Xiao Xuan walked slowly into the conference room. Su Mei looked up at Xiao Xuan, but she just nodded slightly and didn't speak.

Although she had obviously put on makeup, it was still difficult to hide the haggard color on her face. In those beautiful eyes, there was an indescribable and unidentified look of anxiety.

Xiao Xuan sat in the first seat on Su Mei's left, and the backbone managers of Yuya International were present at this time.

"Today's meeting has two contents, one is about the launch of new brands, and the other is about entertainment companies!" Su Mei said faintly.

"Mr. Su, the release of the new brand is all ready, but the endorsement star has not been determined!" the person in charge of the marketing department immediately responded.

"The entertainment company, well, should be on the track soon!" Xiao Xuan touched his chin and said. He knew Su Mei's purpose of asking him to come to the conference room. It was really business.

The listing of new brands, star endorsement and brand development complement each other. When the brand potential is small, stars can expand brand awareness. However, when the brand is loud enough, endorsement is also an improvement of star popularity. tqR1

If entertainment companies are on track, people who use their own companies will undoubtedly save money, trouble and some benefits.

But at present, the entertainment company has not yet taken shape, so taking a step back and launching the entertainment company and brand at the same time is also a better choice from the perspective of advertising effect.

Xiao Xuan sometimes had to admire Su Mei's business mind and means, as well as the woman's strength.

It looks soft and weak, but at the critical moment, it never falls off the chain because of emotion.

I thought what happened yesterday would have a great shadow on Su Mei. Unexpectedly, even then, she never relaxed her work.

Su Mei listened to the report and looked at the documents at hand from time to time. After being silent for a while, she said, "I hope the entertainment company can run ahead of the brand and make a successful reputation. Then the brand goes public. At the entertainment company, I hope President Xiao can take the trouble to operate quickly!"

Xiao Xuan shrugged and said, "there are only three means for an entertainment company to make a reputation: news, money and stars! It's not difficult! Give me a week!"

Xiao Xuan has never opened an entertainment company. However, he can count a basket of female stars who have slept, although they are mostly foreign. But the operation of entertainment companies is basically the same. He has heard of everything more or less.

Su Mei's spirit was frustrated and hit like that. She still couldn't forget her burden. Xiao Xuan had no reason not to help her. Besides, it's not difficult.

"One week? Mr. Xiao, you probably don't know that it's not so easy for current stars to talk about cooperation. The schedule of domestic first-class stars is very tight. It's hard to talk about cooperation and signing, even talking about meeting. Moreover, most of the capable stars have professional teams or contracts with powerful entertainment companies. I'm afraid it's not so easy..." Zhang Yue was afraid that Xiao Xuan didn't understand the situation and delayed things, so she quickly reminded him.

Of course, most of the people present know this, but they are all waiting to see Xiao Xuan boast, but they can't do anything. Where will anyone remind?

Xiao Xuan helped his forehead and said, "do you have to be a domestic star? Not abroad?"

As soon as Xiao Xuan said this, many people at the scene secretly laughed! If you can't handle domestic first-class stars, how can you handle foreign stars? How can a first-class star be willing to speak for a brand and a new brand? How many people in China know the second rate stars abroad? Where does it play the role of star effect? If foreign first-class stars, or the kind recognized by the Chinese people's Congress, they have risen to the height of international stars.

Ask international stars to endorse a new brand or even join a new entertainment company? How much does NIMA cost?

After this account is settled, I'm afraid Yuya international, whose business is particularly scattered due to transformation, can't bear it financially!

Zhang Yue smiled bitterly and said, "no, it's just..."

At this time, Su Mei suddenly said: "I have contacted song Xixue of South Korea before. She is a new generation of Korean wave star and has a high popularity in South Korea and China. Of course, she is only the endorsement of the brand in South Korea. Three days later, she will come to China to talk about joining and cooperation in detail."

"Song Xixue?! hiss..."


Everyone was a little stunned. They were all belly Fei. Su Mei didn't hesitate to spend money to help Xiao Xuan ascend. With song Xixue's current fame, the endorsement fee is really not low. This is obviously to help Xiao Xuan make the entertainment company smoothly.

"Then why not ask her to speak for the Chinese market?" Xiao Xuan touched his forehead and asked. Just as I asked, I reacted. I'm afraid it's because of the endorsement fee.


Xiao Xuan's problem is too stupid. Su Mei and Zhang Yue look at each other speechless, while the others present look like Xiao Xuan can't help the mud up the wall.

"Forget it, I'll take care of the entertainment company anyway. I'll go first if there's nothing else. It's a waste of time to have this meeting with you!" Xiao Xuan saw that everyone didn't believe he could run the entertainment company well!

No wonder they think so. Although Xiao Xuan has shown his extraordinary ability many times, he has never been in shape in his work.

However, Su Mei has always been a strong woman. In contrast, Xiao Xuan's working ability is worrying. Although everyone doesn't say that Xiao Xuan is not worthy of Su Mei, it's right to be rich and powerful these days. However, compared with Su Mei's work maniac ability, Xiao Xuan's ability to work in the company is obviously not recognized.

Xiao Xuan stood up and was about to leave. Su Mei didn't speak, but her pink face was slightly cold.

"Anyway, I promise to sign three domestic first-line stars, five second-line stars and one international star within a week. In addition, how about ensuring that there are at least two star platforms at the new brand launch?" Xiao Xuan said to Su Mei with a smile.

Zhang Yue broke her fingers and calculated. NIMA had to spend $1.8 billion to do what Xiao Xuan said. But it really costs $1.8 billion. It's not worth it. Yuya international is short of money now. Although it has fought a turnaround in the stock market, Yuya's share price has soared and its intangible assets have expanded n times, but this non real capital, those real profits, and because all the 10 billion funds are loans, there is not much left after all the funds are returned.

In addition, Su Mei strictly controlled the company's debt ratio, which resolutely refused to exceed 5% of the company's market value. During the period of business transformation and expansion, Yuya international has invested in too many projects, large and small, and each project is a large amount of capital flow.

Xiao XuanZhen wants to spend $1.8 billion on entertainment companies. It's not worth it!

"Xiao Xuan, the entertainment company doesn't have that much budget!" said Su Mei.

Xiao Xuan waved his hand and said, "in terms of funds, just do as we said before! Nothing else, I'll go back to my office building first!"

Then Xiao Xuan turned and left. He didn't bother to look at the questioning eyes of the so-called executive elites.

After Xiao Xuan left, Su Mei frowned and didn't speak. Before Yuya, her main business was the fashion industry. She had some understanding of the large and small stars in the industry. I'm afraid of the value of those stars

Thinking of this, Su Mei was depressed. Should Xiao Xuan tie some stars back? Blackmail? Blackmail?

For a moment, Su Mei's mind was full of violent words.

"Cough..." Zhang Yue saw that Su Mei was distracted and coughed a few times to remind her.

Su Mei revived, blushed slightly and said, "let's continue the meeting!"


Xiao Xuan returned to his office building! This office building, which belongs to the entertainment company alone, is rented on the 37th floor of the building next to Yuya international.

On the whole floor, the formation is not small, but there are only four employees at present!

They were all brought from Yuya company.

Xiao Xuan went up to the 37th floor. As soon as he got out of the elevator, he saw the sign that had been hung, Yaxuan Entertainment Co., Ltd!

Yaxuan entertainment? Xiao Xuan smacked his tongue and smiled at the corners of his mouth. The name must have been Su Mei. Unexpectedly, Su Mei, who looked like a noble and elegant noble lady, would be so tacky when taking her name! Yuya and Xiao Xuan's company is called Yaxuan?

Although he was very fond of Tucao, Xiao Xuan had felt that he was getting different in Sumei's mind. But the woman refused to make complaints about it.

"Mr. Xiao, you're here at last. I'm almost bored!" ah Cai is lying on the front desk, chatting with the beauty at the front desk. When he saw Xiao Xuan, he was so excited that he rushed over immediately.

She is used to being busy in Yuya international. She has just been transferred to the entertainment company. She is also happy for a while. But this happy time, she could not bear, too idle!!!

Because the leader Xiao Xuan is absent, they can be said to have nothing to do. The company is not on track. They just want to do something, but also have nothing to do.

Su Mei and Xiao Xuan have reached an agreement. In addition to the site selection and establishment of the company, Su Mei can only help and will not directly intervene.

When Xiao Xuan is away these days, Su Mei arranges her subordinates to rent and register the location of the entertainment company, but she doesn't intervene in other things.

Xiao Xuan saw Ah Cai's face excited and said with a bad smile: "sister Cai, don't you want to see me, just look like you want to eat milk?"

"Ah? Sucking? Clucking... I just want to suckle! Do you have milk for me to eat?" ah Cai is also an unrestrained faction. One sucks on the left and one sucks on the right. His face is not red and his heart does not jump.

It was also because she was already familiar with Xiao Xuan in the marketing department. She was not at all restrained.

But the girl at the front desk was different. She said very modestly, "Hello, Mr. Xiao. Please take care of me for the first time!"

"Take care? Be careful of his hidden rules!"

"...." Xiao Xuan rolled his eyes helplessly, thinking that he was so bad?

"Sister Cai, what are you talking about?!" the girl at the front desk blushed and murmured. She was too ashamed to look at Xiao Xuan.

Xiao Xuan just laughed and said, "we don't seem to have many people here? Why don't you arrange all the people first and let's have a small meeting first? Get more people to the company? Other people's entertainment company yingyingyanyan is full of beautiful women. Good guy, our company is like a haunted house, not even people!"

"Are all beauties? Mr. Xiao, when you are the boss, you won't have a bad intention and specialize in the hidden rules of female stars, just like Yang Shoucheng..."

"Do I look like an old Coyote?" Xiao Xuan said nothing.

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