Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 6 Chapter 213: Yin Mo accident

Mindfulness sneaked into the fire, Qin Shi's eyebrows wrinkled into the word.

After reading the newsletter from the fire sect, Qin Shi suddenly burst into a raging anger, a black robes roaring, and the hurricane touched the leaves between the mountains.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?"

Feeling terrible spiritual power, Shi Lan could not help but ask questions.

Did not respond to Shilan, Qin Shi is only fiercely swaying toward the direction of the ancient city, his nephew has been filled with blood, in the moonlight, it is said: "A good cloud Dingzong, really deceive too much!" "Fiction" novel chapter update Fastest

"Stone, you calm down, what is going on?" Persuaded.

Taking a long breath, Qin Shi tried to restrain himself. After a while, he bit his teeth and squeezed a few words between the teeth: "Yun Dingzong shot from the fire."

"What does this have to do with you? Did you forget that when Ling Xiao took you out of the Zongmen?"

In the book, Yu said that Qin Shi was uneasy. "I want to say that this is revenge. From Huo Zong and Yun Dingzong, it is not a good thing. Let them go and see."

"It’s really not my business to live and die from the fire!"

Qin Shi’s cold slamming sound, and his eyes quickly turned into a shock, a flash of murder: “But they caught a small flat chest!”

The sound of the sound, the book in the jade suddenly realized: "You mean...?"


Qin Shi stood up, he tried to keep himself calm, and closed his eyes. It was the past from the fire, and it seems that it happened yesterday.

Yin Mo, one of the few friends who was away from Huo Zong, was one of the few people who could finally withdraw from the fire for him. He was one of those who did not hesitate to live for him.

One of the countless ones makes his anger more successful.

As soon as she thought of Yin Mo's embarrassment and irritating, Qin Shi was worried. The fist squeaked: "If the small flat chest is out of order, I want to be buried with the fire."

In the heart of the vows, Qin Shichao Hongyun City's look and glance, here to Hongyun City is not close, Park Spring round-trip at least half a day, but now he can not afford.

Every minute of delay, Yin Mo is a little more dangerous.

"It seems that I can't wait for the old ghost." After saying this, Qin Shi also aimed at Shilan, and there are thousands of miles to the ancient city. Even if he said less, he would have to spend half a month.

If you bring Shilan again, I am afraid it will drag on for a longer time.

Shilan and Qin Shi looked at each other and felt something: "I said to you, no matter what, you don't want to leave me alone. Here you can't reach your fingers, you are desperate, you have to give me this, Wan What did I get caught by?

"Lonely ghosts catch you? You don't rob the ghosts and ghosts, it is estimated to be a blessing." Qin Shi felt a funny smile and shook his head, and he was very determined: "You obey, don't follow me."

"No! I am afraid of black!"

Shilan quickly shook her head, stood up and took the dust on her buttocks, grabbed Qin Shi’s arm and said that she would not let go.

My heart sighed, Qin Shi did not expect that this day, not afraid of the little girl, there are even things that will be afraid?

"It’s dawn soon."

In other words, Qin Shi pushed Shilan: "Again, soon, the old ghost will come back. I will go to the ancient city and wait for you."

"No, you said that old man? Nonsense, you make me like a flowery girl and he is alone? Are you relieved? Maybe you haven't waited for the ghosts to come out, he will eat me!" Moved, and hugged Qin Shi, a little bit of swearing words can not be seen in her body: "You just said, you want to guard me, lie a puppy!"


A cold sweat, Qin Shi heart is a little annoyed, but he really said that Shi Lan, and finally can not help but choose to bring her.

The strength of Shilan may not be a strong person in Hongyun City, and even some oil bottles, but look at the ancient city, but can be shackled with the two masters of the sect, may be able to help.

So comforting himself, Qin Shi stared very seriously at Shi Lan: "You follow me, but this time you must obey, otherwise I will really leave you."

Shi Lan nodded: "I promise!"

Got an answer, Qin Shi re-nonsense, he closed his eyes and urged the spirit, knowing the sound of the sea, and a few invisible spiritual strength covering the mountains.

The spiritual power is sacrificed and spreads in the forest. The trunk of the scorpion is a dot, stopping at the side of the six ancient trees to form a mysterious enchantment like a spider web.

Stabilizing the enchantment, Qin Shi nodded: "With this enchantment, Park Ghost returned, and Zhīdào's direction."

Doing this well, Qin Shi is not in delay, his eyes are on the ancient city, and after a deep breath, he jumps up.

He jumped up and Shi Lan followed.

Starry night and night, the night sky is very sunny, the two are in the silver moonlight in the night sky, the passing of the spot is the streamer.

A gust of wind whistled, and the leaves were smashed.

Qin Shi’s heart is in a hurry, so his Sùdù is very fast, and the blood of the late opening is added, so that his Sùdù is comparable to the early days of Wang Ling’s territory.

After a while, Shi Lan was a little struggling in the back, and the resentful resentment said: "Hey, you wait for me, I don't know how to pity the jade, you won't hurry to reincarnate."

"I don't want you to come back!"

Some irritated whispers, Qin Shi had to lower Sùdù and remain the same as Shilan.

After the two men lined up, Shi Lanyu first raised her eyes and stared at Qin Shi. At this time, on the face of Qin Shi, she could not see any expression. She was a little surprised: "I said, why are we going?"

"Go kill!"

A touch of blood-stained anger echoed in the mountains.

Under the horrible sigh, Shi Lan was speechless, and he snorted and helped the child. "I said, what is wrong with you? Suddenly, like a person, you are very hurt, and your sister said, anyway, you are doing it now." Anxious is useless, and my sister will adjust the blood to you."

Hey, Qin Shi weird look at Shi Lan.

However, Shilan’s words made him calm down. He also Zhīdào. Now he is impatient and useless. It’s better to go back to the ancient city to deal with Yun Dingzong. For this reason, he made a joke to Shilan: “You still have this. ?"

"Of course, I told my sister that I thought that my sister would be from a family of gods and cure all kinds of incurable diseases." Shilan proudly patted her chest and said nothing.


"You didn't say it before, you are so bitter, how can this be a family?" A shiver, Qin Shi wiped his head, this Shilan has changed three identity backgrounds.

"Amount... This is the case. I was born into a family of doctors. Later, when the family got a plague, there were seventy old milk and three-year-old girl. Soon, not long ago, the two people died because of illness, leaving me alone." Shi Lanlan’s laughter.

"God medical family? Have a plague?" Qin Shi once again shame.

"Oh, don't tangled with these trivial things, talk to me about your business!" Shi Lan smashed his hand and coped.

Qin Shi said that speechless, the family's total destruction turned out to be a trivial matter? Knowing this, he vowed in his heart that he would believe in Shilan later, and his name would be reversed.

Understand Shilan, Qin Shi is not tangled, just a long sigh, a lot of positive verses Shi Landao: "You remember, I just told you, I have people I want to guard?"

"Well, remember, you said that I am one of them."

"Well, not for you, the other one, now there is danger." Nodded, Qin Shi did not conceal.

Shi Lan suddenly realized that after a footstep on the ground, he quickly asked Sùdù, and asked: "Look at your anxious appearance, should it be a woman?"

"Well, it is my original sister."

The eyes are always staring at the front, Qin Shi responds to the sentence.

Let’s sip the red lips, and Shi Lan whispered a small mouth: “Does she look good? I am beautiful, she is beautiful? Do you like her? Does she like you? Are you together?”


A series of machine guns, Qin Shi dumb.

"I said my sister, what are you thinking about in your brain?" Qin Shi didn't want to talk to Shilan. He sighed and shook his head.

"It’s funny to tease you."

Pure beauty smiles, Shi Lan is not nonsense, but a lot of serious: "From ours, rushed to the ancient city to say less than half a month, there is a secondary city in front, let's go to the station to rent a bird of wild animals, this can save a lot of time. ”

Hearing, Qin Shi’s eyes lit up, and he forgot the squatting station.

In fact, this is no stranger to him. When he was in the ancient city, there were only horses in the station. Even if there were wild animals, they were only low-level wild beasts of the yellow level. The Sùdù of these wild animals was not enough for him to hike.

However, the first-tier cities and the second-tier cities are completely different. Their transportation is very developed. Some large-scale stations will specially find people to collect the beasts of wild animals and sign contracts, relying on the beasts to control and use them as a means of transportation.

If you can find a poultry beast above the ground level, it takes only three days from here to the ancient city.

Thinking of this, Qin Shi blinked in both eyes and threw a grateful look at Shi Lan: "Shi Lan, thank you so much."

"Ah?" Shilan is somewhat inexplicable.

Qin Shi did not explain much. The question: "Can you find the secondary city in front?"

"Well, the second-tier city in the front is called Fengfengcheng. I have been there before, you follow me, I will take you there." Shilan nodded, and immediately Sùdù quickly lifted up and jumped to Qin Shi's front to lead him.

One night passed quickly, and the east just had a white belly, symbolizing that when the dawn came, the two came to Luofengcheng.

Luofeng City is larger than the ancient city, smaller than Hongyuncheng. The people on the streets in the early morning are very It seems a bit deserted.

Entering Fengcheng City is a square city.

The shops in Fangshi didn't open the door. Qin Shi looked around and inadvertently found that all the plaques in all the shops in this square had a pattern like purple tears.

Looking at the runes, Qin Shi has some puzzles: "What do these patterns mean?"

Shilan glanced at it and laughed. "You said this? Falling Fengcheng and Hongyun City are different. It was unified early and controlled by Ziyunzong. This pattern is the symbol of Ziyunzong."

“Is it like this?”

Qin Shi has some accidents. A big city is rare in the Red Yan Empire. Even the Emperor is divided by several forces: "Is this Ziyun Zong very strong?"

"Well, you don't think it is a secondary city. The strength of Ziyunzong is weak. The power of Ziyunzong is stronger than that of the other, especially their teaching: purple potato, it is half-step The extent of the spirit." Shi Lan seriously pointed and said.

"Half-step mystery?"

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