Xiao Xuan's face was dignified. He looked at the ground under his feet, but he couldn't find anything unusual.

The direction of the baby's fingers in the illusion flashed again in my mind and thought silently.

Wu Gao was very anxious. The elder went into the tomb. Isn't it disrespectful to his ancestors? If he goes crazy and destroys the ancestral remains below, how will the children of Wu family face their ancestors in the future?

Moreover, the elder's deeds made him want to question immediately. He could not imagine that the elder, who always had the impression that he was kind-hearted and good-looking, would be a terrorist employed by Chechnya against the Thai authorities.

Wu Gao was like an ant on a hot pot, but Xiao Xuan seemed to be fixed in place, lowered his head, and didn't know what he was thinking.

"So it is!" Xiao Xuan smashed his tongue and licked his lower lip, revealing a sudden look.

"How?" Wu Gao asked hurriedly when he saw Xiao Xuan's voice.

Xiao Xuan didn't say much. He pulled Wu Gao back along the way when he came, and unexpectedly returned to the gate of the ancestral cemetery. According to the location of the twelve pillars outside in his memory, Xiao Xuan fell on the ground, squeezed his fist and beat the ground repeatedly. A moment later, it seemed that he had determined the position, pulled Wu Gao and began to bleed again.

"..." Wu Gao rolled his eyes and closed his eyes. The purpose of coming in is to be a "key".

Under the control of Xiao Xuan, Wu Gao's blood drew a map of the heavenly stems and earth branches of the book of changes on the ground. At the moment of drawing, the thick and hard ground made a roar, and a big hole was suddenly formed on the spot, which suddenly sucked Xiao Xuan and Wu Gao in.

Suddenly, both of them had no time to react, so they rolled down all the way.

In a corner position, Xiao Xuan managed to stabilize his body and turned over with the momentum of rolling. At the moment of standing firm, he grabbed Wu Gao who was still rolling and lifted him up.

Wu Gao fell seven meat and eight vegetables. He finally stood firm. When he looked at his feet, rows of stairs led to the ground, with twists and turns.

The damp and cold air was like the bottom of a mine. Obviously, they were no longer on the ground.

"Is this under the tomb?" Wu Gao swallowed his saliva and asked.

Xiao Xuan didn't answer. He took out his cell phone, turned on his flashlight and walked down the steps step by step.

Wu Gao didn't dare to grind and hurriedly followed.

The steps seemed endless. After walking more than 100 meters, they could see endless steps.

"No!" Xiao Xuan reacted and stopped. As soon as the flashlight shone around, there were bursts of wings fluttering and squeaking. It seemed that there were some birds below. When he looked at it, it was just a few bats.

"How can there be bats under the tomb?" Wu Gao seemed to be choked by someone, and his voice was torn badly.

Xiao Xuan got a hint. The mobile phone flashlight turned quickly and kept photographing the bats in the dark. The bats were afraid of the light. As soon as the light passed, they fluttered away one after another, but the direction they flew away was the seepage of steps.

"Go back!" Xiao Xuan was sure that the next step was not to the tomb. They turned back step by step, and they returned to the origin again.

There were many mysteries under the tomb, which Xiao Xuan had expected. But the elder had disappeared, and Xiao Xuan was afraid of the wrong time and became more and more anxious.

To settle down again, Xiao Xuan looked around carefully. Sure enough, he saw a secret door in the dark place where bats gathered. If you don't look carefully, you won't find it at all.

Falling into this dark place, with built steps, people will naturally subconsciously go along the way. How can they find the door so easily.

Approaching the dark door, Wu Gao, with sharp eyes, found two footprints at the door and hurriedly said, "it's here!" he was about to push the door.

"Don't move!" Xiao Xuan locked his eyes on the simple pattern on the door and clapped Wu Gao's hand.

This pattern is very complicated and dazzling. At first glance, it looks like a picture of demons dancing and an illusion of all kinds of demons fighting. But Xiao Xuan keenly found the looming dragon pattern in the picture, pointed to the position of the longan and said, "Wu Gao, poke the middle finger and point this position!"

"...." Wu Gao did so without a word.

With a creak, the door opened automatically. In front of him, he suddenly opened up and saw that he entered a large tomb. In the middle, he parked the coffin. In other empty places, there are only some rare clay statues. These statues are strange and can be classified, but they all look like drug children's work.

"How do you know that all places use my blood as the key?" Wu Gao swept around the tomb, looked surprised and asked with a frown.

Xiao Xuan smiled and said, "the twelve pillars are covered with the blood of the Wu clan. I just guess so. Besides, it's not surprising that the tomb of your Wu ancestors started with the mechanism of blood integration! In the years of the Yellow Emperor, there was a saying about the blood of the heaviest blood."

While talking, Xiao Xuan stepped into the tomb and found a row of almost imperceptible footprints. He smiled and said, "well, someone will lead the way!"

Wu GAO found out who Xiao Xuan was talking about and didn't answer. He just followed Xiao Xuan's steps.

Even Wu Gao, a descendant of the Wu family, could not imagine that every tomb has a secret door leading to another tomb.

Coffins are parked in the coffins in each tomb. There is no doubt that there are ancestors of the Wu family in the museum. Scattered and stacked in every corner of the tomb, there are some funerary things. Most of them are pottery products, like clay statues. Now they are all priceless antiques.

But no one had touched these funerary objects all the way. Xiao Xuan didn't even squint at the back. This made Wu Gao recognize Xiao Xuan's character a little more.

Xiao Xuan chased the footprints all the way. The mechanism of each secret door never bothered him. The more he chased, the more confident he was. But somehow, after passing through seven or eight secret doors, Xiao Xuan had the illusion that he had been fooled.

"Old fox!" Xiao Xuan spat and scolded, and his old face turned red. Once again, he saw the clay statue of "medicine boy homework" he had seen at first. After a circle, he returned to his original place.

Following Xiao Xuan's eyes, Wu Gao was also stunned. The clay sculptures of those medicine children were seen as soon as they entered the door because they were in the first tomb. They were very impressed.

Obviously, they were lost and confused by the footprints left by the so-called great elder.

Xiao Xuan heaved a sigh and thought that when Feng Qingyang told him about these so-called array mechanisms, he was still young. Subconsciously, I always think it's something very far away from me. I don't pay so much attention to it. Unexpectedly, I met him at this time.

With patience, Xiao Xuan began to find his way again. There was indeed only one secret door in the first tomb, and there was really only one way to open the secret door. They went through the first secret door again and came to the second tomb.

After careful investigation, Xiao Xuan determined that there was only one secret door in the second tomb. By analogy, he found another cycle, but he still returned to the origin again and got nothing.

"Are we going to die here? Maybe the elder has taken the treasure and left now!" Wu Gao leaned against the wall and sat down with a little despair in his eyes.

In this closed and dark environment, I'm afraid that normal people will be forced to suffer from claustrophobia or something. What's more, when life and death are unpredictable.

Xiao Xuan scratched his scalp and was a little annoyed. He stared at Wu Gao and sneered: "it's a dead dog so soon?"

"..." Wu jumped up from the ground in a high spirit, pointed to Xiao Xuan and scolded, "you have the ability to find the way? Who knows if you also miss the treasure when you catch up!"

Xiao Xuan narrowed his eyes and slapped Wu Gao in the face. Although he knew that Wu Gao was just in panic, he did not hesitate to say anything, but the slap was not light. Wu Gao flew out upside down and hit the wall heavily, which made a dull noise. The back of the head splashed a blood mist on the spot. At this time, I saw a sudden change on the wall


Let's say that the elder finally escaped into the ancestral tomb and made preparations for so many years. He had studied the situation under the ancestral tomb for a long time. There were many mechanisms. For him, even if it could not be said to be empty, he would not work as hard as Xiao Xuan.

Just to confuse the pursuers behind him, he made some false marks and wasted some time.

Rao is so. At this time, he has also reached the tomb in the center.

This tomb is the tomb of the first generation of ancestors after the Wu family migrated to Miao Jiang. It is also the oldest tomb in this ancestral cemetery.

The tomb is well preserved and there are few things to be buried with. There is only a solitary coffin lying in the middle.

The only difference is that on the wall directly above the coffin, there is a bright luminous night pearl.

It can be seen that the elder is very excited, his old face flushes, and his hands tremble slightly. Staring at the coffin, the elder knelt heavily on the ground.

Chanting words: "ancestors are on, unfilial son Wu Ziya comes to worship!" tqr1

After three kneeling and three worshipping, the elder no longer grinned. With a positive color on his face, he walked towards the coffin, held the coffin cover with both hands, and unexpectedly made the move of opening the coffin.

"Open!" Wu Ziya forced his hands. His thin hands used too much force, and his green tendons burst up. At this time, his fingers like bamboo sticks seemed to have turned into steel rods and inserted them into the coffin cover.

I don't know whether it was because the wood was rotten for a long time, or because Wu Ziya exerted too much force, the whole coffin broke apart with a loud crash.

The broken wood chips and the corpses in the coffin were scattered on the ground. The objects in the coffin were scattered and rolled to every corner of the room.

The elder couldn't ignore the many things. He quickly searched for what he was looking for and searched all the sundries. Unfortunately, he couldn't find it at all.

"How could it be?! how could it be?" the eldest brother roared, kicked and smashed the already rotten coffins, but somehow bumped into the bones. The strength of one foot made the long rotten bones break on the spot and splash around.

The elder felt a chill. Although he was unfilial and insane, he kicked his ancestors' bones and was still very angry.

Subconsciously, he went to pick up the scattered bones and put them back in adult shape. When moving the body's head, the elder was ecstatic to find that the baby he was looking for was actually held in his mouth by his ancestors.

"Ha ha ha..." the crazy laughter raged underground. He quickly took out the baby from the head and mouth of his ancestors. He couldn't care to bury his ancestors anymore. The elder quickly fled towards the expected road.


That long string of crazy laughter also spread to the first tomb. Wu Gao clearly heard the penetrating laughter and said repeatedly: "it's over, it must be over! He got it..."

However, Xiao Xuan's eyes still stayed on the wall where "miracles" appeared!

Just then, a position shook, and the whole basement began to shake violently, as if it would collapse at any time. The falling sand and gravel made Wu Gao crazy and grabbed Xiao Xuan for a while and roared: "it's over, we're going to die!"

"Bastard!" Xiao Xuan scolded. His face was blue and he was too lazy to answer. His eyes were still locked on the wall

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