"Sovereign, should we have someone follow them?" Qian Shan said worriedly as he saw the two children disappear into the wall.

"Who can keep up with them?" Wen Yi said helplessly. He knew that the moment the two children appeared in front of him, they had definitely left the people who followed him behind. After all, the people in Flying Dragon Sect did not have the ability to traverse the mountains.

"But …"

"Qian Shan, these two children can completely protect themselves. Don't worry." Wen Yi comforted Qian Shan, but her heart was unable to calm down. Even when she knew that the child was in possession of a special ability, she was still worried.

The two children did not disappoint Wen Yi and Qian Shan. In less than four hours, they had returned with complacent expressions.

"Where is the mine?" Wen Yi anxiously asked as she looked at the two miserable-looking children.

"Mom, we are hungry, very hungry, very hungry, only by eating crayfish can we have the strength to talk." Jing Mo looked at Wen Yi, and said seriously.

"Zhong Lou, where is the mine?" Wen Yi never thought that Jing Mo would give her such an answer, she could only turn and look at her relatively honest son. Only, her honest son gave her the same answer as Jing Mo, so she said, "Mom, I'm hungry, so I don't have the strength to talk."

"Thousand, get them something to eat." Wen Yi said helplessly to Qian Shan behind her, although she didn't believe that the two children would be so hungry that they didn't even have the strength to talk.

"Only the crayfish give me the strength to speak." Seeing Qian Shan turn around, Zhong Lou immediately gave chase as he said to Qian Shan while looking at him anxiously.

Aunt Qian Shan was extremely clear about their indulgence, and he was also very clear that whether or not they could eat crayfish would depend on Aunt Qian Shan.

"The two of you are still young, so you can't eat." Wen Yi's heartless voice came from behind him, abruptly cutting off the desire for the two children to thrive and develop.

"Mom, the food we had last time was very tasty, and we didn't feel unwell either. We …"

"Mom, why can't we eat the things you eat? I know you have eaten crayfish behind our back."

"Mom, do all of you adults ignore the feelings of your children?"

"Mom, do you really not want to know where the mine is?"

The two children used all kinds of threats and enticements against Wen Yi, but in the end, they could only take out their exclusive secret device to force Wen Yi to submit.

They felt that the thing Wen Yi wanted to know the most right now was the secret of the mine.

"I remember that between copying and looking for the mine, you chose to look for the mine. If you don't tell me the result, then you are willing to copy the 'Analects of Analects'?"

"Mom, the mine is in the mountain not far from Cloud Town. There is only a very small entrance to the mountain, and only one person can enter it. That's why no one noticed it." Zhong Lou who hated copying and writing had long forgotten about the temptation of the crayfish after hearing Wen Yi's words, he obediently told him the location of the mine.

"What's going on inside?" What Wen Yi wanted to know was the people who were brought to the mines. How were they right now?

"Mom, we're really hungry." Jing Mo's heart was filled with thoughts about the mine, she felt wronged, they had not eaten for more than a day.

After leaving the palace, they first went to find their godfather. After finding out from their godfather that their mother came to the Ke Prefecture, they rushed over without stopping to eat. They went to the mines, but now …

Although Zhong Lou did not say anything, he very cooperatively touched his own small belly.

"Qian Shan, give them something to eat first. After I'm done with my work, the crayfish will return to the palace to cook for you." Wen Yi's attention finally settled on the twins. The two of them looked to be in a sorry state, and their expressions were also filled with fatigue as they looked at, feeling wronged.

Wen Yi's heart ached. Between Song Yunqian and the two children, she actually chose Song Yunqian without hesitation.

As a mother, she was really incompetent, so she had to fill the stomachs of the two children as soon as possible and promise to let the children eat crayfish.

Although she knew very well that the child was still young and that their weak stomachs could not handle the spicy stuff, at the moment, it seemed that there was nothing she could do to make up for the guilt she felt in her heart other than indulge them.

"You can only eat it once. You are not allowed to use crayfish as a condition in the future." Wen Yi added.

"Alright." The two children's replies were resolute and decisive. Wen Yi nodded her head in satisfaction and then went to the kitchen with Qian Shan to cook for the children. When she saw that the two children's stomachs had become round, she asked softly: "Did you guys go into the mines?"

"Everyone is busy inside. Some are digging in the mountains, some are forging iron, and some are building weapons."

"Mom, we also saw a lot of dead people's bones thrown into a big hole." Jing Mo said softly, her eyes still carrying a little fear. Hearing what was said, Wen Yi hurriedly pulled Jing Mo and Zhong Lou into his embrace and said softly, "Don't be afraid, it's alright. Mother is here."

Wen Yi only wanted his children to help her find the mines previously, but he had neglected things that they would see, such as the dense white bones.

"Mom, there are bad people there. If you kill them, there won't be any more dead people." Zhong Lou's soft voice was filled with anticipation, so Wen Yi could only nod her head repeatedly.

"Mom, the bad guys are using their whips to work the uncles. Can we go save them?" Jing Mo stared at Wen Yi with his two eyes, the anticipation in his eyes was like a brilliant galaxy.

"Think about how many villains there are inside, then Mommy will bring people to rescue them." Wen Yi asked softly. They knew very little about mines, if they wanted to go in to save people, they would need to know more about the situation inside.

"Mom, this is a map. There's a design mechanism inside, so you should be careful." Jing Mo obediently took out the map she had drawn long ago and handed it over to Wen Yi.

"Thank you." Wen Yi hugged the two children, the countless of thoughts in her heart finally turned into gratitude.

Wen Yi didn't even dare to think how she could solve the mine's problem if it weren't for these two considerate children. Fortunately, the heavens were merciful, so not only did they give him too many hardships, they also gave him these two considerate children with special ability s.

"Mom, there's no need to thank me. crayfish can't solve this problem in a single meal, so if it still can't, then let's eat twice." Jing Mo could tell that Wen Yi was moved, and said softly, as sshe completely forgot about Wen Yi's reminder earlier, that he could only eat it once.

So after she finished speaking, Wen Yi instantly walked out from her emotions. She glared at Jing Mo and said: "If you say another word like that, there won't even be a single crayfish left."

"Mother, Zhong Lou only needs to eat one meal." Seeing that Wen Yi mentioned the crayfish again, Zhong Lou quickly spoke out to protect his crayfish, but Jing Mo did not dare speak anymore. Wen Yi then calmed down and said to Qian Shan: Call Wan An and the others over, we can discuss the plan of action, but we must rescue him this time.

"Sovereign, I'll go handle it immediately." After Qian Shan found out about the situation in the mine, he was finally able to let out a sigh of relief. Even his words were somewhat relaxed.

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