Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 590: new project

On the journey, the mighty crowd, starting from the Imperial City along the East.

Because it is not only Qin Shi himself, but also the disciples of the Lin family, the speed is not as fast as he was at the time, so it took three days to reach the Chiyan border.

Standing on the border of the Red Yan, Qin Shi is on the foot of the majestic guardian of the country, and the heart is inevitably embarrassed.

"Four years, nearly four years, I will finally leave here." Looking at the long rivers, the memories of these four years have always emerged from Qin Shi's mind.

He still remembers that for the first time, he saw the demon in the back of the barren town. For the first time, he got the jade from the hands of the Fufeng predecessors. The first time he met {pig} pig island {small} said 3.zhu to Linyu, For the first time, the first time, too much for the first time, he remembers.

"Little guys, don't think too much, this will affect your mind. There is a tens of thousands of empire in your wilderness. These empire are like ants, and they are the nourishment of countless forces. Any A war of a continental nature may turn this into a fly ash. If you want to make this empire secure, you want to protect your friends in the empire, only you become strong, only in this small empire. When you are threatened, you are qualified to come forward." The word qualification is aggravated by the demons.

However, Qin Shi did not care, because he knew in his heart that the demon did not say anything wrong. With his current cultivation, the empire is full of sorrow, but looking at the mainland, but even the qualifications for guardianship are not.

"I know." Helplessly, Qin Shi will look away from the direction of the Red Yan Empire, and turn to the endless continent in the distance: "This road is far and far."

"Reassured, I will stay with you."

"Hey? Devils swallow the sky, will even say such awkward words?" Qin Shi accidentally stunned.

"Who is insane, I am now in your body, I must be with you, or do you think that I am willing to stay with your hair boy? Moreover, I want to marry, how are you? To reach the point where I am a brother and my brother."

Qin Shi did not care for him, and his heart was moved.

"Let's go, my sisters." Qin Shichong, the four men recruited and waved, and the army began to move toward the forest outside the city.

In the next three days, under the lead of Lin Biao, the army came to the territory of the Baizu.

Within the territory of the Baizu, the Lin family.

This Lin nationality is a huge jungle, but this secluded forest is built with Qionglou Yuyu. Each Qionglou Yuyu is built with rare wood, which is full of rich spiritual power, even Qin Shi deep. Breathing, can not help but sigh.

"No wonder, the people in this 100-nation family are so much stronger than the empire. The spiritual power contained in these natural precious trees is hard to be seen even if it is the best spiritual stone. If you can live here for a few days, even if you don't deliberately practice Will it be a big increase?"

"Well, these are the gods of the heavens, don't underestimate these towering spirits. It is only after these hundreds of years have exhausted my Lin family, only to collect them, any one, to the Empire auction, are worth a thousand. Wanling Stone." Lin Yu proud of the road.

Qin Shi recognized nod, these towering spirits are indeed extraordinary, even he is somewhat tempted.

"However, the Lintian Lingmu of our Lin family is not the best wood in the Baizu."

"What? This is not the best wood?" Qin Shi screamed.

"Well, in the territory of the Baizu, there is a very magical old tree. This ancient tree is called the creation of silver fir. This makes the silver fir, which has the same spiritual power. It will grow into a tree in the millennium. It’s not too far from the time when the silver fir grows into a certain distance.” Lin’s interpretation of the sentence.

"Made the silver fir? Didn't expect that there will be a silver fir in here?" Without waiting for Qin Shi reaction, the demons suddenly excited: "Little guy, in any case, I will take this artificial silver fir to me."

"What do you want to do with the silver fir?" Qin Shi, a rare evil demon, was so surprised that he could not help asking questions.

"This creation of silver fir is useless to me, but in the trunk of the silver fir, there will be a kind of magic spider. This magic spider is a wild animal with a natural environment. The inner Dan is full of magic, if you can Get one, it will make my spiritual power flourish." The demon excitedly said that after this, he was afraid that Qin Shi would not agree, and quickly added: "You promised me, you will help me."

"I know, I know, I am a person who can't talk aloud, but I don't know when this silver fir will grow up. After the end of the Bai ethnic group, I am helping you, can you?"

"This is almost the same." The demons put down their knots and said nothing.

"Sister, let's go, I will bring you to see my father first." In the Lin family, Lin Biao will arrange a few people, this is the three sisters Fang Xin, with Qin Shi came to the Lin people's conference hall.

As soon as I entered the conference hall, the atmosphere during the period was slightly suppressed.

At the top of the conference hall, a white-haired old man sits on his knees. This old man is sitting quietly there, giving people an inaccessible respect, very rich.

"This, should be the father of Lin Biao, the owner of the Lin family: Lin Yi?" Qin Shi secretly remembered, Lin Lu and he mentioned on the way.


Seeing the old man, Lin Wei’s beauty is instantly red.

Lin's voice made the old man blink a little, and the pleated face couldn't help but twitch, and the thick hand trembled: "Ink? Are you back?"

The real name of Lin Biao is called Lin Moyu.

"Well, my daughter is not filial, and she is late." Lin Biao was half-squatting, kneeling in the arms of Lin Yi, and had no longer the nobleness of the past.

It’s no wonder that this father and daughter have not seen each other for a hundred years.

"It’s good to come back, just come back." Lin Yi shook his head excitedly, and immediately the old eyes fell on a few people in Qin Shi, frowning: "Ink, what are these?"

After mentioning a few people, Lin Biao wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes and stood up from Lin Yi’s arms and introduced: “Hey, I will introduce you to you.” When she spoke, she went to the front of Fang Xin’s three sisters: You should be no stranger to these three. It is the princess of the original Red Yan Empire. Now it is married to the Bai, Yin, Blood, and Hou.

"Oh? The original three, is the three great demon kings of the Chiyan Empire? Fang Xin, Fang Feng, Fang Wei?" Lin Yi apparently knew the three, and quickly stepped forward to the veteran: "I have the honor to know three people. It is the luck of Lin family."

"Lin family, you are welcome." Three people are very airy.

Qin Shi couldn't help but beside him: "Oh, the three sisters are really powerful. The title of this mixed king is actually passed to the Baizu. It seems that a hundred years ago, you really didn't bother."

"Bad boy, what can we do to provoke you?" Fang Feng glanced at him, and his hot temper was immediately exposed.

Feeling the burning gaze, Qin Shi quickly stepped back, and the villain smiled.

"Ink, this is?" Lin Yi moved his old eyes to Qin Shi, and could not help but reveal a few accidents: "This little guy, really only twenty years old?"

This Lin Yi has a five-day environment and will see Qin Shi at a glance.

Lin Yi opened, and Lin Qi quickly pulled Qin Shi to his side and said: "Hey, let me introduce you, don't underestimate this little guy. He is not simple. He is now the aunt of the Chiyan Empire, and he is still in the red. The lord of the empire of the empire, Qin Zong."

“Oh? Qin Zong?” Lin Yi’s thick eyebrows were slightly shocked. “Is it the Qin Zong who was born in the Chiyan Empire?”

The Chiyan Empire and the Baizu are close to each other, so the Lin Yi of the Empire knows a lot.

"Yeah." Lin said with a smile.

Affirmed, Lin Yi's shock is more obvious, the turbid old eyes gaze at Qin Shi, the old eyes are like a sharp sword, but in this case Qin Shi is not humble, the mouth is always faint The curvature, respectfully said: "Lin family, in the Qin Shi."

Qin Shi’s such glory and shame was not shocked, and Lin Yi could not help but be amazed. Half a voice was a mustache: “Good, good, good, a Qin Shi, it’s a hero.”

"Hey, I just looked at you, it seems like a lot of trouble, is there something happened to the Lin family?" Lin Yu remembered the atmosphere that was suppressed when he first entered the hall, and he was concerned.


When mentioning this, Lin Yi’s old face was obviously gloomy, and the old man holding the handle suddenly slammed hard. The dragon chair built by the towering spirit wood was directly pinched out.

Seeing this scene beside him, Qin Shi couldn't help but **** the air.

"This is a heavenly spirit, and its hardness is comparable to that of the best. Even if it is my current full blow, it may not be able to hurt it. This Lin family is only using light force, it will be crushed? This is the five-day situation. Is it repaired?"

"Little guys, the five-day world can be far more than this. The more the nine-day situation is, the more aware of each layer, especially after the ascension, a nine-day power can even At the same time, we battled hundreds of eight-day worlds and stood in an invincible position.” The demon said this, warning: “So, don’t think that you can cross the border against the enemy now, you will always be able to cross the enemy against the enemy. You have to be much stronger in your imagination."

Qin Shi secretly nodded, bearing in mind.

Now no more than an empire, everything must be careful.

Lin Yi was silent for a long time, and said in anger: "What can be done, it is not a hundred races after a month."

"Hundreds of ethnic groups?" Lin and Qin Shi several people raised the spirit ~ ~ Well, in previous years, the Bai ethnic group competition, a family only need three younger generations, the showdown, but this year they are Change the project and say that you want to compete in a single item. ”

“Single item competition? What do you mean?”

"That is, the Bai ethnic group is divided into four categories, one is more than the attack, one is better than the defense, one is faster than the other, and one is better than the investigation."

"This way? It is not necessarily bad for us? At least the defense of our Lin family is among the best among the Baizu."

"Really, but this is not my troublesome thing. What really bothers me is that because the Baizu group has changed into four competitions, each family has to send four younger generations. You also know that our Lin family, the younger generation The incense is not always there. There are only three people who can play. Where can I go to find the fourth person?" Lin Yi shook his head helplessly: "If your child Lin Yu can, maybe it can make up for this vacancy."

"This way..." Lin Biao heard this, the hanging heart was inexplicably put down, revealing a sweet smile that smeared people: "This is good to say, the fourth person, isn't it ready to be here?"

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