Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1320: 2 major boundaries

Haoyue cold eyes shouted: "I am not angry, blame, Zhang Hao, this old king eight, did not expect him to really dare to rebel?"

"The situation of Fang Qingzong is not good. I can't fight with my master. The disciples' hearts have begun to shift." [?" Xu Qingfeng nervously said: "In this way, I am afraid I will not have to fight again. It is a paradox and disciple. The sound of the sound will be able to force the Fang Qingzong."

"Damn! This old dog, how much did he do for this day?"

"What about the stone?" Suddenly said.

A few people came back to God, and immediately looked at the direction of the Holy Spirit Hall. I saw that the Holy Spirit Hall was still falling under the nine guardian elders.

"The Holy Spirit Hall was blown up?"

At this time, Long Ting severely noticed several people from the chaos. One strike killed a disciple in front of him and jumped to the side of several people: "The kid, has not yet come out!"

Hearing this news is undoubtedly a huge bad news for several people.

"But you don't have to worry, that kid should be fine, otherwise the lord will not order, and wait for three months." Long said the sentence, and then shook his head: "Just, don't know, Zhang Wei is true." If he wins, will he follow this order."

"Zhang Wei?" The first month is a glimpse, and the evil smile of the late evil: "He certainly won't. He hates the stone and hates it. If Fang Qingzong is really forced to abdicate, then he will immediately ruin the Holy Spirit Hall." ”

"That seems, the situation is very bad." Long quite strict.

Haoyue bowed to the Holy Spirit Hall and clenched his fist: "Damn, are you not the most willing to reluctantly? Why don't you come out at such a critical juncture?"

Yuyue is also a god, praying: "Stone, come out soon, Jianzong needs you!"

"Brothers, no matter what, this is the end of the matter, we do not say anything for the sword, even for the stone brother, we must also stop Zhang Wei." Xu Qingfeng suddenly said.

He gave him a glance at the moon: "Drink, your kid, is this time still coming?"

Xu Qingfeng smiled and said: "Hey!"

"Okay, Sunny, you take care of the feathers, Shiyan let us go!"

"I have to go too!" Suddenly, I said.

Haoyue squatted, but he just wanted to stop, but he suddenly interrupted him: "You don't want to stop, you are not a stone brother, you are not my opponent."

"I...!" Haoyue blinked, but it was unable to refute.

Finally, just pouting: "Forget it, bring you."

Several people reached an agreement and mixed into the battlefield.

I have to say that the repairs of Haoyue and Yuer are still very strong. The children in the deaf have the power to cover the sky, and the bad luck of the moon is also the power to control the sword. Soon, the breakthrough is opened in the army.

Not to mention Shi Yan, his movements are extremely fast, and he is approaching Lushan in a rapid direction.

He was worried and saw who killed him.

In the middle of the battlefield.

Lushan will hold Shen Tianyang in his hands. Under his full force, his arms will expand like a small mountain. The blue veins will bulge, and Sheng Tianyang will fall to the ground and shatter the earth.

"Second brother!" Fan Yan saw a scream.

Shen Tianyang was pressed to the ground and he was still a stunned look. He couldn’t figure out why.

"You, how come you are not dead?"

Lushan sneered: "Do you think that you can fool me with this kind of worm?"

At this time, in the side of Shen Tianyang, that is, the place where Lushan was assassinated, fiercely shot the glaring sword.

Shen Tianyang turned his head and turned his head to the side: "Sword, the shadow of the sword?"

"The end, it should be you!" Lushan did not talk nonsense, when the voice just fell, his palms gathered together, and the thick aura was turned into a poisonous thorn on the vine sword.

"Go to hell, little bastard!"

Lushan’s madness, immediately he swayed the vine sword.

Upon seeing it, Shen Tianyang’s scorpion has shrunk into a point. He didn’t think it would fall like this.


However, at that time, it seems that the story will not end like this, and a broken void will split from the back of Lushan.

A dry hand, from the emptiness of the air, was actually holding the vine sword in his hands with his hands, but this power made this vine sword firmly in place, and it did not fall.

"Old guy, Tianyang is my right arm, if it is for you to kill him, I will not do this in the future?" Zhang Yuyin's face gradually became clear from the void.

Lushan’s old eyes sank, and he tried hard to turn it over. However, it was still impossible to extract the vine sword.

"You old dog, do you really think that you are the sovereign?"

"Soon sooner or later." Zhang Yi smiled smugly, and then his eyes became extremely cold: "However, you may not see it. Before that, I thought I should have your life first."

After all, Zhang Hao looked cold and he suddenly let go: "Do you want this sword? Then I will give you a good one."

Zhang Hao suddenly loosened, causing Lushan to retreat a few steps under great force, and suddenly staggered distance from Shen Tianyang.

call out!

Suddenly, a virtual shadow swayed past, Zhang Wei appeared directly in front of him, the five fingers slowly opened, a purple light ball breeds, hitting Lushan's eyebrows.

When the light ball came out, Lushan felt unprecedented pressure.

The ball of light, like a shrinking world, continues to expand in his old eyes, engulfing his vitality.

"Master!" Shi Yan saw a screaming scream in the distance. However, he was too late, and even if he could get it, he could not enter Zhang Jie's enchantment.

Self-enchantment, that is more control than the power of the field.

In this enchantment, Zhang Wei can not only manipulate the spiritual power here, but also control all things here, all creatures can be created and destroyed here.

"Three thousand years, the old guy, our grievances are the end of time." Zhang Wei sneered disdainfully.

Lushan felt unprecedented powerlessness. In the end, he simply closed his eyes and no longer struggled.


Suddenly, his brow wrinkled, and the shoulders were actually sending silky pressure. A slender jade hand did not know when to hold him down.

He is sluggish back: "Zong, the sovereign."

Fang Qing gently shook his head, and then the jade eyes looked coldly at Zhang Wei, and her jade hand also gathered a golden light ball, forming a resistance with the purple light ball.

Under the collision of the two major light balls, it seems that the two worlds hit the general, lightning and thunder, destroying the earth.

"Fang Qing, are you still ready to resist?" Zhang Yan was angry.

Under the thunder, Fang Qing said one word and one sentence, the voice is crisp and clear: "Like you, Master Lushan, and Uncle Sands, are the left and right hands left by my master. I will never allow you to hurt any of them. I Swear in the name of the Swordsman!"

Zhang Hao's old eyes sank, and at this time the golden light ball suddenly shines, and instantly swallows the surrounding kilometers, and the kilometers are turned into ridiculous.

Fan Yan reacted very quickly and seized Shen Tianyang.

Under the golden light, Zhang Wei was old and sinking, and had to close his hand and flash back.

Zhang Xin forced to retreat, Fang Qing was concerned: "Master Lushan, is it okay?"

Lushan was grateful and shook his head: "No, nothing bad."

"It's okay."

Fang Qing sighed, and then she said: "Here, I will give it to you."

Lushan nodded: "The Sovereign please rest assured that as long as my life is still there, I will not allow anyone to step into it!"

Fang Qing’s nod of trust, immediately said: “The second half of the sentence, I remember, but the first half of the sentence, I will be your nonsense, I want you to help me live, help me to govern Jianzong, this is your promise in the year. My master."

Lushan’s heart trembled, and the old face could not help but shy.

At the beginning, he did indeed like the wind and sand, and promised that Qi Qing helped Fang Qing to control the Jianzong, but later, for various reasons, he was alone in the Tianxiang Pavilion.

"Old man, remember!"

Fang Qing was satisfied with the nod, and then she slowly lifted off, still the purple long skirt, floating in the cold wind, but at this moment, in this ruin, it seems a bit bleak.

Her eyes were blank and she looked at Zhang Wei silently: "This is the same door, why bother."

"The same door? In the past, Qi Qing in order to win the position of the lord, ruined my millennium, why did she not think about the same door?"

"That is a fair battle. You lost to my master, who is it?"

Fang Qing is faint, she knows what Zhang Wei said, Zhang Wei and Qi Qing are the same door, one is the sister, the other is the younger brother, but in the battle for the position of the sovereign, Qi Qing seriously injured Zhang Wei, Destroyed Zhang Qian’s millennium roots.

Zhang Wei sneered: "Fang Qing, I tell you, this world, the defeat of the king, I really lost to Qiqing, but she will never expect, in fact, the real defeat is her, this sword will eventually fall In my hands, all her sins will be repaid by her most loved ones!"

Fang Qing shook his head: "I am obsessed!"

"Okay, less nonsense, you and I will eventually become the key to this battle." Zhang Wei faint.

Fang Qing nodded unanimously, and then her jade eyes suddenly flashed, glanced at the ruins of the Holy Spirit Hall, and the eyes of the jade could not help but blink.

Upon seeing it, Zhang Yiyi stunned, and suddenly he suddenly laughed and said: "Haha, I said Fang Qing, you will not remember the stinky boy in your heart?"

Fang Qing did not respond.

Zhang Wei continued: "Oh, it is also a coincidence. Originally, I hated him. I want to kill him personally, but look at him like this, it is estimated that he has been killed in the Holy Spirit. In the hall, it saved me a lot of trouble, and it helped me so much."

"Qin Shi will not die."

Zhang Wei said coldly: "Oh, innocent thoughts, not to mention that even if he is not dead, a squeaky little boy, what can he change?"

"You will see." Fang Qing faint.

"Okay, less nonsense, do it." Zhang Yan is not bored with coldness, and immediately his hands are finally sacrificed.


In a flash, the day was dim.

Above the sword, it seems that there are two mad dragons out of arrogance.

At this moment, the audience was quiet.

Fang Qing and Zhang Wei are in a **** for tat.

Two major boundaries.

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