As soon as Xiao Xuan appeared, everyone was in an uproar. This guy really came.

Wang Si couldn't help but look happy. Old man Ji couldn't help but be gratified. They didn't see the wrong person!

In particular, Bai Xuanhe, saved by Xiao Xuan, was a little shy and said, "thank you!"

"..." Xiao Xuan felt goose bumps and threw Bai Xuanhe out. This motherfucker, regardless of the situation.

Relying on his strength, Bai Xuanhe fell beside Wang Si, looked at Xiao Xuan's shadow pulled by the setting sun, and muttered, "this is a real man!"

Wang Si stared at Baixuan crane without a word. Although the special addiction of the goods is well known, it's not the right time to attack.

Bai Xuanhe smiled and blushed. He looked at Xiao Xuan not far away.

Xiao Xuan squinted at Chen Youlong with a ruffian face, smiled and said, "to tell you the truth, you are the only madman I've ever seen who is more talented than genius!"

Chen Youlong's face was gloomy. Unexpectedly, Xiao Xuan saw through his trick and said coldly, "you just rely on the ghost house behind you. Otherwise, you're afraid you're already in the North Pole now! The science and technology power of the ghost house is really powerful!"

Chen Youlong was annoyed when he was spotted by the anti reconnaissance when he invaded Xiao Xuan's mobile phone.

Xiao Xuan moved his neck and said faintly, "it's a shame to say that you are very clever. You really concealed the tracking of the ghost house. I almost went to the North Pole. It's a pity that you were smart and mistaken!"

Chen Youlong frowned. Just for a moment, he suddenly reacted, and a little annoyance flashed on his face.

"If you only send me such a video and don't do so many actions, maybe I will catch up with you according to the address detected by the counter investigation. But too many actions will be clumsy. Just like those low-level scams, you call to urge disturbance while telling the cheated that your bank card has been stolen. If you really kidnapped Huang Min, how can you spend more time harassing other women People? Even attack the ghost house? Who in the world will pretend to attack the ghost house for no reason? "

Xiao Xuan seems to be in a good mood and smiles to completely solve Chen Youlong's doubts.

Chen Youlong was silent for a moment. "Your mind is too strange. If someone else..."

"If someone else is confused, he will not think about it carefully, right? But I am the ghost king. I have always been engaged in the business of killing people and stealing goods. I am more familiar with these routine psychology than you!" Xiao Xuanfeng smiled lightly.

"In that case, there seems to be only one war. Xiao Xuan, do you think you can beat me?" Chen Youlong said fiercely.

No one cares about this problem.

Whether Xiao Xuan can control Chen Youlong determines whether today's action can succeed.

"If I as like as two peas, I would have guessed it wrong." Huang brings the gun in the hands of the people. It is exactly the same as yours. You are a prudent person, even if you think you have deceived me, you have done everything! "Xiao Xuan said lightly.

It seems that everything is indifferent in his thinking, which makes everyone feel at ease and makes Chen Youlong uneasy.

"What do you know? You know the most about the gods. You say you can win if I add the crystal magic gun in the hands of 80 yellow scarves?" Chen Youlong roared.

Xiao Xuan said positively, "I don't know until I hit!"

"Then come!" Chen Youlong turned his short gun and disappeared again.

But Xiao Xuan didn't move. He pricked out a cigarette lighter in his pocket, lit a cigarette and took a puff of smoke.

"Xiao Xuan, don't trust me!" old man Ji couldn't help shouting.

Xiao Xuan vomited a string of smoke rings and said slowly: "if I were Chen Youlong, I would first shoot in the direction of your station and kill you old bastards!"



When the fuck was suddenly panic, they make complaints about the four rounds of Tucao. This kind of joke at this time.

At this time, Xiao Xuan suddenly flashed, and the whole man rose up like an eagle. When he jumped more than two meters high, he suddenly disappeared, as if he had disappeared into the air, or into another space.

There was a dull bang in the air, but no one was seen.

No one was surprised. What kind of battle is this? Is it a supernatural war?

When Xiao Xuan appeared again, his face did not change, but Chen Youlong reappeared, but his face was as earth.

"In fact, you are very good, but mistakenly think you have succeeded!" Xiao Xuan was high above, and his indifferent tone was still like a God.

Unwilling, Chen Youlong suddenly raises his gun and aims at Xiao Xuanfei with a few pink lights.

Behind Xiao Xuan was an empty house, but no one thought that Xiao Xuan did not dodge.

I saw him start with a punch and throw a punch in the air. The black light flickered on his fist and went straight up.

The roar of bang was like some kind of bomb with huge energy exploding in the air. People on the ground almost subconsciously fell on their heads, but nothing happened.

Only Chen Youlong could see clearly. After the explosion, Xiao Xuan's big hand waved in the air, which was like magic. He tore open a black hole in the air. As soon as he wound his backhand, all the energy bodies in the air were thrown into the black hole by him, and there was no news

"Do you know the gap between us? To develop divine power is just to borrow power, while you are still a mortal body. And I, integrating divine power, I am God!" Xiao Xuan said faintly.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it! I don't believe it!" a confused flash in Chen Youlong's eyes, like a crazy roar like a sudden shake of faith.

"Yellow scarf soldiers, ready to fire!" Chen Youlong shouted.

Old man Huang responded, waved his hand and motioned for the 80 yellow scarf soldiers to shoot. Almost no one responded. The light waves whizzed out. He saw dozens of pink lights in the air shooting at Xiao Xuan.

Everyone saw it clearly. More than one pink light shot into Xiao Xuan's body. They saw blood fog exploding on him, which made people can't bear to look straight at him.

"No, Dad, you can't!"

Huang Min, who has always been controlled by the yellow scarf soldiers, suddenly broke free from her bondage and roared forward. Looking at Xiao Xuan, she was bleeding and couldn't see the human kind. The pain of breaking her heart into pieces made her unable to deceive her feelings anymore!

Almost without any hesitation and madness, he came forward and stood in front of the gun of the yellow scarf soldier.

"Xiaomin, do you know what you're doing?" old man Huang shouted angrily.

Huang Min burst into tears and stared at the air, unable to speak.

In case of sudden change, everyone was shocked and stunned. Huang Min screamed hoarsely to revive them.

"Lao Huang, what do you want to do?" master Ji angrily scolded.

Wang Si's eyes were a little hot, and Wang's nephew still looked at the blood splashing in the air in disbelief.

Every one present is an old fox. How can they not see that Xiao Xuan's big words are deliberately angering Chen Youlong.

Although in theory, they do not believe that Xiao Xuan deliberately did this because he defended them, there is only one reason they can think of. After all, not to mention the firing of 80 guns, they can't even bear one of Chen Youlong's modified guns.

Xiao Zhen still stood where he was, and his mouth twitched. He was confused. He couldn't tell what it was like.

Just listen to two angry scolds: "Chen Youlong takes his life!"

"Xiao Xuan!!!"

One before and one after, a black shadow and a white shadow jumped into the air together.

The black shadow goes straight to Xiao Xuan and the white shadow hits Chen Youlong with an iron fist.

"It's up to you?" Chen Youlong was splashed with the blood all his life. His face became more and more ferocious. He put up his fists and waved them out.

There were two muffled bangs, still one before and one after. A black shadow and a white shadow flew out one after another!

With Chen Youlong's full strength, the sabre and Bai Xuanhe couldn't catch a move.

"Cough, it doesn't matter if you hit me twice, but it's not good if you hit my queen!" bloody Xiao Xuan suddenly wiped the blood on his face, and his tone was still so ruffian.

He threw himself up, raised his big hand and grabbed Chen Youlong's neck in the twinkling of an eye!

"Xiao Xuan!"

"Xiao Xuan!"

Let everyone shout, but Xiao Xuan stopped talking, as if he had just grabbed Chen Youlong with his last strength.

Those big hands are clenched around Chen Youlong's neck. They are as tight as a pair of pliers. They can't break or pull apart!

Chen Youlong Quan kicks and kicks, but it doesn't help. Soon, suffocation made him feel a breath of death.

"Old Huang, shoot again!" old man Chen shouted.

Old man Huang just had a meal, waved his hand and said, "go!"

"Dad!" Huang Min stood in front of old man Huang.

"Chief, you can't aim at the object!" tqr1

Old man Huang was nervous and looked up. Xiao Xuan's body was blocked by Chen Youlong's body.

The sabre and Bai Xuanhe threw themselves into the air again.

"Are you two finished? Come up and be a living target?" Xiao Xuan's bad voice sounded again.


The sabre and Bai Xuanhe were all in one meal, their eyes were opposite, and their roar was loud: "Xiao Xuan!!! It's fun to cheat, isn't it?"

Xiao Xuan smiled and threw Chen Youlong, who was half dead, to the ground. "Who said I lied? I hit a blood hole all over my body. Look at my blood flow like tap water!"

Huang Min could not help jumping into Xiao Xuan's arms for a long time. Xiao Xuan was really soaked with blood and tears. Huang Min was completely like a child at this time. She hugged Xiao Xuan and refused to give up.

"Silly girl, if I'm really dead, will you still fight your father? Don't you know that he'll shoot you in a hurry!" Xiao Xuan touched Huang Min's hair.

"I know!"

"Are you still eye-catching?"


"Who else, my queen, you are also experienced in fighting. If you have nothing to do, jump into the air and be addicted to blocking? Come here and I'll give you a class!" Xiao Xuan held Huang Min in one hand and kept waving at the military knife in the other hand.

Everyone is speechless. NIMA's war is not over. Why is this guy still embracing left and right? Isn't your brain stupid?

The saber glared at Xiao Xuan and didn't move. He stared at old man Huang and eighty yellow scarf soldiers vigilantly.

Bai Xuanhe ran over and said, "I'll help you block it, too..."

"You go..."

"Xiao Xuan, have you done enough? I'm not a vegetarian! Do you want to do it again?" Jin Guozheng looked at Huang Min into Xiao Xuan's arms and looked ugly. Old man Huang also roared.

Xiao Xuan said, "I'm just trying to see who is sincere to me, so let you live a little longer... Why? Do you still think the farts studied by Chen Youlong are useful to me?"


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