Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 5 Chapter 201: Hongyun City changes day

"Let you die!"

Wei Bing screamed and raised his fingers to sneak a few times. Hundreds of Wei disciples boiled up, one by one, rushing up like a flood, surrounded by Luo’s disciples.

At the same time, the Luojia disciples panicked and approached the center to close Luofeng's fists. The eyes looked around and circled, and finally fell on Wei Bing: "Wei Bing, are you going to provoke war and violate the regulations of the two?"


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"Haha, it's a joke, stipulates that this kind of thing is used to bind the weak! Strong, manufacturing regulations!" Wei Bing squatted, and both hands held up and laughed.


In a word, such as the thousand rushing waves hit the atrium of the Luo family.

The neighboring people saw this scene, one by one, panic, and the clouds in the city of Hongyun, they retired from the center under the control of the Wei family.

It seems that the Wei family is ready.

"It seems that the Wei family owners can't swallow this breath. If the two fight against each other... Hongyun City will change."

"Yeah, Hongyun City is going to change."

"The Luo family was really miserable this time. The son-in-law just died in the tower, and now it is forced by the Wei family. I am afraid it is difficult to survive this crisis."

The people who have been retired, standing in the heart of the distant street, are uneasy. The stability of the millennium is at this moment, and finally it is to be broken. Who will eventually be the deer?

"Homeowner... What should I do?"

Luo Jia deacon, one by one worried about the side of Luo Feng.

Luo Feng squinted and stared at Wei Bing: "Wei Bing, you are too Zìxìn? Don't forget that Luo Jia and your Wei family are also the foundation of the millennium. The strength of Dongcheng is controlled by my Luo family, although you I have mastered the Purgatory Tower for forty years, but you dare to guarantee that I can swallow my Luo family?"

"Oh, Dongcheng forces?"

Wei Bing smiled and immediately saw him clapping his hands and making two '啪啪' sounds. His eyes looked in the direction of Dongcheng. He snorted: "Don't hide it, come out and let your Luo family squat." ”

Da da da!

The sound fell, and I saw the black-pressed crowds, like the thousands of horses in the streets of the East Side.

This group of leaders, all people are no strangers, it is Zhao Jiazi: Zhao Yi.

Under the leadership of Zhao Yi, the forces of Dongcheng Bacheng all gathered here, but they did not stand in Luojia, but instead stood beside Wei Bing and circled Luojia in a tit-for-tat.

Seeing this scene, Luo Feng’s eyes were cold.

Next to it, Luo Xuan was shocked and stepped forward to point to Zhao Yi: "Zhao Yi, what do you mean?"

"Oh, Luo Xuan old man, such a simple matter, can't you understand?" Wei Bing sneered aloud: "Zhao Jia thinks that your Luo family has no future, and it is a bad thing with the Wei family! Idiot!"


Luo Xuan’s eyes turned to Zhao Yi, a questionable question that he could not believe: “Zhao Yi! Is he really talking?”

"Oh, grandfather Luo Xuan, you said that the snow is not here now, your Luo family has no use for me, the so-called good birds choose the wood to live ... you say right?" Zhao Yi kneeled his head, the blade in his hand Knocking on the ground a few times, the irony of the irony.

The body was shocked, and Luo Xuan’s feeling was black, scared Luo Haizhu and rushed forward to help him.

Supported by Luo Haizhu, Luo Xuan angered Zhao Yi, his eyes were full of blood and red: "Zhao Yi, these years, what am I doing to you? I see you as a grandson, you like Luo Xueyu I Help you fight... Are you betraying me?"

"To shut up!"

Unexpectedly, Zhao Yi’s eyes suddenly became cold: “Hey, what do you mean by loss? Do you think that I am not Zhīdào what abacus do you play? Lost snow is not clean, I can’t marry when I think of me? What are you when I am Zhao Yi? Trash can?"

"Zhao Yi!"

Luo Yiming, Luo Jinxin was furious.

Luo Xuan's old tears, the hands and feet are not flexible, screaming: "Good, good, good, my Luo Xuan is really old-fashioned, I believe you are a beast here, you ... cough, cough!"

The big snoring, Luo Xuan qi and blood, and coughing a few coughs.

Looking at Luo Xuan, Zhao Yi is proud of his hook: "Oh, grandfather Luo Xuan, you have to pay attention to the body... If you cough, the younger generation will be sad."


Luo Haizhu was angry and burned, Luo Xuan was mad.

"It's no good to say to them!"

Luo Feng stopped Luohai bamboo. He took the lead and stepped forward. A sultry rush of momentum rushed to the East City’s betrayal of the Luo family’s forces. He glanced at the cold road: “In the daytime, I’m taking you home. Thin, you have to think clearly, Wei family is ambitious, you will regret it sooner or later!"


Waving the hand sleeves, Wei Bingmeng defeated Luo Feng Lingli: "Oh, you, don't talk nonsense with him, I Wei Bing ambitious? I will promise you now, as long as the Luo family is eradicated today, Dongcheng is yours!" I am Wei, I don't care!"

The people of Dongcheng’s powers, while screaming at the same time, shot the fine light, one by one greed and excitement, and finally, under the urging of the power of power, they lost their hearts and killed the Luo family.


Luo Feng heart is bleeding.

He is Ren Jun, and he is not thin to the people of Dongcheng, but he unexpectedly exchanged this result.


The martial arts in the sky collided in the center of Hongyun City, and Luo’s family was attacked by thousands.

The Wei family moved, Wei Jiabing's various moves, and the overwhelming Chaolu family swept through.

"Wei Bing! I am not in the same position with you!" Looking at the tribe's tragic death in the pool of blood, Luo Feng rushed forward like crazy, and took out the silver long knife to Wei Bing.


The two kings of the spirits played against each other and swayed.

The sky is full of clouds, and the wild spirits are raging.

The masters have a showdown, and the blink of an eye is over, and the blade touches the ground and cracks the deep gully.


With the blade in his hand swaying, Luo Feng’s eyes were shocked and he stepped back.

"Oh, Luo Jiazhu, you are not my opponent!" Wei Bing eyes bright, both of them are in the middle of the king's spiritual realm, but in the realm he is far more than Luo Feng.

The two masters have played against each other and the forces below are constantly fighting.

Wei Jiasan, a month, in addition to Wei Feng, who was abolished by Qin Shi, the injury of the other two has been restored. Wei Yan relied on the late strength, such as the tiger into the sheep circle to kill Luojia disciples.

In the sidelines, Luo Haiqing was angry and mad, and rushed to block Wei Yan: "Wei Yan, you are a beast, I am dead, I will pull you."

"Hey, die? Go on your own."

Wei Yanyi glanced at the early strength of Luo Haiqing's broken spirit. In his eyes, he was weak like an ant, just waving his hand sleeves and hitting Luo Haiqing nearly 100 meters.


Luo Haiqing flew to the ground and sprayed with blood.

But he did not give up, and the blind man glared at Wei Yan, screaming and swearing: "The animal, when Qin Gongzi, it was a mistake not to kill you!"

"Qin Shi?"

When it comes to Qin Shi, Wei Yan’s fists are squatting tightly, and the five senses reveal the blood: “Oh, a dead person. Urgent, I will send you to see him now!”

After finishing the conversation, Wei Yan bowed up and suddenly approached Luo Haiqing.


At this time, a figure galloped past, and suddenly blocked in front of Wei Yan.

Was blocked, Wei Yan squatted, sweeping the figure in front of his eyes, could not help but reveal a satirical smile: "Oh, Luo Jia Erzi? Why are you rushing to death?"

"Whoever dies, not necessarily!"

Luo Yiming was furious, and his strength was upgraded to the peak of the middle of the broken spirits after the baptism of the Purgatory Tower. It was only half a step away from the later period.

He leaped up and greeted Wei Yan.

In the face of Luo Yiming's attack, Wei Yan was calm and self-confident. He saw his hand sleeves slightly raised, and the two lights in front of him flashed, and the body was disappearing in the same place.

"Hurry to die, I will be yours! Go to your Qin brothers together!" After Luo Yiming, Wei Yan sounded strangely, and immediately he lifted his foot, injected spiritual power, kicked in Luo Yiming After the chest, he kicked the whole person out of the dozen meters.


The cockroach flew out and fell on the platform in front of the Purgatory Tower. The strong inertia shattered the earth.

Wei Yan did not stop, Wei Yan did not stop, but the body swayed, and suddenly rushed to Luo Yiming, the fan in his hand raised, squatting on the front chest of Luo Yiming, ironic: "Hey, weak Ah, it should be killed!"

Being trampled on the ground, Luo Yiming violently twitched and yelled: "Hey, the villain is ambition, you are in front of Qin Shi, not just a weak!"

Eyes are cold, Wei Yan's feet are hard, stepping on Luo Yiming spit blood: "Hey, is Qin Shi? Don't say that he is dead, that is, he is not dead, I am not afraid of him!"

"Oh? Is it?"

Suddenly, a teasing voice rang in Wei Yan’s ear.

Wei Yan was shocked and panicked and raised his head: "Who, who is talking?"


A golden light flashed, Wei Yan's body suddenly, a more person appeared, the figure just slowly raised his finger, his finger gently toward Wei Yan chest, pick up the corner of his mouth: "kill you!"


The voice just fell, in an instant, Wei Yan did not return to God, his chest has been opened a blood hole alive, a person suddenly flew out dozens of meters away, life and death is not clear.

Things happened too fast, Luo Yiming wide eyes.

He opened his mouth, but before he opened his mouth, the figure in front of him had disappeared.


A muffled sound, Wei Jun's chest was penetrated.


Zhao Yi died tragically.




A muffled sound rang out, and the sound continued to sound, but every time the sound rang, there would be a golden light passing through. After the golden light, there will be a Wei family or the rest of the Dongcheng people inexplicably dead.

More and more people died, and finally they were alarmed by Wei Bing and Luo Feng.

Seeing that the Wei family died more and more, Wei Bing anxiously, one shot blocked Luo Feng, after three steps back, the two hands gathered in the chest to seal: "Get out! Ben Thunder!"


Thunder and sky, stirring the wind.

A rushing anger ~ ~ greet the sky, forced to retreat Luo Feng.

Luo Feng was forced to retreat, Wei Yan looked back in panic, only to see Jinguang still swam quickly in the crowd, the place must be bloody.

This made Wei Bing angry and roaring toward the golden light: "Who is it!"

"Hey, who?"

Hey! The golden light moved down to Luo Feng and stopped.

Stopped, a thin boy, headed forward, raised a faint mouth, and walked out of the golden light: "Oh, I should guess, you old vulture, certainly will not be safe."

When I saw the teenager, everyone was shocked at the same time, whether it was the Wei family or the Luo family, and the small forces of these East Cities.

They are all open mouths, and they can't believe it.

"Qin...Qin Shi?"

Second, it’s no more tonight. I’m going to catch the train to go home, my mom missed me, hey!

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