Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 5 Chapter 200: Shocked 15 days

Hongyun City.

After the Purgatory Tower is opened.

A group of people are surrounded by them. They are full of expectation and curiosity. One of the younger generations who wants Zhīdào urgently can stay in Hongyun City for a few days.

"Homeowner, you said that in this junior, who can support the tower for the longest time?" A group of deacons and elders, rubbing the question beside Luo Feng.

In the tower, many are their children and grandchildren. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

Considering it, Luo Feng’s response sentence: "Let me say, no accident, it should be Qin Gongzi..."

"I don't think so." Luo Xuan is next to him, some sneer haiku: "This Qin Gongzi, although the actual combat ability is very strong, but most of them rely on external forces, they only have the medium term, but the second son, the late Ling Dynasty, I feel Hope is great."

"External force?"

For Luo Xuan, Luo Feng just laughed and did not respond.

However, his heart is mirrored, but no one can rely on external forces. In the midst of a broken spiritual situation, one enemy and three won.


During the constant discussion, a sudden deafening sound was heard. The stone gate of the Purgatory Tower was pushed away by the inside and outside, and a group of Luojia disciples fled in the tower in panic.

The faces of these disciples were occupied by fear, and the appearance of one fell like a ghost, and the wolf was extremely embarrassed.

Luo Feng and Luo’s parents saw this scene. They couldn’t help but frown their eyebrows. But when they saw most of them, they were only sideline disciples. Instead, they relaxed a little: “Hey, it’s been a long time since I’ve been able to persist for so long.”

Unexpectedly, these disciples ran to Luofeng, one by one, screaming and shrilling: "Home, no, we are not insisting on it, there is a wild beast in this purgatory tower, there are really wild animals."

When I heard the sound, Luo Feng frowned, and some of them were dissatisfied: "I can’t hold it, I just can’t hold it, even making up such a lie? Don’t you feel shameful?”

A few juniors, they really saw the Purgatory Tower, a wild animal resurrected on the wall, but heard the words of Luo Feng, but not Zhīdào how to explain.

"Oh, what they said is true, there is a wild animal in Tari!"

At this time, I saw Luo Jinxin's body bruised and supported the wall and walked out of the Purgatory Tower.

Luo Feng and Luo’s parents glimpsed and rushed to the front to support Luo Jinxin. He did not understand: “Jin Xin, San Gongzi, what happened? Who hurt you?”

Being supported, Jin Xin is free from the nightmare, and he is struggling with a few breaths: "It is a wild animal. In the Purgatory Tower, the wild beast carved on the wall is all alive!"


In a word, Luo Feng and a few deacons were shocked.

One person is a monster, Kěnéng is deliberately rumored, but two people, three people, ten people?

Is this really just a rumor? Obviously not Kěnéng.

The onlookers, after seeing Luo Jinxin, did not happen in the Zhīdào Purgatory Tower. They were curious to say: "Hey, you said, this Luojia Sangongzi is so embarrassed, can you get to the first few floors?"

"I guess, in Luo's juniors, the most powerful ones will be able to go up to the fifth floor, and on the fifth floor, one day can't hold on."

"Well, five floors, the limit?"

The people of the various parties, pointing to the point of discussion, non-stop.

Realizing that the situation is serious, Luo Feng grabbed Luo Jinxin’s hand: “What about your second brother and Qin Gongzi?”

"I don't Zhīdào, two brothers and Qin Gongzi, two people on the seventh floor, I stopped at the sixth floor..." Luo Jinxin took a strong breath and calmed himself down.

Seven layers?

Luo Feng and Luo parents were shocked.

The onlookers are horrified.

"The seventh layer? Two juniors, can they go up to the seventh floor?"

"Isn't it true? When the Wei family was in charge of the Purgatory Tower, even a lot of elders couldn't get on the seventh floor. It was like the Wei family, only to the seventh floor."

"Is not sure... you forgot, the magic of the Luojia son-in-law?"

"Well, this Qin Gongzi is really amazing. Now Miss Luo Jia is not here, I must marry him!"

"Cut, you, marry him? Don't take care of yourself."

"What? Hello, you can't marry, I am a slave!"

A group of people squatting, a few springs swaying, and their eyes are straightforward, and they look like Qin Shi from the Purgatory Tower, and they will immediately rush to tear it apart.

However, at this time, Luo Feng and Luo's parents did not take pride in it, but instead dipped their eyes.

The two men are now on the seventh floor, but if the Purgatory Tower is really as Luo Jinxin said, it has been filled with monsters... The two are in danger.

"Hey, don't worry, the second brother and the Qin Gongzi, certainly not Wèntí." Luo Jinxin recovered, after seeing Luo Feng's worries, he stepped forward to help him care about the sentence.

"Well... wait a minute."

Luo Feng nodded, now it can only be like this.


Time flies, three days and months alternate.

As early as the evening of the first day, Luo’s disciples who entered the purgatory tower had all come out, and Luo Yiming was left, and Qin Shi and the two had no news.

Today, the two still have no news.

"No, I am going in!" Luo Feng finally couldn't stand it, ready to go into the Pagoda in person.

But at this time, he just walked to the Purgatory Tower, and saw the golden enchantment suddenly on the door of the Purgatory Tower. The enchantment suddenly spurred a golden light, hitting the chest of Luo Feng.


Luo Feng did not return to God, no golden light directly repelled tens of meters away.


The Luo family were shocked and rushed to support Luo Feng.

The person standing behind, one by one exclaimed, what is the strength of Luo Feng? That is the middle of the king's spiritual realm, the second master of Hongyun City, the power of hitting him to fly ... is terrible.

"Hurry, it’s two sons!"

A voice interrupts everyone's thoughts.

A few people kneel down, Luo Feng is rushing to get up, looking at the Purgatory Tower.

I saw it in the Purgatory Tower, a thin figure, and walked out.

"Two brothers, two sons, are you okay?"

Luo family, one by one curious to catch up and ask.

Being supported by the people, Luo Yiming was obviously soft, and his eyes were a little loose and he waved his hand: "No, nothing... I stayed inside for a few days?"

"Three days..."

"Yeah, two sons, you are so powerful, actually stayed there for three days!"

Listening to the arguments of the people, Luo Yiming’s eyes were a little distracted, and he bowed his head and did not speak.

Only when he recalled, he stayed in the Purgatory Tower for the past three days, completely because he was stunned by the wild beast... As early as the first day, the spiritual power in the Purgatory Tower disappeared.

"Three days..."

Luo Yiming whispered to himself and suddenly remembered something: "Yes, Qin Shi... Hey, Qin Shi? Is he coming out?"

"Qin Gongzi?"

Luo Feng squatted and shook his head: "Are you not on the same seven layers?"

"Seven layers? I went to the eighth floor." Luo Yiming shook his head.


The atmosphere was instantly bursting, and the incredible eyes of the people looked at Luo Yiming.

Eight layers, eight layers, what is this concept?

Luo Feng is even more brilliant in his eyes. As soon as he grasps Luo Yiming’s hand, he said, “Well, good, good, it’s the son of Luo Feng, I can go to the eighth floor!”

Next to it, Luo Jinxin frowned, feeling a little bit miserable: "That's not right, when you are on the seventh floor, don't you see Qin Gongzi?"

I heard the sound, Luo Feng several people back to God, the incomprehensible look to Luo Yiming.

Being gazing at everyone, Luo Yiming has a tight heart: "The seventh layer? How can he be on the seventh floor?"

"Not on the seventh floor?"

A group of disciples, one by one, is incomprehensible.

This is especially true of Luo Feng. Tightening the bridge of the nose: "Is it... He and you are on the eighth floor?"

"Do not!"

Luo Yiming shook his head, and his eyes became a little heavy: "He, on the ninth floor!"

"The ninth floor?"

Suddenly, the field is dumb, and the silence is like stagnant water.

Everyone was wide-eyed and staring at Luo Yiming.

"Oh..." Finally, no one is Zhīdào, the first to stop the mouth and spit, panic: "The ninth floor? Qin Gongzi on the ninth floor? This ... this is not Kěnéng?"

"Yeah, isn't that the number of people who can reach the ninth floor in the millennium is no more than five fingers? Wei family lived as if they were all on the ninth floor. How could this Qin Gongzi be?"

All sorts of doubts, Luo Feng also thick eyebrows and cross, shot Luo Yiming's shoulder: "Yimong, what you said is true? Qin Gongzi him, really on the ninth floor?"

"Well..." Luo Yiming paused and nodded.

Now, everyone has nothing to say, and they all look up at the Purgatory Tower, and their eyes are fixed on the ninth floor...

This Qin Shi, in just half a month, really brought them too much shock.

Staying behind, Park Quan’s black robe is holding hands, and he smiles very happy: “I’m not a child, I can go up to the ninth floor.”

"Yeah." Under the approval point, his time in Hongyun City is not short. He knows very well about the Purgatory Tower and praises: "It is not Zhīdào, how long he can stay in the tower."

Everyone is looking forward to the surprise.

Time flies, one day, two days, three days, seven days.

In a blink of an eye, the Purgatory Tower has been open for seven days, which is more than the record of the Luo family ancestors. No one can spend more time in the Purgatory Tower than seven days.

But... Qin Shi still didn't come out.

This is too exaggerated, and the people onlookers are a little nervous.

Ten days.

In a blink of an eye, after ten days, Qin Shi was still out of no news.

At this time, a group of people, from the beginning of the excitement, bit by bit to destroy the mind, become no longer believe.

"Hey, Qin Gongzi... will not have an accident?" Luo Jinxin hesitated, pinching his fist and asking questions.

"Don't say it!" Luo Feng's eyes were angry, and he screamed, and immediately bit his lower lip and looked at the Purgatory Tower: "Snowy people like him, he will not have an accident!"

"But... ten days."

Oh, ten days are in the hearts of the people, everyone is taking a nap.

Yes, ten days, even if it is seven days, maybe someone still wants to believe, but this ten days has broken the iron law of the purgatory tower for a thousand years. Can Qin Shi really break this miracle?

"The third child, don't say, Qin Gongzi's strength is not Zhīdào, he must be fine." Luo Yiming angered to interrupt Luo Jinxin, but his heart is not at the end.

Some people, can't wait here, they are all disappointing, they return home and no longer believe in Qin Shi.

"Let's go, don't wait, it must be dead, what do you think is the powerful Juésè, even burying himself in this purgatory tower?"

"Idiot, I have a skill, but I don't have a long brain."

"I told him all, tell him not to be reluctant, don't listen, die and live."

This group of people, all the goods that fell in the wind with the wall grass, see Qin Shi seven days without the purgatory tower, one from the boasting into a disgusting irony.

At the rear, He Yan and Park Quan are here.

"Old, what do you think?" He Yan stroked the beard.

"Oh, don't worry, this kid, no matter where you go, you have to make some movements, I believe he will be able to come out!" Park Quan has no expression, but a firm response.

He Yanyi, and finally smiled and shook his head: "I hope he will not let down your trust."

eleven days.

Thirteen days.

In the past, the days are hard to find, fewer and fewer people are waiting, fewer people believe, and finally the people of Hongyun City have already confirmed the fact that Qin Shi died in the Purgatory Tower.

Fifteen days...

It took half a month to slip.

Everything seems to be The people in Hongyun City are starting their own busy, no one will go to Qin Shi.

Park Spring and He Yan both frowned.

Only the Luo family, these fifteen days have always been dead and alive.

The mind was finally smoothed, and Luo Feng shuddered: "Don't you really have no hope?"

He looked at the Purgatory Tower. He wanted to go in, but now he can't get in. He thinks Qin Shi as Luo Xueying's thoughts. Now Qin Shi is also alive and dead. He: "Don't you, Cang Tianfei Is it so decided to do so?"

"Oh, it’s really stubborn, it’s been half a month, is it still dead?”

Just then, the irony of the Tao was suddenly heard.

Luo family took a look, Luo Feng took the lead to look back, I saw behind the Luo family, Wei Bing led the Wei family hundreds of disciples, the group surrounded the Luo family, he surprised: "Wei Bing, what do you want to do?"

"What? Of course... let you die!"

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