Wen Yi and the people from the Flying Dragon Sect discussed for a long time, and finally set up a rescue plan based on the mechanism marked on the map of the twins. By the time she had finished discussing all of this and returned to her room, the two children were already asleep.

However, time was of the essence, as a mother, she could not even let her children sleep in peace. After cleaning up for a while, she called for Qian Shan, and each of them carried the twins in their arms.

When they rushed to the mountain the twins were talking about, the two children were still sleeping soundly. Qian Shan looked at Wen Yi hesitantly and said, "Sect Leader, let's let the scouts search again. The two children must not have slept soundly for a long time, let them sleep for a while longer."

The twins made it very clear that the entrance was very hidden and only one person could come in and out, so the goal was clear. If there wasn't the guidance of the two children, it would be very easy for the people of Flying Dragon Sect to find them.

"Let the people from the scout group go and find them. Leave two people to watch over the two of them, we won't bring them with us this time." Taking the two children along was purely a precaution. At that time, the two children could help save a person, but they were still sleeping, and did not want the two children to see the creepy white bone story that they heard from Jing Mo earlier.

She wanted the two children to stay outside. When they had rested well, she had already cleaned up the mountain of bones. When the time came, it would be better for the two children to go in.

Qian Shan, who doted on the twins, was naturally satisfied with Wen Yi's arrangements. Right after Wen Yi finished speaking, she arranged for the people from the Flying Dragon Sect to protect the two children on their carriage.

The people of scout group finally found the exit, and when Wen Yi reached to the entrance of the mountain, she couldn't help but be shocked.

How was this something that a single person could enter? The twins had said that the freedom of one person to enter and exit was based on their own figures. If they wanted to enter, they had to slowly move their bodies sideways.

Such an entrance was behind two old trees. If it wasn't for the information provided by the twins, no one would have thought that there would be such an entrance in this mountain.

Wen Yi passed the prepared pill to the person behind him and took one for herself.

Although the twins didn't say whether there was miasma, poison, or something like that, it was better to be on guard in advance than if they went in and lost their lives.

After Wen Yi took the pills, she began to squeeze her way into the mountain from the side. The people of Flying Dragon Sect did not expect their Sect Leader to be the first person to go in, and were a bit startled, but they immediately began to persuade Wen Yi to come out and let them in first.

"There's a trap inside, you can't break it." Wen Yi rejected their suggestion and continued to squeeze into the mountain.

Even her breathing had become short and heavy because of this narrow space. Wen Yi shifted her body a little, but her hand that was close to the outside of the mountain was actually held by a warm hand.

"Sovereign, let's go together." Qian Shan smiled at Wen Yi and didn't say anything else. He and Wen Yi maintained the same tempo and squeezed into the mountain bit by bit.

After Wen Yi and Qian Shan finally squeezed in, Wen Yi was a little short of breath from the pressure of the mountain, but Qian Shan looked as if nothing had happened to him.

"Sect Leader, after experiencing this incident, you should know that losing weight is necessary now."

"Qian Shan, do you think this small problem will make me want to lose weight? There's always been only one reason for me to lose weight, but that reason doesn't exist right now. " Wen Yi had a smile on her face when she spoke, but her eyes were already starting to look towards the mechanism marked on the map.

"Qian Shan, move that rock over there." Although she was not familiar with the mechanisms, she could still break through most of them, especially since the people inside the mountain never thought that outsiders would enter, so the mechanism was very casual, and the difficulty to break it wasn't that high.

Qian Shan followed her instructions and moved the stone away, Wen Yi lightly touched the parts that were linked to mechanisms and there was indeed no reaction, she relaxed and signaled the members of the Flying Dragon Sect Sect that were coming in one after another to move forward.

Qian Shan took the stone in his hand, walked to Wen Yi's side and softly asked: "Then what is the reason Sect Master can help you lose weight?"

Although she knew that her current situation was delicate, her heart of gossip still did not die. It was because Wen Yi kept yelling about losing weight everyday, but in the end, she didn't even make a move.

"Of course it's a man. Have you never heard of a woman making herself happy? Aren't you dressed up for your Lv Ning? "

"Didn't you also have His Majesty? His Majesty …"

"Because he won't care. She loves my free and uninhibited soul." Wen Yi said while smiling. She knew very well that what seemed like a joke was actually the truest truth.

She had always known that what Song Yunqian cared about was not his appearance.

Therefore, there was no need for her to feel wronged in order to let him enjoy his sight. If she had a stomach full of hunger, the one feeling heartache would instead be him.

"But, aren't lovers always thinking of giving each other the best side? Even if Lv Ning was poisoned, and his body was weak, he would still forcefully endure it when he saw me, and also …" When he thought of the Lv Ning in the Imperial City, who would not care about his body and still reveal the best of his skills to him, Qian Shan's heart stung endlessly.

"Because we are husband and wife, and you are still young." Wen Yi spoke calmly. Although she and Song Yunqian hadn't been together for long, the amount of time they had in love was enough for them to bear the reputation of an old couple.

"Wen Yi, Zhuge and I already have a way to detoxify Lv Ning's poison, it's just that this method might be wrong, that's why I didn't dare to use it, and didn't tell you."

"Sect Leader, compared to his body being better, I want to be with him day and night more, so I'm not in a hurry about the matter of detoxifying the poison." When it came to the poison on Lv Ning's body, Qian Shan's current state was much better than before. Moreover, she had already thought about it long ago, at most the two wouldn't meet each other anymore. As long as he was alive, it would be the grace of the heavens if they could see each other again.

"En, it's a good idea for you to do that. Don't worry, I will find the cure and it won't be too far away." Wen Yi promised Qian Shan in a soft voice. She had been very clear about Qian Shan's past grievances and restraints during this period of time. It was just that she didn't know how to console this strong lady.

"Clan Master, I believe in you. I always believed that you would make everything better." Qian Shan held onto Wen Yi's hand, as if this was the only way to give Wen Yi strength.

Wen Yi held onto Qian Shan's hand, and walked into the mountain bit by bit.

"Who dares trespass into my Flying Dragon Mountain?" Just as Wen Yi and the rest heard the sounds of people knocking on the mountain, an imposing male voice came out from above them.

Wen Yi and Qian Shan looked over. On a mountain not far from them, a man dressed in black was staring at them with a face filled with anger.

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