Xiao Xuan's smiling appearance was harmless to humans and animals. Bai Yujiao standing beside him also smiled.

The media on the scene couldn't help being excited. The company was finally going to send someone to respond positively. You don't have to make up news anymore. Squatting for nearly three days, I haven't got any fart information. It's hard to make up news!

"Mr. Xiao, what do you think of Mr. Zhu Zhihua's death?"

"Mr. Xiao, Mr. Zhu Zhihua was sexually assaulted before his death. I heard it was related to a big director of your company. Is that so?"


Xiao Xuan took his time, listened to the reporter who asked questions like a firecracker, cleared his throat, pointed to the reporter who asked questions first and asked, "your name is Zhu?"

"Ah? No, no!"

"The death of Zhu is none of your business? Mind your own business. It's a pig brain." Xiao Xuan snorted.

"As a news media person, my duty is..."

The reporter didn't say a sophistry, so he listened to Xiao Xuan and said, "if you say you are a pig brain, pigs don't accept it. Your duty is to report the truth. What do I think has something to do with the truth? What a brain cripple!"


"And who? Your wife is pregnant with someone else's son. Would you like to ask if our director did it? A pair of brain cripples!"


"Tut Tut, there are too many mental handicaps now. The people blocking the door are usually either hooligans or dogs. Tell me, what do I spend money on security guards? What do I spend money on cleaners?" Xiao Xuan shook his head.

"You, you deceive people too much. Is that what you do to our journalists? You are still the leader of the company. With a leader like you, such a scandal is inevitable!" a reporter shouted at a high voice.

Xiao Xuan glanced at the group of reporters. "It's a compliment to say that you people are brain cripples and dogs. You're rubbish! Even if you can't get things done after receiving the money, it's shameless to blame the meat steamed stuffed bun for not giving you a bite on your mouth!"


No one thought that Xiao Xuan, a big leader of a big company, came out to roll his sleeves and stand in the street for the purpose of swearing at others.

The key is that the group of journalists who still scolded were hoodwinked for a moment. After all, the attitude of entertainment companies these days is to be silent for gold, lest disaster come out of the mouth.

Xiao Xuan was so kind that he opened his mouth and scolded happily.

Many people upstairs wanted to see Xiao Xuan come out and be besieged by reporters. As a result, they saw the scene of Xiao Xuan scolding the street and a group of reporters in the wind.

However, for such things as swearing, journalists are experts in everything. They are just confused for a short time and react immediately.

One by one, they shouted slogans to expose and subvert, and scolded Xiao Xuan's behavior to the end.

"Alas, call P & G and there will be 50 people in ten minutes! We are a civilized and developed company. How can health work be so bad?" Xiao Xuan said seriously.

Bai Yujiao immediately said hello to the security guard at the door. Your sister, where does the company have so much cleaning. But Xiao Xuan said yes, of course.

In less than two minutes, a group of reporters did not react. They saw a group of "aggressive" cleaning personnel running out of the building with all kinds of cleaning tools.

Reporters are not afraid. What are people afraid of? There are many of them in public. The equipment someone took can be broadcast live online. I don't believe it. Xiao Xuan dares to let people do it.

Of course, the result was that Xiao XuanZhen didn't let anyone do it.

Instead, it made people stare. The goods pointed to a cigarette butt next to the gate and said unhappily, "look, the sanitation is too poor. I'm very dissatisfied! Now you're fined to clean all the company's one kilometer radius!"

These cleaners are posing as security guards, and security guards are mostly brothers of Xiaocheng guard.

One by one, they were all bad oil flowing masters. As soon as Xiao Xuan opened his mouth, he understood it. One by one, he said seriously, "OK, OK, President Xiao, clean it up right away."

"Don't hurry!" Xiao Xuan's leadership was full of airs.

A group of reporters really couldn't react. What did Xiao Xuan want to do? In the twinkling of an eye, I saw a group of three big and five thick men cleaning the road with brooms

The road is really not dirty, but there is dust no matter how clean it is! Especially in this dry summer!

For a time, the cleanest street in Nanhai city with the best air quality turned into Yanjiao area shrouded in dust storms.

The sand and dust floated around and went straight into people's eyes, nose and mouth. The breath smelled of sand.

"What are you doing?"

"Sweep the garbage!"

"This is a public place. This is our company's land at the door. Don't you let us clean?"


"What a bunch of fools! It's so big ash. Sprinkle some water!" Xiao Xuan stood at the upper air outlet with Bai Yujiao in his arms to avoid eating a mouthful of ash.

These cleaners are really qualified. Lest the boss be unhappy, a dozen people immediately threw down their brooms to look for water after listening to Xiao Xuan.

In a mess, these reporters didn't hear what Xiao Xuan said. They were still thinking of arguing and cursing!

As a result, a few buckets of water fell from the sky, or where there were machines, where to pour!


"You broke my machine. Do you know how much it costs?"

"Ah, I haven't sent my finished manuscript yet. Your water is splashing on my computer. I'll call the police!"


Not to mention the alarm, I don't know which brother who had suffered a loss in the hands of the police was annoyed and pulled the fire hydrant out of the building.

The roaring water column directly knocked individual journalists to the ground and couldn't get up. Not to mention machines. Even the falling belt with poor quality was washed by the water column and was torn apart.

"All right, all right. You temporary workers who can't accomplish enough and can't defeat enough, let me clean up and get me a rotten mud road. You're all fired!" Xiao Xuan was very angry and his face turned red.

"Mr. Xiao, it's not us, it's them..."

"Stop talking. It's the most unreliable thing to say about temporary workers. Look at this move. Fifty temporary workers can't clean the road. Get out of here and don't let me see you again!" Xiao Xuan's nose was crooked with anger.

"One temporary worker at a time. I quit. The salary is so low!"


Dozens of cleaners left their cleaning tools in the twinkling of an eye!!!

Xiao Xuan apologized, walked back to the reporters and said, "the staff training is not in place when the new company was established. They all said not to find temporary workers to save money, but they didn't listen. You talk about this! Temporary workers are just irresponsible. If they have a temper with the boss, they vent on the boss's friends. You reporter friends, you should report the temporary workers well!"

The most shameless person in the world must be Xiao Xuan!

What I said was so justifiable that I couldn't say it.

First, the temporary workers did it, then dismissed the temporary workers, and finally pushed it clean. The temporary workers have prejudices against the boss and hurt the innocent. To call the police to catch temporary workers and compensate for temporary workers, it has nothing to do with the entertainment company.

This dumb loser really eats too much.

These reporters were burning in their eyes and wanted to devour Xiao Xuan alive.

"Son of a bitch, dare to Yin me. Don't you fucking know, I was a war reporter and trained. I reported on the Iraq war!"

A guy who was turned into a drowned chicken rushed towards Xiao Xuan. His military boxing was really powerful.

But before Xiao Xuan was near, he flew out upside down and fell seven meat and eight vegetables.

"War reporters mixed up with tabloid reporters to write gossip. You really have the ability!" Xiao Xuan sneered.

This goods really dare to beat reporters!

No wonder this group of journalists were so surprised. They all came from other places. The local reporters and media did not take up their work when they heard about Xiao Xuan.

If Xiao Xuan hadn't been away before, Bai Yujiao and others wouldn't have made a big deal. They were afraid that they would have been thrown into the Yongjiang river.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I think you'd better hurry to call the police. Otherwise, the temporary worker will run away and you won't find it!" Xiao Xuan patted on the forehead and said with a smile as if he suddenly thought of something.

"Go! Go back first!" these reporters were not stupid. I don't know who said a word and scattered around. I can see that I can't fight or scold. And just now a reporter secretly called the nearby police station. They directly refused to call the police, saying that the police force was nervous. If it was not a big deal, we'll talk about it later.

Looking at the group of reporters scattered around, Xiao Xuan just sneered.

Bai Yujiao came forward slowly, "I know you are not a loser!"

"Find some people to ask these reporters who collected the money. If you don't say it, you'll throw it all into the river. If you don't fight for three days, you won't know the city's surname is Xiao!" Xiao Xuan narrowed his eyes and said slowly.

"Good!" Bai Yujiao took Xiao Xuan's arm and left together.

As for the mess on the road, naturally someone will clean it up.

Odie's redecoration has not been completed, but the dungeon in the basement is still in use.

Zhao Sixi crossed his legs, sat in a master's chair, drank beer and ate fried chicken, and commanded more than a dozen brothers to work hard.

Ghosts crying and wolves howling can't describe the tragedy in the dungeon. Seventeen or eight men and women were beaten and couldn't even recognize their mother. At a glance, they knew that eighteen kinds of torture had been done once. tqR1

"Brother Sixi, just ask, when can I ask!" muttered a brother who was tired of waving a whip.

"That's your incompetence. These people sneaked into Nanhai city recently. The shadow people brought these grandchildren back. You can't find out the results. It's really embarrassing!" Zhao Sixi said angrily after taking a sip of beer.

"What if it doesn't have anything to do with them? Ask around, they're talking about those words!"

As soon as Zhao Sixi threw the beer can, "nerd, such a play can become a trick. It's time to admit when they make up a lie. They have to turn over and over. Just these words show that there is a problem!"

"Yes, what the fourth brother said is reasonable!"

"It makes sense. If I can't ask anything tonight, I'll hang you up and fight for three days!" Zhao Sixi slapped the silly goods in front of him and laughed and scolded.

There was a sound of footsteps in the dungeon. Dong Dahai came in slowly, "let me ask!"

"Will you still extort a confession?"

"Can Bao's nickname be called in vain?"


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