When Su Mei walked into the office, she saw such a scene - Xiao Xuan hugging and kissing ah Cai! A strange man is scolding! A group of employees are watching!

It made her angry!

Management company, can also be a chicken flying dog jumping! Xiao Xuan is a good operator, but definitely not a good manager!

The reason is that Xiao Xuan did everything with his own joy and ignored the rules. But this is a world shrouded in rules!

Just like the operation of entertainment companies, Xiao Xuan can find the most popular resources, artists. But they will also abandon some interests because of their likes and dislikes, just like song Xixue's things; Like the chaos in front of you.

Su Mei thought a lot in her head for a moment and walked quickly under her feet.


Xiao Xuan kissed ah CAI. At this time, everyone was stunned, including Chen Wei!

Chen Wei woke up from shock after half a sound, pointed to Xiao Xuan and said angrily, "you, you, do you know who I am? I'm the editor in chief of Huajin daily. I want to expose all the ugliness and filth of your company!"

Xiao Xuan touched his chin, put one hand around ah Cai's waist and said lightly, "exposure? You're free! As for ugliness and filthy, I don't feel it at all. I just followed your wishes. Anyway, you scolded the name of adulterer and adulteress. I don't do anything. It seems that I'm sorry for myself and you!"


God's logic defeated everyone in an instant.

In the consternation of the crowd, Su Mei's figure has appeared in the crowd, "the company has no rules and regulations?"

"Su Dong!"

"Su Dong!"

When the staff saw Su Mei, they greeted her one after another and scattered in panic.

When Chen Wei heard the word "Su Dong", he came back to life again. He turned and pointed to Su Mei and bit, "so you are Su Mei. You are known as a big international company. That's how the company is managed? It's rotten, dirty and unclean up and down. A company like you should be exposed! The lower beam is crooked, and the upper beam will be wrong."

Su Mei frowned, expressionless and half a ring before she said faintly, "is there a problem with Yuya management? There's no need for others to say more. If you can, please start my company right now."

"Leave? You think so well. I'll find someone right away and find a reporter to cover your company!" Chen Wei said fiercely.

"Which newspaper are you from?" Su Mei suddenly asked with an eyebrow.

"Huajin newspaper, are you afraid? Are you afraid that the scandal will be exposed? It's useless. I must let you..." Chen Wei found something wrong before his voice fell.

Su Mei calmly took out a check from her bag, quickly wrote down a string of numbers, and said to the staff next to her: "send the check to the finance department, notify the three departments and buy Huajin daily!"

"..." Chen Wei is so stupid that why is this woman more domineering than Xiao Xuan?

"If I remember correctly, Huajin newspaper is a private media newspaper with a capital of only 80 million. I invested 200 million, which must be enough to buy. Whether you are the editor in chief or shareholder of Huajin newspaper, you need to go home and study your work now!" Su Mei didn't show any emotion on her pretty face, just like carving an ice beauty.

Since Su Mei appeared, Xiao Xuan talked up, and ah CAI was ashamed and ashamed. They both wanted to explain several times, but Su Mei didn't look at them at all.

"Ah Wei, things are not what you think! Stop it, Su and Xiao are not unreasonable!" ah Cai said sadly.

Chen Wei almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood, pointed to ah CAI and said angrily, "don't you pretend. You have a nest of snakes and mice and want to kill our little people? I tell you, it's impossible. Huajin newspaper is the old industry of our Chen family, and I won't give it to others..."

"..." Xiao Xuan couldn't understand. How could ah Cai, a smart man, marry a man like Chen Wei! Stiff, mean and narrow-minded, the key is persecution paranoia.

If Chen Wei didn't ask, how could this happen? But it always makes people feel that the whole world is going to do it against him.

Xiao Xuan looked at ah Cai sympathetically and said, "I'll take half a day off to deal with this matter for you."

"Thank you, Mr. Xiao!" ah Cai nodded to Xiao Xuan and Su Mei respectively. Regardless of Chen Wei, he turned and walked towards the door first.

Chen Wei saw that ah Cai had gone and was frightened by Su Mei's acquisition words. He didn't make any more noise. Obviously, he couldn't get well. He might as well go home and clean up the woman. If he thought about it, he also left.

For a time, only Xiao Xuan and Su Mei were left in the office. Su Mei was cold all over. Although she didn't ask questions, she was obviously waiting for Xiao Xuan to answer herself.

"Chen Wei is a fool. He beats and scolds when he comes. I can't see others beating and scolding my female employees, so..." Xiao Xuan said while looking at Su Mei with a bad face.

"So kiss and hug?" Su Mei snorted.

Xiao Xuan was like a child who had done something wrong. He scratched the back of his head and said, "who let him say that! I am angry with him. Wife, you should believe me, we are innocent!"

It's rare to see Xiao Xuan admit his mistake. Although he doesn't accept it, he obviously lacks confidence. It's rare for Xiao Xuan to have such an attitude.

And ah Cai is an old employee of Su Mei. She knows ah Cai very well, otherwise she won't let ah Cai come to the entertainment company.

Su Mei sighed and said, "I don't care about you, but how can I make a lottery a person in the company in the future?"

Xiao Xuan didn't speak. He also knew that kissing ah Cai just now was a little too much.

Su Mei reluctantly rubbed her forehead and said, "I just came to have a look. By the way, will you go to the dinner!"

"I may go to see Huang Ziming in the evening! I won't go to the dinner!" when Xiao Xuan heard that the topic was turned off, he smiled and pushed towards Su Mei again.

Xiao Xuan knew that Su Mei would not come to ask about the dinner party. The good memory of last night is the foundation that she will appear today. It's a pity that we hit such a bad scene today.

When the big hand passed through Su Mei's slender waist and hooped her into his arms, Xiao Xuan floated a bad smile at the corners of his mouth and said, "you're jealous!"

Su Mei said coldly, "you think too much!" and she was about to break away from Xiao Xuan's arms.

Xiao Xuan shrugged, loosened Su Mei and said, "in fact, you are very cute when you are jealous. Moreover, you are so lucky today, which makes me think my wife is not as cold as she looks!"

Xiao Xuan's remark broke Su meiqiang's overbearing goal of buying Huajin newspaper, which was to let ah Cai go home and have some capital to talk to the Chen family. Otherwise, Xiao Xuan's kiss would be enough to make ah Cai return home, for fear of being unable to argue.

Su Mei looked cold, but what she could do was warm.

Without trace, she helped Xiao Xuan wipe her ass, maintained the company and her own dignity.

Su Meimei's eyes turned white and looked at Xiao Xuan. As she walked outside the door, she said quietly, "can you save me a little trouble in the future?"

Before Xiao Xuan could reply, Su Mei left slowly.

Xiao Xuan lit a cigarette, sat back in the boss's chair, puffed for a while, arranged to meet Huang Ziming in the evening, and left the office.

On the way to ODI, I received calls from Yu Yajing and Lai GAOJIN.

The news conveyed by the two people is the same thing. The land sale around ODI collapsed again before signing the contract!

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Xuan turned the car and drove towards the company of Xiaocheng international. To sum up, he is not generally irresponsible as a shopkeeper. He hasn't been there once since the establishment of the company

The scale of Xiaocheng international now is ten times stronger than that in Li Shuanghong's hands. When entering the company building, except for the security guard at the door, the busy staff will hardly take a look at Xiao Xuan, a "strange" hurried visitor.

The working atmosphere of the whole company is excellent, on a par with Yuya. Xiao Xuan was very satisfied.

Xiao Xuan strolled around and went straight to Lai Gao's office. Lai GAOJIN has completely lost his original decadence. Now he is in high spirits in suits and shoes. When Xiao Xuan enters the door, he holds the phone in one hand and signs documents in the other. It is completely the standard configuration of successful businessmen in the film.

Seeing Xiao Xuan coming in, Lai GAOJIN hurriedly hung up the phone, stood up and said, "Why are you free today?"

Xiao Xuan smiled and said, "I'm too busy to walk around!" tqr1

Lai GAOJIN of course knew that Xiao Xuan came because of his phone call about the land. He smiled and said, "you're sliding with me now. Why? I can't stand you to say something? I have a headache when the land went wrong twice! But this time it's different from last time!"

Xiao Xuan nodded slightly and said, "last time it should be a procedural problem. This time someone put pressure on it!"

"How do you know?" Lai GAOJIN was surprised. Xiao Xuan seemed to care nothing, but he seemed to know everything.

Xiao Xuan smiled, but didn't say anything about Yu Yajing. Although Yu Yajing didn't say it clearly on the phone, Xiao Xuan still heard something implied. That's why I took this trip.

Lai Gao went in and saw Xiao Xuan smiling without saying anything, so he continued: "Last time it was really a procedural problem! This time it was originally scheduled to sign the contract this afternoon, but just now the Land Bureau called me and said that the signing was suspended! Asked the reason, but hesitated. You know, we Xiaocheng international have some ways in the real estate industry and are familiar with these grandchildren of the Land Bureau. If it is a procedural problem, they won't cover it up!"

"I should have caused some trouble here. I'll deal with it..." Xiao Xuan didn't say anything, but heard a knock at the door.

Lai GAOJIN's secretary pushed the door in and looked frightened. She glanced at Xiao Xuan and stopped talking. Obviously, she didn't know Xiao Xuan.

"Speak directly!" Lai GAOJIN raised his chin.

"The tax man came and said he wanted to audit the accounts! He said someone reported tax evasion in our company!" the Secretary said timidly.

Lai GAOJIN frowned and waved to his secretary to go out first. He smiled bitterly at Xiao Xuan and said, "you've caused a lot of trouble, even tax..."

"What's wrong with the account?" asked Xiao Xuan.

"The account is no problem, but at this time, the tax intervention, I'm afraid it will affect the listing declaration of the group's subsidiaries!" Lai GAOJIN said with an eyebrow.

"Is there another subsidiary listed?" Xiao Xuan was stunned.

"Only the fifth house!" Lai GAOJIN's eyes and eyebrows were full of pride.

Xiao Xuan sighed. He picked up a treasure. The Shuanghong group obtained from Li Shuanghong can't compare with a large listed company. Less than a year after taking over, Lai GAOJIN has developed into a group company with many listed subsidiaries.

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