More than ten people were instantly hanged by the infrared laser gun outside the small building. Xiao Xuan stood in the direction of the gate, looked at the scene in front of him and raised his eyebrows slightly.

He is no stranger to this thing. He heard genius say it a few years ago! However, up to now, laser weapons are still not the kind of weapons widely used on a large scale. It can even be said that they are still weapons of mass destruction exclusive to the government.

In China, the officials are keeping a secret attitude about laser attack technology. But it happened that this thing was installed on a small broken building in such a small town.

This made Xiao Xuan speculate more about the Chen family and the so-called scientific madman Chen Youlong of the Chen family.

Xiao Xuan glanced at a group of dead people in the yard, twisted his neck, turned expressionless and walked towards the stairway on the first floor below.

But before approaching, he saw a gloomy figure slowly walking down the stairs. Xiao Xuan looked up and saw a pudgy man with a funny appearance. Only a scar cut across his left face and right face. It looked terrible! This person looks like the "short white gourd" in the 95 version of the TV series Luding. His image and temperament are very close. Even his weapons are uncommon half moon forks!

"You, die!" the hoarse voice spoke with a hoarse sound like the friction of the vocal cords, which was unspeakable.

Xiao Xuan glanced at this guy and picked his mouth slightly. This should be the source of the powerful breath he first felt upstairs. He just looked at it. Xiao Xuan suddenly said inexplicably, "I have iron burning grass!"

The "short white gourd" suddenly stared, his expression suddenly became distorted, and the breath between his nose and breath suddenly hurried up, saying, "who are you? Say, who are you!"

"It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is that I have iron burning grass! Presumably, there are no more than three people in the world who can take out this thing and give you a chance to get it!" Xiao Xuan smiled with some pondering.

Sure enough, as soon as the words came out, the dwarf white gourd's face was a ferocious twist. His eyes stared at Xiao Xuan fiercely. After half a ring, he said, "don't lie to me, otherwise you will die miserably, and the people around you will die miserably!"

"You're not worth lying to me!" Xiao Xuan shrugged and stabbed.

The dwarf white gourd was silent again and said, "what do you want?"

"I want you five years, iron burning grass, I'll give it to you! In addition, I want one who knows everything and says everything!" Xiao Xuan touched a cigarette from his arms and lit it, calmly huff and puff.

"Are you from the hidden door?" the short white gourd looked at Xiao Xuan and suddenly asked.

Xiao Xuan shook his head and his left index finger, "no, I don't even know what the hidden world gate is!"

"Then why do you know, I need iron burning grass!?" the corner of short white gourd's mouth twitched. If Xiao Xuan hadn't given him enough oppressive breath, he might have killed him directly. He was not sure of subduing Xiao Xuan.

Xiao Xuan smiled and said without thinking, "because you and I are the same people!"

As soon as he said this, a memory like fear flashed across his face and said, "you, you are also a survivor under the divine light?"

"Divine light? No! It seems that we need to understand each other deeply!" Xiao Xuan smiled and puffed out a mouthful of smoke.

"How can I believe you?" the eyes of short white gourd stared at Xiao Xuan.

"You have only two choices, believe me or die!" said Xiao Xuan, throwing away the cigarette butts in his hand.

The dwarf white gourd thought about Xiao Xuan's words. Xiao Xuan stood in front of him. There was nothing very human, but the more so, the more he had no bottom in his heart. When he was upstairs, he saw Xiao Xuan's power when he launched an attack, but Xiao Xuan, who calmed down, was no different from ordinary people. He had no edges and edges. This was the real power.

Xiao Xuan's momentum has been relaxed freely. It's not easy for internal experts. Moreover, Xiao Xuan can see through at a glance that he needs iron burning grass, which makes him have to believe and struggle to compromise.


Before the dwarf white gourd's voice fell, Xiao Xuan's steps had gone to the stairs. It seemed that he knew that the dwarf white gourd would promise.

Xiao Xuan walked in front of him like this. He was careless and didn't take any precautions. He burst his whole back in front of the dwarf white gourd!

In an instant, there was an idea of sneak attack. If he suddenly attacked, Xiao Xuan might not be able to resist. He could take credit and exchange what he needed from Chen Youlong. However, Chen Youlong can't give him "iron burning grass" after all!

In the short white gourd's heart, Xiao Xuan suddenly turned his head, looked at the short white gourd with a smile, turned back and continued to walk!

With such a simple look back action, the dwarf white gourd was in a cold sweat. He had the illusion that Xiao Xuan had seen through everything in his heart. For the first time in his life, he felt creepy, even more than the person who had left him a lifelong shadow!

"Put away your disorderly thoughts, and your heart can drive away evil!" such a righteous sentence came out of Xiao Xuan's mouth, which seemed to indicate something.

As soon as Xiao Xuan's voice fell, a cold sweat seeped from the short white gourd's head, but silently followed Xiao Xuan downstairs.

When he came to the entrance of the first floor, Xiao Xuan didn't stop, but he heard the dwarf white gourd suddenly say, "there is a laser attack device at the door, and the launch start switch is on the left!" then he stepped forward and turned off the switch.

Just after this action, when he returned to Xiao Xuan's back, the dwarf white gourd suddenly saw Xiao Xuan's mouth rising like a smile. Suddenly, Xiao Xuan knew there was a device here and was just waiting for him to speak.

The dwarf white gourd sighed gently. The people and animals on the young face in front of him were harmless, but it was not as simple as it looked.

The whole of the first floor is very large, with more than 100 square meters. There are many hidden doors. Occasionally, I hear one or two screams of tearing!

There is a small but terrible place of punishment in the middle, equipped with all kinds of torture tools. At first glance, some are like the prison site in war films.

Obviously, this is a prison!

Xiao Xuan once again felt that the Chen family was very interesting.

"Jin Guoping!!! Beibei is looking for you!" Xiao Xuanqi sent the voice out. The voice was not loud, but it seemed to penetrate any, straight to the eardrum.

The eyebrows of dwarf white gourd wrinkled tightly and stretched slowly again!

"I'm here!" the weak voice came quietly from a corner in the northwest. tqR1

Xiao Xuan smiled. Jin Guoping was still alive, which relieved him. He raised his feet and was about to walk over.

Just then, a rumble of vibration accompanied by the shaking sound of the rustling iron chain sounded. A mountain like figure came slowly from a channel. I saw a guy with a lion's head who was neither human nor ghost coming out, snorting in his nostrils.

"Orc?" Xiao Xuan whispered. It was the first time he had seen such an ORC.

"Yes, he is an orc, and he has implanted a robot chip system!" the dwarf white gourd answered.

Xiao Xuan was stunned for a moment, touched his chin and said, "what's the hybrid of human lion and tiger? Has someone really overcome the biological genetic problem of reproductive isolation?"

Before the words fell, I saw the orc roaring like a beast, shouting: "mole ant, death!" in his mouth!

His enunciation is very stiff, like the one who doesn't speak very well.

"Mother egg, still can speak human words!" Xiao Xuan was speechless and dodged away.

The orcs went all out and left footprints on the solid marble floor.

"He has gathered all the advantages of man and beast, and has also trained a good Kung Fu. In addition to his inexperienced cunning, he can be regarded as a powerful opponent!" the short white gourd was like a commentator at this time.

"Hmm! Can you win the fight with him?" Xiao Xuan grinned.

The conversation between them seemed to pay little attention to the whole ORC.

When the orc missed, he was already very angry. Thick air was sprayed from his nostrils, and the big eyes of the copper bell seemed to be able to spray fire.

"Ow..." roared, and the orc jumped at Xiao Xuan again.

Xiao Xuan didn't dodge this time. Instead, he stood where he was, with his legs full of strength. If he was calm, he just pulled up his fists, took the orc close, and suddenly hit the orc's chest with his fist.

The orc has four limbs and is extremely fast. At the moment of killing, he saw his hind legs upright and his front legs like two sharp claws tearing away at Xiao Xuan!

Compared with the huge body of the orc, Xiao Xuan looks much thinner. If he is stronger than strength, it always makes people feel that the orc can tear Xiao Xuan in minutes.

After all, the power of tigers and lions, the development and training the day after tomorrow, and the more flexibility brought by robots are indeed perfect,

Between lightning, stone and fire, Xiao Xuan's fists were faster and suddenly hit the orc's chest!

With a loud bang, the huge body of the orc trembled a few times, retreated half a step, gave a sad roar, and stabilized its shape. It didn't fly backwards or spit blood like it imagined!

A little surprise flashed in Xiao Xuan's eyes and joked, "it's really interesting! Robot chip blocks pain, isn't it?"

The dwarf white gourd looked at Xiao Xuan and said, "you know a lot. You are more capable than I thought. I thought you would be slapped by him!"

"Let's make a quick decision!" Xiao Xuan said faintly. His body flashed, jumped up, and fell on the orc's back flexibly and lightly!

At the same time, the dwarf white gourd also suddenly moved. Although he was short and round, with two small short legs, he looked stupid, but he moved so flexibly. In the blink of an eye, he jumped up to the orc from the door a few meters away.

The half moon fork in his hand is flexible, like a sharp blade straight into the orc's throat.

"Traitor!" the orcs roared at the double attack.

Xiao Xuan sneered and punched quickly. One punch was like a meteor shower, hitting the waist and abdomen of the ORC.

It's true that animals like tigers, wolves and lions are all bronze headed and iron armed. Xiao Xuan's attack is to hit the key.

But the orc in front of him is not an ordinary ORC. He is a product of biotechnology and chip technology

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