Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 274: Park Quan’s true identity

"Oh, Park old man, you are defeated."

Two Jinguang relics were collected by Qin Shi, and he smiled and laughed at the corners of his mouth.

A cold wind blew through, and rolled up Park Spring's black robes, which made him openly confused and looked at the delicate face in front of him, not to be deeply shocked.

He recalled that the terrible suction that had just come from the golden light relics almost wiped out his decades of spirit, which made him feel terrible. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

"I, I am defeated!"

Although he did not want to admit it, but Pu Quan lost his conviction and oral administration. If it wasn’t for Qin Shi’s enthusiasm, he might have been lying outside the hall.

The rapidness of the matter made the people present not return to God. It seemed to be just a blink of an eye. Everything evolved from the beginning to the end. Even people did not understand how Qin Shi won.

But in short, Qin Shi won, and a move won Park Spring.

"Okay, so strong..." Su Mingyan swallowed the voice of the spit and crushed the silence. He and Yin Mo, and the four were the most surprised.

The strength of Park Spring, they are all Zhīdào, the middle of the king's spirit, and there is a terrible spiritual power, even if the ordinary Wang Lingjing is not necessarily his opponent in the late stage... However, Qin Shi actually defeated him with a blow?


In addition to this word, Su Ming can no longer find a word that can be used to describe Qin Shi.

"Oh, just recognize it, I am afraid that you will not recognize it."

Qin Shi shrugged, and immediately converge on the light smile, solemnly said: "Pak old ghost, now you can talk about, what is your solution?"

"Yeah." Park Spring shook his head with a wry smile, and immediately his hand swayed. A red token appeared on his palm. In the center of the token, there was a powerful deficit at this moment.

"This is... Chi Yanling?"

Suddenly, the temperature on the main hall dropped, and everyone’s eyes ignited, and they all stared at the token on Park Quan’s palm.

Park Spring nodded and smiled and said: "Well, there is this red Yan, I want to keep you Qin Jiahe, should it be more than enough?"

Staring at Chi Yanling, Qin Shi was very surprised. He thought that Park Spring would use many methods, but he did not guess that it would be a red yan.

He nodded with approval and said: "It is true that if there is a red-inflammation, the burning of Tianzong does not dare to make a second. But I would like to ask if this red-inflammation is not only the general of the empire, but also the royal family." Where did you get it?"

"Then don't worry!"

"How can I leave it? If you are a red-blooded, and Shilan's burning scorpion kills a source, then I can't even find a place to cry!" Qin Shi blinked and his voice improved by a few decibels.

Park Quan stunned, and Qin Yongfeng’s eyes were also dazzling, and they turned their eyes to Shilan. They had a sigh of resentment: “He burned the scorpion killing? She has a burning scorpion killing order?”


"What is the origin of her burning scorpion?"

"Stealing... There is nothing wrong with this in this world. She can't steal it." Qin Shi snorted and said very helplessly.

Hearing this, the people present were wrong first, and immediately relieved, especially Qin Yueling, and the tightly held hands slowly released.

However, Shi Lan’s face was somewhat embarrassing, and she slammed her lips.

"Oh, your kid, it is naive enough. Chi Yan makes such an important token. Is it that stealing can be stolen?" Park Quan’s tone is a bit strange. When he spoke, he did not know whether it was intentional or not. A glance.

Looking at it with Park Spring, Shi Lan bowed her head with some guilty conscience.

"What is the origin of your red inflammation?" Qin Shi did not notice this scene, curious question.

"Oh, don't marry you, the deity is the upper layer of the Red Yan Empire. Every month, he holds the high amount of the empire." Pu Quan looked up and took the chest.

"Upper magician?"

This news made Qin Shi somewhat surprised. In fact, when he first mentioned the matter, Qin Shi felt that the identity of Park Spring was not simple.

At that time, Park Quan said that he traveled to the north and south of the country, so he mastered these precise rumors. But Qin Shi is not a fool, the news of the imperial secret, is it that ordinary people can Zhīdào?

Moreover, Park Quan’s relationship with the empire can be described as mastery of the mastery. Which gossip can reach this level? Can that still be a gossip?

However, now that I heard Park Spring talk about this, Qin Shi’s heart suddenly realized that the old man was not paying attention to it, and his mouth was severe, and he had not mentioned it for half a year.

It’s not just Qin Shi’s tongue, the people present are very surprised, especially Qin Yongfeng’s few people, with wide eyes: “This predecessor, you are also a magician?”

"Of course, I thought that your grandson had received a lot of advice from me!" Park Quan waved his hand at Qin Yongfeng and others, and he said that his face was not red-hearted and full of enthusiasm.

Qin Shi’s eyes were twitching. He couldn’t remember when he was directed by Park Spring.

Let’s talk, Qin Shi is very dismantled: “Oh, Grandpa, don’t hold him, when there will be him asking for it, the private rain sister will have to hold it for a while, don’t let him go!”


Some people can't understand it. Qin private rain is even more blushing. "Well, what?"

"Oh, Park old man, what are you doing? People are in front of you, are you still holding on to me? Don't hurry to fight for it?" Qin Shixiao's Chao Puquan said.

When I heard Qin Shi’s words, Park Quan hated the roots and tickles. Is there a way to cross the river to break the bridge?

But the lover is eager, Park Spring is still on the road, it is rare to show the appearance of a sly look to the Qin private rain: "Hey, little girl, do you want to be a magician? As long as you worship me as a teacher, I promise to make you In the empire, the famous demon teacher!"

"What, what?"

"Apprentice? This predecessor wants to accept private rain as a disciple?"

Upon hearing this news, the Qin family was completely stunned. Qin Tianyu’s face was overjoyed. Qin Tianxing and Qin Fei’s juniors looked at Qin’s private rain.

Qin private rain did not return to the sound, and Xiuhong’s face rose and hesitated.

In the next sentence, the whole audience was shocked. The beauty of Qin’s private rain was awkward: "I... I have to consider it!"


The people present were stupid, and Park Quan even had a big eyes: "Consider? Consider what? I rely on you, and this stinky boy is really a brother-in-law, who is taking me here. Isn't it?"

Qin Shi also smashed, and he did not expect Qin Qinyu to say this.

In the back, Qin Tianyu and Qin Yongfeng were anxious, and they pushed the Qin private rain: "Private rain, what do you think about? Don't hurry to promise this predecessor? This is your good opportunity!"

Listening to persuasion, Qin private rain reveals a distressed look, and immediately sneak a peek at Qin Shi, whispered: "But...but the stone said, let me not agree too easily!"

In a word, everyone is suddenly stunned.

Qin Shi also opened his mouth, and finally laughed out loudly: "Oh, how did you feel that the private rain sister was so gentle and obedient? It’s really changing years, people will change!"

But when he was feeling the emotion, the next second could not wait for the murderous eyes to scream at him. Park Quan’s eyes caught fire and his fists creaked.

Qin Shi has no doubt that if he does not nod now, Park Quan will definitely pounce on him to tear him into pieces.

No, the following, he quickly nodded, indicating that Qin private rain promised Park Spring this madman.

This time, Qin private rain fell to the point of generosity.

Park Spring was so happy that the wish of decades had finally come to an end. Nothing is more important to him than to accept the apprentice.

It’s not only him who is happy, but also the Qin family. If Bai Pu is the teacher, Qin’s private rain is equal to the ranks of the magician. In this case, the future of Qin’s private rain can be described as limitless.

When the people were happy, Qin Shi was silent for a while.

"Now that there is a red yan order, the Qin family and the Qin dynasty are also safe... Then, it is time to let the burning Tianzong vomit blood!"

Qin Shi whispered a whisper, and immediately walked to Qin Yueling's side and grabbed Qin Yueling's hand: "Small aunt, don't worry, I will be able to save the skill."


Qin Yueling nodded with a red eye and said: "We must rescue her..."

In confrontation with Qin Yueling, Qin Shi put away the inferiority and inconsistency of the past, and the solemn and serious solemnity of the look: "Must, sure!"

Qin Shi looked up at the sky and was about to dawn.

Also aware of the faint glow of the East, Qin Yongfeng wanted Qin Shi to rest for a night, saying: "Shier, Minger, you are starting early..."

"No, I have to leave now!"

Qin Shi was very determined to shake his head, because he Zhīdào, a delay of one minute, Xu Qiaoer is more than a minute of danger, he must immediately, immediately, set off to burn Tianzong.

This time, no one can stop him, white jade soup must die!

For the character of Qin Shi, the people on the field know more about it. Looking at Qin Shi’s firm eyes, he will not open his mouth.

"Before you go, always go see your mother and Binger?" Hesitantly, Qin Tianqing stepped forward and said something.

Qin Shi’s black robe shook, mentioning that his mother and Binger made his thoughts fly, and there was some disappointment in the black box, but in the end he shook his head resolutely.

He didn't want to, he didn't dare... because he Zhīdào, if he goes now, not only will Qiong Shuyao be relieved, but it will make her even more worried. For this reason, she is directed at Qin Tianqing: "No, old, you take care of Good mother, tell her that she is okay, wait for me to save her, then visit her..."

Qin Tianqing shook his head helplessly, but he was so relieved that he was solemnly photographed. "Well, you grew up, Zhīdào let the mother-in-law rest assured... I and your mother, waiting for you at home, waiting for you. come back!"

"Reassured, the baby has no daughter-in-law, did not let you and my mother to hold the grandson, I can not bear to die!" Qin Shi smiled, very free and easy to Qin Tianyun Road, even if the deep breath, want to turn away .

"Stone, let's go with you, we can help you!"

Just in the moment when Qin Shi turned around, Su Ming, Qin Yu, Yin Mo, Shi Lan, and the four people stood up at the same time.

Looking at the four people, Qin Shi shook his head: "No, you stay, help me take care of the Qin family, it is the greatest help to me!"

"But..." Su Ming and several people spoke again.

Without waiting for the voice to fall, Qin Shi waved several people to interrupt: "Brothers don't care with you, I am more convenient to act alone, and you will affect me if you follow me!"

Upon hearing this, Su Ming’s eyes were awkward. Qin Shi’s words were not unreasonable. With their strength and Qin Shi’s burning of Tianzong, they could not help Qin Shi, but would become Qin Shi’s burden.

To this end Su Ming helplessly nodded: "Don't let the brothers wait too long."

Qin Shi smiled and nodded. But at this time, Shi Lan stepped forward. She was very determined to stare at Qin Shi. "No, I will follow you. You promised not to leave me!"

"Shi Lan..."

Qin Shi stunned, and he rarely saw Shi Lan as determined.

"Stone, let her follow, maybe it can help you!" But then the voice suddenly sounded.

Hearing the words of Yu in the book, Qin Shi’s incomprehensible swearing, but he never questioned the jade in the book. For this reason, he struggled in his heart and rushed to Shi Landao: “Yes, but you have to listen to me!”

"Yeah!" Shilan was overjoyed.

The two left the Qin family hall in the eyes of all concerned.

Taking the Qin family hall, Qin Shi walked out of the door of the desert town, standing under the stone door, his mouth slightly picked up: "Oh, white jade soup, since you dare to hurt my Qin family, then you are really dead. Even if you burn Tianzong, you can't keep you!"

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