The man in windbreaker saw Xiao Xuan all the way. He sneered and ran away quickly.

He was so fast that he disappeared into the endless streets in the blink of an eye.

Xiao Xuan pursued him, and there was some incredible surprise in his eyes. There are not many people who can make Xiao Xuan show such a surprised expression.

The two men chased each other in the street, but soon they disappeared.

"Don't run away, you can't escape with your ability!" Xiao Xuan suddenly stopped and said faintly when he chased out of the main city and came to a field full of rice on the outskirts of the city.

"So what? You can't kill me!" the man in the windbreaker made a quack and gloomy laugh, stopped his steps not far away and turned his head slowly.

"Since you are so awesome, what are you doing hiding your head and tail?" Xiao Xuan said with a meaningful smile and a little ridicule.

The man in the windbreaker suddenly reached out and took off his mask and hat. He had no hair, a bald head, and deep sockets on his skinny cheeks. At first glance, he looked like a skull. Only those still flexible eyes could recognize him.

"It's really you!" Xiao Xuan raised his chin and made no secret of his surprise.

Jiang Haoran smiled grimly, which made the severely deformed face look particularly terrible. He said, "how? I didn't expect I could live? I can not only live, but also live forever. Wait for my revenge. One year can't be two years, two years can't be three years. I will never stop until you die."

Xiao Xuan's surprise soon disappeared. Instead, he lost his smile and said faintly after half a sound: "I don't know how it feels to live without people and ghosts? Director Jiang, who used to be dignified, must be fully armed and be a thief at night and day. In case someone sees you, I'm afraid your iron fisted father will jump out and kill his relatives first! This feeling is also very sour!" tqr1

Xiao Xuan's words hit Jiang Haoran and hurt his feet. Jiang Haoran screamed bitterly and his voice became shrill: "Who made me like this? Xiao Xuan, I'm going to kill all your women, kill your Xiaocheng guard, and let you watch your everything be destroyed. Finally, I tortured you and killed you! You're lucky today. A foreign woman helped you, but I don't believe you can be lucky every time... You have so many women, I think you can save..."

"Although I don't know how you came back from the dead, I have to say that after you came back from the dead, your paranoia is becoming more and more serious." Xiao Xuan's tone is very calm, not irritated at all, and he doesn't seem to be so curious about how Jiang Haoran came back from the dead.

Xiao Xuan's extraordinary calm made Jiang Haoran's twisted cheek more ferocious. The anger and hatred burst out from inside to outside, as if he wanted to eat Xiao Xuan's meat and drink Xiao Xuan's blood.

Just as Jiang Haoran's anger burned to the sky, Xiao Xuan's voice sounded in his ear, "let me see how you are immortal!"

For a moment, he only heard his voice and didn't see him. Xiao Xuan blinked and completely disappeared from his place.

Jiang Haoran was stunned by his kung fu, a big hand like a pliers, suddenly came around behind him and grabbed his neck. The whole action was as strange as a ghost killing!

"You are still so weak!" Xiao Xuan grabbed Jiang Haoran's neck so easily and lifted it off the ground.

Jiang Haoran was strangled by the neck, but unexpectedly issued a burst of quack, sharp and harsh laughter, and said with a grim smile: "you kill me, kill me!"

Then he kicked and scolded.

Xiao Xuan frowned and looked at Jiang Haoran, who was like a clown at this time, showing a few doubts. He made a slight force between his fingers. He only heard a few "click" bone fractures. Jiang Haoran's neck had completely changed shape in his hand!

At normal times, people who were strangled should suffocate. The lack of oxygen in the brain brought struggle and panic, but Jiang Haoran's face didn't change at all. It was like he couldn't feel pain and was not affected by suffocation. Only he laughed wildly, like laughing at Xiao Xuan's ignorance.

"Bastard!" Xiao Xuan suddenly punched Jiang Haoran's neck in his left hand and hit his heart in his right hand. His great strength directly penetrated Jiang Haoran's chest and crushed his internal organs. At the same time, he threw it out with his left arm.

With Xiao Xuan's strength, he threw it out with all his strength. Even if he didn't break into meat cakes, he had to have many powder fractures all over his body.

Under a series of actions, Jiang Haoran flew out like a broken kite, and blood splashed everywhere with the wind. The scene was called a bloody science fiction.

He fell heavily on the ridge, causing blood to flow in his mouth and nose. His skinny face had been deformed, and blood flowed freely in the blood hole in his chest. As expected, at the moment of landing, he had multiple fractures all over his body.

However, even so, Jiang Haoran's mouth still gave a penetrating Gaga sneer.

Xiao Xuan looked coldly and saw Jiang Haoran, who had been thrown into a pool of meat mud, miraculously wriggling, and the crushing fracture of his bones made his "wriggling" look like a huge maggot. It was in this strange and disgusting "wriggling" that he stood up again.

All the collapsed places on the body recovered miraculously, and even the blood hole in the chest stopped bleeding.

"Hahaha, I am immortal, Xiao Xuan. Wait for my revenge. I am immortal..." Jiang Haoran's harsh noise was in Xiao Xuan's ear. He suddenly ran away, but Xiao Xuan didn't chase him again.

He nodded an eye at the roadside. Xiao xuanruo looked thoughtfully at the direction of Jiang Haoran's disappearance, revealing a trace of dignity. Jiang Haoran's abnormal recovery ability is comparable to that of him with ghost talisman, which surprised Xiao Xuan very much. Although some reasons can be guessed, there are still many strange things.

Pondering over and over, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Wang Si, the new secret service leader! Of course, with Xiao Xuan's own ability, it is not difficult to check this matter. But obviously, the authorities will be interested in this matter, but they can save some energy for themselves. Xiao Xuan was naturally happy to do this kind of worry and effort-saving thing.

After hearing what Xiao Xuan said, Wang Si was shocked and asked, "are you sure it's not a mistake or other cover up?"

However, there was only Xiao Xuan's faint voice on the phone: "do you doubt my eyes or my credibility?"

Listening to the hung up phone, Wang Si smiled bitterly, but it was important. He didn't dare to grind. He quickly called the Wang family. After discussing with his brother, he quickly recruited the driver: "go to Zhongnanhai!"


Fifty kilometers outside Yanjing City, there are tens of thousands of tourists to the famous Shihuadong mountain, but few people know that there is a huge air raid shelter under this famous scenic spot.

The air raid shelter built decades ago has been vacant. I don't know when it was used as waste.

At this time, all kinds of modern scientific and technological equipment are placed in the huge air raid shelter. The most eye-catching is the huge warm bed similar to that in the avatar film.

Young people in white coats who are busy among various instruments will sip the high-purity alcohol in the silver wine bottle from time to time, and their scarlet eyes seem to be sleepless for days. It's Chen Youlong, the famous long Shao! It is hard to imagine that he with his own studio will appear here and carry out his "scientific research project"!


The wrong parameters displayed in the computer made Chen Youlong angry and swept all kinds of materials on the test bench.

"Long Shao will also be irritable? I always thought you were a modest gentleman. Happiness and anger don't take shape in color!" the talking woman walked out of the isolated door in the air raid shelter. Her swaying posture and exquisite cheongsam made her look at least ten years younger than her actual age!

"What are you doing out?" Chen Youlong asked hoarsely. When his eyes swept over her slim figure, he rolled over a fiery heat inexplicably.

"I'll comfort you. You're so impetuous. Why did you finish the experiment this morning? Our mother and son all expect you to take revenge!" the woman said, and her jade hand gracefully touched Chen Youlong's strong chest.

"Lin Yuhuan, don't forget, you are a woman with an iron fist, an iron lady who can count!" Chen Youlong said in a low and calm voice.

"Don't mention that waste. What about the iron lady? You didn't save Haoran in the end!" Lin Yuhuan's Scarlet lips bit the shirt button under Chen Youlong's white coat.

Chen Youlong had a stronger smile on his face. He pulled Lin Yuhuan and pressed him heavily on the test bench. Without saying a word, he clasped the woman's arm with his backhand, which suddenly seemed to be manic, and rudely tore open his cheongsam

"You be gentle!" Lin Yuhuan said in a voice after his arm was twisted.

Chen Youlong just sneered. He twisted Lin Yuhuan's arm in one hand and pulled his pants belt quickly in the other. He suddenly got in with that crazy heat in his eyes

Lin Yuhuan twisted wildly and Chen Youlong vented wildly. Two madmen, a man and a woman, reveled in the quiet air raid shelter. At this time, the secret door of the air raid shelter was suddenly opened, and Jiang Haoran, soaked with blood, staggered in.

He opened his mouth. As soon as he wanted to speak, he saw the scene that made him want to crack his eyes. His mother was doing something with the man as big as him!

At that time, he was so angry and weak that he fell to the ground on the spot.

This movement has already alarmed Lin Yuhuan and Chen Youlong. Chen Youlong just turned his head and looked at it. He snorted coldly and continued his action. Lin Yuhuan shouted "Haoran" and wanted to break free and catch up with her. But before she moved, she was pressed on the stage by Chen Youlong's more rude actions.

Chen Youlong did not speak, only the sound of shortness of breath, desperately stirring and waiting for the final burst! Lin Yuhuan was so anxious that her eyes were red, but now she was a demon king who could decide the life and death of her mother and son

Jiang Haoran watched the scene, and a line of blood and tears flowed out of his eyes. His hatred and dull eyes numbly turned to the ceiling.

A few minutes later, Chen Youlong was satisfied and watched Lin Yuhuan clean up the mess for him with his mouth. Then he slowly walked to Jiang Haoran, looked down at Jiang Haoran, and said coldly: "I've warned you not to provoke him! The time hasn't come yet! But you just want to make trouble. Do you know how much loss your exposure will bring to me today? What a waste!"

Lin Yuhuan was shocked when he heard Chen Youlong's indifferent voice. He hurriedly said, "Haoran was confused for a moment and failed to restrain his hatred. Naturally, it's wrong. But long Shao can't distinguish between enemies and friends. He can't annoy Xiao Xuan, so he takes it out on his own people!"

Chen Youlong snorted coldly, glanced at Lin Yuhuan and said, "if it weren't for your bitch's sake, I wouldn't care about a waste who will only be angry!"

Lin Yuhuan was so said in the face of his son that his face was red and white, but he could not speak. The size of the world and the number of people may make her son Jiang Haoran die and live again, only Chen Youlong in front of her.

Chen Youlong picked up Jiang Haoran like a chicken and threw it into the hotbed! As for the various expressions in Jiang Haoran's eyes, he didn't care!

"Arrange it and evacuate in 15 minutes!" Chen Youlong picked up the communication device beside the test-bed and made a very concise arrangement. Immediately began to pack up all the experimental materials.

"Why? Why transfer?" when Lin Yuhuan saw his scarred son, he only hoped that Chen Youlong could quickly treat him, but it was obvious that Chen Youlong was only busy destroying data.

"Your baby son has been exposed! All my plans have to be adjusted! Damn......" Chen Youlong growled, pushed Lin Yuhuan away and kept busy cleaning up.


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