Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 6 Chapter 214: Money can make ghosts

"Half-step mystery?"

This really made Qin Shi somewhat surprised.

He swept a few more eyes on the purple pattern on the plaque of the shop, and he couldn't help but pour the air in his mouth. If he was half-step, he would be stronger than Luo.

In Hongyun City, it is not a hidden old demon. The strongest one is the Wei Wei Wei, and the result is also hanged by Qin Shi.

Remembering Ziyunzong, Qin Shi did not ask. After all, this matter has nothing to do with him. He stayed in Luofeng City soon, as long as he is not guilty of this Ziyunzong. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

Of course, he was curious about the name of the Ziyunzong: "Oh, purple potato? Someone actually got this name."

“Hey, is it fun?” The same voice followed, and the voice was very sweet. “I just came to Fengcheng and laughed for a few days because I thought it was a moldy sweet potato.”

"Purple sweet potatoes are not cooked!"

Qin Shi’s smile shook his head, and he did not even recognize this sentence.

The two quickly passed through the uninhabited city and went to the station of Luofeng City.

The raft of Luofeng City stands under the wall of the south corner of the city and has a fence along the wall. There is a special enchantment on the fence, which covers a wide area, and the buzz of livestock is heard from time to time.

"Let's go, I hope I can rent a poultry animal."

Looking at the fence under the city, Qin Shi took Shi Lan and walked to the door of the station. The door of the station was locked. He raised his hand and politely knocked three times.

Because it was too early, the owner of the station was awakened by the knocking of the door, and the voice shouted with dissatisfaction: "Who, wait, this early morning will not let people sleep?"

After a while, the owner of the station opened the door. It was a slightly bloated fat man. He looked like a 30-year-old girl with a sullen face and a thick scorpion on both sides.

A glance at the fat boss, from his dress on Qin Shi dare to conclude that the owner of this station is definitely a miser. Because the clothes he wore were full of patches, not Zhīdào was bought a few years ago, and the shrinking water could not stop his bulging beer belly.

"You two, why?"

He yawned, and the thick body of the station owner leaned against the door frame and asked a drowsy question.

"Boss, I am coming to you to rent a wild animal."

"Abandoned beast? Don't rent today!" Wen Yan said, the fat boss looked up in his eyes and glanced at the squinting eyes, directly responding with a cold voice.

"Not renting?"

Without a glimpse, Qin Shi would like to open again, but the fat boss has already stood up, pushing Qin Shi and Shi Lan to close the door.

"Hey, hello! What is your attitude?" Next to it, Shilan whispered a small face and stopped the fat boss, shouting: "The first time I saw you doing business, open a station and not rent. Wild animal, you are closed!"

"I don't rent it, I don't rent it. Today, Ziyun Zong wraps the wild beast. Don't delay my rest here, and get out of the way!" The fat boss pushed the two people impatiently and closed the door.


Qin Shi eyes condensed, and quickly chased the sentence: "Boss, you open the door to do business, it is a fortune, right? You tell me, how many spirits do you give to Ziyun Zong? I have double the price, as long as one. ”

"What do you say? Double?"

The fat boss who wants to close the door, some doubts, the eyes of Qin Shi, the voice with disdain: "Just by you? You can Zhīdào, Ziyun Zong in addition to how many Lingshi?"

"Oh, I don't care how much he has, I double give it to you!" Qin Shi proudly responded to the sentence, immediately palms out the sleeves, and took out the hundred Lingshi directly in the space ring: "Is this enough?"

"Oh..." When I saw the hundred spirits, the fat boss immediately got up and didn't sleep anymore. The greedy, cracked lips said: "You, are you really?"

"Of course." Qin Shizhen's sentence should be cut off.

In the heart of this miser, he grabbed a quasi.

As the saying goes, money can make a ghost, this fat boss is a standard ghost.

But the only thing that Qin Shi doesn't care about right now is money. He just wants to return to the ancient city with the fastest Sùdù.

The fat boss turned his eyes and looked like he was struggling. He said: "Well, I will break this case. As long as it is not a poultry animal, I will rent it to you!"

Thick eyebrows wrinkled, Qin Shi asked: "Boss, why can't the poultry beast?"

The boss hesitated and said: "I am dissatisfied with small friends. In this small place, I have three nine-year-old white cranes. This is not like the number of ordinary wild animals. If I rent it to you, Ziyunzong can find it at a glance."

Understand that Qin Shi shook his head: "But, I want to rent is a poultry wild animal, the boss said that this can be true?"

"You want to rent a poultry wild animal?" The boss screamed and screamed, and suddenly it was difficult to get up. Finally, helplessly shouted: "Little friends, I am afraid this is not possible, the poultry wild beast is reserved for Ziyun Zong, this matter I can't make my own claim."

"One, can he sit alone three?"

Even so, the fat boss refused to disagree: "No, this is really not the case. If you offend the Ziyunzong, I will not have to open the city in Luofeng City!"

"Three times the stone!"

"You... what are you talking about?"

"I said, you rent it to me, I have three times the price!" Qin Shi laughed.

Squeezing his eyes, the fat boss shook his head: "Little brother, this is not money, Wèntí..."

"Four times!"

"Little brother, you are embarrassing me!"

"Five times!"

"Little brother……"

"Six times!"

Qin Shi did not give the fat boss a chance to speak. As long as the fat boss did not nod, he doubled it and rose six times in a blink of an eye.

Breathing is a little short, the fat boss is full of cold sweat on his forehead, looking at Qin Shi's vision completely changed, a trace of awe and curiosity flashed.

He does not understand, how can a teenager who is less than twenty years old have such exaggerated financial resources? To this end, he began to guess the background of Qin Shi.

Obviously some shakes, the fat boss struggled down, but he really did not dare to offend the Ziyunzong. After all, he earned more money, but he also had to spend his life. Finally, he turned his head again and again: "Little brother, this is really not good. Don't be embarrassed about me."

"ten times!"

Hey! All of a sudden, the fat boss’s heart stopped beating, and he looked at Qin Shi with a stunned look: “Ten... ten times? Little brother, you just said ten times?”

Qin Shi was very close to Zìxìn. He immediately saw that he had one hand and one turn. One thousand pieces of top stone were taken out in the space ring. He pointed to the Lingshi of the mountain and said: "As long as the boss rents the birds to me, This thousand stones are yours."


Looking at the gleaming Lingshi, the fat boss can't stop it. His eyes are staring at the rock like a hill. These Lingshi are his one year, and may not be able to earn.

After all, Ziyun Zong is not renting a wild animal every day, and the price given by Ziyun Zong is tempting, but then it will not really give Lingshi, these are two.

Seeing that you can take advantage of it, Shi Lan seizes this opportunity and then tempts it with the way of beauty. The voice is very embarrassing and entangled with the fat boss. One sentence is particularly charming and charming. How many men will be impressed?

Qin Shi eyes a glimpse, but did not stop.

I have to say that Shi Lan’s ability to sway people and the chaotic logic of thinking are really not common people can contend with. If you listen to the sky, Qin Shi even suspects that the two are in a dimension.

Xiaozhi reason, move to love, lure to benefit, hungry for food.

Qin Shi and Shi Lan, the two men have the meaning of singing with a husband, directly to the boss to set a realistic version of the thirty-six.

"Call..." can't hold the temptation of money and Shilan's flicker, the fat boss sighed and finally made up his mind, with a lucky heart ideal, one should not be Yǒushì, then he nodded: "Yes! Come on!" ”

The two looked at each other and were overjoyed.

Followed by the fat boss into the station, the smell inside is a bit pungent, surrounded by the excrement of the wild animal, very dirty.

Shi Lan couldn't help but hold her nose, and the cat was behind Qin Shi.

In the station, there is a fence. There are all kinds of wild animals in the fence. Down to the ordinary horses, to the precious tiger cheetahs, the Sùdù of these wild animals is very fast, and it is impossible for Wang Lingjing masters to reach them.

When you see the station, you can understand that the difference between the third-tier city and the second-tier city, the horses in the ancient city's station, are the old horses of the old age.

In the innermost part of the fence, there is a shed built by hay.

Inside the shed, three white cranes with red crowns on their heads are the nine cranes that the fat boss said.

These three secluded white cranes are all three-level wild animals, which are very docile birds, and Sùdù is surprisingly fast, with a speed of 200 kilometers per hour.

With the nine secluded white cranes, it is not possible to return to the ancient city for three days.

"Two sisters, are you satisfied?" The two men were brought to the straw shed, and the fat boss opened the door.

Spiritual force penetrated into the grass shed, Qin Shi looked up and down the three nine white cranes, these three nine white cranes are very healthy, full of wings, so that he nodded with satisfaction.

"Bùcuò, is the top grade!" Qin Shi was satisfied with the point.

"Of course, I am the three nine white cranes, but I have exhausted my ten years of assets before I get them from the mercenary." When it comes to three white cranes, the fat boss proudly points.

Qin Shi hesitated, no more nonsense. He chose the youngest of the three nine-white cranes: "Boss, it's it."

"Do you choose it?"

In this regard, the fat boss is somewhat surprised.

Seeing the fat boss's accident, Qin Shi did not explain the extra. But in doing so, there is naturally a reason for him to do so. This nine secluded white crane is a young, although the body is petite, the spirit is surprisingly strong, Sùdù may not be as good as the other two, but the endurance is definitely the most abundant.

It takes three days to go to the ancient city, and it is not an outbreak is durable. Therefore, the other two adult white cranes are difficult to achieve in one go, but not as good as this young white crane.

Making a choice, the fat boss didn't ask much, but his heart was happy, and he was afraid of Qin Shi's remorse. He took the young Jiuyun white crane out of the straw shed.

After that, the fat boss took out the ring of the sacred white crane and injected a hint of spiritual power into the ring of the tamer. When the spiritual power is formed, the enchantment of the young white cranes becomes lighter.

In this way, the nine secluded white cranes will not be imprisoned by the enchanted ring enchantment within half a month. When it carries Qin Shi, they will fly back to Luofengcheng.

Everything is ready, Qin Shi Fushun under the young nine-year-old white crane, satisfied with the Chaoyang station to walk away.

The fat boss sent the two to the door, and my heart was broken.

A thousand top grade Lingshi, this is definitely his biggest harvest this year.


But at this time, the fat boss smiled and closed his mouth, and a sly singer shot, like the Changhong arrow, hitting his tall beer belly and letting him fly straight out.

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