Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 13 Chapter 1838: Battle against the main

The enchanting and Feng Feng old faces are a haze, Qin Shi's means, far from their imagination, when the enchanting is pressed by Qin Shi, Feng Feng's most thought is that Qin Shi is stronger than both of them. However, if the two join hands, they will certainly be able to kill Qin Shi. However, the result is not only. The gods that have been sacrificed by the two are now taken away by Qin Shi. If they ask two people, what other means are there, to tell the truth, Really no. ????

"If you don't have it, then change me." Qin crazy cold road, enchanting and Feng Feng have no means, but Qin Shi can be different, but he still has a lot of cards is useless.

In a word, Qin Meng grabbed the stone figure of the revolving wheel in front of him, and stood fiercely behind him: "Reversal of the reincarnation!"

"The ancient battlefield!" Qin Shi's other hand waved the ancient battle flag, and a burst of scarlet clouds shrouded in an instant, such as a **** mouth, a large swath of mountains and rivers, rolling toward the enchanting Feng Feng two Go over it.

"Bastard! Quickly open!" Seeing the approaching **** clouds, the two eyes shrunk.

"Want to run?" Qin Shi cold laughter, the blood cloud overflowed into the eight sides, changing into a very strong battlefield.

"Damn! What is this place?" The surrounding scene changed, and the enchanting and Feng Feng's old faces were grayed out. Looking at the tens of millions of dead bodies on the ground, the two couldn't help but feel creepy. Here, It is a world that eats people without spitting bones.

"Oh, welcome to my world." Qin Shi smiled faintly. In this ancient battlefield, he possessed this empty embryo. Everything in this world is his, and he is in control.

"Little bastard, do you really think that this will kill us?"

Qin Shi nodded casually. He smiled and said the truth. He also felt incredible. At the beginning, he couldn’t even look up at the height. At that time, the enchanting, waved, and wanted to pinch an ant. It’s as simple as killing yourself, but now it’s enough to overlook both.

In the past ten years, he has really become stronger in the unconscious.

"Kid, you really become very strong. Now you are estimated to be in the human world. No one can win you. However, if you don't be too proud, if we are completely teamed up, you may not be able to win!" A period of indefinite change.

"Is the human being the strongest?" Qin Shi smiled and shook his head, but did not solve it, because he knew that the so-called eight-domain human world is nothing but a damaged Xianfu, in the human world, the true supreme strength, the fog Even if he is now, there is no way to touch the corner.

"Join hands? I am afraid you don't have that chance." Qin Shi sneered, his palms swaying, as if breaking the heavens and the earth, suddenly, in the center of the ancient battlefield, a huge gully was broken and the gully was out, the enchanting and the enchanting Feng Feng is directly separated.

"You can stay for a while now, I will solve him first, and deal with you." Qin Shi's big hand slowly dragged upwards, followed by a sudden growth of bleeding barrier in the gully, actually the birth will be enchanting and Feng The peaks are separated.

The enchanting eyes are shrinking, and he slams his fist: "Bastard!"

"Now, I will kill you first!" With a snoring, Qin Shi's facial features gradually became paralyzed. For more than a decade, Qin Shi finally had the opportunity to be a enchanting hand.

Ten years ago, Qin Shi’s oath was finally completed today.

"Fairy, dead!" The bones behind Qin Shi suddenly shocked, such as a thundering general violently squatting down.

Hey! Hey! The enchanting snoring of the enchanting, the body shape quickly blasted two palms, the body shape constantly flashing, the power of chaos continued to emerge.

"The ridiculous war!"

Qin Shi’s fierce drink, from his palm like a snake, wraps out the ridiculous texture, and violently smashes the power of the enchanting.

"Give me a break!" Qin Shiru ghosts generally appear in front of the enchanting, a volley of the palm, in his palm, there is a green dragon force constantly blasting, force a palm, smashing hit on the enchanting chest.

boom! The enchanting moments of the five senses twisted, the ribs of his chest were suddenly broken, and a deep palm print was sunken.

"Hey!" The enchanting squirting blood, even so far he still can't believe that Qin Shi, who was like an ant, has become so powerful.

"This is impossible!" The enchanting roar, his body suddenly appeared extremely chaotic power, constantly staggered, so that his face is sometimes blue and purple, very strange, giving people a chance to burst at any time. The illusion.

Looking at the horror of the horror, Qin Shi frowned, and others could not see it, but he could see at a glance that the enchanting skin was messy, such as the power of the intertwined, what was actually the curse of the group ?

The temple owner frowned at this moment and suddenly looked into the battlefield of the ancient legacy that turned the sky into blood red.

"Damn, secret technique must be detonated?" The face suddenly became fierce. Cold road: "The two wastes of the enchanting and Feng Feng are going to be defeated. The little **** is stronger than we think. There are so many hands in the hand." The gods."

"I have told you long ago that you should not focus on both of them. They are waste."

"It’s too late to say anything now. If the kid is really crushing the sky-covered jade beads and swallowing up the sky, we will be in trouble.” The main hall of the temple said: "The most important thing is that the two of them are still not dead. The human world still needs them two controls. As long as the fog is still above the human world, we can't easily go to the human world."

"And, once the sky is covered with jade beads, unless the devils are hands-on, we will all die here." The temple owner bite his teeth, the cold road: "I dragged the sky, you solve the kid."

The main hall of the temple frowned. "Can you do it?"

"No! Then you come?" The Lord’s voice was helpless.

The main face of the temple was gloomy, and there was no more nonsense. Now it can only be like this.

"Give me a quarter of an hour!" The main hall screamed, and he volleyed a palm, and the air in front of him suddenly ventilated, and with the advancement of the levy, the main body shape of the temple and the demon distance .

"Want to go?" The demon six eyes are so horrible, his claws are fierce, and a dark mountain is volcanic.

"Break the sky!" The master of the temple has a hollow hand, and an ancient magical pattern changes into a thousand feet, and a volcanic rushing down a giant mountain to penetrate.

boom! As soon as the two forces touched each other, there was a sudden fault in the sky, and the cross-section of the sea seemed to have been cut off.

The main hall of the temple took this opportunity, and the figure was already jumping into the ancient battlefield.

The demonic magic eyes were dark and suddenly glared at the Lord like a beast: "You are looking for death!"

The Lord’s heart was helpless. He didn’t expect it. The war that was supposed to be absolutely crushed turned into a passive one. Qin Shi’s growth in this decade almost reached the level of terror.

"It seems that there is no way." Suddenly, the main eyebrow of the temple burned a black flame.

"Burn the devil?" The demon wrinkled his eyebrows. Obviously, he did not expect that the Lord would choose such an extreme method.

"Swallowing, you are struggling, it is useless. In any case, today the kid must die here." The demon spirit of the Lord burned, gradually covering the whole body, and his body began to expand several times. Change into a huge magic body.

The burning of the demon spirit of the Lord is definitely more terrifying than Ming Xuan.

The demons gradually become gloomy, and they are dignified.

In the ancient battlefield, Qin Shi stared at the enchanting smashing head that was gradually smothered by the smashing group, holding the glare sword, and piercing the enchanting chest is: "The end."

Hey! Suddenly, a claw suddenly shattered the world, and fiercely blocked Qin Shi’s sword.

"Divided to the main hall?" Qin Shi black squats and shrinks, his body rushed back a few steps.

When the main hall was out, a large hand grabbed the enchanting shoulders and violently took them away to the kilometer. The other big hand slammed the palm of the enchanting chest.

"Give me the pressure!

boom! The palm of the main hall fell, and the magical curse of the enchanting body gradually recovered, and it became extremely prosperous.

"Waste!" The main hall was cold and snoring. At this time, the other big hand was empty and smashed. The enchantment in the center of the ancient battlefield was smashed and Feng Feng was rescued from the other side: "Give me here, Go out first!"

The enchanting two people are unwilling, but they have to admit that they are not Qin Shi’s opponents at all.

The two left, and the main eyes of the temple looked at Qin Shi: "The little guy, have to say, we are really stunned, you have reached this level of horror."

"If I don't die today, your group will soon be in my hands." Qin Shi was indifferent.

"Destroy my group? Oh, crazy enough, but even if your ancestors didn't have this qualification, would you rely on you?" The main hall revealed his fangs, and his air suddenly burned and became extremely vain: "And, you can't die today!"

"The soul is destroyed!" The division of the main body of the hall is difficult to distinguish A wave of the palm of the hand, a vigorous suffocating into a blade, suddenly it is a fierce fall toward Qin Shi .

The Qin Shi black scorpion suddenly becomes dark, and the main lord and the enchanting singer are different from Feng Feng. He is absolutely bound by the realm, and it is a great success of the realm. Without any external force, he will never win. The Lord's.

Qin Shizhen’s clenched fist, when he picked up the black scorpion, and suddenly saw the sky-changing jade beads that changed the darkness of the sea.

Suddenly, Qin Shi seems to be determined to be the same, he suddenly recovered the sacred sword, and the ancient battlefield.

The two figures suddenly appeared in the sea, and the one that destroyed the soul was to smash the void.

However, when returning to the sea, Qin Shi revealed a decisive look.

"Xuan Tian broke the road!"

boom! Suddenly, from the back of Qin Shi, a golden map was formed. A golden dragonfly ran through the map. For a moment, it seemed to be piercing this piece of heaven. In an instant, the entire sea area followed. The changed bird is silent.

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