Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 589: parting

Leaving the wing, Qin Shi took a look at the clear sky.

On the clear sky, there is no cloud, and the faint blue is very beautiful. A sun is not very glaring, and it is sprinkled on his resolute face, rendering a touch of emotion that cannot be said. It is passionate, emotional, bitter, and bitter. There are too many.

"Depart from the country."

Whispered four words, Qin Shi smiled.

This is not the first time for him, but my heart is still a little uncomfortable.

Especially the words of Qin Tianqing just made him feel very depressed. He, pig, pig, island, novel ww.zhuzhuda thought that Qin Tianqing would block him, so he might still feel better, but it is this understanding and tolerance, let him My heart is very depressed.

"The more you understand, the more you can't fail." Deeply took a breath, then he will leave this land to raise him.

"All said that the four most important things for men are the land under their feet, the parents at home, the women in their arms, the brothers around them. It seems that this is really the case. Usually, there is no feeling. I have to leave now. I am reluctant, but it is because of importance, I have to leave, I will guard and guard them." The more backward, the more the eyes of Qin Shi are determined, until the last guardian word spit out, his eyes can not see Hesitated at a moment.

Not staying, he got up and looked away.

In the next three days, the news that Qin Shi wants to leave spread throughout the empire. Of course, this biography is a special reference, especially for some people, such as: Lin Yu, Su Ming, Ling Xiao, Hua Zi, these Qin Zong and Qin Stone friends.

After all, if the whole empire knows that Qin Shi wants to leave the empire, it will inevitably affect Qin Zong. Now Qin Shi is the backbone of Qin Zong.

Therefore, Qin Zong only announced that Qin Shi would retreat.

When Qin Shi was going to leave, a group of people were saddened, especially Su Ming and others, who stood up to follow Qin Shi, but eventually they were all discouraged by Qin Shi. It was not that he overestimated his own strength, but now this group of people and He is together, but there are some oil bottles.

Moreover, this time he will face the whole continent. The wilderness of the mainland is not as peaceful as the empire. Instead, it is full of countless crises. He still does not dare to say that he can protect himself. If he is carrying Su Ming They can't forgive themselves forever in their lives.

Finally, a few girls, Yin Mo, Qiaoer, private rain, these people can understand, and will discourage Su Ming.

"Hey, I want to follow you." Who is said that Xiaomi Cai can't do it, that is, he must follow Qin Shi to die.

Qin Shizheng said: "Small rice color, can you not listen to what?"

"Listen, but you don't want me to stay, I must follow you." Xiaomi Cai shook his head very wit and took a step back.

Hey, is this little girl smarter?

The black line is full, Qin Shi is not pleased: "Then I ask you, do you want a little brother, or a little sister?"

"Think!" Xiaomi Cai excited.

"That's not right. Now that your Raksha sister is pregnant, can't be with you, should you stay and take care of her?"

"Is there a flower sister?"

"Flowers and zeros have to take care of the Xuan Dian, and certainly can't take care of your Luosha sister wholeheartedly. If you have something happened to you, you have no younger brother and little sister." Qin Shi threatened.

This time, Xiaomi Cai smashed down, as if struggling, and finally sighed with dissatisfaction: "Hey, you just don't want to take me, you don't take me without me, wait until my little sister is born, I I must have taught her more than I am not sensible. I am quite unreasonable than I am, and she will let her mad at you when she grows up!"

When the words came out, a group of people quickly smashed their eyes, and suddenly they were dumb. What logic is this?

"You still know that you are not sensible!"

Didn't breathe a glance, Qin Shi really took this little girl, but fortunately she just convinced her, otherwise if she had to take her words, leaving the empire did not know what would happen.

At night, Lin Yu personally arranged a banquet in the palace, which was a feast for Qin Shi and Lin Yu. The banquet was all Qin Zong, Hua Zi, Xiao Tianyue, and Qin Shi's friends.

At the beginning of the banquet, the atmosphere was not high. It was obvious that everyone present at the scene felt depressed because Qin Shi was about to leave.

To be honest, Qin Shi also reluctant to them, but Qin Shi knows that he must go, only to leave here, can only find a new sky, a broader and more blue sky.

On the wine table, Lin Yu alone respected Qin Shi's three cups. He was wearing a golden robes, and he was a little less green than the past. He had a heavy and honorable: "Stone, sorry, all this." It should be done by me."

"Okay, there are not so many brothers between you. I have to say that you can really see it." Qin Shi waved his hand: "Your mother, after my mother, this is what I should do."

"However, rumors, aunt, she is... I need you now." Lin Yu struggled and said: "Or, you help me manage the empire, my mother and I will return to Lin, you can manage the empire, I trust you."

"Stop, stop, stop!" Qin Shi mouth corner, wide eyes said: "I said Xiao Yuzi, you are the emperor enough, deliberately want to throw this chore to me? I tell you, No way, you don't even think about it. Who is the emperor who loves it? Anyway, killing me will not be done. You still don't know me. I am not suitable for comfort. The days of the emperor are too comfortable."

"Cut, you found it." Lin Yu stunned, but his heart was moved.

Qin Shikou said so, but who wouldn't want to be comfortable? Who wants to spend his head on the belt every day? Qin Shi said that nothing more than wants to make him feel at ease.

"Thank you." Lin Yudong wore everything and took a picture of Qin: "That, everything will be handed over to you, you must take care of my mother, and Fang Xin three aunts."

"Well, I promised you before, saying that I can save Lin Biao, is it done?" Qin Shi raised his mouth confidently and said: "This time, I am promised you, I will protect Lin Wei." Four people will not let the dragons’ rapes succeed."

Qin Shi’s promise is that the empire is a golden mouth. Every time he promises, this matter has already been nailed. Lin’s heart is inexplicably laid down, which is a kind of trust to the brothers.

Su Ming several brothers, no one is not tears to wash the face, these several size, crying more fierce than girls, can be seen their deep feelings.

Qiong Shuyao, Liu Yanbing, including Qin Private Rain, several Qin family disciples continue to linger on Qin Shi, perhaps everyone will have this feeling in their hearts, although Qin Shi is not the first to leave, but this said To leave the empire, they still have pains.

In the face of the brothers' concerns, Qin Shi was warm in his heart.

In the face of the care of friends, Qin Shi’s heart was warm and the family’s ambiguity, Qin Shi’s heart was warm.

Every warmth made the fire in his heart blazing, and his determination was more and more inconclusive. Until the end, he came to Yuluo, the woman he did not know how to face.


Without waiting for the opening of Qin Shi, Yu Luochao flew into the arms of Qin Shi. In the past, the jade Luosha, which was as cold as the ice in the ridiculous jungle, was nestled in the arms of Qin Shi.

Feeling the warmth in my arms, Qin Shi also choked.

Everything, everything, all the touch and responsibility, is in silence.

"Stone, I don't have any requirements. I just want you to promise me. When the child is born, you must come back to me, okay?" Yuluo brakes the jade hand, and the beautiful woman pleads: "I I hope that our children, when they first came to this world, will be able to see his parents."

In the face of such a request, how can Qin Shi refuse?

He bowed his head: "I promise you, seven months later, no matter where I am, even at the end of the mainland, I will definitely come back to you and accompany our children to birth." ”

"Well, this way, you have to take care of yourself, find the snow heart early, and restore the jade sister early... Don't let me wait for too long, you only promised me three hundred years."

"Well, it must be, we have been in the same boat for three hundred years, and ten fingers are interlocking." Qin Shi promised that he did not increase the deadline after three hundred years because he did not want to wait for Yuluosha to wait longer.

The banquet continued until the middle of the night, and everyone drank too much. Qin Shi did not remember how he finally returned to the Imperial Garden.

In the next few days, Lin Biao arranged for the empire, and many of the empire's civil and military ministers, she had a good relationship for Lin Yu, which was put down.

Qin Shi did not idle, and all the affairs of Qin Zong were handled well. Ling Xiao, Coach, He Yan, Park Quan, Blood Supreme, and the backbone of these Qin sects were all distributed among the four major regions. They all found someone he trusted to serve.

Three days later, I am ready to go.

All the people like Lin Yu came together to see him off.

Yuluo brakes as gentle as a wife, finishing clothes for Qin Shi, and hand-sewn several black robes that are unique to Qin Shi, and handed them to Qin Shi’s hands.

"You, come here."

In the jungle outside the empire, Qin Shi stopped the crowd who wanted to continue to send off, deeply spit out the turbidity, and bid farewell: "Mother, father, take care of yourself, help me take care of Raksha."

"You are not neglected during the period when I am not in Qinzong. Don't forget our goal. The empire is just the beginning. Our goal is the whole continent."

After the farewell ended, the five people got up and looked far.

Looking at the eastern Tianzhu ~ ~ five people's figure gradually buried in the clouds, Zhou Qin holding a big belly holding Lin Yu, Lin Yu's face is a little embarrassed, pinching fist: "Stone, my mother, handed over to you Already...!"

"Trust him." Zhou Qin advised.

In the hearts of countless people, Ling Xiao’s several old guys gathered together and looked at each other, revealing helplessness: “I think, when the little guy returns, it’s time for me to move to the whole continent.”

"Yeah!" He Yan nodded and photographed Park Quan: "I was told in Hongyun City that this little guy is like a dragon sleeping in the bottom of the valley. When he wakes up, this piece The sky certainly can't let him stretch."

"Haha, how, old guy, envy me to accept a good guy, isn't it?" Park Quan was satisfied with the big laugh.

Yuluo Brake, her beauty, always in the direction of Qin Shi disappearing.

"This trip is far away, and the treasure is precious."

"I believe that my man will definitely touch this tens of thousands of rivers. Then let me be a little woman behind you."

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