Xiao Xuan smiled faintly and said, "you can try! Maybe they will quit the battlefield if they are afraid. I don't know if they can become their national heroes!"

Seeing that Xiao Xuan was still in a hurry, Chen Youlong smiled and said, "what about your women? Tut Tut, if the woman of the ghost king has a pornographic photo, it should be a sensation in the world?"

Xiao Xuan still smiled lightly and asked, "how about I go to the Chen family three in and three out later and destroy the door? Well, maybe you've left the building empty. But you can dig the ancestral grave and whip the corpse!"

"Hehe, I'm materialist. I'll disappear when I die. You can dig up those corpses and whip them!" Chen Youlong sneered.

"It is true! * it is really meaningless to kill the corpse. It is more interesting to catch you as a man!" Xiao nodded his head.

Chen Youlong called to disgust Xiao Xuan. Unexpectedly, Xiao xuangen didn't think so. "Xiao Xuan, don't think you're awesome. Look who this is!"

In the mobile phone screen, Huang Min suddenly appeared. She looked a little frightened when she was tied to a chair.

Xiao Xuan shriveled his mouth and said faintly, "you know so well that you must know that she is not my woman!"

Chen Youlong chuckled, "it's not good. I just want to take a group of her beautiful portraits!"

At this time, the logo of the ghost house flashed on the mobile phone screen, and a skull title was displayed with a note with an address, which seemed to write a landmark in the North Pole.

Then the video on the mobile phone screen has been cut off.

Xiao Xuan frowned constantly. His mobile phone had the most advanced protection software of the ghost house. With the strength of the computer field in the ghost house, even the most confidential system could be invaded. At this time, it was not difficult for Chen Youlong to invade and counter detect the address.

But Xiao Xuan didn't rush to save people. Instead, he sat down on the bed and quickly sent out a few text messages.

As time went by, Xiao Xuan played with his mobile phone. After about ten minutes, a text message finally returned.

"You all live in Odie. It's not safe here." Xiao Xuan said, holding a woman in one hand and directly blinking past.

In the blink of an eye, from sun Manyu's home to Bai Yujiao's bedroom, sun Manyu and Liu Tao stared at Xiao Xuan with incredible faces as if they were ghosts.

"Come back and explain to you!" Xiao Xuan said and disappeared again.

The three women alone looked at each other, or because they had been sleeping together for a long time, there was no embarrassment between them, especially sun Manyu and Bai Yujiao.

"Xiao Xuan, this is..." sun Manyu was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth.

"Cousin, you pinch me. Am I sleepwalking?"

"Xiao Xuan is a monk!" Bai Yujiao said with a smile.

"The one who will live forever? Isn't that a novel!"

"I don't know if he will live forever. But he is different from other martial arts practitioners!"

"What's different?"

"I don't know what's different!"

"It's great anyway!"


The three women were silent again soon after you said a word to me.

If Xiao XuanZhen was a monk, if Xiao XuanZhen would live forever, wouldn't they all be just pink skeletons that existed in his life?


Xiao Xuan didn't know what the women thought at this time. He just flashed away. He returned to Yuya international. Without saying a word, he picked up Su Mei and Zhang Yue and entered ODI.

Subconsciously, he didn't put the two women in the same room with other women, but he just threw down a sentence, don't run around, and then disappeared.

Xiao Xuan is busy here, and Chen Youlong is not idle.

Dozens of people in the Chen family's old house are moving, and they have already prepared for it. However, dozens of people in the Chen family are all in important official positions. That doesn't mean that they can move empty without any alarm.

At this time, there are more than a dozen direct relatives to move out. Chen Youlong sneaked back to take charge of the move.

Chen Youlong is well informed. The Ji family has just announced that they want to move the Taoist priest, and he has received the wind. Many things on the Taoist side have something to do with the Chen family. If you don't go at this time, you can't go.

"Grandpa, let's go!" in front of the memorial tablet in the ancestral temple of the old house, old man Chen is a little depressed and reluctant to give up.

"There is a dragon, the glory of the Chen family is all over you!" old man Chen said in a deep voice.

Chen Youlong smiled gently, pulled his white coat and said faintly, "Grandpa, don't worry. In three months at most, the Chen family will not be the Yanjing Chen family, but the Chinese Chen family. I will do it!"

"The road is all arranged?"

"Don't worry. Xiao Xuan has been cheated to the north pole by me. No one can stop me except him!" Chen Youlong has a clear mind.

"It's said that there is a line between genius and madman. The Chen family has a dragon is a genius. This has been shouted for 20 years, but why are you a madman!"

The Wang family, led by Wang Si, came in quickly with a special service team. Wang Si frowned at the Chen family and said.

Chen Youlong shrugged indifferently and said, "you're well informed. You've come very soon. But you think these people can keep me?"

Wang Si shook his head. "If you dare to come, it means that your experiment has become a great success. At the beginning, the experiment was said to be a national super military secret and to do research for national defense. I know some power. If the experiment is a great success, I think we can't keep you!"

Chen Youlong laughed, "what are you doing here?"

Wang Si said, "when the sergeant is in the DPRK, he should naturally repay the national grace! There are always a few scum with wolf ambition and negative national trust like you!"

"If you want to fight, fight and talk so much nonsense, is it difficult to delay time? I know your secret service's strength very well. I can guess one or two if you can invite Xuanmen helpers. Why don't you shout out and go together." Chen Youlong moved his neck and looked contemptuously at the Wang family and the secret service.

As he was saying this, he suddenly saw several people coming in at the door. The head was master Ji.

"Old man Chen, we also carried guns together in those years. How can you sell the country when you are old? When you killed Japanese thieves, you were also a bloody man. Now, I despise you!"

Master Ji's face was righteous and majestic.

Old man Chen chuckled and said, "the hero doesn't mention his courage, but depends on who becomes king in the Ming Dynasty!"

"King Cheng? What kind of king? I'm a million strong soldiers in China. Can you kill all Chen Youlong in your Chen family?" Xiao Zhen came in with Xiao bin.

When old man Chen saw Xiao Zhen, he glanced lightly and said, "Xiao Zhen, are you here to cheer on your son? Your son is really powerful. Your Xiao family's situation is getting worse and worse, I didn't expect to leave one to become a ghost King abroad. Speaking of this ability, your Xiao family is still powerful. I admire it!"

Xiao Zhen didn't expect old man Chen to expose this. He choked at that time.

For a moment, the scene was very chaotic, and all parties gathered, as if they had received some news.

Chen Youlong's face is slightly ugly. Why are all these people here?

"You all want to stop me?" Chen Youlong's face is ferocious.

Wang Si sighed and said, "you have all worked in the organ for a long time. You should know that it is impossible for old man Chen to leave China."

As soon as Wang Si's voice fell, the secret service members surrounded the Chen family. They only listened to the saber and shouted, "form a seven star array!"

"Hehe, the queen is coming too!" Chen Youlong laughs.

The saber frowned and had a bad hunch. In the twinkling of an eye, they heard a dense sound of footsteps. They turned around and saw hundreds of strong men in black, armed with real guns and bullets, coming quickly.

As soon as the strong men entered the courtyard, they turned their guns and aimed at Wang Si and other people.

"Old man Huang, you're here too?! what are you doing?!" old man Ji's pupils widened and drank coldly.

"I'll meet you old friends! Give me another brother Chen!" old man Huang was very angry and stood beside Jin Guozheng.

Even Huang Min and Jin Beibei were controlled by several strong men.

Just looking at this situation, Wang Dun reacted, "you also want to be with the Chen family... Treason!?"

"Treason? It's not so serious. It's just going out to play for a few days. We're all old friends, and I don't want to kill them all. Why don't you let go and let's say goodbye?" old man Huang's eyes glittered.

"Lao Huang!!!" master Ji is very sad. These are his old comrades in arms who carried guns with him in the Vietnam War. Now they are all crazy.

"Lao Ji is there too. Lao Ji, you know the strength of the yellow scarf soldiers of the Huang family. Chen Youlong transformed this weapon. Wang Si should know how powerful it is. Do you want to make way?"

Wang Si and his party were very angry. They all knew that if they let the Chen family go today, they were afraid that it would be difficult to catch them in the future. The wind and cloud gathered. At this time, more than half of the great aristocratic families in Yanjing came!

Why don't you let them go like this?

Wang Si was so angry that he stamped his feet. Xiao Xuan, Xiao Xuan, why didn't you see anyone when you sent the fucking news!

Wang Si somehow thought of Xiao Xuan at this time.

"Lao Huang, Lao Chen, you are all old comrades. You are also an old friend of No. 1. As long as you are willing to look back now..." Wang Si kept on talking, hoping to delay one or two. Xiao Xuan can come. If you come, there may be a way to solve this dilemma.

Chen Youlong sneered and said, "you shouldn't be waiting for Xiao Xuan to help you? Xiao Xuan has a lot to do with your secret service. I knew it for a long time. Unfortunately, Xiao Xuan may be going to the North Pole now, or he has already arrived at the North Pole."

"Without Xiao Xuan, I'll cut you!" a sharp male voice, the robe sounded in the wind, and a long sword glittered with silver.

The white Xuan crane spreads its wings like an eagle, cuts through the sky with a long sword and attacks Chen Youlong.

The crowd sighed that Bai Xuanhe was a master of Xuanmen. If he took Chen Youlong in one fell swoop, he could solve the dilemma at this time.

But no one thought that Chen Youlong just sneered, and the whole person disappeared out of thin air. When he appeared out of thin air again, he was more than 100 meters behind Bai Xuanhe.

"Shit, what the hell did this guy study?"

"Chen Youlong is really a fucking genius. What did he study..."

The crowd exclaimed. Chen Youlong sneered and said proudly, "you want to keep me?"

While talking, Chen Youlong took out a silver pistol in his arms. The pistol clip position was inlaid with a pink crystal the size of a fingernail. When he pulled the trigger, he saw that the pink crystal rose sharply, and the muzzle of the gun shot a light as bright as a laser, straight at the white Xuan crane.

Bai Xuanhe's long sword was not afraid. He greeted him. He heard a ding. The long sword broke at the sound, and the pink luster did not decrease. He hit him directly on the chest.

"Chen Youlong, there's a saying that you can't win."

The lazy voice, with a little joking tone, saw Xiao Xuan out of thin air. As soon as he raised his big hand, he raised Bai Xuanhe aside and just avoided the powder light.

The split light failed and shot at the door beam of the house behind. With a loud bang, the whole house collapsed in an instant.

Dust and gravel splashed everywhere, and everyone was stunned. What kind of power is this! A light left a bomb!

"Why are you here?" Chen Youlong saw Xiao Xuan's face change slightly.

"Where should I be? The North Pole?" Xiao Xuan asked with a light smile.

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