Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 13 Chapter 1837: Spelling

Qin Shi did not continue to pursue this time, but the independence of the proud world in a void, gazing at Feng Feng and the enchanting with one's own strength.

"Oh, finally, I thought, you have to see him being slaughtered by me." Qin Shi smiled leisurely.

Feng Feng couldn't help but smile. If he could, Feng Feng really didn't want to shoot. From Qin Shiru's rabbit-like sneak attack on the demon, when he played the enchanting sorcerer, he had a deep remorse in his heart. This Qin Shi is not at all. Ten years of Qin Shi can be awkward, and now Qin Shi, the wheel alone strength, is absolutely above him and the enchanting one.

Where is this the boundary, even if it is an ordinary environment, it will not have such a horrible means?

The Thunder is generally murderous.

Just no way, Feng Feng is very clear, if he does not save, the enchanting is killed, he will die, will die even worse, Qin Shi will never let him go, in the human world, in addition to the enchanting The most embarrassing thing about Qin Shi is his own.

"How can this kid become so strong?" The enchanting panting and coldness.

"What he said is correct. When you were in the chaotic domain, you didn't kill him. It was leaving you troubles in the chaotic domain. Moreover, it was a post-mortem that you could not imagine. If this is the case, this kid is dead here today. If he is not dead, he will return to the human world, and the whole world will no longer be able to block him, and the chaos or the winds will be destroyed." Feng Feng smiled.

The enchanting eyes flashed a thick stern color, Feng Feng said, the enchanting heart is very clear, Qin Shi if it is back to the human world, the rest of the eight domains do not say, his chaotic domain, is bound to suffer, so his The more intense the killing: "In any case, this kid must die in this sea. Otherwise, we will all have trouble sleeping."

"Two, is the discussion finished? If you have finished the discussion, do you do it together?" Qin Shi’s hands suddenly met, and two different forces were flashing from his palms, colliding with each other, as if they were positive and negative. Playing together, the noise of the screaming, and soon, there was a sharp fault between heaven and earth.

"The soul of the world?" The enchanting and Feng Feng's twitching again.

"Damn! I can't imagine it. At the beginning, a kid like an ant ant has become so strong now." If the enchanting knows today, even if it is a break, he will not hesitate to hurt, and will definitely kill Qin Shi. Now He repented and his intestines were green.

"This kid is too strange, we join hands, together, I don't believe, this kid can block you and me by his own strength!"

Feng Feng’s dignified point is down. The current situation, it’s absolutely impossible to kill Qin Shi by him or the enchanting one. This is far from their expectations. The two intend to follow the group to the sea. If you need to be onlookers, you can watch Qin Shi die, and the huge stones that have been hanging in your heart will fall.

Even if the group does not do anything, in the context of the two, it should be as easy as pinching an ant to pinch the Qin stone.

"You must not let this kid live, and then suffer from infinity!" The enchanting savage, his emptiness of the big hand, smashed a piece of space into a palm, and grabbed a pair of rifled guns from the broken void. There are dark dragons on the long guns, giving a kind of awesome power.

"It is the thirteenth black dragon wrath in the list of the gods!" Seeing the black dragon rifle, the dragon family frowned slightly.

"Nothing, if you fight the gods, the gods in the hands of Qin Shi can be no less than anyone." Long Yin smiled disdainfully.


The enchanting palm turns, the dragon scorpion is aimed at Qin Shi, such as a fierce explosion from the mysterious arrow.

"Little hybrid, suffer!" The enchanting hands grabbed the dragon owl, and suddenly, from the palm of his hand, there was an ancient pattern covering the scorpion. The dragon scorpion was actually integrated with the enchanting, and a dragon rushing through the Qin stone Go: "The Eight Wild Dragons Kill!"

Hey! Hey! When the dragon sings out, Qin Shi slightly frowns. After all, it is the **** on the list of gods. Qin Shi is ultimately not daring.

Each of the gods on the list of gods has unique characteristics, such as the reincarnation of stone statues, which can change the flow of life in the heavens and the earth. The sacred light sword is the power of the aliens of the eight heavens and the earth. The ancient legacy flag can open up The independent void of the ancient battlefield.

Qin Shi did not know the power of this black dragon wrath.


Qin Shi continued to send out the sword, and the swordsmanship on his chest crossed out.

When Jian Mang just shot, it was a fierce collision with the dragon, and then after each collision, there would be a huge crack, as if to shatter the world.

Three consecutive swords, Qin Shi could not help but frown. From his tiger's mouth, there was a strong tingling: "Good strength."

"Kids, this black dragon is angry with the sky, it is the most heavy force between heaven and earth. Every blow has a weight of millions of tons. It is enough to break the world. I think you can block it a few times!" Laughing.

Qin Shi slightly frowned, and his face became serious: "Can you make millions of tons?"

"The chaotic domain of the Holy Spirit!"

Suddenly, Qin Shi held the sword again with his hands. This time, in his whole body, there was the Holy Spirit armor. Every time he pulled out, the Holy Spirit armor flashed with it. Dozens of swords.

boom! boom! boom!

The glare of the sword and the black dragon wrath suddenly caused a spark of the sky, and the space burst.

It’s just that, with the dozens of swords from Qin Shi, the power of the Black Dragon’s wrath is completely weakened.

"This, how is this possible?" The enchanting stunned eyes.

"You are heavy again. If there is no gravity, how powerful can it be?" Qin Shi mocked and laughed. The chaotic domain of the Holy Spirit is enough to resist gravity. Without gravity, there is no gravity. The black dragon is angry and has no effect in the hands of Qin Shi.

"Bastard!" The enchanting scorpion red angered Qin Shi, but there is no way.

"Kid, look at me this trick!" Suddenly, from Feng Feng's hand is also a magic weapon, such as an ancient Taiji gossip stone, the middle is divided into yin and yang, the yin and yang jade rotates, forming a very terrifying force, fierce dynasty Qin Shi burst into the air.

"Yin and yang!"

"It is the 19th Taiji yin and yang stone in the list of the gods! It has the power to win the world yin and yang!"

"Is it another god?" Staring at the approaching yin and yang, Qin Shi's face gradually became blue, and he did not expect that in the hands of the enchanting and Feng Feng, they would each hold a fetish on the list of gods.

Even though Qin Shi owns many gods, it does not mean that the gods are cheap. On the contrary, any artifact is a treasure in the world. It is extremely difficult to find. Qin Shi has many gods, just because His chances, or the fate of his life, are due to his creation.

"It seems that in this decade, the human world has also undergone no small changes. In fact, two pieces of gods have been produced continuously." Qin Shi said in his heart.

Qin Shi is just curious, hands at this time to meet, become a sea handprint.

"Three World Zen Sea!"

boom! One gasification three clear! Three golden seas, rolling and rolling.

Yin and Yang, reincarnation, creation, and these forces are extremely mysterious between heaven and earth. Like time and space, it is extremely difficult for ordinary people to control and extremely difficult to block. This Taiji yin and yang stone attack is yin and yang, and Qin Shi The Three Kingdoms Zen Sea is a creation.

"Give me a break!" Qin Shi fiercely screamed, and the foot of the foot was a step.

boom! During the time, Qin Shi’s body was full of golden waves, and he fell like a piece of heaven and earth.

The golden waves, suddenly like a golden light cannonball, fierce fierce smashing to the yin and yang.


The sky is falling apart, and in the interlacing of the two forces, there are as many powers that are madly torn apart.

A sea area is shattered, and the earth is suddenly sunken, like a huge basin appearing out of thin air.

"This, how is this possible?" The attack of Taiji Yinyang Stone was finally blocked, and Feng Feng, looking at a bleak ground, was stunned.

Taiji yin and yang stone is definitely his most powerful means, but it is still easily blocked by Qin Shi.

"There are ten foreign gods in two districts, and they dare to make axe in front of me!" Qin Shi despised the laughter, then he explored with a big hand, a grip of the void.

"Hey animals! Roll me over!"

boom! boom! Suddenly, I saw the black dragon wrath in the hands of the enchanting, and the tai yin and yang in the hands of Feng Feng, actually produced a burst of tremor, and they broke free from the hands of the two, but they saw the king, and they rushed to Qin. Shi Fei leapt, extremely obscenity surrendered at the foot of Qin Shi.

Looking at the two gods that surrendered to his feet, Qin Shi sat down with satisfaction, and with a big hand, a touch of the power of the soul, it was suddenly wiped out the blood of the two gods: "From now At the beginning, both of you follow me."

"Bastard! What are you doing?" The enchanting and Feng Feng immediately snarled, these two gods but the two have abolished the great power to get How is it possible! How can our gods listen to this kid? ”

"Because the gods in your hands are too low-level to see high-level gods, they will naturally choose to surrender." Qin Shi’s hands were shocked, and his body was beating several amazing powers.

Crashing jade, burning books, glare swords, ancient battle flags, supreme gods, reincarnation stone statues, immortal gold bones, many gods, like the tricks appear behind the Qin stone, into a giant wheel, surrounded by Qin Shi The whole body is constantly turning, and for a time, it forms a stunned and shocking force.

"This, this is all the gods?" The corporal of the enchanting and Feng Feng suddenly trembled, and was shocked by the sudden appearance of the gods.

Anything is the same as the existence of the world.

"Damn! How is it possible! Just the top ten gods, this kid is actually occupying five?" The enchanting and Feng Feng scorpion are suddenly shrinking.

"Now, what other means do you have?" Qin Shiyan, from his scorpion is a surge of murder.

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