In the meeting room, all of a sudden, it became very quiet.

Mr. big, angry!

In a word, Ji Mohe's head, there is a cold sweat gradually seeping out, big Sir's anger, not they can bear, the other three in power, also look dignified.

They thought that it was impossible for them to fail.

Also want to be able to share a piece of success.

Now, it's over!

Although they can completely evade Jimo River, Mr. Da is not a fool. Do you really have no opinions on them? Before that, some of them were dazed by the possible benefits and deliberately ignored some possibilities.

"Mr. big, what do you say to him?"

Shi Changmu said in a deep voice: "no matter what, ASEAN can not withdraw from Nanjiang province."

Jimo River hears the words, and his heart sinks slightly. Mr. big, why do you give this order? They did not mean to withdraw from the business sector of Nanjiang province!

However, he believed that Mr. Da would not be aimless. Something must have happened, which is why he gave such an order.

"Anything else?" Ji Mohe asked.

"In addition, if you have any loss, he will make up for you as much as possible. I hope you can take the overall situation as the most important thing." Shi Changmu looked at Jimo River deeply, which had a different meaning.

They can't think of things, Mr. Big think of, Mr. big, always walk in front of them.

"Loss?" Ji Mohe's eyes are cold. What can he lose? Mr. big, does it seem that you mean something?

Is it your son Ji Fanyun?

"I am responsible for the fault of this matter. I will personally call Mr. DA and report it to him." Jimohe cold road.

"No, Lao Ji, Mr. Da doesn't want to answer your call now. Otherwise, why do you think he contacted me directly and asked me to convey it? You should be clear that Mr. Da doesn't want to scold you. That's why he is so euphemistic." Shi Changmu said calmly.

In the words, there is a sense of pride that he is already the spokesman of Mr. da.

Ji Mohe clenched his fists and felt uncomfortable. Mr. big, don't want to answer his phone?

It's not impossible.

As soon as Shi Changmu's words came out, he did not dare to call Mr. da. He could not afford to bet on the truth.

Once it's true and he calls Mr. Da, he will be miserable.

Because it means disobedience.

All those who disobey Mr. Da come to no good end in the end.

"Well, you can solve your own problems. We won't interfere any more. The two old men are also on their way back. Their experiences will be sorted out and sent to Mr. DA in written form. You don't have to worry about us chewing our tongues."

"Break up." When Shi Changmu finished, he got up straight away. He was in a bad mood. He had been criticized by Mr. DA and didn't want to be scolded by Mr. da.

Ji Mohe's affairs, he does not want to interfere, in case of any trouble, and have to be scolded together!

In the meeting room, Jimo river was left alone soon.

He took a deep breath, and then hit the conference table with a fist, which made a loud noise. The Secretary outside rushed in in in a hurry and cried: "Mr. Ji!"

"Get out of here!"

Ji Mohe roared angrily. The Secretary had to turn around and leave, and did not dare to touch Lao Hu's beard any more.


HAMA city.

Li Qixin sits next to Tang Yu. Tang Yu is obviously a bit dull. Li Yefeng is not as rigid as he is. However, seeing Tang Yu like this, he also finds it funny.

Hu Lao has made some calm arrangements for Lao Wei. For the time being, Lao Wei won't make any moves. After all, his body has rotten like that, and it's impossible to move.

Li Tiannan saw his daughter sitting next to Tang Yu. She had a taste in her heart. The girl she had just recognized became another man's in the twinkling of an eye.

Li Yefeng winked at Li Qixin. Li Qixin immediately went to Li Tiannan and sat down, saying, "Dad, what do you want to eat at night? You say, I'll make it for you."

"Can you cook?"

"Of course, you look down on me." Li Qixin was unconvinced and said, "how can I say that I am also a hardworking fairy?"

Li Tiannan eyes shine, said: "you do your best, Dad, I'm not picky!"


There was a sudden sound of something falling on the floor upstairs. Li Yefeng and others were so surprised that they jumped up one after another. They saw Mr. Hu sitting on the ground with blood on his mouth.

Old Wei, who had been lying on the bed, was as crazy as a devil. He had already turned down from the bed and supported himself on the ground with his only active hand. His face was still very stiff, but there was a kind of unspeakable pain in his eyes.

"Mr. Hu, are you ok?" Li Yefeng quickly helped Hu up. Hu shook his head: "it's OK. It doesn't matter if you get a punch, but you stop him first."

Li Tiannan stepped forward and trampled him under his feet. Lao Wei could only move his hands, as if he was pressed by a mountain. He couldn't move at all.

"What's the matter with this guy?" Li Tiannan asked in a deep voice.

"I found a very terrible problem. Their recovery ability is very strong. It's a bit like the effect after taking the flower of life and death, but it's not exactly the same. I'm also very surprised. As soon as I'm ready for the examination, he called me with one punch." Old Hu said with a bitter smile.

"It's similar to the effect of the flower of life and death... How is that possible?" Li Yefeng couldn't believe it. It would be a disaster for China if all the dead were like this.


Suddenly, the cold light in Li Tiannan's hand flashed. Immediately, Lao Wei's arm was cut off by him! He threw his arm to Qin Wu and said, "go to Nanbin city and find someone to do a functional test to see what's going on with the arm."

"Good!" Qin Wu nodded and started immediately.

Old Wei didn't move any more. He lay on the ground without expression, only with a little emotion in his eyes.

Hu was also helped downstairs, but he was not seriously injured. After all, it was just a blow.

"Dad, what did you find when you asked Qin Wu to take his arm for testing?"

"Mr. Hu, you must have some judgment. Let's listen to it. Maybe our two views can coincide." Li Tiannan looked at Hu Lao and did not answer Li Yefeng's question.

Hu nodded and said, "I don't know if my guess is accurate. What I'm saying is my own guess."

Everyone was solemn and attentive.

The fast sword hermit also sat on one side and did not dare to be distracted.

Hu looked terrified and said in a dignified tone: "well, I checked his body and found that his body was just like a bag with countless holes. In fact, he could not be so healthy and strong."

"How can a broken body act normally? And there is supreme power, so I have a bold guess that someone has mastered a technology beyond understanding, maybe a pill, maybe an injection, maybe a genetic technology. "

"In a word, they can make some people who have a certain foundation, but are dying, play the last heat, and cultivate such dead men as Lao Wei. This is the so-called skeleton man."

Li Tiannan said: "this kind of cultivation is likely to be a kind of" mass production "technology. That is to say, this technology may not be complete, but it has been able to be put into production for the top class."

"In this way, it can also explain why I have never seen this old Wei, but he has supreme combat power."

In the world of rivers and lakes, there is no one who Li Tiannan can't recognize.

Even the old monsters hiding in the mountains.

"Eight years ago, the secret mobile accounting department received the documents. At that time, the number of people over 60 years old who were missing increased sharply in the past three years; Five years ago, similar data appeared again. Two years ago, in Mingzhu City, Yangcheng city and Shenzhen City, there were many old people who disappeared for no reason, because these people were more or less young people who walked in the rivers and lakes. "

"Although they don't have the fighting power of the supreme level, they are also" experts ", but a large number of them are missing for no reason... After several times of investigation, they are still fruitless!"

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