"This is your secret information?" Li Tiannan looks surprised and looks at his son. It turns out that secret mobile is also concerned about this matter?

"At that time, I was abroad, and I seldom stayed at home, but I would read many documents of secret and mobile, although many of them were electronic." Li Yefeng looked dignified and said, "as far as I know, there were many aged people in the Jianghu who disappeared during that period, and then they never appeared again."

"If I remember correctly, these files are kept in the archives in the name of" unknown "or" suspended. "

Most of these people in the Jianghu have certain strength, not strong, but not weak. They have a very good foundation. If there is such technology as Mr. Hu said, then these people may be arrested for experiments.

Li Tiannan looks serious: "a mysterious terrorist technology that may involve human ethics and morality, coupled with this weird control, and then, connecting with my imagination and the disappearance you just said, it seems that it can be connected."

Li Yefeng's eyes narrowed slightly and said: "this reminds me of some drugs developed by some powerful countries abroad decades ago. I saw them in the secret files. It was in the era of Qin Feiyang and Chu Ge that the powerful countries abroad forcibly promoted the potential and strength of the human body by injecting drugs."

"It's really a bit like that. I've heard your grandfather say that, but that kind of medicine seems to be a defect that only affects life expectancy, and it doesn't have such a defect that makes people look like ghosts."

"Dad, it's no longer a defect. It's a defect." Li Yefeng said helplessly, if it's really some kind of medicine, it can only show that the research and development of this thing has not been successful at all, and it has turned people into such a state of immortality. Can it be called medicine?

"You're the only one with a lot of crap and a lot of words." Li Tiannan scolded.

Hu Laoze sighed: "I don't think it's impossible. Some people in my ancestors have met with them. They also give people medical treatment. According to the people they handed down, people who have been injected with these drugs generally live no longer than 50 years."

"But before the time comes, they will be very strong, just like normal people, and will not have any external performance."

"Smelly boy, do you have a way to let people find out what happened before?"

"I don't think so." Suddenly, Tang Yu opened his mouth and let Li Tiannan be silent.

When they looked at Tang Yu, the latter said calmly: "Uncle Li, according to you, Mr. Qin defined this kind of person as a" skeleton man ", which means that these people are different from the so-called strong people who transform the human body by using drugs."

When Li Yefeng heard what he said, he immediately understood.

"Yes, Dad, Tang Yu is right. Both Qin and Chu fought with people who had been injected with drugs, but they deliberately distinguished them. This shows that, in essence, they are two different groups."

Li Tiannan frowned. He took a deep breath and nodded: "you're right. I'm too worried. I should think more about it..."

The villas were at a loss. It seemed as if they were in a deadlock.

Are the skeletons the same as those injected with western medicine?

Probably not.

Otherwise, Qin Feiyang and Chu Ge don't need to list them separately and tell the later generations that they are just strong people who take western medicine.

When everyone was silent and thinking, Li Yefeng's mobile phone rang.

He took it up to have a look, immediately glanced at Ji Fanyun and said, "your father called."

Ji Fanyun looks happy, but then nervous again. This phone call, the content of the next conversation, will determine whether he is alive or dead.

He doesn't want to die. He has a good day to enjoy.

However, he has no right to decide his own life and death.

Li Yefeng pressed hands-free, Ji Mohe's cold voice came from that end.

"Mr. Ji, you called again." Li Yefeng laughs.

"I'm surprised that you are Li Tiannan's son, the hermit king. You hide deep enough." Ji Mohe's voice can't hear joy and anger, but Li Yefeng believes that this Mr. Ji must feel bad in his heart.

"To tell you the truth, Mr. Ji, don't mention you. Even I know it recently. It turns out that my Lao Tzu is the black dragon of Nujiang River, the first master of Jiangnan in the past."

"Hum." Ji Mohe sneered and snorted. Maybe he didn't believe his words. Who didn't even know his father?

Especially Li Yefeng.

In the past, I used to hold a whole secret maneuver. If I have doubts about my life experience, how can I not use the secret maneuver to find out.

"My son, how is he?"

Li Yefeng took a look at Ji Fanyun and said, "talk."

Ji Fanyun's face was a little embarrassed and ugly. He called out: "Dad..."

"How are you?" Ji Mohe's tone is very light, and he can't feel his worry about his son. Ji Fanyun is aware of his father's tone, and his heart suddenly bursts out. He immediately answers in a trembling voice: "I'm ok, they didn't give me a hard hand..."

Ji Mohe after that is a long silence, Ji Fanyun's heart is about to jump out, he feels, he may be given up at any time!

The more silent his father is, the more scared he is!

"Hermit king, I'll go there now. Don't hurt my son."

"Didn't you tell us what our terms are after you went back?"

"I know your conditions. I'll give you an answer at the scene, but I'm in Jiangdong province. It may take me a little time to get there."

Li Yefeng's eyes narrowed slightly. What does Mohe mean this season?

Mingming can reply to himself on the phone, but he wants to go by himself. Is there anything fishy about it?

However, Dad here, this season Mohe, any conspiracy will only be in vain, after all, dad has absolute strength, also can form absolute suppression!

"Yes, I'll meet you at home."

Li Yefeng said to hang up directly, Li Tiannan light way: "he wants to come, let him come, other things, don't worry, with me, what ghosts and monsters come is in vain."

Li Yefeng laughed and immediately called out: "girl, I'll help you."

He got up and went to the kitchen to help. Tang Yu picked his eyelids slightly and immediately got up and said, "uncle, I'll help you pray."

"Well." Li Tiannan nodded.

It's quite comfortable to have children, daughters and sons in law.

After dinner, a night without words, this season Mohe, obviously also to tomorrow.

Li Yefeng went to the hospital. Feng Qingqing and mu Qiuyan also woke up. The woman's body and bones were delicate, so they woke up much later than Feng Chengwen.

After they came to the hospital, Li Yefeng saw a man kneeling in Feng Chengwen's ward. He was the Yi Zhongtang who seriously injured them and made them hospitalized!

Seeing them coming, Feng Chengwen said helplessly: "Lao Li, Xiao Feng, you are here. Yi Zhongtang has been kneeling here for some time. He has to ask me to forgive him."

Li night wind smiled and said, "Uncle Feng, you are going to do whatever you want to do. You has the final say."

Feng Chengwen said with a wry smile, "I don't want to worry too much. Anyway, I'm going to lose money, but he said you have to nod your head."

Yi Zhongtang's cheeks are swollen. It seems that he has been beaten.

Li Yefeng could not help but be stunned. He immediately gave a dumb smile and said, "boss Yi, what's the matter with you?"

Yi Zhongtang shivered for a moment, then turned to face Li Yefeng and kowtowed three times in a row.

"Mr. Li, please forgive me for my previous reckless behavior. I already know that I was wrong. Please don't remember me as a villain..."

Li Yefeng's eyes narrowed and said immediately, "Uncle Feng said to forgive you is to forgive. If you should lose money, you can do it. If it's OK, you can go."

Yi Zhongtang got up tremblingly and said with gratitude: "thank you, Mr. Li, thank you, master Feng. Please forgive me. Don't forget..."

Yi Zhongtang Shendao left the ward, from the beginning to the end did not face to face with Li Yefeng.

"What's the matter with Yi Zhongtang?" Not only him, but also Li Tiannan and Feng Chengwen.

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