Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1319: Really angry

Seeing the 100,000-strong army, and the rainy and evil people, such as the wind and sand, or Lushan, they all figured it out. 〔<<

"Mo Yu!" Lushan's angry low-pitched: "Do you want to rebel?"

Mo Yu cold laughs: "Oh, old guy, I see you are not good for many years."

"You are a beast!" Lushan gas shaking.

Suddenly, Fang Qing held down his shoulders, and Fang Qing’s jade eyes shimmered under the hustle and bustle. It was an endless faint sorrow and sadness. She said: “Master Lushan said that it is useless and the overall situation has been fixed.”

It is said that Lushan could not help but be dumb. It is obvious that Zhang Jian’s rebellion is already on the string and it is impossible to change.

"Song, what should I do?" Lushan pinched his fist and said: "As long as you make an order, the old age is to fight this old life, and you must kill a few of these gangsters who don't know how to be good!"

Fang Qingning said: "It’s useless. You and I know Zhang Wei for three thousand years. He is very clear about him. You and Feng Shu and he are the three giants of Jianzong. He won’t give you a chance to enter the battlefield. ""

In other words, Fang Qing has some uncontrollable looks at the sand, saying: "Wind is the best example. If you shoot, he will definitely hurt you first."

Lushan was silently opposed. He gritted his teeth: "That, what should I do? Is it necessary to let them do anything?"

"Hu Zuofei?" Fang Qing suddenly sneered, the jade eyes filled with killings, and even Lushan could not help but tremble at her side, feeling a bit horrible.

This is the first time Lushan has seen Fang Qing’s anger, Fang Qing said coldly: “How could it be that Jianzong was my master’s millennial effort, and I would not allow it to fall into the hands of outsiders anyway.”

Lushan heard the words and tried hard to say: "Okay, then I will listen to you."

At this time, Zhang Hao suddenly laughed.

"Haha, Fang Qing, no matter what, then I am curious, you have to do this anyway." After all, Zhang Hao sneaked through the audience and finally stopped at the already ruined Holy Spirit Hall. Disdain and laughed: "Oh, this kid, I really didn't think of it, it destroyed many good things. In the last section, I actually helped me?"

Immediately, Zhang Wei glanced at Jianqing and others. The dozens of elders behind Jianqing and Jianzhan can be said to be the backbone of the Fangqing faction.

Zhang Wei sneered: "Fang Qing, now, the spiritual power of Jian Qing and others are all drained by the enchantment outside the Holy Spirit Hall. Without them, do you think that you alone, want to stop me?"

Fang Qingyu’s eyes sank.

Indeed, several people in Jianqing are very exhausted today, and there is no limit to the power that Fang Qing and others can use.

Zhang Wei sneered: "Don't struggle. For this day, I have been forgiving for thousands of years. For this day, I have sacrificed too much, and this day, finally, is coming, you can't change anything." ”

"Do not try, how to know!" Fang Qing is low.

Zhang Hao old eyes chilly, nodded: "Well, if you want to try, then the old man will accompany you to try it, Mo Yu!"

"Yes, my subordinates are!" Mo Yu stepped forward.

"Leading our army and attacking the swordsman!" Zhang Yan was heavily voiced, and the anger of the army reverberated over the sky.

Hearing the orders of Zhang Wei, Mo Yu seemed to have been eager to wait. He had a strong bathing fire and excitement in his eyes.


"Brothers, we are here, we follow Zhang Wei, for ten years, even for a thousand years. From that moment, we will wait, plan, everything, today, we finally wait, let us join Hand, overthrow the party, overthrow this **** iron law, assist our true king, and board the throne!"


Fanatic screams, hundreds of thousands of troops, are all getting up.

Ten thousand disciples, the waters of the entire Holy Spirit Church are not clear.

Seeing the situation, Zhang Wei’s eyes are frenetic.

"Fang Qing, don't struggle, your era, the era of Qiqing, is over. If you abandon the position now, I can still give you a name. After you fall, you can still enter the card position of Jianzong Holy Hall. Otherwise, I will wait until the war is opened. You will become the sinner of my swordsman forever when you lose your fragrance!"

Fang Qing pinched the jade hand: "The sword is left to me by my master. I will not hand it to the hand of the wicked anyway."

After all, Fang Qing’s eyes decided: “And you are a wicked person.”

Wen Yan, Zhang Wei did not anger, but did not care about the long sigh: "Hey, it seems that you do not know what is called toasting, not eating and drinking!"

"Big brother, do you want to do it?" Fan Yan, Shen Tianyang also ordered.

Zhang Wei arbitrarily waved his hand, and his mouth was hung with a smile of evil spirits: "Then, don't blame me for your heart, give me the sword!"


"Brothers, kill!"

"Take the sword!"

When Mo Yu got up, he screamed wildly.


More than 100,000 troops attacked at the same time.

For a time, the once brilliant sect, turned into a battlefield in the blink of an eye, a piece of smoke, a mess.

"No, no, don't!"

The countless disciples of Jianzong suddenly failed.

Zhang Yi, although there are only a few hundred thousand people, and most of these hundreds of thousands of people are the elites of Jianzong, the internal disciples, the elders of law enforcement, and the exhaustion of Fang Qing, Jian Qing and others, undoubtedly Lost the greatest strength, the rest are foreign disciples, they have no intention of fighting, and even, they do not know who to fight for.

"Damn! This Lao Wang Ba, he deliberately picked this time to attack!" Lushan angry lame.

Fang Qing long sighed: "This is life."

Lushan slammed his feet, and immediately he grabbed the vine sword, and jumped into the battlefield with a dribble: "Little bastards, let the old man come to meet you!"

call out!


Lushan just entered the battlefield, and there were two fierce swords in the sky.


Lushan is a quick response, and the vine sword is lifted over the head to support the barrier, and that is why he still can't help but retire. The land he just set up is immediately opened to two bottomless gullies.

Fan Yan, Shen Tianyang, both of them lifted their swords, and they looked at Lushan with a smirk: "Old guys, bullying some juniors can have a share, and our brothers will be your opponents."

"Oh, just because of you, don't be self-sufficient!"

Lushan screamed at his anger and slammed the two men.

boom! boom! boom!

Fan Yan and Shen Tianyang looked at each other with a sigh of relief.


Immediately, the earth was shattered and shattered.

Blocking the sniper, Fan Yan took the lead to get up. He slammed down Lushan from the left wing, and Jianguang pulled up the beam.

Upon seeing it, Lushan looked disdainful: "With you, also with?"


Lushan rolled up his sleeves, and the vine sword was swiftly crossed in the air. At that moment, the scorpio was bursting with the green light. Under the light, there seemed to be everything rising, and they burst into the fire.

Fan Yan eyes cold, hurriedly stopped, and slammed several snipers in a row, and this was not able to block the mad sword, the chest was fiercely hit and reversing.


When he fell to the ground, he climbed up and wiped the blood from his mouth and coughed: "A good trick is the Qingyun sword, which is the famous martial arts master of Lushan."

When he said this, he suddenly sneered out.

"However, the old guy, if it was placed 3,000 years ago, I really dare not come out to seduce you, otherwise it is this trick, afraid that I am already dead under your sword? But now, you, a blow Can't kill me, so you are still old."

Wen Yan, Lu Shan could not help but wrinkle his eyebrows, and then his old eyes suddenly sink, his back violently emerged a strong cold, let him subconsciously back.

"Old dog, just lost to you, I see you can still block my sword this time!"

I saw that I didn’t know when Shen Tianyang appeared in front of Lushan’s body. Behind him was a torn space crack. He held a thorn sword with only the size of the palm, and it burned with thick black inflammation. Awkward face.

"End, old dog!"

puff! Immediately, Shen Tianyang stabbed the stabbing sword into the chest of Lushan.

Upon seeing it, the audience was shocked.

"I, my goodness, Master Lushan was killed?"

"Destroyed, this time Fang Qingzong really did not hope to win."

Lushan defeated and died in battle. Undoubtedly, he once again added frost to Fang Qingxue, who was at a disadvantage. For a moment, even the disciples who chose Fang Qing were unwilling to fight again.

Fang Qing is standing in the air, and all the parties are Zhang Wei's men, which makes her become isolated and helpless.

However, Lushan died in battle, but Fang Qingyu did not show the slightest emotion.

"Haha, hahaha, I won? I won? I killed Lushan? Old dog, you deserve it, hahahaha!" Shen Tianyang excitedly laughed.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Wei was at the height of the scene but could not help but scream: "This idiot!"

Then, I saw that Lushan’s whole body was out of the light, and I saw that the whole scene was slightly stunned.

"So, what is that?"

"I don't know, but you think about it, Master Lushan was killed, it seems... It seems that something is wrong?"

"What's wrong?"

"I, I don't know too well, but I always feel that it is not the same as the normal assassination."

Suddenly, many disciples frowned, and then a disciple suddenly screamed: "I, I know, blood, blood, no blood!" The disciples wake up and say: "Yes, yes, Master Lushan was assassinated, as if there was no bloodshed."

Many disciples are curious to look at the battlefield.

At this time, Shen Tianyang seems to be aware of what is happening, and his eyes are different.

Instead of waiting for him to return to God, a cold hand suddenly stretched out from behind to his neck.

Feeling the biting chill, his heart suddenly stunned, turned back and shouted: "Yes, are you?"

Lushan grabbed Shen Tianyang with one hand, and the other hand held the vine sword and the face of the cockroach. At this time, at the side of the Jianzong Hall, Shi Yan and friends of Qin Shi, such as Yueyue and Yuyue, also arrived here.

Yuyue is still hurting, and can only act under the help of Qinger.

Seeing the look of Lushan, Shiyan was swallowing and vomiting.

"This, for so many years, I have never seen my Master like this. My Master is really angry this time."

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