One night, Xiao Xuan looked at the woman who had just fallen asleep and sighed gently.

Su Mei is afraid to be angry again, isn't she?

However, Xiao Xuan could not turn a blind eye to Zhang Yue's deep feelings, nor could he deceive his favor for Zhang Yue.

He was never a firm man in front of women. Those who love him will be greedy for the warmth of tenderness. The person he loves, he will be infatuated with the alternative satisfaction caused by the desire for protection and possession.

"Well, are you thinking about how to go back to see Su Mei!" Zhang Yue woke up, stroked Xiao Xuan's face with her jade hand and asked softly.

"She knew it all along." Xiao Xuan smiled.

"Yes, she is so smart!" Zhang Yue sighed. Su Mei is one of the smartest people she has ever seen. Many people have been cheated by taking cold solid color coats, but Zhang Yue has known Su Mei for many years.

"Don't think about it. If you feel embarrassed when you go back, just change your job!" Xiao Xuan rubbed Zhang Yue's frown.

Zhang Yue didn't know how to speak for a moment. She thought that she was sorry for Su Mei after all! She knew that Xiao Xuan was the only one who was interested in Su Mei! However, she still couldn't control her feelings for Xiao Xuan.

"I'll handle it!" Zhang Yue smiled and buried her head in Xiao Xuan's chest.

"I know!" Xiao Xuan's voice was sleepy.

What a heartless man!

Early the next morning, Xiao Xuan and Zhang Yue rushed to the airport. The original return trip in the afternoon was temporarily changed. The entertainment company was in big trouble, which was still the trouble that Xiao city guard couldn't solve.

In the VIP lounge of the airport, Xiao Xuan didn't expect to meet Yang Yun again.

Yang Yun looks like he hasn't slept all night. He looks a little haggard. He wants to stop talking when he sees Xiao Xuan.

Xiao Xuan pretended not to see it directly, but Zhang Yue nodded politely. He wanted to come forward, but Xiao Xuan stopped him.

"Xiao Xuan, I think Mrs. Yang is strange, and her bodyguards also seem strange. It seems that Mrs. Yang is a little afraid of her bodyguards. In a large family like them, the master and servant are clearly distinguished. How..." Zhang Yue said in a low voice.

"What's strange about this? If there is the inferiority of master and servant, there will be the inferiority of men and women!" Xiao Xuan sneered.

"Hiss, do you mean that Mrs. Yang was watched by that big man? No?" Zhang Yue gossip a few words and turned to see Xiao Xuan's face slightly ugly.

Thinking of what happened last night, I felt a little sorry and didn't say more.

When they returned to Nanhai City, it was only ten at noon.

Near Yuya, the two leave separately. Xiao Xuan goes to the entertainment company, and Zhang Yue reports back to Yuya.

Entertainment companies are already on track, but these two days there are constant storms.

An actor who has promised to participate in a film temporarily breaks his appointment after starting the machine. This is not a big thing, but after breaking the appointment and resigning, the actor publicly attacked the entertainment company and co director actors in front of the media.

Xiaocheng guard sent people to solve the matter. They visited the actor at night. The next day, it came out that the actor died and was sexually assaulted before he died.

The Xiaocheng guard didn't know anything about it. The brother who handled the matter was still on duty in the Security Department of the entertainment company.

When the incident was reported the next day, the picture of the brother in the security uniform of the entertainment company spread wildly.

Xiaocheng guard was furious. They all started to investigate the matter, but found that there was no flaw in it.

For a time, Yaxuan entertainment company was pushed to the forefront of the storm. The unspoken actors, the actors' angry speech, Yaxuan retaliated, killed first and then raped... An endless stream of negative news exploded on the whole network. tqR1

The movie stopped, the police settled in, and the media squatted day and night. Up and down the company, everyone is very flustered now.

"I wish Xiao were there!"

"Yes, where has President Xiao gone? Now if President Xiao is here, he will certainly solve the trouble!"

"You said Sue would never come to town?"


Ah Cai listened to the burglary in the office and smiled bitterly. It's not that she can't sit still, but that her opponent is too strong.

Su Mei gave her instructions and just waited for Xiao Xuan to come back.

Now, I'm afraid no one can clean up the scene except Xiao Xuan.

When Bai Yujiao appeared in the company with a chiffon dress, all the men raised their eyes and then bowed their heads.

Miss Bai, the major shareholder, has a good reputation in these two days. The young lady is not only beautiful, but it is said that hundreds of millions have been invested in the entertainment company. Moreover, the reporters and media squatting outside and even the so-called police investigating seem to be respectful to the young lady. Are these mortals able to see such a woman more.

"Sister Cai, don't worry, Xiao Xuan must be back soon!" Bai Yujiao pushed away the manager's office, saw Ah Cai lighting a cigarette, looked worried and said with a smile.

Ah Cai quickly put out the smoke and said, "thanks to Miss Bai these days, otherwise things will get out of control. It's all my dereliction of duty!"

"Don't say that. It's not that simple. I can only wait for Xiao Xuan. I wanted to help him, but I still can't do it!" Bai Yujiao sighed.

Before their words fell, suddenly a lazy voice sounded, "it's a big fart. The two beautiful women sigh so bitterly, which makes me feel bad!"

I don't know when Bai Yujiao has an arm behind her. Who else can there be except Xiao Xuan.

Ah Cai stared and looked like Xiao Xuan appearing out of thin air, "how can you appear and disappear!"

"Because I'm a ghost!" Xiao Xuan smiled, as if completely unaffected by the matter.

"Yes, yes, you are a big lust ghost!" Bai Yu was angry and smiled in her eyebrows.

When Xiao Xuan came, they were relieved. They are used to the shelter provided by this man.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Xuan sat on the sofa with Bai Yujiao in his arms. His eyes swept the two women and asked slowly.

"The actor's name is Zhu Zhihua. He is also a little famous in the industry..." ah Cai said all the details she knew.

Bai Yujiao took over and said, "the lion king and traceless went to the scene together and didn't find any clues. Zhu Zhihua was like suicide, because there was no trace of the second person at the scene, but the traces of sexual assault on him could not be explained."

"What else?" Xiao Xuan didn't believe that he had found out such a thing for two days.

"Zhu Zhihua's account increased by 3 million a week ago. It said it was advertising film pay, but we checked it and it was not so. After investigation, the money was transferred from the account of a manager of China film company!" Bai Yujiao added with a smile.

Ah CAI was stunned and took a deep look at Bai Yujiao. I'm afraid it's clearer than the police.

"What do you think?" Xiao Xuan turned his head and asked ah CAI.

"Our judgment is also malicious competition. Yesterday, two more actors proposed to resign. They were evasive between words. I think it's probably..." said ah CAI.

Xiao Xuan patted the table and said, "since there is a conclusion, what am I going to do? Fuck!"

"Ah Cai said nothing.

What? What? Entertainment companies have no resources to compete with giants such as China film.

Without knowing Xiao Xuan's deployment, the Xiaocheng guard can't be fought by the Taoist priest behind the China film because of a little speculation.

"I spent three billion yuan and gave me a blockbuster a month. What team do you want, what team do I get you, what technology do you want, and what technology do you give? Wu must be released before 11. Is there a problem?" Xiao Xuan looked at ah CAI.

Three billion? Ah Cai's throat is tight. Xiao Xuan is going against the sky. Such an investment is hard to find in film history.

Bai Yujiao smiled. Her little man was angry and wanted to play big. She was inexplicably excited.

"Spend another billion and push Su Guoer out to me. When will the Grammy music award be presented? It's reserved for us." Xiao Xuan said that the American Grammy was run by his own family.

"Ah Cai rolled his eyes again.

"Another billion is spent on the development of the company. If there is a problem, take the money to smash it. If you can't smash it, tell me, I'll smash it with my fist. A little broken thing can be solved at one time!" Xiao Xuan moved his neck and was very aggressive.

Just a living upstart between words.

"It's too technical!" Bai Yujiao smiled.

"Who makes me have more money! Alas, I'm handsome and have more money. I'm in love with myself!" Xiao Xuan touched his chin and said seriously.

Ah Cai looked at Xiao Xuan and didn't seem to be joking at all. He coughed twice and said, "Mr. Xiao, do you really want to do this?"

"Yes, you do it! The money will arrive in three days at most!" Xiao Xuan waved his big hand and swaggered away with Bai Yujiao in his arms.

When she went out, the sharp eyed woman in the office shouted, "President Xiao is back!"

A group of women were crazy. They were so excited that they were like monkeys pregnant with Xiao Xuan. Tears filled their eyes. "Mr. Xiao, you have come back. Recently, we have been miserable. A group of media have taken pictures early and late, in the company and at home. We can't live any longer."

"Oh, don't worry. I'm so handsome. When I go down, they'll only shoot me and won't shoot you again!" Xiao Xuan laughed.


The company had several more faces. Xiao Xuan glanced and said, "my office building has only one requirement. The employees are capable!"

Nonsense, whose company doesn't require employees to be competent!

But they thought about this and chewed it for a moment. Somehow they chewed out the taste of the side.

Bai Yujiao smiled and said, "don't tease them!"

"I'm serious..." Xiao Xuan said seriously.

The two male employees in the corner of the office are a little on pins and needles. Does that mean they should go away?

"Of course, if you can't do it, you have to be loyal. If you don't have both, go away!" Xiao Xuan said with a smile and left with Bai Yujiao in his arms.

Bai Yujiao frowned and asked, "do you see anything?"

Xiao Xuan shook his head and didn't speak.

As soon as they left the company building, the squatting media took a burst of fierce photos. Unexpectedly, someone recognized Xiao Xuan and shouted, "can Mr. Xiao accept our interview?"

"Yes, you come, let's talk!" Xiao Xuan's special "amiable" and "kind eyebrows and good eyes" smiled like Grandma wolf

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