Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 288: This evil world


On the peak of the winding mountain, such as the screaming sound of the giants of the Peng Peng, the loud noise made the entire northern region horrified.

The land is poor, and the mountains and rivers are broken.

A hundred meters thick gully like a dragon's ridge, passing along the central peak in all directions, the trembling cracked trees broke, the mountains and rivers flowed backwards, the dust and sand fluttered, and eventually became a scorpio.

"Cough...this is not really true!" "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

At the top of the mountain river, on the scorpion outside the 10,000 meters, the strong spirits of the three or three, looking at the shocking scenery, was shocked.

The peak of a kilometer high is like Pingchuan in the blink of an eye.

This is definitely the biggest panic in the northern region in the millennium.

The wolf smog on the scorpio smashed over a thousand miles.

"She, she actually swallowed it..." The purple potato is half-baked in the distant air, panting with a big mouth.

His face was covered with dust and dust, and his face was raised with a touch of fear: "It’s a terrible little girl..."

"Under this, burning Tianzong is completely ruined..."

"Yeah, I really can't think of it. In the end, the sect of the tens of thousands of years will eventually become a horrible one." The people present were a little heavy in their hearts, and they were at a loss for a moment.

On the gravel in the distance, He Yan grabbed Luo Feng and Luo Xuan, staring at the rolling sand: "Is it really over?" The little girl swallowed the explosion, it must be dead. No doubt, but if this is Qin Shi he..."

In the future, He Yan didn't dare to think about it, just shook his head and said: "I hope that kid, don't make any impulsive things... This northern region can't stand the toss."


The earth trembled again, and the dust of the sky rose.

Ye He’s arms are holding Yulin’s, and her long skirts are full of wolves.

The two were suspended in the sky, and the appearance of the leaf crane was particularly weak, but the glamour was staring at Liner, and roared: "The one that was just bursting, isn't the one that started?"

Upon hearing this, Yulin’s body trembled, and her two calves couldn’t stand any longer, and she didn’t dare to scream.

"Why are you doing this? She is your sister!"

"I... I don't want him to die... I don't want to..." Finally, Yuliner cried, her tears covered with tears, staring at Ye Hedao: "But, but I really didn't have the courage, didn't have the courage to go." Dead, no courage to swallow the explosion of the Dan... Master, I am sorry!"

Suddenly, Ye He was silent. In the end, the old tears hugged him in Liner. He looked up at the broken cloud and said to himself: "Oh, ah... ah..."


"Let's go, the head will not let you go, leave the northern region, leave the Chiyan Empire, never come back..." Ye He's powerless sigh, rushing over Lin's disappointment.

"Remember, she was killed by you, she is much stronger than you, you owe her in your life!"

After Ye He said this, her face rose and she couldn’t help but look at the west and whispered: "Her grandma and sister, in the glass city of the West..."

"What about Liulicheng...?"

Yu Liner groaned, and immediately she squeezed the powder punch, and finally she was unable to rush the crane, and cried and turned to look to the west.

Looking far away from the tens of meters, Yu Liner finally looked back at the direction where the mountain was flooded, recalling the sharp-eyed boy, the voice in his heart was deafening: "Qin Shi, you can't die, you have to live, live for Shilan, You said that you want me to regret, let me live forever under your aura, you can't lose faith!"

The sound of the heart sinks, she is buried in the dust.

Looking at the faint back of the gradual and far-reaching, Ye He’s old eyes were drawn with tears of tears, and he smiled and sighed: “Don't we have all been wrong...”


On the periphery of the dust, the vicissitudes of the bow are on the waist.

Leaning against the pile of rubble behind him, he wrinkled his eyebrows and held his right shoulder with his left hand. He saw that it was empty under the shoulder, and his right arm was blown up by his life.

Those who survived left these, and some of the weaker Wang Ling’s strongmen came to the scene and lost their lives.

The people present were staring at the flying dust.

Directly pointed to the morning dawn of the dawn, the wolf smoke was finally accompanied by the cold wind blowing away.

When the wolf smoke was exhausted, the people present were blinking.

I saw that in the depths of the wolf smoke, there was a huge pit nearly a thousand meters. Under the giant pit, there was a broken burnt Tianzong Zongmen. There was a thin shadow on the Zongmen, and the whole body was blood.

"It is the head!"

"She, she actually blocked it?"

"A terrible power..."

The people opened their mouths, and He Yan’s eyebrows were dignified: “Take the heavens... Is there really a victory for heaven?”

But in the next second, the people present were once again wide-eyed, because in addition to Yan Muhua, who survived in the wolf smoke, there is still one person?

It was a boy wrapped in a broken black robe. Under the black robe that broke into a silk, there was a constant black screaming around the circumference, and the group was wrapped around the boy.

The suffocating black robes made the black robes rippling in the wind and in the dust.

The young man fell to the ground, the black hollow hollowed out, the hands holding the dust of the sky, the cracked mouth twitching up and down, giving people the illusion of indifference.

"Yes, is Qin Shi? He didn't die?"

"This kind of Kěnéng? This kind of power explosion, don't Kěnéng survive?"

"Envy can understand, what is going on?"

The more old the more exclaimed, He Yan's palm can not help but pinch, looking at the dark and suffocating suffocating, recalling the picture on the original Hongyun City, there is a kind of non-Hǎode premonition in the heart.

Yan Muhua took up the thunder in the sky, and after suffocating his breath, he swept his eyes across the Qin Shi. The unprecedented anger and the sky rose: "Good, good, good, a good Qin Shi, ruined most of my burning Tianzong, today if If you don’t kill you, it’s really a foundation for my tens of thousands of years!”


In a flash, the dust and sand on the clouds rolled out, and a thundercloud gathered in full swing, and the next second in the Thundercloud, a thousand-thousand thunder spears.


Lei spears like a giant torn open the clouds, falling straight toward the earth.

"This, what is this?" The people panicked and widened their eyes.

He Yan, Luo Feng, Luo Xuan, and a dignified bite at the same time: "She, she still has this power? If this power falls, this 10,000 meters is really ruined!"

"Take the heavens, take the heavens... It’s really exciting." The purple potato has some red eyes, and the scorpion is full of fiery light and greed.

"Qin Shi! Get rid of it!"

Struggling to climb and climb, Luo Feng screamed.


"You must die!" Yan Muhua's five senses were somewhat distorted. It was obvious that she was really mad. She grabbed the Thousand-Thunder Thunderbolt with a red eye and smashed it toward the Qin Stone Gate.


Just Yu Wei, let the big ruins roll again.

"This time, this kid is dead!" Everyone sucked in the air.

I don't want to, the thunder of this fear, Qin Shizhen fell to the ground really did not respond at all, let the thunder light approaching and rolling up the blue silk, even the eyebrows have not been shaken.

"He doesn't want to live?"

"Get away! Qin Shi!!"

The action of Qin Shi made everyone stunned.


But I don't want to, the Thunder Spear falls like a giant, but the distance from Qin Shimeifeng is actually stopped suddenly, as if it touched the hard object that King Kong is not bad, and trembled violently.


The hurricane of the eternal wind rolled up, and the sky was dusty.

"How is Kěnéng?" The beauty of Yan Muhua was awkward, and some unbelievable fists.


Tenran, a dark and suffocating suffocating, suddenly rolled up under the body of Qin Shi, screaming and whistling through the sky, the square is melting and melting.

Lively, the land is ridiculous.

"Poetry, Shilan... Shilan..."

"You can't die, you can't die... I won't let you die! You're back! You're back!" Qin Shi opened his mouth, his voice whispered, and his hands raised the dust of the sky.

He tried hard to grab as if he was crawling: "Where is your spirit... I want to resurrect you! I want to resurrect you! You can't leave me!"


I don't want to, his palm touched the dust, but the only thing that was caught was the endless nothingness. The power of the explosion spirit had already crushed Shilan's body and smashed the soul.

"Amount! No, no!"

The next step, resentment wild rising, such as the demon in the abyss of death, the black suffocation promoted by resentment, became more restless, turned into a ghost.

"I want strength... I want to be stronger... I want to kill her!"

From the heart, Qin Shizhen’s fall to the ground, his face became more and more deserted, his mind finally began to collapse, and finally the sound of the demon that had not been revealed for a long time, echoed to the ear.

"Hey, little guy, have you finally fallen in this evil world? Want to be stronger? As long as you accept me, I will give you the power to kill her!"

"I want to be stronger, I want strength!"

"Well, accept me with open mind, let me punish this evil world with you, expose the evil veil of this world, and discipline it!" The demon's voice was very excited, and a touch of unruly power surged. , poured into the body.


The fierce power was carried out, Qin Shi struggled and stumbled in the suffocating air. This time he never refused again. This time, there will be no more to suppress him. It stems from the inner evil and the long-standing resentment. .


In the next sigh, the black sputum spreads and spreads.

Even the broken rocks have been eroded by life and turned into terrible soot into the suffocating air.

In a blink of an eye, the miles are all in hell.

Looking at this scene, everyone was stunned, subconsciously avoiding tens of thousands of meters, staring at the black sigh of breath: "This, what is this power? What is this kid doing?"

"Is it a demon?"

"Stop him!"

Ye He, Zhao Yan, and several elders burning the Emperor Tianzong were shocked.


But, wait for them to return to God.

In an instant, the earth was shaken. At the eyebrows pointed by Lei Spear, a red-blooded blood smashed the forehead of Qin Shi, and the red light blew out the suffocating air and went straight into the sky.


The **** sputum just appeared, and the Thousand-Thunder Thunder violently trembled. It was actually swallowed by the arrogant arrogance, and eventually turned into the dust and wolf smoke of the sky, disappearing.

"He, what is he doing?"

"This power... is nothing more than envying China?"

"It's What is the origin of this kid? Is there still a backhand at this time?"


The wild power once again shakes the land in the northern region.

Yan Muhua’s horror moved away from the tens of thousands of meters, suspended in the beauty of Qin Shi’s beauty, revealing a rare panic: “ you want to activate the demon?”

Suddenly, the vision of Qin Shi surging, the second **** torn open his forehead between the eyebrows, two **** greed like a greedy demon, staring at the envy of Wanmi.

"I will kill you!"

Don't wait for readers, today is the chapter.

Xiaoguang’s family is a bit of a thing, and my heart is so bad that I can’t write it at all. Sorry, I hope you can understand me!

The mood is a little excited, not very good code words, do not want to ruin the evil king in this turning position.


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