Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1753: Not from the 7000 Sea Palace

At this time, the cold and thundering light penetrates the sky, as if wearing a cloud arrow, it runs through the heart of Qin Shi.

Seeing the sharp and extraordinary arrow, many of the strong are a slight glimpse.

"Is there really someone who dares to shoot this kid?"

"Who is it? Don't you want to die?"

Qin Shi annihilated the Sanqing Palace, after killing the Sanyuanzi, in the eyes of many strong people, he looked at the seven thousand sea palaces. Qin Shi is no longer a rival. Besides, behind the Qin Shi, there is still a dragon family sitting. Now provoke Qin Shi, is not looking for death?

"Qin Shi! Be careful!" Ling Zhu was worried about the sound of the moment.

The sharp arrow of the arrow was exactly from the corner of Qin Shi.

At this time, many of the sinister and powerful people are seeing the truth: "The person who shot this is prepared early? He wanted the life of Qin Shi in the morning?"

Soon, the sharp arrow penetrated into the space within 100 meters of Qin Shi with the thunder, and the sharp arrow appeared almost the afterimage. However, Qin Shi still did not respond under the arrow. Indifferent, this makes many strong people can not help but Qin Shi pinched the cold sweat.

"This kid won't be killed so easily?"

"That can be interesting. Seven thousand sea palaces are different twice a day...!" Many strongmen smiled bitterly.

However, Qin Shi did not respond, is it not aware? Naturally, no, no need to remind the bamboo, Qin Shi will also avoid this arrow, because from the very beginning, it is in his expectation and control.

The arrow gradually approached, Qin Shi suddenly burst into a playful color between the black scorpion, his head did not return, his hand was empty, a cyan burst of light from his arm, such as a thundering color, at this time, A hundred-meter-long cyan dragon claws stunned like a horror, and screamed like a huge pliers, and caught the broken sword directly in his hand.


Under the impact of the dragon claws and the sharp arrows, there was a strong sway on the sky, and a space suddenly exploded.


The air in a kilometer is like a mirror and suddenly breaks.

Qin Shi grabbed the sword, his foot was forced to smash, and his body shape flipped through a circle. His black scorpion suddenly changed like an eagle, and suddenly it broke through the crowd, falling on a very inconspicuous black. On the film.

"I finally couldn't help but shoot?" Qin Shi then broke the arrow with a dragon claw and wrapped it in a black robe.

"Well?" Many powerful people heard the sound, and now they frowned.

"Does Qin Shi know that someone wants to kill him?"

"Then what he just said was actually deliberately told to this person? For that, is he taking his shot?"

"It should be, this kid is too unfathomable, as if everything is under his control." Many strong people once again changed their views on Qin Shi.

Ling Zhu saw that Qin Shi was fine, and it seemed that he had expected to make a defense. When he thought of his own fear of panic, his face could not help but be ashamed and angry: "Hey! This bastard, I already know that someone wants to Killing him, he still deliberately wants to be so dangerous! I just almost lost my mind."

On the occasion of the thunder, Ling Zhu is all working and wants to help.

Although Ling Zhu knows that her shots will not help, Qin Shi’s participation in the war has long been on the same level as him, but her inner fears are still almost ruining her.

"If it is true, it must be thrown away...!" Ling Zhu squatting like a pinch, it will drop a small face.

The black shadow in the crowd was also slightly shocked at this time, gloomy: "Boy, have you already appeared me?"

"Otherwise? Do you think that you have just hit a blow, you can kill me?" Qin Shi said with a smile.

Under the unnatural twitching of the black-and-white corner, he did believe that just a sword, even if he could not kill Qin Shi, would surely make Qin Shi seriously injured in the unprepared, but did not expect that Qin Shi not only blocked, but also had Expected.

The black shadow quickly returned to calm, and his black robe covered his face, revealing only a red blood that was scattered. "You kid, you are really amazing, but you want to dominate the seven thousand sea palaces, I am afraid not, you kill Sanqing Palace, because of Raytheon, you don’t have Raytheon now, you are not qualified to be the hegemon of the seven thousand sea palaces."

"You, we are all born and raised in the Seven Thousand Sea Palaces, but this is from the outside world. Is it okay to hand over the seven thousand sea palaces to him?"

At this time, the black shadow suddenly opened his arms and shouted from the crowd.

Many strong people are slightly moving.

Will you be willing? Yes, really willing?

The answer is obviously not reconciled. Many of the sea palaces that have been present have been in the seven thousand sea palaces for thousands of years. Now Qin Shi has only arrived in the seven thousand sea palaces for less than five years, let them surrender to one. From the outside world, they are naturally not willing.

But what is the solution? The original iron palace Sanqing Palace of the Seven Thousand Seas Palace is now being ashes by Qin Shi.

On the periphery, is the Shifang Temple enough? Not the same as Qin Shi’s killing?

However, there is a saying in the black shadow, but it is so many sea palaces are ready to move, that is, in the hands of Qin Shi, there is no Raytheon.

If it is not Raytheon, Qin Shi can not win the Sanqing Palace.

Ling Zhu feels the change of the atmosphere of many powerful people around, and the small hand is slightly worried about the pinch: "Grandpa...!"

Ling Laozi cares for a chuckle, he will not understand the meaning of his granddaughter? Undoubtedly, I want him to open for Qin Shi, and Ling Laozi has a status of living in the Seven Thousand Sea Palace.

"Reassured, this kid has his own way." Ling Master did not care, this time stood up for Qin Shi opening.

Lingjia had already stood up, but he suddenly saw Qin Shi’s confident smile and couldn’t help but wonder what Qin Shi would use to deal with it.

If there is a situation in which the group is attacking, Ling’s father will stand up.

Qin Shi listened to the black shadow in the heart, and shrugged indifferently: "No, I just said that if you disappoint me Qin Shi, you can stand up and fight with me, as long as you can win me. Then, the seven thousand sea palaces, I Qin Shi handed over, of course, you have to think clearly, if you fail, can you bear the consequences of angering me."

"Yes, you have to think about whether you can withstand the revenge of our Dragon family."

At this time, the place where the sea and sky were handed over, a beautiful shadow of the shadow fell on the side of Qin Shi, Longqi is very delicate, but it gives people the independence of the world, can only be far away and can not play the illusion of playing, with the dragon In the presence of Saki, in the hands of Ryugasaki, there is a golden token thrown into the sky: "Dragon family, with the same shape as the Qin Gong, if you think that you can win our dragon family, you can try it on the Qin Palace. I don't mind, sending this dragon order in my hand to the sea palace."

Seeing the emergence of Ryugasaki, those sea palaces that are ready to move are like splashing cold water.

Yes, Qin Palace may not be terrible, but the Dragon family can't afford it. It is the original Sanqing Palace that should avoid three points in the hands of the Dragon family. What's more, they are not as good as the Xiaohai Palace of Sanqing Palace?

Dragon order? This is a taboo for the Seven Thousand Sea Palace. Once the dragon is sent to which sea palace, the sea palace will be razed to the ground on the second day.

The hegemony of the Seven Thousand Sea Palace is tempting, but it is not worth the price of the palace.

Longqi appeared, in the distant horizon, the mighty influx of more than a hundred thousand strong people, with Lishu as the strongman of almost all the periphery, then all appeared in the three thousand.

When Qin Shi used Raytheon beads, he passed the book to the Lishu.

Many of the strong outsiders saw the Sanqing Palace in a mess, and the corners of the mouth could not help but twitch.

"The Lord of the Palace of the Palace, did you really do it?"

"This little guy... It’s terrible, but fortunately it was not confusing at first."

If you don't see it with your own eyes, the outside Haigong strong can't believe it. Qin Shi actually relied on his own power to uproot the Sanqing Palace in the seven thousand sea palaces.

At this time, many of the three thousand strong people twitched again, and finally the light of the haze converges.

"Oh, although the Qin Palace Lord is still very junior, but it does have extraordinary talents. I just made a fool of me. In the seven thousand sea palaces, no matter inside or outside the sea palace, I will be the only master of the palace." Order!"

"Right right, I am all convinced that the Qin Palace official will be able to control the seven thousand sea palaces better and better!" Many of the three thousand strong people are afraid of angering Qin Shi's flattering.

At this time, Ling Laozi a glimpse immediately the old eyes into a gap, a smile: "Oh, this little doll, doing things is really dripping, know when to use the dragon, when should Buying people's hearts, if you don't see them with your own eyes, I can't believe that a teenager in his early twenties can have such a mature mind and a city."

Ling Laozi looked at Qin Shi up and down, Qin Shiming Ming is only twenty years old, the black shackles that are invisible at the bottom, but it is so impossible for him to see through.

Qin Shi nodded with satisfaction at this moment, and immediately he smiled and smiled at the black shadow: "It seems that no one wants to be with you."

The black shadow is now glaring at the cold stone, but he is not too nervous, sneer: "Oh, boy, it is really a small look, but you really thought, so I will take you Is it the way?"

"Of course you have 800,000 of your own world, and the strength of the world is perfect. If I didn't guess wrong, shouldn't Daozi be your opponent?"

Suddenly, Qin Shi grinned.

"The 800,000-meter-old world? Is this guy so strong?" At this time, many of the strong players in the three thousand are full of doubts.

They remember that among the three thousand, the world that can reach more than 800,000 meters, but there is no fourth person except the three yuan.

"You don't have to be curious. This is like me, not from the seven thousand sea palaces."

Qin Shi grinned at this time, perhaps the rest of the people could not see the origin of this black shadow, but Qin Shi, who had been dealing with the Mozu for more than ten years, could easily detect the suffocation around the black shadow.

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