, he heard that Su Mei had gone to the company, so he hurried there.

Although he didn't come to the company these two days, according to Su Mei's previous arrangement, the establishment of the entertainment company was not delayed at all.

At this time, the new office building has been arranged in 7788, and several backbone employees have been in their respective positions, so the boss Xiao Xuan is in place.

Xiao Xuangang walked into the building of Yuya international headquarters, and the secretary came to find Xiao Xuan to go upstairs for a meeting. It's like Su Mei would have allowed Xiao Xuan to come to the company.

"This woman is becoming more and more demon!" Xiao Xuan touched his nose and walked slowly to the conference room. He didn't know what Su Mei would do today! “

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