Yuya's upstairs and downstairs are in a mess. These powerful men are well prepared. They not only bring the thermal weapons micro impact machine guns that can only be seen in movies in modern cities, but also signal magnetic interference shielding devices.

When they entered the whole building, they could not connect the mobile phone signal.

Several security guards reacted quickly, but took out their mobile phones, and the landline phone at the front desk was an internal phone, so they couldn't dial an external phone number. Some of them responded quickly, shouted immediately and sent two people respectively. One wave ran towards the building of the entertainment company and the other wave ran towards other streets to look for mobile phone signals. If not, you can run to the police!

The security guard's critical response quality is not good, but he can't stand it. The upstairs is full of real guns and bullets. The front desk at the door and the other two security guards are still very frightened.

Just then, at the gate of Yuya international, a black Mercedes Benz stopped. When the car stopped, the hearts of the front desk and the security guard were in a mess for no reason. Who knows what cruel master NIMA came to? Did you come directly to throw a grenade?

The door of the Mercedes Benz was opened, a slender woman's jade legs appeared, and high heels stepped on the ground. Everyone was cluttering.

The woman who came down from the car was dressed in black and trousers, but she had a dazzling fashion style. She had long flowing blond hair, but her whole face was covered with the veil dressed up by Arab women, so she couldn't see her face clearly.

"This bastard has had such a wonderful life back in China?" the blonde looked at the address on the side wall of the gate of Yuya international, as if she was determining whether she was in the wrong place. Then he glanced at the upstairs direction for some reason, frowned, and raised his feet to the gate.

"You, who are you looking for? Upstairs, don't go upstairs now!" as soon as the blonde came in, the girl at the front desk screamed under the table. The rest of the security guard resisted the impulse to drill down and said stutteringly.

There was a flash of vigilance in the eyes of the blonde woman, and she suddenly disappeared


On the 28th floor of Yuya's office, it was completely chaotic at this time.

Six or seven strong men swept the desk and ground with micro impact machine guns in their hands, just like robbers in American blockbusters, which was very scary.

There are many women in Yuya's office. Can't you scream at this scene? The scene was messy, as if it would get out of control at any time.

"Su Mei, don't come out in a minute. I'll kill one person every 30 seconds!" the guy headed by Zhuang Hanzhong shouted coldly.

Su Mei's office is upstairs, but there is so much noise downstairs that she can't know.

If you say fear, it is naturally fear. Somehow, Su Mei wanted to go downstairs, but Zhang Yue, who received the news on the same floor, stopped her. Don't let Su Mei go down.

"You can't go down! They are obviously prepared! In case something happens..." Zhang Yue took Su Mei's arm.

At this time, the sound of several shots completely made Su Mei unable to stand. She blushed and said, "I must go down, otherwise, how can I afford the employees below?"

Seeing the persistence in Su Mei's eyes, Zhang Yue sighed and said, "well, I'll go down with you!"

Su Meijiao's body was slightly shocked. She looked at Zhang Yue deeply, but she didn't speak. She raised her feet and walked downstairs.

"Su Mei, I count three. If I don't come out, I'll kill her!" the strong man's gun has been aimed at Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei's face was pale, his eyes were closed, and he was trembling. He didn't dare to look at the bullet hole at all.

"Stop! I'm coming, don't hurt the innocent!" the sound of the high-heeled shoes on the marble floor was particularly clear. Su Mei's voice was very firm, like a heart tonic, which moved and worried everyone in the panic.

When these strong men saw Su Mei, their eyes were dull. The beautiful woman in front of them was much more beautiful than in the picture. No wonder the big man wanted to catch her!

"You, come with us!" the strong man came forward, grabbed Su Mei's arm and tried to pull her into his arms, just like a color embryo trying to do something.

Just didn't wait for him to finish his action, suddenly a strong wind came in the back of his head!

The strong man is also a member of the family. He immediately reacted and hurried back.

But his speed is still too slow!

A woman's high heels have kicked him in the face!

The great strength came from the mountains and the sea. It was not like a thin woman's legs and feet. He kicked the strong man out and fell heavily on the desk more than ten meters away.

Smashed the glass fiber reinforced plastic desk, along with the clattering broken glass residue, fell to the ground, convulsed, blood in the mouth and nose, and couldn't move!

Like several strong men, Su Mei stared at the man in front of her. A woman in a black suit, long flowing blond hair and an iconic Arab headscarf wrapped her whole face.

"Stubble!" the strong man shouted, and they immediately turned their guns.

However, the blonde didn't speak from beginning to end, and didn't even make any sound. At the moment of turning the gun head, she was as flexible as a wild cat and took the initiative to rush up!

Her movements are very fancy, especially because her figure proportion is very good. She has long hands and feet. Moving her hands is like dancing. It's like a martial arts action edited in the film. It's as smooth and beautiful as flowing clouds, but it's full of lethality!

Everyone present only saw the long flowing hair and elegant "dancing posture", but didn't notice her movement track at all.

There was a crackling sound, mixed with a dull sound. In the twinkling of an eye, five or six strong men lay on the ground without even screaming and passed out.

The blonde's last move was Bruce Lee's nose wiping, which everyone was familiar with. It was a mess.

Although you can't see your face, it adds a mysterious reverie space.

"Don't look at me like this. I'm the bodyguard invited by Xiao!" the blonde speaks fluent British English, or that old aristocratic tone. It sounds good, but it's also very eye-catching.

Su Mei stared at the blonde and was silent for a while. Even if it wasn't Xiao Xuan's bodyguard, she could only be arrested at this time.

"You clean up the mess, then call the police and let the police investigate! This bodyguard lady, can you come into the office with me?" Su meiqiang said calmly.

"OK!" the blonde simply agreed.

Zhang Yue tried to stop her, but she was stopped by Su Mei's eyes.

At this time, the ideas of the people present were divided into two. Most of the nervous people believed the words of the bodyguard. They had seen Xiao Xuan's sophistication and overbearing. People ask a bodyguard to protect their wife secretly. There's nothing to doubt!

But the shrewd women headed by Zhang Yue were puzzled. If they were bodyguards, how could they never see them? And Su Mei's attitude is also a little strange. In their opinion, Su Mei introduced "danger" into the office.

But at this time, no one can say anything!

Zhang Yue silently watched Su Mei and the blonde walk into the office. She kept saying, Xiao Xuan, Xiao Xuan, where the fuck have you been at the critical moment... Forgive her for being an intellectual woman. She couldn't help being rude at this time.

"Are you hurt? Don't panic. It was an accident! Call the police..." Zhang Yue shook off the messy thoughts in her head and began to clean up the mess.


Su Mei walked into the office with the woman. She looked at the blonde warily. Inexplicable tension made her silent for a moment.

"Are you Xiao's wife? Call, call, su...? damn chinese name, I always can't remember!" the blonde tried to remember Su Mei's name, but finally she only remembered one last name.

Su Mei swallowed her saliva. Her throat was a little dry. She took a big sip of pure water from her desk and said, "yes, it's me!"

"No wonder Xiao is willing to give up his freedom abroad. It's because of you." the blonde moved her neck and said in a strange voice. Her tone was a little sour.

"You, are you his girlfriend abroad?" Su Mei was sure that the blonde had no malice and relaxed immediately.

"No, I don't like his type. The sun is shining. I like deep old men!" the blonde laughed exaggerated.

Sunshine, Su Mei dares to swear that Xiao Xuan in her impression has nothing to do with sunshine.

"Can you tell me about him abroad?" asked Su Mei tentatively.

"Oh, my God, didn't he tell you?" the blonde exaggerated.

Su Mei shook her head.

"Yes! Although you look like her, you're not her after all. No wonder you didn't tell you..."

"Who do I look like?" Su Mei stared at Mei Mei.

At this time, Xiao Xuanqi's voice came from outside the door, "you eight women are arranging me again? From abroad to China, do you believe I'll kill your little lover now!"

When the blonde heard Xiao Xuan's voice, she pretended to exaggerate and quickly covered her mouth.

Xiao Xuan pushed the door in and looked at Su Mei safely. He felt relieved and said, "I don't know where the bastard is..."

Before she finished, the blonde standing in front of the bed suddenly said, "11 o'clock in the northwest corner!" tqr1

"..." Su Mei only saw Xiao Xuan jump in front of the window from the door, but she jumped out of the window and disappeared completely.

Stunned, she rushed to the window and looked around. Xiao Xuan was as light as a swallow and as sensitive as a monkey. First, she jumped between the outer boxes of the air conditioner, and then jumped on the white outer pipe of the sewer and slid down

"He..." Su Mei looked at Xiao Xuan like Superman Batman in the movie or the Supreme Master in martial arts novels. She disappeared in front of her eyes in the blink of an eye. She just felt a little confused!

"This guy looks better than I thought!" the blonde muttered.

When Xiao Xuan went downstairs, his eyes locked on the windbreaker man at 11 o'clock. It was summer. The man was really eye-catching. The windbreaker wrapped the whole body, and the hat and mask didn't fall at a glance. At the moment Xiao Xuan landed, the man in the windbreaker turned back and gave him a cold look, and suddenly ran wildly

At the moment when the man in the windbreaker ran, Xiao Xuan suddenly thought of a man, an old acquaintance!

But how did he show up here?

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