The moment the black robed man took out the five-color flag, bursts of dark wind from nowhere roared wantonly in the narrow space, and was afraid to spread at the bottom of the well. tqR1

The mobile phone flashlight is not bright enough, but it clearly shows the strange changes on the five-color flag.

Subversive pictures appeared in front of all the people. Human like shadows jumped out of the five-color flag. The most frightening thing is that these human like shadows can also make babbling sounds like human voices.

"There is really a ghost!" chijiu'er shouted sharply, pushing the inexplicable color of fear to the top.

In Xiao Xuan's indifferent expression, there was a touch of dignity.

Wu Xiushan and Wu Gao looked at each other. They had to believe that the things about Yin division in Wu's secret method were all true in nine cases out of ten.

Looking back on Xiao Xuan's words, I had to admit that Xiao Xuan knew more in detail.

The "ghost king" in the black robed population seems to define Xiao Xuan's identity, but what is the "ghost king"? They are completely confused.

"The witch sect has never been able to occupy a place in miaojiang, nor has it been able to ascend the lobby in Southeast Asia. It can be feared, but it can't be feared! The reason for this is that you must have an answer when you make the thousand soul flag!" Xiao Xuan said in a deep voice.

While talking, Xiao Xuan spread out his hands like an old hen protecting chickens. He stopped Wu Xiushan, Wu Gao and chijiu'er behind him, waved his arms, brought out a strong wind, directly lifted the three people behind him, rolled and fell a few meters away, and stunned directly.

"Lord ghost king, do you like preaching so much? No matter whether he is afraid or awed, the so-called religious beliefs, techniques and methods are all the means for wise people to make money? At this time, you are still in the mood to speak clearly. Don't you know that there is a limit for human power. No matter how powerful you are in the world, some power can't be matched by human power! What about the superficial methods you know about the witches The man in black scoffed with contempt and contempt.

Xiao Xuan shrugged his shoulders and said, "you can use extraordinary means to deal with extraordinary things!"

"Oh? Lord ghost king still has extraordinary means? Try my hundred ghosts array first!" the man in black robe laughed wildly and waved the five-color flag in his hand. He saw human shadows jumping out of the flag, like illusory people jumping out of the flag, opening their teeth and claws, as if he was going to rush up and directly devour Xiao Xuan alive.

Xiao Xuan kept shooting out his palms, trying to eliminate these shadows with strong wind, but it didn't seem to have any effect. On the contrary, he was bitten by a dark shadow. Of course, there was a tooth mark on his leg, exuding black blood.

"Get out!" Xiao Xuan slapped the past and scattered the dark shadow, but there were bursts of heart piercing pain in his lower leg.

Looking at Xiao Xuan's disordered hands and feet, the wanton laughter and shrill voice of the people in black robes, which goes straight into people's ears, can't help but remind people of a word, "ghosts cry and wolves howl"!

"Ghost king! Oh, it's just like this. It's a false reputation! Today, let me take you on the road!" the flag in the black robed man's hand turned sharply, and dark shadows flew out of the flag one after another.

Xiao Xuan sighed and said, "I'm not a kind person. Why do you force me?"

"Dead duck's mouth is hard!" the man in black snorted, with pride in the corners of his eyes and eyebrows.

He just likes to see Xiao Xuan, a so-called peerless master. Under his magic, he slowly despair and finally become a soul in his thousand soul flag and his "plaything"!

Any mortal expert is a Hun who doesn't know the heaven and earth. As everyone knows, for thousands of years, Taoism has said that there are ghosts and gods, and Buddhism also has ten hell. All things are myriad. How many mysterious and unpredictable forces can be provoked by practicing one power?

As a family inherited from the Yellow Emperor period, the Wu family, not to mention its own blood, is the inherited magic and secret method, which can not be recited by ordinary people.

"Die! My thousand soul flag has 999 souls, but you are the last soul. You are the best candidate! You have the name of the ghost king, but you don't have the reality of the ghost king. Let me live up to your reputation as the ghost king and achieve my thousand soul flag!" the murmuring voice of the man in black robe is full of wireless longing for the thousand soul flag.

Xiao Xuan's forehead was sweating, and more and more "dark shadows" joined the battle, which suddenly increased his pressure. But when he heard the nonsense in the mouth of the man in black, he laughed inexplicably and made a noise.

"It seems that I'm going to die today! The dying people in the film will ask a last wish, such as the last question. I have a question now." Xiao Xuan's laughter seems to be mixed.

"I know what you want to ask. Since I am a member of the witch clan, why should I steal the second part of the thirteen needles of the ghost gate and make the people suffer from being eaten back for generations?" the eyes of the black robed man seemed to be able to see through people.

Xiao Xuan flustered to deal with the "dark shadow" of constant attack. Leng Buding was bitten by several wounds, becoming more and more invincible.

"It doesn't hurt to tell you. Wu's blood is most suitable for Yin division trading. Every time you trade, there will be Yin Qi left, which needs to be adjusted by the middle and lower acupuncture. Otherwise, Yin Qi will stay in the body, yin and Yang will be blocked, and there will be a pain of counteracting. Wu thinks he is the guardian of Miao area, which complements the Gu clan. But the fact is that Wu's skill and Gu Shu are the perfect combination! I mentioned it at the beginning I proposed to merge the Gu clan, but the elders of the clan at that time refused, and even said that I can't follow the bright path. Since they like the bright path, I let them be full of Yin Qi. I use facts to prove that everything I do is the most correct. "

"Sacrifice all your people for revenge? For generations?"

"Why not? Don't they boast of great kindness? Don't they like to do such good deeds and sacrifice themselves for others? I'm helping them, aren't I?" the man in black smiled angrily.

Xiao Xuan has seen another kind of madness, which can be compared with dehumanization!

Even a massacre is more straightforward than this blunt knife to cut meat and torture from generation to generation. However, this torture is still aimed at former family members and people who are related by blood.

It's also numbing to think about it. I just feel that the brain structure of the goods in front of me is different from that of people.

"Just such a reason?" Xiao Xuan still felt a little incredible. Cruelty is not equal to metamorphosis.

Xiao Xuan never denied his cruelty, bloody or even cold-blooded. But these are the imprints left on him by the need for survival in a certain period, regardless of choice. Behind the crazy mentality of the black robed man, there is a complete abnormal example book.

"What do you think?" the black robed man smiled more and more proud. It seemed that seeing Xiao Xuan's surprise was a great thing for him. Normal people don't know where the abnormal cool feeling comes from.

"I thought what you always wanted was just Wu's compromise, but Wu's people would rather be tortured for generations and pay the price of disability and death than bow their heads. I thought you wanted to completely close the Gu clan, but unexpectedly, successive Gu kings would rather die than surrender! What you always wanted, you never got!" Xiao Xuan suddenly said calmly, like a sharp sword, Straight into the heart of a man in black.

"What are you talking about?" the black robed man's face changed, and his pride gradually turned into anger, uncontrollable anger.

"How early did the head of the witch clan die? Successive Gu kings often disappeared. Isn't it your masterpiece?" Xiao Xuan changed his face. At this time, he was serious and raised his mouth. The confidence revealed was the last contempt for the wizard's talented traitor after sorting out everything.

"What if it's my masterpiece? Those bastards still stick to the ancestral legacy. What's the ancestral legacy? Let them be slaves and humble. They sound like guardians of Miao Xinjiang. Hehe, they are actually just a group of fools! All the big families with inheritance are developing themselves as much as possible, pursuing the limit of strength and life. What are we doing Do you? Pursue the limit of being a bodyguard? Go to the fucking mission of guarding miaojiang and go to the fucking barren land. What I want to pursue is longevity! "

The black robed man became more and more excited, and finally his face was ferocious.

Xiao Xuan didn't speak again. He didn't know whether the so-called "longevity" could really be pursued. Even, he didn't know how the "400 year old monster" in front of him could live so long, but he knew one thing. The old monster in front of him smelled of rotten corpses with almost exhausted vitality!

When Xiao Xuan saw the file about the disappearance of Wu Ziya and the information lost in the second part of the thirteen needles of the ghost gate in the Wu family secret hall, he had already thought of some things. But he couldn't think of it. If he was a Wu clan, he didn't have to take the original even to steal the thirteen needle skill of the ghost sect. He knew that he would sink the clan to death.

Seeing the elder and facing the elder's inexplicable hostility, Xiao Xuan even suspected that the descendants of Wu Ziya and the elder were jointly plotting the so-called treasure.

Until just now, Xiao Xuan realized that the elder's hostility came from knowing the existence of Wu Ziya and from compromising Wu Ziya.

The so-called vague treasure is not wealth, but the thirteen needles of the ghost sect that originally belonged to the Wu family.

Wu Ziya sang one big play after another, all serving an inexplicable revenge.

The so-called revenge is just to satisfy his inner resentment against the past.

"Are you immortal now?" Xiao Xuan asked faintly.

Wu Ziya laughed wildly and asked, "isn't it? There are 7 billion people in the world now. How many can live 400 years?"

"Your biggest sorrow is that you know too little and want too much! Narrow and distorted, make you crazy and make you can't see the reality!" Xiao Xuan shook his head and said.

Wu Ziya only focused on talking, but suddenly, he found that Xiao Xuan didn't know when and how to clean up hundreds of "ghosts" he released

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