Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1752: 3 clear

When many powerful people saw this scene, the heart was fiercely mentioned in the eyes of the blind man. The strongest Zongyuanzi among the seven thousand sea palaces is now in such a way as today? Although, the 5,000 Thunder Pearl explosion continues, many of the strong have not returned. ???

Qin Shi’s voice is extremely cold, just like the absolute zero that is enough to freeze everything.

Many strong people didn't even doubt at this time. If Zong Yuanzi dared to talk nonsense, Qin Shi would not hesitate to pinch the neck of Zong Yuanzi.

Zong Yuanzi's old face was pale, and the short moment seemed to be a hundred years old.

Zong Yuanzi was not only sluggish, but he looked at the younger generation of his own palace and struggled in the sea of ​​fire.

"Say!" Qin Shi’s voice resounded again.

Zong Yuanzi’s pinch fist: “Qin Shi, you ruined the Sanqing Palace, you killed me, you will never know where the jade face is!”

"Noisy!" Qin Shi black scorpion gradually gloomy, when his foot palms forcefully stepped, a golden wave of waves over the sky.

"Three World Zen Sea!"

Rumble! The golden torrent is like a collapsed dam, and it is madly poured into the Sanqing Palace.

boom! boom! boom! In the blink of an eye, the Sanqing Palace, such as the ruins, was once again destroyed and destroyed.

"You don't say it? It doesn't matter, I have a way to let you speak."

Qin Shi’s palm was empty, and Wang Lie, who was lingering and lingering, was directly inhaled from the chaos by him.

boom! Qin Shi's faceless expression, like the Shura of Hell, the five fingers forced to close and see Wang Lie's throat directly twisted.

"This is the first one. If you don't continue to say it, I don't mind being in your face and pinching the throat of everyone in the Taiqing Palace." Qin Shi's eyes were very cold and directed at Zong Yuanzi: "said And give you another chance, where is the jade face repair?"

All the strong men are now clenched and sweaty in their palms.

Qin Shi at this time is really too horrible.

Ling Zhu felt extraordinarily strange from Qin Shi’s body in the vast sky.

"Qin Shi..." Lingzhu's two small hands are tightly tied together, and my heart is full of distress.

At this time, many strong people suddenly realized that Qin Shi did not hesitate to destroy the Sanqing Palace. What is not the merits and deeds? For the sake of it, isn’t it the hegemon of the Seven Thousand Sea Palace? Yes, is it just a friend's life and death?

Many strong people are now amazed. What kind of enlightenment does this need?

"This kid is terrible. Sanqing Palace will die today, there is no chance to turn over."

"Well, all this is the Sanqing Palace, and it is the friend of this kid."

"In the beginning, everyone thought that this kid died in the half year, the jade face Shura was a big noise at the Seven Thousand Sea Palace, the girl is also crazy enough, although Qin Shi is not as fierce today, but also let Sanqing Palace pays no small price."

"Really... Sanqing Palace, this time really mentioned the iron plate."

Many strong people are laughing, who can expect that the 30,000-year-old hegemon of the Seven Thousand Seas Palace will eventually fall into the hands of a teenager in his early twenties?

Zong Yuanzi looked at Qin Shi at this time, and Qin Shi’s eyes were gradually being swallowed up by the darkness.

Suddenly, Zong Yuanzi’s old eyes were like a ghost, and the whole old body was softened at this time.

Zong Yuanzi seems to be caught in a long-lasting memory. It is the 7,000-year-old palace or the tens of thousands of years ago.

In the Seven Thousand Seas Palace, several strong people suddenly appeared, including Bai Ze and Long Jia.

Zong Yuanzi was raised at that time and established Sanqing Palace.

Zong Yuanzi still can't forget a strong man named Fufeng and what he said.

The Sanqing Palace will be in the hands of a young boy with a black scorpion after 30,000 years.

Zong Yuanzi did not believe at the beginning, but today he verified the words of the wind.

"He wants to die in Sanqing Palace."

Zong Yuanzi suddenly laughed at himself with a laugh.

Zong Yuanzi regretted his heart. In fact, he had a chance. Fufeng told him 30,000 years ago, but because of the expansion of Sanqing Palace in the past 30,000 years, he had already ignored the prophecy of 30,000 years ago.

Qin Shi didn't know all about it. Of course, even if he knew that he wouldn't care, these years of life had long been reasonable for him.

A Sanqing Palace is nothing at all.

Qin Shi is only concerned now, such as where flowers are.

Zong Yuanzi was a long sigh, and he knew that he could not spend this robbery in Sanqing Palace.

"Jade Face Shura, not in my Sanqing Palace." Zong Yuanzi helpless.

"Not in Sanqing Palace?" Qin Shi's face was slightly gloomy, and the body's magic blood had already boiled.

"Where is she?" Qin Shi’s voice screamed like a ghost.


Zong Yuanzi sighed: "The jade face Shura was indeed subdued by me and Tian Yuanzi and Daoyuanzi, but she had a very weird enchantment. It was impossible for us to break through the three people. We also Why can't she, she has a strong man in the palace, saying that it can help us solve, so we will send the jade face Shura to the palace."

Qin Shi's delicate face was gradually cold, and his fist creaked.

In the words of Zong Yuanzi, Qin Shi did not doubt that the flowery beast world was strong, and Zong Yuanzi really did not have the ability to break open.

"溟宫! You are playing with fire!" Qin Shi's eyes gradually darkened.

"You want to kill the palace? Oh, you are too confident." Zong Yuanzi then mocked a smile: "Boy, kindly advise you, don't really think that you can win Sanqing Palace, in this seven thousand sea palace, You can be invincible in the world."

"In the Seven Thousand Sea Palace, what you really want to let you die is that there are other people besides our Sanqing Palace."

"The background of that person is that even the Dragon family can't easily provoke it!" Zong Yuanzi's old-eyed fierce laughter: "So, little guy, don't be proud, my Sanqing Palace is really dead this time, but, in On the spring road, I am waiting for you."

Qin Shi gradually converges at this time, and his cold-eyed dynasty Yuan Zongzi looks at it: "What do you mean, is it a group?"

"Well?" Zong Yuanzi's old face was gloomy. He dared not blink in disbelief: "You know, boy?"

"Oh, you may have to be disappointed. The group wants to kill me for more than ten years. I am still alive and well, but if you are willing, you may wish to wait on Huangquan Road. Maybe you can see that, you are in the mouth. Said the guy who will take revenge for you."

Qin Shi shook his head indifferently. At this time, he was not talking nonsense. Now that he knows the position of the flower, his big hand is violently trying to explore it. A blue light runs through and directly penetrates the throat of Zong Yuanzi. .


A loud noise, the giant mountain behind Zongyuanzi, was crushed from a bit at this moment, and the landslide was broken. Zongyuanzi was buried under the ruins of the old man, and he was dead. He did not I can look at Qin Shi with my eyes wide open.

Sanqing Palace, Zong Yuanzi, was eventually destroyed by Qin Shi.

Among the three thousand miles of the Qing dynasty, Qin Shi is like the **** of the world.

At this time, in the Sanqing Palace, only one Qin Shi, Dao Yuanzi and Tian Yuanzi eventually fell under the golden rapids.

For the enemies, Qin Shi will never be soft-hearted. He knows that if he restores Yuan Yuanzi and Tian Yuanzi, he will not let him go. Although he is not afraid, the powerful people in the world are not Raytheon. In the case of Zhu, he still struggled to cope. At that time, only the demon was exposed. He still does not want to expose the demon.

"Three, three Qing Palace was destroyed? Really destroyed?"

All the strong people looked at the tens of thousands of high seamounts into ruins, and the throats were involuntarily creeping.

At this time, I don’t know which Haigong was the first to volley.

"See the new king!"

"See the new king!"

There is a sea palace that has opened its head, and the thousands of onlookers of the sea palace are all famous.

Sanqing Palace was defeated in the hands of Qin Shi, they do not want to touch the mold.

Qin Shi proudly stood in the Sanqing Palace. He looked at the thousands of sea palaces but there was no joy.

From the mouth of Zong Yuanzi, he has already come to the conclusion that there is definitely a boundary in the palace. This time he can kill the Sanqing Palace and kill the Sanyuanzi because of the Raytheon in his hand, but if he wants to It’s not easy to save a flower in the palace.

The boundary... The Qin Shi is still the existence to look up to. In that context, no external force can change the result.

Even if it is a fetish, it is not a **** of thunder.

"Little guy, don't worry, if it's not working, I personally showed up to help you to destroy the palace." The demon was faint.

Qin Shi took a deep breath, and the demon shot could indeed be done, but Qin Shi really did not want to resort to the demon.

This is not because he is stubborn, just because he is very clear, once he uses the power of evil spirits.

Will definitely lead to a series of chain reactions, and some unnecessary troubles.

"Look first, don't worry, if there is a void in the beast world, there should be no accident in a short time."

Qin Shiyan stopped, when he leaped into the air and paused in midair.

Qin Shi looked around in a circle, and the voice fainted: "I know that in the hearts of all of you, my Qin Shi qualification is shallow and not enough to be the position of the overlord of the seven thousand sea palace. However, it does not matter if you think that you can win. My Qin Shi’s words are not satisfied with my Qin Shi’s position. At any time, you can stand up. As long as you can win me, the position of the seven thousand sea palace hegemons, my Qin Shi, hand in hand.”

Speaking of this, Qin Shi deliberately paused, and then his words turned, and the voice became extremely cold.

"However, I said the ugly words in front of me today. If you can't win my Qin Shi, then the Sanqing Palace is your forerunner!"

"Don't try to anger me, or the whole palace will be destroyed." Qin Shi said very plainly, but the sound was sharp enough to hear clearly.

"Oh...!" At this time, many Haigonggong masters swallowed.

The whole palace is destroyed? This Qin Shi, is really to sit on the seven thousand sea palace overlord.

"How? Nothing to try?" After a moment, Qin Shi wrapped the black robe tightly, then asked with a smile on his head.

Many strong people are shaking their heads quickly, and Sanqing Palace has been destroyed, let alone them?

"Kids I will come to you!"

However, in this crowd of people, a savage light, like a meteor, penetrated through the layers of clouds, suddenly bombing straight into the cold of Qin Shimei.


The first chapter, because of the driving test, today's update can not be fixed, Xiaoxiao took the time to go home and write a chapter.

On Saturday, there will be three more today, but the second and third are more likely to be in the evening, at 6 o'clock in the afternoon, because there are many people driving the exam, now I don’t know when I can test it. However, the three chapters will certainly not be less. I hope everyone can understand.

In addition, the sea chapter is coming to an end, so there will be a lot of information to be conceived recently. If you have any good comments and suggestions, you can add group communication. Xiaoxiao will try your best to consider your opinions.

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If you need a dragon set, add a shallow WeChat: 8386888o, the character character, and the requirements to Xiaoxiao, Xiaoguang will be arranged as soon as possible.

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