Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 11 Chapter 1466: 12 Lord

Leaving from Yunxiao, the evil spirits drove tens of thousands of meters. In the sea, the land of Yunzhou was not visible in the rear. The bloodthirsty stopped the body, and then his blood was open, the sky was bright red, the clouds in the sky were fire, underground. The ocean is blood. In this rich and **** field, Qin Shi can't help but frown. He really feels depressed. However, when the blood is open, there are three stout figures appearing above the empty sky. The three are big waists. Behind the three, there is a **** space that is torn by two **** hands. The center is a blood vortex. I don't know where to go. Ω81Δ中文网

Approaching three people, bloodthirsty introduced: "Devil statue, these three, is the most reliable subordinates of my tens of thousands of years, you can rest assured trust, Zhang Chen, Shi Zengyu, Meng Xianlong."

The demon glanced at the three people, no doubt they were all in the realm of the situation. They nodded with satisfaction: "It seems that all three of them have inherited your clothes."

"Well, the three of them are very talented in blood. You also know that my blood is not an ordinary person to inherit. It is hard to meet three talents. Of course, I can't let go."

After all, the bloodthirsty turned and said to the three people: "Why are you stupid? Don't come over and see the demon!"

The three men squatted and looked at each other with a glimpse of their eyes. They knew that they were swallowing the devil, but today they saw it, and they were slightly different from what they imagined. They said: "I have seen the demon."

"I don't have to be cautious. I hate being bound. If you are three bloodthirsty people, I naturally trust you 100%. Is space transfer already established?"

"Well, it’s already done right, and the other side is the island where Changshengling appears."

"That's it." The demon is not on the delay, taking the lead in the blood-red space transmission array.

Bloodthirsty is really worthy of the name. Even his space transmission is full of blood, which makes the evil spirits helplessly say: "You really do not improve, the blood of this space will not affect the blood. What?"

"The devil respects the heart, if it is the magic blood of ordinary people, it is estimated that it will directly explode in this transmission channel and die, but your magic blood, I have no ability to influence." Bloodthirsty laughter.

"Get out of the way, take less of my flatter here, it won't affect it. In addition, there is something I want to say to you."

"what's up?"

"This time you arrive at Changshengling, you should not go back to Yunzhou with me."

"What?" Bloodthirsty smashed, and did not understand: "Why? I haven’t fallen in the battle with the squad for thousands of years. You just came back, how can I not go back?"

"Just settled, I have more important things to arrange for you."

The demon ignores the bloodthirsty rebuttal, and just as he wants to speak the following, his magic eyes flash a bit strange, gazing at the space outside the space, bloodthirsty seems to be aware of this, with A glance at the back, and the back is particularly ugly, the blood suddenly exploded: "Drink, big courage, someone dares to follow us?"

"Zhang Chen! You and Shi Zengyu to do it!" The words, bloodthirsty will be ordered.

"No need!" Unexpectedly, the demon now blocked the road, and immediately his devil's soul was slightly scattered. A remnant soul ran away from the space channel, and an endless darkness immediately obscured the outside world. Surprisingly, outside the space tunnel, three figures were striking the same space tunnel to track the demons.

But under the guise of the sky, the space tunnel was directly swallowed up.

"Who is it? Is it the group?" Seeing, bloodthirsty anger.

The demon sneered and shook his head: "Of course not. Although the group is bold, it is not stupid. These people are from Yunzhou."

"Yunzhou? Is it the person around the cloud mad? This bastard! What does he want to do, even send someone to follow you?"

"It's hard to say, I don't care, they have been removed by me. I don't have to pursue this matter. I just let you stay because I can only trust you now, so this thing must be done by you." ”

"Devils say, what is it, I will do my best."

"Well, help me stay on the island, look after this kid, we haven't arrived at the island yet, someone is eyeing. I am worried that during my absence, someone will want to be disadvantageous to this kid, and there are a few things on this kid's hand. Something is something that the group can't ask for. Now I will return to the Devil's group. I know that the style of the group will not let go of this kid. I can't let him have an accident."

Hearing words, bloodthirsty and half-sounding, Qin Shi can feel that he is very unhappy, but in the end he still nodded, Qin Shi thought this should be the tacit understanding between him and the demon? Bloodthirsty promised: "The devil is assured, as long as I don't die, this kid will have nothing to do. I haven't played with the squad for tens of thousands of years. If they dare to come, I will calculate the hatred of them with them!"

The demon is not relieved, and he never needs to arrange anything for bloodthirsty.

The following all the way, relatively quiet, the demon is always speechless, but it is bloodthirsty, a heavy sense of the way, and finally he hesitated again and again, still open: "Devil, there is something, I do not know when to talk about improperly."

"And me, what else can you say?"

"About this kid... I think, you should be clear, the devil is destined to be a different way. You are so arrogant to protect this kid. I am afraid that there is something wrong with it. In the devil world, this has always been taboo, I think, even if he suppresses him. The magic blood in the body, the devil can not accommodate him, you are so, afraid that there will be countless enemies, and may even lose the overall situation." Bloodthirsty temptation.

The demon heard the words, it seems that the bloodthirsty would have been said by the bloodthirsty: "I know, but there is no way, the human world can not tolerate this kid, if I am not helping him, this day is afraid of nothing. His place of residence, and see, take a step and step, first suppress his blood and say, as for the overall situation, I have long been faint."

Bloodthirsty words, helpless shaking his head, this is not asking.

In the blink of an eye, in the **** space tunnel for three days, several demons finally saw the end. When leaving the space tunnel, the outside world was a big blue sea and blue sky, unusually beautiful, Qin Shi in the evil spirits, overlooking Under the blue and translucent sea water, and the slightly raised reef, the waves occasionally hit the reef, and then bloomed with a splendid spray. Among them, the fish swam, the flying fish leaped, the beauty of the scenery, Qin Shi Happy and happy.

Inevitably, he even faintly dissipated. Suddenly, his eyes flashed through his tiny shadows. The blue snow of the shadows was exactly like this sea water. He remembered his agreement with Qi Xuexin and watched the sea together... Now, he looks When I arrived, I didn’t know where the snow heart is now. Is it back to Qing Xuezong? What is the mood now?

Qin Shi’s tight fist, suddenly in his heart, inexplicably longing for life, that desire is the strongest of these days.

He wants to... fulfill the agreement with the girl.

Leaving the blood hole, at the end of the blue sky and the blue sky, there is a lonely island with lush greenery, which looks a little lonely in this sea, and in the middle of the mountains like the dragon ridge, there is a very The faint shadows, the shadows, such as a mountain peak, towering into the clouds, in the four corners of the mountain, there are huge fluctuations, so that the sea is constantly rushing toward the eight sides, Qin Shi clearly feels, within the mountain, there is The unusually rich spiritual power, its intensity, is even more terrifying than the hundred-fold gathering, he thought, that should be Changshengling.

The demon stared at the virtual shadow valley and sighed: "It is really Changshengling, it is really familiar."

"This Changshengling has just emerged from the world and has not yet been felt out. Otherwise, it will cause a storm in the devil world. I don't know what kind of treasures will appear in Changshengling."

"It doesn't matter, we will send this kid into Changshengling."

Bloodthirsty nodded, and then no longer nonsense, and then he turned to Zhang Chen three people said: "For a while, I am like a demon to enter Changshengling, you will seal this island with a suffocating gas, exposed blood, tell the world, this group of roads It was occupied by my bloodthirsty demon, and no one should be disturbed by outsiders."

"Yes!" The three men sang in unison, and immediately the crowds approached the island.

However... until a few people entered the island, an undetected space suddenly shattered, and the location was just next to the blood hole where they appeared. The space shattered, and a figure opened the debris and finally came out. The figure is very thin and translucent, giving people the illusion of illusoryness. Even if someone is by his side, if he does not feel calm, he may not be able to detect him.

The figure appeared disdainful cold cry: "Hey, swallow the demon statue, but it is so, I only feel the space fluctuations of the several cannon fodder, but I did not notice me, I really look at him. It is."

At this time, after the figure appeared a group of chaos, a man dressed in a blood robe appeared, if Qin Shi will be alarmed here, the blood cloud embroidered on the blood robe is not the group ? The people in this group appeared next to the figure and sneered: "It’s a big tone, dare to swallow the devil, and even our masters don’t dare in this demon world!"

"Twelve lords?" Seeing the figure beside him, the young man was shocked and quickly respected him: "I have seen the twelve lords."

"Okay, don't pretend to look at me. Go back and tell your master. We have received the news. We will do what he said. We will cooperate with him and let him rest assured."

The young man lowered his head and showed the smear of the smear. He immediately hugged his fist: "Thank you for the twelve temples!"

"Well, though, I didn't expect it to be Changshengling! At this time, tens of thousands of years, Changshengling turned out to be alive again. This bloodthirsty still wants to block this place? It is really self-sufficient!" The island suddenly fell into the **** field of blood, revealing a smug smile.

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