Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 287: With the same life

"You, what do you want?"

Keep an eye on the **** medicinal herbs, and Zhao Yan’s cockroaches are tight.

That **** remedy, he is no longer familiar with it. Isn’t it the detonating Dan that was taken away?

"Go ahead, die together!"

Red-eyed, gasping staring at Zhao Yan, sparkling in her beauty, no fear of a little bit makes Zhao Yan no doubt, if he dares to go forward, Shi Lan will really explode this Ling Dan swallowed. w"fiction" novel chapter update fastest

Explosive Ling Dan, that is the taboo in the four medicinal herbs, if it is swallowed into the abdomen will produce a terrible explosion, that level of explosion is even Zhao Yan are extremely fearful.

This sudden stop of Zhao Yan, the onlookers blinked, a little puzzled.

"what happened?"

"Then, is that a burst of dan?"

The old eyes are stunned, and the pale body can't help but lick.

"Explosive Dan? What is the famous remedy that is called the same?"

"What does she want to do? Wouldn't she want to eat here?"

"She is crazy?"

In the discussion, Sun Tao and Ye He’s heart was condensed, and the subconscious mind smashed the punches, and the sweat between the fists was oozing.

Admiring Hua Jiao body straight, staring at the explosion of Dan in the hands of Shi Lan, even if she is taking the heavens, she is flashing silk is not easy to detect taboos.

"Poetry, Shi Lan, don't be impulsive, if you swallow this explosion, then you can't live yourself!" Zhao Yankou bowed his head and put down the road of Zunwei.

"I dare to come, I didn't think about going back alive!" The opportunity to speak to Zhao Yan, the roar of the poetry hysterical: "Let the big head leave, otherwise everyone will die today!"

"Shi Lan! Are you crazy?"

In the back, Yu Liner rushed forward.

"Lin sister, don't come over!"

Looking at the beautiful and beautiful body, Shi Lan raised her hand in the explosion of the spirit of Dan, it is this small movement that made the presence of numerous strong people are scalp numb, quickly fleeing to the rear.

"Are you really ready to burn Tianzong torn your skin? Have you forgotten your grandmother and your sister?" Surprised by Shilan's fierceness, Yulin did not dare to take the next step, only to leave the old Far away from Shilan.


This sentence really makes Shilan a bit.

Seeing hope, Yu Liner slowly approached, with the color of prayer in the voice: "Good sister, don't be impulsive, as long as you let go of this explosion, the head will forgive you, then we are still good sisters!"

"No! Don't come over!"

But at this time, Shi Lan’s face suddenly decided, staring at Lin’s roaring: “You lied to me, no matter what, today whoever dares to go forward, I will swallow this explosion, and big people will die together!”

"Qin Shi, stop her!"

In desperation, Yu Liner can only scream at the Qin Shi anxiously.

Qin Shi stayed by the side, but it was full of gloom. He didn’t know what happened to Zhīdào at the end. He had never heard of the explosion.

"Stop her, if the blasting dan will swallow it, she will die and die!"


The black sergeant was so big that Qin Shi stared at Shi Lan unsuccessfully: "Is it true?"

Frightened by this rough question, Shilan’s wet face struggled and finally nodded: “Well... big head, you run...!”

"You give me down!"

"But... I said, I owe you two lives and will return it to you!"

"Crap, I let you, immediately give me this **** medicine!" Qin Shihong stared, staring at Shilan's medicinal snarl: "My mother Qin Shi is dead, and does not need a woman to save me! I Let you put it down!"

The roar, deafening echoes.

Everyone was stunned, and Yulin’s beauty was staring at Qin Shi.

Shi Lan was so stupid that he opened his mouth, but he couldn’t say it.


In the next second, Qin Shi stepped forward and grabbed Shi Lan’s wrist. He grabbed the explosion from her hand and swallowed it: “Well, is it dead? Even if it’s dead, it’s me, Not for you!"


Shilan was shocked and threw herself in front of Qin Shi’s lips.

The faint aroma made Qin Shi’s thoughts sham, and then he returned to God’s stop Shilan, and smiled: “Stupid hat, Zhīdào, looking at the pain of his death when he died?”


Shi Lan sobbing in the Qin Shi Huai, red eyes bloated closure.

"Then don't say anything about death or death, if you live, if you live, if you die, die."

Qin Shi took a deep breath, then looked around at thousands of eyes and finally fell on the body of Yan Muhua, saying: "Envy, I will go back with you, you will leave Shilan!"


Hearing this, the envy of the air in the air smashed, and the corner of his mouth rose upwards. He smiled and said, "Let her go? Can, let's throw away the explosives in your hand."


Shi Lan struggled and looked up: "Don't you say that you die with the same life, I don't go!"

"A fool, I will not die, I have a demon in the body, they do not dare to kill me." The tightness around the waist, Qin Shi can not help but frown, immediately patted Shilan's shoulder.


"No, I am waiting for me, no matter what the end of the world, I will find you safely!" Qin Shi did not give her the opportunity to speak, with one hand using her skill to launch her hundreds of meters away.


Shi Lan looked back at the painful cry of Qin Shi.

Looking at this scene, everyone present was stunned.

Yu Liner’s beauty is even bigger, and the powder is pinched and killed.

On the sky, the onlookers are even more shocked in their hearts. They are not moved by Qin Shi’s state of mind. Can they face life and death so calmly. Is this really a situation for a 20-year-old boy?

Looking back at Shilan, Qin Shi looked up and admired Huadao: "Oh, I heard that the head of the admiration is a person who believes in the promise, and hopes not to let me down."

Yan Muhua smiled disapprovingly: "Oh, don't give me the next set, people with heads and faces in the northern area are all gathered here. I promise you will let her go, I will definitely let her go!"

"it is good!"

Biting his teeth, Qin Shi waved his hand to throw the explosion.

Now, he has no choice but to save Shilan.

Otherwise, it really takes two people to die. It is not the picture he wants to see.

"It's naive!"

Explosive Dan was thrown hundreds of meters like a sword, and the beauty of the admiration was shrinking in the air. Immediately she saw her single-handedly explored, and the thunder of the sky gathered, and the palm of the hand was photographed toward Qin Shi.



Qin Shi’s painful squirting blood was lifted by the thunder.

Beside them, Zhao Yan and Sun Tao and other elders are all shrinking their necks. The wild spirit in Lei Guang is that they can only stay away from each other.

"What are you doing? What are the consequences of betrayal of burning Tianzong? Do you still need me to tell you?" Lifting Qin Shi, Yan Muhua's face changed, and Zhao Yan and Sun Tao snorted.

Hearing this, Qin Shi’s tiger body trembled and suddenly struggled: “Old miscellaneous, do you lie to me?”

"Yes, what about that?"

I admire Hua Wei, and the voice is so dull.

"In the face of so many people, you can't help but die! Don't you be afraid that you will lose the reputation of Tianzong? Are you afraid of offending them?"

"Oh, reputation? No need, as long as there is strength is enough." Yan Muhua is shaking his head with a hand, a touch of magic and wild out, so that thousands of people are shaking.

"Is it a glimpse? They don't dare." The voice of Yan Muhua is full of irony.

Hearing this statement, thousands of people are frowning, but as Admiral Hua said, they really don't dare. Now, even if they are shot together, they may not be admirers.


Qin Shi’s angry roar, looking towards Zhao Yan and Sun Tao, who are close to Shi Lan’s body, the whole person.


At the same time, Yu Liner struggled for a long time, only to see her in the next second is faster than Zhao Yan and Sun Tao Sùdù, one step before the arrival of Shi Lan, a jade hand to explore: "traitor, I personally sent you to hell!"

"Yu Liner, you dare dare!!" Qin Shi hysteria.

Ye He’s beauty is a bit embarrassing, and Shi Lan is also her disciple.

Now she is miserable, and her two loved ones are all intertwined with this Qin Shi's intricate and complicated, and these are all contributed by her.

Looking at the approaching jade hand, Shi Lan’s petite body slammed, and closed his eyes in pain: "I'm sorry... can't wait for you to come to me!"

But at this time, a faint whisper quietly poured into her ear: "I don't want him to die, just take it!"

Shilan’s petite body trembled and suddenly opened his eyes. It was only in the jade hand of Lin’s hand that he was also holding a blood-red medicine. Isn’t it the explosion of Dan?

"Lin sister, you..."


Without waiting for her voice to fall, the jade hand pushed her shoulder, and her body jumped a few meters backwards, after which the explosion of the dragon fell into her hands.

Grasping the explosion of Dan, she was puzzled and married to Lin.

"Lin sister, thank you..." In the end, she snorted, and immediately passed by, and the body of the Qin Shifei leaped over and finally forced her to admire China.

Zhao Yan and Sun Tao were both at the same time, but they forgot to shoot.

Thousands of people were puzzled at the same time, staring at Shilan’s actions and swearing: “What does she want to do? Going to attack Envy? Is there any degree of self-reliance?”

Qin Shi’s roaring roar: “No! Shilan runs fast!”

"Hey head... Sorry, can't accompany you to die with your life... This owes you a second life, I will return you now... With my one, Hǎode will live..."

Shi Lan red-eyed and cried, and opened her mouth gently at Qin Shi. The next second she had arrived under the envy of Yan Muhua, and a red-colored medicinal herb came out and swallowed without hesitation.

"Explosive Dan?"

"How come? Is that the explosion of Dan, isn't it being thrown away?"

"Not good, just avoid!"

At a glance, everyone was stunned, and at the same time fleeing thousands of meters away, even the admiration of Hua Wei was a blank eye, and the bottom was flashing fear.


Shi Lan’s body began to rise red, and a sensation that disturbed the storm suddenly shattered the earth and climbed up the dust in the ruins. It has already covered the spiritual power of Zhao Yan and Sun Tao, followed closely. It is in the face of admiration.

"Damn! How come there are two?" Envy Huaxin was chilly, and he took back the thunder that controlled Qin Shi, and turned to retreat toward the rear.

"No no no!!!"

Qin Shi snorted and fell to the ground, his eyes reddened to congestion.

"Hey big head...Thank you for meeting this life! I hope to come to life, I can still meet you... I never told you... I like I really like you!"

The poetry of the red rose, letting the blood fall from the corner of the mouth, her gaze always stares at Qin Shi, the sound is getting thinner and thinner in the heavens and the earth, and gradually dissipates.


The sky and the ground suddenly burst, and the entire burning Tianshan peak collapsed.

The rolling wolf smoke, like a flame eruption, covers a radius of tens of thousands of meters. The stretched mountains seem to be shot down by meteorites, and the rumbling collapses.

In the blink of an eye, the hundred miles of Pingchuan, the wind and sand wolf smoke shrouded the heavens and the earth, and the once mountain peak that had stood tall has long since disappeared.

Everything, after this buzzing sound, fell into an unprecedented silence.

Thanks: Shallow home army fascination, 500 flowers plus more!

Calling this chapter, the heart of writing is somewhat depressed. At night, Kěnéng will not be any more. Of course, Kěnéng has readers to be jealous, and readers who are ready to come, but I just want to say, I don’t write invincible text, don’t write Wen, a story from beginning to end, if there are not even a few true feelings, then what is the difference with boiled water?

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