Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 273: Park Quan’s request

In the murderous murder of Tao Tao, several people in Qin Yongfeng’s trepidation stopped their movements, and deliberately moved a few steps backwards, as if they would not be moved, they would be frozen by the cold murderous.

"Shier, do you know this white jade soup?"

Qin Yongfeng’s face was somewhat embarrassing.

Qin Shi mouth corner is a light pick: "Oh, it’s more than knowing it, it’s really a shame. At the beginning, my nine spiritual veins were scrapped by him!" "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest


The Qin family’s sputum spit, and Qin Yongfeng’s old eyes flashed through the cold, Shen Shen said: “That said, they are indeed burning people, is it right?”

"Well, that's right!"

Qin Shi pinched his fist and nodded.

When the facts were verified, Qin Yueling's petite body trembled, and the tears could not stop flowing out: "Well, it's over, that skill must have been caught by the burning Tianzong... Qiaoer..."

Hearing the faint sobbing with despair, the people all lowered their heads.

Looking at Qin Yueling's appearance, Qin Shi bite his teeth with some self-blame, and immediately he stepped on the tears of her face before and after, and said: "Little, don't worry, I said that I will not Yǒushì, I must not Will make Qiao Yǒushì!"

"But... the other party is burning Tianzong!" Qin Yueling sobbed and shook his head.

"Oh, how about burning Tianzong? Dare to hurt my Qin Shi's sister, even the king of Laos!" Qin Shi's snoring, the black robe rolled up in the bleak wind.

That cold wind made the people present shudder.

Qin Yongfeng turned his eyes and said: "That Shishi, what do you want to do?"

"I said, this time, he must die! Who is stopping who will die!" Qin Shi's murder was not avoided, and the seats placed were affected by the pressure, and they swayed a few times.


Qin Yongfeng seems to have expected the same, deeply sighed: "Shier, burning Tianzong is the highest sect of the northern region, even if you can kill this white jade soup, but you never thought that after you killed him Burning Tianzong will definitely not let you go!"


Qin Tianqing followed the sentence. He had deliberately concealed it before he guessed that Qin Shi would do so, so he deliberately did not tell Qin Shi about Xu Qiaoer.

"That grandfather, hey, what do you mean by saying, let me watch my sister being taken away by the burning Tianzong? Then I live in the world?" Qin Shi's voice was slightly gloomy, with a questioning tone.

Being questioned, the Qin family were silent.

Qin Yongfeng shook his head with a smile, saying: "I will Zhīdào, your character will definitely not give up this. I told you that these are not trying to stop you from saving. My father is also my granddaughter. I can't bear it. she was!"

"I just hope that you will consider clearly, the reason why Burning Tianzong is not going to deal with my Qin family is that you are also Zhīdào, all because of the use of the collapsed jade and the demon..."

"So, they will use these means to intensify and intensify you. You will only be in the middle of their minds." Qin Yongfeng lowered his head and silenced for a while, and said what he thought in his heart.

Upon hearing this, Qin Shi’s gloomy face gradually calmed down, and the fist that was pinched was also loosened, and it was struck on the wall. As Qin Yongfeng said, these very Kěnéng are all traps of burning Tianzong. He will only deal with the intention of burning Tianzong.

See Qin Shi without words, Qin Yongfeng once again said: "In addition, you are now not only representing you, you symbolize the entire Qin family and, if you smash the white jade soup like this, burning Tianzong will certainly not be easy, At that time, Kěnéng would make the base of Qin Zong and Qin Jia count to zero."

"This Qin family is the foundation of my family for thousands of years. It doesn't matter if we don't die, but you privately sisters and your brothers and sisters? Do you want to watch them fall into crisis?" Qin Yongfeng will The pros and cons are clear for Qin Shi.

The hand knocking on the wall stopped indifferently, and Qin Shi’s brow was once again wrinkled.

Yes, burning Tianzong and Qin Jiaqin are not a layer of existence. If the other party wants to destroy the Qin family and Qin Zong, I am afraid that it is just a matter of moving fingers.

To this end, if he wants to kill Bai Yu Tang, he must leave the Qin family and Qin Zong behind.

After the burning of the secret world, there was some red inflammation, but now Lin Yu is where he is not Zhīdào, this method obviously does not work.

Calm down, he sighed deeply, once again calmly sat on the chair, silently closed his eyes on the chair, began to consider how to settle the Qin family and Qin Zong.

Accompanied by the meditation of Qin Shi, everyone in the hall followed in silence. They stared at Qin Shi and wrapped up a few people in Su Ming. Qin Shi’s every move now fully symbolizes their safety.

After a moment of silence, the closed eyes opened in vain, and a sigh of cold and cold scrolls, Qin Shi shook his head and said: "No matter what, I have to save the child. After all, she is in danger for me, I As a Qin family, the blood of the man should not be lost, even if it is completely irritated, it will not hesitate to burn Tianzong!"

Hearing this, Qin Yongfeng and Qin Tianqing's eyebrows are wrinkled, saying: "What about the Qin family?"

"In any case, the foundation of the Qin family can not be lost. I now have a lot of spiritual treasures in my hand. It should be enough for Qin Jiaqiao to move away from the desert town. As long as he can leave this northern area, the arm of the burning Tianzong is long enough. Not enough." Silence for a while, Qin Shi helpless, this is the only way he can think of.

After all, Burning Tianzong is really too strong. With him now, as long as he is in the northern region, he can't break the claws of burning Tianzong.

"What, do you want the Qin family to move out of the desert town?"

Qin Yongfeng’s old eyes twitched and his face was extremely embarrassing: “No... the bad town is the foundation of the Qin family. If you leave the desert town, the Qin family will be destroyed!”

"Why?" Qin Shi frowned at some incomprehensible.

Helpless biting his teeth, Qin Yongfeng said bitterly: "This incident is a long story. In short, it is related to the ancestral home of the Qin family. The Qin family's ancestors have clearly ordered that no matter what happens, the Qin family must not leave. In the barren town, if the Qin family moved away from the barren town, they would abandon the ancestral graves, then the spirit of our Qin family would not be there!"

"Qin family ancestors?"

This incident, Qin Shi is the first time I heard that the face is somewhat embarrassing. On the wild land, for a family, the ancestors are very important.

The ancestral industry is equivalent to the spirit of the family. It is the Wèntí in the faith, and never Kěnéng violates the ancestors.

To this end, Qin Shi was embarrassed. If he could not move out of the barren town, there would be no way. Is it really necessary to watch Qiao Er suffer in the burning of Tianzong and be tortured to die?

"Actually, it is not necessary to relocate, and there is nothing terrible to burn Tianzong!" But when the people were silent and silent, Park Quan wrapped up in a black robe and stood up to Qin Shidao.


Qin Shi’s brow wrinkles: “Pak old ghost, do you have a solution?”

"Oh, indeed."

Park Quan arranged the black robe, and smiled at Qin Shi with his hand.

When I heard the sound, Qin Shi made a discretion and immediately threw a sentence: "Let's say, what are the conditions?"

"Conditions? There is indeed, you have to go out in my hands." Being directly asked by Qin Shi, Park Quan snorted and smiled.

Hearing, Qin Shi frowned. "Take you three tricks?"

This answer, Qin Shi has some accidents. He thought that Park Quan would ask for it. Even he was ready, but he did not expect Puquan to make such a nonsense condition.

"Oh, don't be surprised, I am not the kind of person who robbed the fire, and this time I came to your Qin family and saw a little doll that made me feel tempted. I am very satisfied."

Park Quan shrugged his shoulders, and inadvertently glanced at the Qin private rain, and immediately he reached out to Qin Shidao: "How? At least you have to let me see, have you ever burned Tianzong's strength? I I don't want to give you a corpse!"

Hearing this statement, Qin Shi’s black scorpion shines, and instantly understands the purpose of Park Quan.

To this end, he threw a grateful gaze toward Puquan, and immediately no longer hesitated after taking a deep breath, saying: "Okay, but there are a lot of three moves, and you can't defeat you in one stroke!"


This answer, Park Quan is a little wrong, and immediately blows his beard and blinks: "Hey, stinky boy, your arrogant temper is really not Zhīdào convergence, since the big words are said, then you can try it!"

"Pak old ghost, pick up!"

Qin Shi did not agree to pick the corner of his mouth, and immediately saw him slowly close his eyes, a purple flame to jump into the sea, knowing the sea divided into two groups on the main hall, began to engulf the spiritual power between heaven and earth.

The purple flame seemed to be a continuous black hole, constantly eroding the surrounding air. In the twinkling of an eye, the breath of the hall was pale, making the Qin family pale and difficult to breathe.

"Hmmm?" Park Quan stunned, and immediately for the next second, I saw the two groups of flames, bursting out two golden beams of light, the light column is two thorough relics, tearing open space, squatting down.

"This attack... was the original move? Good boy, can make two relics!" Park Quan squinted, and stood up in surprise, he was not there before, so he was approached by two relics. After rushing to move the body.

"Want to run? Late!"

The mind control, the relic Sùdù quickly increased.

In the next second, the relic seemed to have the ingenuity. After picking up his head, he chased it up to Park Spring.

"Oh, broke you!"

Park Spring bit his teeth and finally couldn't help but take a shot. After discovering a spiritual power, he found that he couldn't hurt the relic at all. Instead, he was ignited by the purple flame and integrated into the relic, making the relic more thorough.

"Drink, it's a bit interesting!"

Invaluable in spirit, Park Quan frowned, and immediately he closed his eyes, the moment when the fingerprints condensed, a arrogant spiritual power sacrificed, this mental power is several times stronger than that of Cai Lao’s not Zhīdào, I want to cloud The awkward giant screamed and screamed after the head.

The spirit is arrogant and arrogant ~ ~ rushed to the golden relics.


Unexpectedly, Jinguang relics quickly rotated, and the next second actually produced a strong force of devouring. After sticking to the spirit of Park Spring, there was a desire to eat away.

"What? Spirituality?"

Park Spring was frightened, and the old face turned into a blue-green, and the panic would pull back the spirit.


However, the mental power was taken back. After the relics completely lost their resistance, Sùdù climbed again. As the night star fell like a star, the squat approached Park Springs.

Park Quan was shocked and couldn't help but close his eyes.


But in an instant, an arrogant cold wind passed, and the earth could not help but shake it. In the next second, a young man in a black robe jumped forward and grabbed two golden light relics in his hand and smiled at Park Spring: "Oh, Park old man, you are defeated."

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