Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 11 Chapter 1465: Departure from Changshengling

"You can take food from you and the tiger in the hands of the sky, then this person is also very powerful. 81 Chinese network" Qin Shi laughed.

"Hey, you still laugh! If there is that magic flower, in the human world, I am forced to be forced by several borders?"

Qin Shi looked at the demon like a child and shook his head. "You, are you really ready to fight with the group?"

The demon has no choice but to sigh: "I am back to the devil world. Since the news has been spread, do you think that the group will let me go? The horizontal and vertical is a battle. Why don't I make a man first? I am doing this just to seek self-protection, let alone the group." I definitely know that you are in the devil world. I have to attract their attention so that you can control the devil with peace of mind. Otherwise, you will not let go of you."

Qin Shi’s heart rose a little warmly, and he was immediately controlled by him. It was a short moment. The magic blood was actually a sinister movement. The demons also saw his strangeness and blocked: “Don’t There are too many feelings, or the magic blood will catch your weakness! And I, you don't have to be polite or want to say thank you, and later you will recover, help the deity to shape a magic body as soon as possible, I am this person It’s really uncomfortable not to look like a ghost."

Qin Shi smiled bitterly: "I told you, let you win me, have ready-made, don't want to torture me?"

"Quickly forget it, you can't look at this weak body physique. If you say it, you have been in your skin for almost ten years. You still can't change the deity to be fresh? Don't be so stingy."

Qin Shi smiled and whispered softly. I thought it would be true to shape the evil body for the demon. In fact, he knew that the evil spirits could not wait for the past few years. It was just because he did not practice enough, his strength was insufficient, he had never mentioned it to him. This time, if you can really control the blood, he is determined to shape the evil body for the demon. It is grateful, and he really wants to do something for the demon. These years are evil demons helping him, but he has never done anything for the demon, even Even the ancient devil who promised the demon in the past, did not get the hand in the past, and eventually fell into the hands of the five devils.

The demon said at this time: "Oh, don't think too much, take a break early, we will set off tomorrow morning, go to this Changsheng Ridge! Adjust your state, and I will accompany you back to the world after you fully recover."

Qin Shi suddenly silenced, and his heart flashed through complicated emotions... What about human boundaries? To be honest, he really didn't know, he shouldn't have to go back there, or he couldn't hold him there. He came to the Devil World for many days. Although he didn't mention it, he was countless times in his heart. He looks like this, half man and half devil, and does not say the human world, where will he take him? He didn't even dare to think about the next time he was returning to the human world. What kind of picture would he be? At that time, did he really want to be an enemy of the entire human world?

Every time he thinks about this, he can't help but have a headache. He simply doesn't think much about it. He definitely wants to go back in the human world. Anyway, his roots are there, Qin Jia and Qin Zong... Many people he cares about are in There, he knew that no matter what he became, those people would not give up his, but... it was still far away, as the demon said, everything must be controlled by him to control the blood, otherwise he Really afraid that he will return to the human world, the human world will be ruined by a piece of life. He does not know what kind of crazy things he will make.


Elapsed overnight, the East is white.

The devil world, like the human world or every corner of the Big Six, is filled with the vibrant sunshine and gradually brightens.

Yunzhou, the cloud of the scorpion, the early evil demons brought Qin Shi, and left the cloud under the guidance of bloodthirsty. Before the departure, the demon and the cloud mad and the powerful parties made a simple negotiation.

Everyone has some doubts and dissatisfaction with the sudden departure of the demon. After all, they are all coming to the demon. This move is a risk of offending the group. If the demon leaves and does not come back, they are really pitted. Fortunately, the demon promised, and confessed to the cloud: "You rest assured, the deity will leave this time, the time will not be too long, these days continue to recruit the Magi, a week later with the deity back to this cloud, we will Let the sputum group first shed blood, dry philosophers, you are the state lord, right?"

"Back to the devil... Yes!"

"Well, let's start from Zhongzhou. The deity will help you get back the three cities."

Dry zeal eyes ecstasy, grateful fist: "Thank you for the devil! If you can get back to the three cities! My entire state is willing to follow the demon statue forever! Not endless!"

"If you die, it’s too hard to listen to. Leave it to the group. Let me return to you!" The demon screams, and has to say that this hand of the demon is a good way to draw people's hearts. The people who questioned were instantly confused, but they were ignited by demons and more excited.

However, the demon is satisfied with the desire to leave, and the cloud madness suddenly squats in the back: "Cough, the demon, the small one has something to do."

"What?" The demon looks eccentric to the cloud.

The cloud screamed and licked the hand, pointing to the demon waist, saying: "That... Demon, can you release the magic that you took me before? He is not easy to find in these years. The successor...and, in the confrontation with the squad, he is not a small helper."

When the demon stunned, this was just remembered. When he first came to Yunxiao, he dragged the young man into the sky and swallowed it. When he was busy, he forgot about it. After thinking about it, he waved his hand together. The chaotic space swallowed in an instant, such as the endless abyss, seeing the darkness, the demons were scared and quickly narrowed their necks, even the two state owners were careful: "This is one of the two different kinds of voids." Is it swallowing up the sky? This is the engulfing atmosphere, that is, I am trapped in it, I am afraid I can’t break free?”

"Of course, this world can be broken from the sky, only to cover the sky, but to cover the sky, but also the only magical talent, the two are opposite each other, this is also the devil is destined to be both The result of the score...I just don’t know, this time, the swallowing of the demon revered, it is said that the group is also the first time to gather the spirit, the return of the ancients, what is the result... This time, there should be a result."

"I hope we have not stood in the wrong team... but this is a choice."

Several demon statues were whispered, and the demon now tore apart the space and shocked the young demon from the youth. When the young man appeared, he was covered in cold sweat. The whole person was empty, his mentality was weak. The suffocating suffocation, it is difficult to condense, seeing this scene, the other few fierce demon who blocked the demon in the channel of the cloud were subconsciously shrinking their necks, especially the old man, looking like a scared face.

The cloud madly caught the young man and stared at his miserable appearance: "Yunan, how are you?"

"Don't worry, I can't die, just don't get my suffocation, my mind is a little comatose, and the suffocation that I swallowed him is also given back to him. After three days, he will recover and tell him that he will have longer eyes and then have Next time, it’s not so easy to end. I’m just empty and empty, but I have a few tonics.” The demon is cold.

Yun madly heard the words, relieved and quickly thanked, the demon did not listen to him to talk nonsense, after Qin Shi lifted up and turned to bloodthirsty: "The bloodthirsty, your three subordinates have not arrived? If so, let us out. ”

"They have been waiting in front, and the space enchantment has been opened, just waiting for us."

"That's good, let's go!" The demon was satisfied with the point, and then it was only awesome. The fierce suffocating moment was rolled up from his eight sides, and the hustle and bustle of the scorpion swallowed the hundreds of demon statues in the back. An unusual respect, until the demon went away, they swallowed and spit, and each said: "The horrible suffocating pressure..."

At this time, the demon left, the cloud mad eyes flashed a little strange, is undetectable, but fleeting, several fierce devils behind him will not know, they point their heads, and then gradually retreat to the void .

When the few demons left, the cloud madness smiled and welcomed everyone. The devil left the strongest is undoubtedly Yunyan. At this time, several fierce demons quickly approached him and wanted to have a good relationship with the cloud madness. The two states of Dean and Ganzhe are also in the front, and they are the state lords. The two are humble before the cloud madness. After all, the latter is a genuine realm. At this time, the philosopher looks to the demon. In the direction of the far-away, ask the question of the long-suffering doubts in the hearts of the people: "The cloud mad state master, who is the boy next to the demon? If I am not mistaken, he should not be the person of my devil?"

"It's human." The cloud madness did not hide, and bluntly said: "It is after the emperor."

"What? The descendants of the enchanting people in the human world? Why is the demon statue with him? And it seems to care about his He has grace for the demon, you don't have to ask me. If there is any objection, then ask the demon statue, of course... I also said that to the teenager, but I can only do it from the words of the demon."

Let them go to the devil in person? Just kidding, they shook their heads with a smile, isn't it for them to kick the tiger's ass? In desperation, I had to stop asking more questions, and most of the demons were scattered.

However, no one knows that on the day when the demon left, the night and the third, with the cloud madness, gathered the sorcerers of the demons, and conducted a private meeting in the temple of Yunxiao, this meeting, It lasted until the early morning of the second day. During the morning, all the demons were breathless and heavy, and as far as the content was concerned, no one knew except the fierce demon in the room...even, no one knew that they were doing it. After this meeting.

It seems that since the end of the talks, the whole cloud has changed its attitude, and everyone is unusually embarrassed.

Cloud madness, above the clouds, overlooking the vast land of Shenzhou, he can not help but take a deep breath, has been looking far away: "Devils ... Do not blame me, all this is for your good."

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